Lucas Gage Finds Out Third Worldism Isn’t Reciprocal

Activist of the year.

In related news, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, which means we can expect six more years of JQ monomania from activists.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The WHITE sense of justice and equity doesn’t transfer to other races, they have no such sense of justice, they see it as weakness.

    I totally sympathize with Lucas, I completely understand frustration and rage.

    He needs to regroup, calm and find a different path before he destroys himself.
    Rage isn’t the answer.

  2. So he just discovered this inconvenient truth (that YT has no frens). Yep. That’s the way it is. The Baksheesh boys ain’t going to help our pale ass any more than Schlomo will. Time for white men to lay down the “White Man’s Burden” that shitlibs and the usual suspects laid upon them and take up their own peoples’ burden. As for the Palestinians, I have noted several times that they are literally surrounded by Sunni Muslim states who can’t be bothered to lift a fecking finger to even send medical aid to those getting slaughtered in Gaza. Why is that? Because baksheesh is better.

    • ‘So he just discovered this inconvenient truth’

      Well, who’s out there to teach WHITES fundamentals of race and society. D Duke had to learn the hard way, pierce died by not knowing one of their methods. Everyone is having to learn basics by their own bloodied experience.

      We aren’t like the jwz, generations upon generations teaching what works and what fails. Who can be trusted and who to avoid.

  3. We oppose the Israel Lobby for our own reasons, not because we are “doing a favor” for the Palestinians.

    The Israel Lobby steals our tax dollars and gives them to Israel as military foreign aid.

    The Israel Lobby hampers our export opportunities by placing sanctions on Israel’s enemies such as Iran.

    The Israel Lobby sends our soldiers to die fighting for Israel (this isn’t something that only happened years ago in the Bush era. Last year American soldiers and sailors died fighting for Israel in Jordan and the Red Sea, and many more were wounded in Iraq and Syria).

    The Israel Lobby helped OUR enemy, Al-Qaeda, seize control of Syria. We are now in a worse position vis-a-vis Al-Qaeda than we were before the “war on terror” started. Before 9/11, the Taliban only controlled part of Afghanistan, and Al-Qaeda only controlled Tora Bora. Now the Taliban controls all of Afghanistan and HTS, an Al-Qaeda offshoot, controls Syria, a major nation. A plethora of other Al-Qaeda offshoots, including ISIS, ISIS-K, and AQAP, control smaller enclaves around the Middle East and pose a serious terror threat.

    Why did “the war on terror” fail so catastrophically? Because the Israel Lobby diverted our attention away from fighting our own enemy, Al-Qaeda, and instead sent Americans to die fighting against the enemies of Israel (Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi, Assad, the Houthis, the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces, Iran, etc.) Instead of fighting Al-Qaeda, the USA fought against the natural enemies of Al-Qaeda, because the Israel Lobby has hijacked control of our foreign policy.

    So from a narrowly American point of view, the Israel Lobby is an enemy because it wastes our tax dollars on military foreign aid, ruins our trade with economic sanctions, and sends our soldiers to die in unnecessary counterproductive wars which actually BENEFIT the enemies who attacked us on 9/11.

    Furthermore, the Israel Lobby brought us to the brink of a completely unnecessary nuclear confrontation with Russia. The Israel Lobby hates Russia because Russia was Syria’s patron.

    If we broaden our circle of concern to include our European racial brothers, the Israel Lobby’s wars flooded the European nations with refugees.

    If we broaden our circle of concern further still to include our Middle Eastern Christian brothers-in-Christ, the Israel Lobby’s wars have completely destroyed these ancient Christian communities in the region where Christianity originated.

    Finally, if we broaden our circle of concern to include all of humanity, the Israel Lobby’s wars have killed millions of Muslim 1990-present, culminating in the Gaza genocide. The destruction of the Palestinian nation was always the end goal of the Israel Lobby. After the Palestine’s regional patrons were destroyed (Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen), Palestine would then be easy prey.

    So for our own American reasons, we have good reason to hate the Israel Lobby, and to work to destroy it.

    Perhaps our supreme reason for hating the Israel Lobby is the dual function of the most powerful component of the Israel Lobby, the ADL. One of the ADL’s functions is to censor all criticism of Israel and all discussion of the Israel Lobby. That is bad enough, because it enables the Israel Lobby wars. But the ADL also plays another role, much more sinister from a strictly American perspective. The ADL is the main force in American culture and politics working to suppress American nationalism and Christian conservatism. Without these things, our nation will wither and die.

    The Palestinians obviously also have THEIR own reasons to hate the Israel Lobby and to work for its destruction. They face a much more imminent national destruction. I frankly understand why they would shun me or publicly call me racist. They urgently need all the help they can possibly get, and since the 1960s most of the help they’ve received has come from the left. In their current existential crisis, they simply cannot afford to alienate their left wing allies, and I wouldn’t recommend they do so – at least not until after public opinion on the right has shifted enough that their right wing allies can provide them with better assistance than their left wing allies currently provide.

    But Lucas Gage does have a point. Some of the content of modern leftism is a natural outgrowth of the ideals of the French Revolution. Other currents within the modern left were explicitly created to strengthen Jewish supremacy – for instance, the political and cultural movements reviewed in Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique, especially the Frankfurt School. It is suicidal foolishness for Palestinians to support the forms of “leftism” which are explicitly designed to strengthen Jewish supremacy. Edward Said, for instance, did his people no favors when he chose to align himself with the Frankfurt School.

    So I think that Americans, if we are wise, will work to undermine the Israel Lobby for our own sake. As part of this task, we will adopt a friendly attitude towards the Palestinians, not because we are doing them a favor, but because doing so benefits us.

    And the Palestinians, if they are wise, will not support the strains of leftism which subtly strengthen Jewish supremacy – not because they are doing any favors for White people, but because those strains of “leftism” are the bedrock of Jewish supremacy in the West, without which Jewish supremacy and expansionism in Israel would not be possible.

    • “And the Palestinians, if they are wise, will not support the strains of leftism which subtly strengthen Jewish supremacy – not because they are doing any favors for White people, but because those strains of “leftism” are the bedrock of Jewish supremacy in the West, without which Jewish supremacy and expansionism in Israel would not be possible.”

      ^^ This is thoughts-and-prayers levels of self-delusion. You are living in a dream world.

  4. Ha ha ha. Lucas just isn’t trying hard enough! He needs to outreach and form a Waffen SS Bosnia Palestinian style Battalion of Muds. With such a cadre, the Sand N@ggers will surely see the light of National Socialism and ((White)) Aid and will join in solidarity with him to hate on Duh Jews. (Sic)

    What sad Lucas Gage doesn’t realize, is that he is getting the ultimate own on himself. Its not the Jews effing him over. Its not even the Palestinians and other Sand N@ggers. It’s his own ((European)) and ((Ellis Island Rif Raf)) cousins. Lucas is on a one way train crazy train that ends in disaster and just can’t pull out.

    Lucas Gage goes and talks to Palestinians in America wearing their stupid scarves, thinking he’s actually talking to real Sand N@ggers. In reality he’s really talking to Feds, IDF agents, Vatican stooges, White atheist Commies, and some real Sand N@ggers. They all laugh at him behind his back when he talks about joining together against the Juden horde, dont invite him to their sex orchestra and boom readings, and definitely don’t invite them to their Hamas and Hezbollah Handlers.

    Lucas Gage after being abandoned by them on Saturday night, arrives to ((Church)) on Sunday, goes and bends the knee, takes the waifer, drinks the cup, and walks away feeling strong in his ((Faith)), not realizing that the money he gives in the collection plate is actually funding the so called Palestinians he talked to earlier enjoy a night on the town which they didn’t invite him too. Its the Papacy, backed by 11,000,000,000 per year in his and ours tax dollars who is logistically submerging his community the most with real Sand N@ggers,  but Lucas just can’t see thru it. He still is imagining a Jew screwing his wife.

    In contrast, its the Israelis who are working with the European Nationalists to stop immigration. The same Israelis who Lucas hates with a passion are busy establishing links across the Western world and especially the European Colonial Settler diaspora to work against the submersion. Lucas just can’t seem to grasp the difference between some stupid commie kike in NYC eating bagel and lochs who does nothing for Israel, might actually join Hamas in hating on Israel, and an Israeli Jew who leaves NYC to Israel and fights to the death against Sand N@ggers. Lucas Gage is too linear thinking and inflexible. Which is probably the real reason his wife divorced him, she just couldn’t stand his retardedness anymore. Definitely ((White Activist)) of the year.

  5. So, Gage is a complete and total nutcase. October 7th broke him. No one who hangs out at this website needs a lesson in the problems with Jewish supremacism, Jewish power and influence, Zionism, Israel firstism, etc. However, October 7th really woke me up to how anti-white and anti-western civilization the Palestinian liberation movement really is. They are also extremely pro-open borders, just like many of their fellow semites. They want open borders for the USA and Europe, but a Palestinian ethno-state in Palestine with closed borders. Does that sound familiar? Of course, I oppose Israel-firstism, Zionism, Jewish supremacism etc, as I have for years…..but now I clearly oppose Palestine-firstism, Palestinian supremacism etc. The harsh reality is that standing for Israel or Palestine gets Caucasian Americans absolutely nothing! America first! The hell with Israel! The hell with Palestine!

    • ‘No one who hangs out at this website needs a lesson in the problems with Jewish supremacism.’

      No, but they sure need to learn the mechanisms that give judaism its power.

    • The Palestinians aren’t asking us to stand up for them. They can do that just fine on their own.

      They are asking us to stop supporting Israel. They are asking us to act in our own interests.

      It is in our own interests to stop giving money to Israel. It is in our own interests to end the sanctions against Iran. It is in our own interests to bring home the troops stationed in the Middle East. It is in our own interests to remove the Houthis from the list of terrorist organizations (the Houthis have never targeted our homeland, and the fight against Al-Qaeda, an organization which has targeted our homeland.)

      Furthermore it is the Jews, not the Palestinians, who have an organization, the ADL, dedicated to tracking us and hunting us down. Similarly, it is the JEws, not us, who have an organization, Canary Mission, dedicated to tracking and hunting down the Palestinians.

      SO I think there is ample ground for mutually beneficial, but low key, cooperation with the Palestinians.

      • @WU,

        “Furthermore it is the Jews, not the Palestinians, who have an organization, the ADL, dedicated to tracking us and hunting us down. Similarly, it is the JEws, not us, who have an organization, Canary Mission, dedicated to tracking and hunting down the Palestinians.”

        Have you been living your life with your head stuck in the ground? Do you have a brain cell? Or how you just a Fuentesbot?

        The idea that Sand N@ggers don’t have organizations tracking down White people, let alone tracking down White people and killing them, is patently absurd. Go talk to the Priests in Europe who have been assassinated by Sand N@ggers. Go talk to the politicians in Europe who must have 24 hour security because they spoke against Moslems, Moslem immigration, etc. Go talk to the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of White girls put into the White sex slave trade by Moslems. All tracked, all victimized.

        All of you monomaniacal Jew focused ((people)) have one thing in common. Apologizing for the Sand N@ggers by blaming things they did on Duh, Jews. Like the idea that Duh, Jews, killed all the Christians in the Middle East. In reality, they were wiped out by Moslems. It was Israel alone of all the Western aligned powers that attempted to speak up for their defense during the Bush Wars. Or the idea that Duh, Jews get all our foreign aid. In reality the Papacy gets nearly 3x as much as Israel, Egypt gets nearly as much and all the Moslem countries in the Middle East alone get 2x more than Israel.

        If you think there are no Sand N@gger organizations in the US tracking down people like Fuentes and Gage, let alone people like myself, you are wrong. Its highly likely that if Gage all of a sudden started attacking Moslems like has Jews, his half life would be significantly be reduced.

        As usual, performantive antics by people such as Gage, Fuentes, etc is relatively cost free, but gets them attention, minor clout, and money. Like little monkeys working for Gepetto and his accordion collecting loose change for husking. It reminds me of all the Yankees and N@ggers who organized demonstrations against the KKK back in the 1960s, but couldn’t be found to run a demonstration against the Mafia in NYC who murdered more N@ggers in a few years than all the N@ggers lynched by Southerners in history. Get real lad. Stop wasting your time on morons like Fuentes and Gage.

        • Lucas Gage is a hero.

          Most people don’t have enough courage to stand up for Whites or for Palestinians, the two biggest victims of the ADL.

          Some people have a little bit of courage, enough to stand up for Palestinians but not for Whites.

          Others have a little more courage than that, enough to stand up for Whites but not for Palestinians.

          Only a few rare heroes such as Lucas Gage have enough courage to stand up for both Whites and Palestinians.

          • @WU

            “Only a few rare heroes such as Lucas Gage have enough courage to stand up for both Whites and Palestinians.”

            Palestinians are among the worst Sand N@ggers in the Middle East. There is no joint interest between the two,, except in the fevered dreams of Anti-Semites, Anti-Whites, Anglophobes, etc. Your statements are no different than ones people made about ghetto Blacks in America.

    • ‘this guy is a fool’

      He’s not a fool, he’s having to learn on his own. Without instructions it’s a bloody path to learn the truth.

    • A true fool is anyone who believes that Trump will not betray them when he betrayed his father’s and Melania’s trust in him.

  6. ‘expect six more years of JQ monomania from activists.’

    For all this ‘monomania’ gentiles are still woefully ignorant jewish principles and methods. At the current rate it will take decades for even the cutting edge jew-savvy to be competent in their j-scheme systems.

    If there is a real fault among the ‘monomaniacs’, it’s that they don’t dive deeply enough into the j-system.

    • I hope the only Confederate statutes Dixie can display are those of the so-called “Brains of the Confederacy” Judah P Benjamin. That will own Whites with “monomania ” on the JP/JQ.

      • I think there are actually two monuments standing to Benjamin. One in SC(?) and another in FL where he boarded a ship for the UK, where he enjoyed a fine career as a shyster for his City of London relatives. As I recall, the memorials to David Yulee, another Kosher Konfederate, remain unmolested – despite his being the owner of a sugar plantation, infamous for the brutal treatment of slaves (actually something of an anomaly in the era).

        As with the knot-zees, some confederates are more equal than others and their monuments remain un-molested by mobs of BLM/Antifa et al – almost as if by miracle.

  7. You take a moral position because it is the right thing to do, not for the gibes. You expect gibes you are going to get shit on. Moral of the story, it is better to mind your own damned business and try and live in peace.

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