"Tell South Africa that I am not f***ing around this time. Ask Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Canada and Mexico" ? pic.twitter.com/hLFocGkLc2
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) February 2, 2025
100% tariff! ? pic.twitter.com/lAoI3v4An4
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) February 2, 2025
JUST IN – TRUMP on cutting off funds to SOUTH AFRICA: "That's under investigation… they're taking away land, and actually – they're doing things that are, perhaps, far worse than that."pic.twitter.com/TKR55bhNDM
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) February 3, 2025
https://t.co/AF8IRXCvDQ pic.twitter.com/GjC0EUSWgS
— Wyatt (@HootingRetard) February 2, 2025
He's not going to like what happens.pic.twitter.com/MPicSS3lZ7
— 9mmSMG (@9mm_smg) February 3, 2025
We have more news.
“South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed into law a bill allowing land seizures by the state without compensation – a move that has put him at odds with some members of his government.
Black people only own a small fraction of farmland nationwide more than 30 years after the end of the racist system of apartheid – the majority remains with the white minority.
This has led to frustration and anger over the slow pace of reform. …”
In his first term, Blumpf tweeted about the plight of White farmers in South Africa and nothing happened, but he has a very different team around him now.
At government expense provide good acreage to a potential Black farmer as a type of loan.
If he can provide his own equipment and labor and make a go of a small farm within several years he then receives ownership of the land providing he will still farm it.
If he can not make it work try-again with someone else OR give it to a white farmer who has proven results. People have to eat.
Trump has found some spine , this is what the jwz detest, a goy with an independent strong character.
The SA government (((advisors))) have urged this action to the ANC, it’s to destroy Orania and any like settlements.
I have posted about this likely action, to ruin WHITE settlements, for years. It is such an obviously predictable action, on the part of any black government, from Haiti to Rhodesia and now SA.
Always the same behavior, it will never change.
You don’t get it, brother. Trump is allowed to back the Afrikaaners because the J’s asked him to do so. And why did they do that? Remember, it is the Bantu/Zulu regime in South Africa that brought a case in the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague for Netanyahu’s arrest. The J’s are still in charge. They are pissed off at the South African Bantu/Zulu regime, and Trump is just doing his masters’ bidding
Almost certainly true, though this small favor for Netanyahu cost Trump nothing and has no adverse effect on MAGA. Verdict; not Israel First.
100%. JB and I have seen too much to co-sign on this Elon Musk Raid on the Treasury.
While we are distracted by Trans (.001 of the population) and “Woke” which blacks laugh at us about because Whites came up with this stupid “Own”
Both Obama and Biden deported more illegals.
Elon Musk told us to “F” ourselves in the Face because he wants cheap pajeets.
There are more brown people showing up in our rural towns than when Biden was POTUS. Bold. They say… “Eat, whitey without us”.
This is insanity on ketamine. It did not have to come to this.
I understand being tired of losing, but we are Losing anyway. It’s not even “winning ugly”. It’s a Self-Own.
We should have voted for the 6K per child credit. To pool and buy our own Land.
We no longer own this dirt. Elon does.
Some Rhodesian and SA farmers have gone to Congo and Tanzania to farm on government land granted to them. It will be the same as Rhodesia, once the WHITES develop productive and profitable farms the blacks will confiscate and ruin them.
Always the same patterns, WHITES never learn.
The smarter farmers leave Africa and go to Russia, Canada, Panama, Paraguay or Nicaragua.
Are you tired of winning yet?
In all my long life, which extend to remembering Vietnam and my uncle escaping virtually hanging from a helicopter during the Fall of Saigon, I can only remember a brief period when a Western national leader gave 2 shiites about Anglo-Afrikaaners. And that was only when Reagan sent aid to UNITA and FRELIMO in Angola and Mozambique respectively, aided Portuguese oligarchs to channel CIA money to them, and provided backdoor support to the South Africans. Such help came to late to the Rhodesians, whose few thousand men and their foreign allies held the Commie Kaffirs north of the Zambezi for over nearly two decades.
I spent much of my youth promoting the South African regime and reminding people of Rhodesia and recalling American Vietnam veterans who fought supporting the Rhodesians and South Africans in papers and student debates in High School and College. I even trained with them as a young chappie and thri that network had a High School friend eventually join the South Africans and ex-Rhodesian mercenaries in the wind down of the Cold War during those years.
Yet not once, did I ever hear a US or British or French leader publicly denounce the Commie Kaffirs destroying Anglo-Afrikaaner society. Not until now, as I saw Trump give a clear red line. Indeed, Trump’s other less publicized orders are usually the predicate toward establishing a finding for covert action against a hostile regime. I hope it leads to one where we finally come to the aid of the last Whites clinging onto to the sea shattered rocks of the Cape.
Not too late as there are few left. But it is well within the the realm of probability that we may see the beginnings of the recovery of Southern Africa to the Anglo-Afrikaaners and the wider British African and European diaspora. Simply amazing to see this. It should be noted that as a Colonial Settler society, the Anglo-Afrikaaners are natural allies of the American, Australian, New Zealanders, Canadian, British, Dutch, French, and Israeli people. We should learn lessons from the South Africans about how greed for cheap labor led to the situations where they cling like South Africa’s penguins, to the coasts for dear life. We must make sure we don’t end in a similar predicament.
Dear Americans
Trump is our guy. Bless him.
Yours Sincerely,
The Randlords
You know damn well it’s more than Randlords.
Most are moderate to poor WHITES.
“Dear Americans
Trump is our guy. Bless him.
Yours Sincerely,
The Randlords”
A poignant remark. But, you do know, there are no Rand Lords left. Their homes and mansions long ago were lost, probably almost a hundred years. A different group of characters runs it now. Shareholders in a dozen financial markets, institutional investors, and here and there a few scions of the Randlords talk about yesteryear. What South Africa needs is a good strong stiff of Anglo-American covert action old colonial style for the posterity of the Anglo-Afrikaaners alone and any Anglo-Saxons that decide to join them.
From Blumpf to Triumphant!
Yes cut aid to any nation that gives nothing back, particularly those committing atrocities.
Having said that, why are whites still there? They should move back to the West and leave Africa for the Africans, and come what may. Australia could use these people in it’s rural areas.
, why are whites still there?
It’s their ancestral homeland.
They have more right to that land than any black.
Incidentally, blacks are over 12% of US population yet they farm less than 0.1% of farmland. The amount is so small that USDA can’t quantify it.
Blacks do nothing to feed this nation.
There are about 4,850,000 Whites in South Africa today, primarily Afrikaans, with a substantial minority of British South Africans. Around the world are another 4,250,000 South Africans, primarily of British South African descent who have emigrated since the fall of Arpethied. There are another at least 3,500,000 people of South African descent, again primarily of British South African descent, who descend from South Africans who emigrated in the years after the election of the Nationalist government.
Meanwhile, approximately 25% of the Black South African population is illegal aliens and legal immigrants whove immigrated to South African since the fall of Arpetheid. Another 25-35% of the Black African population in South Africa immigrated to South Africa following the Great Depression and the fall of Arpetheid.
Resettling the entire White South African diaspora back into South Africa and resetting just the Blacks who’ve immigrated to South Africa since the election of the Nationalist regime would restore the country’s fortunes. Although Whites would still remain a minority at around 35%, such an influx of talent and capital and a subsequent raise in wages for the common worker, would see all boats lifted in South Africa. This requires investment, resources, political capital. But it can be done.
How about putting Targeted sanctions on the ANC and “Freedom Party” (yeah right) *#$&@ anti ha White political leaders?
Don’t let them travel to Europe, UK, USA, Canada. These sh** love to jet set around to “International United Nations” conferences on White Racism, Anti Colonial BS….
When they try to come to the UN in still our New York City. I hope Trump grabs them from their limos from the airport going to the UN building.
Why Nixon, Reagan administrations never got around to kicking the UN out of the USA – wow that would have been so easy, a very popular move.
@ Jaye Ryan,
Back in the Cold War days, we knew there were certain strategic areas of the world the Communist blocs were trying to secure. Their great prize was South Africa. They succeeded in doing that after the fall of the Soviet Union. So, its been a kind of nebulous are since then.
But, after the establishment of the BRICS alliance, the adversary board changed and solidified. South Africa is now part of the adversary coalition. Russia is getting heavily sanctioned and isolated. The same must be applied to South Africa just as you said.
Sanction the hell out of the ANC and various anti-White and anti-Western individuals in South Africa. Run covert operations against them, tear the post Apartheid edifice down, and secure and resettle the Anglo-Afrikaaner populations. Its the way forward.
@Jaye Ryan,
“Why Nixon, Reagan administrations never got around to kicking the UN out of the USA – wow that would have been so easy, a very popular move.”
It was actually contemplated. But, Reagan went ga ga, the America Firsters around him like Sam Francis were already sidelined, and the old Right like Buchana weren’t accepted into the Bush neo-liberal order. Rather than eliminate the UN, they didn’t even reform it. They just tried to legitimate it. We lost almost two entire generation because of decisions made between 1985-1992.
‘Why Nixon, Reagan administrations never got around to kicking the UN out of the USA’
The UN is a spying asset for the CIA and NSA.
I feel like this is happening in real time!
Ginger Baker of The Band Cream, lived on a South Africa Farm out in the sticks.
How this topic, changed my thinking forever!
God Bless White Framers!
Brad if you don’t believe that the Jews and the Globalists are still in control then you are mentally ill, and need to check into a mental institution.
Elon Musk is by far Trump’s most important donor. He spent 3x as much on the 2024 election as Miriam Adelson. He spent $44 billion to purchase Twitter and turn it into X which is the most important news and politics app. The ADL tried and failed to crush X with its advertiser boycott. So no, I do not believe “the Jews are still in control.” The world has changed. Tech oligarchs are the wealthiest people in America
Jewish money is still important. It isn’t nothing that Miriam Adelson spent $100 million. Jews still control much of the diminished legacy media. Jews are overrepresented in Congress. They are a declining elite though. Elon, not Jews, drives the news cycle every day now. Rupert Murdoch owns FOX News. He isn’t Jewish either.
My sources say Rupert Murdoch Ian t running Fox News it s his son now , same as History s mist evil Jew $ money changer George Soros is patching his Evil Empire on to his evil Je$ son who s apparently dating , engaged to that ugly Saudi Arab Abedin who was both Hillary s Chief of Staff AND she was once engaged to sexting Jew pervert Anthony Wiener who was being groomed to be the next Jew mayor of New York City !
Bill and Hillary s unholy duckling daughter Chelsea is married to another Jew connected financier .
So the Jews are still sleeping their way to be next to the throne.
What s the latest on Trump s Shiksa daughter Ivanka and her horrible Jew husband Jared Kushner ?
I haven’t watched FOX News since Tucker left years ago. It is overwhelmingly old people who are watching it. Murdoch isn’t Jewish. So even Boomers aren’t consuming nearly as much Jewish content as activists think
Yes, Hunter – Murdoch Sr. wasn’t isn’t Je*ish.
But it really was the Js and their Christian Zionist puppets, Neo Cons of all ethnic backgrounds, the ADL, Chuck Schumer that got Tucker Carlson fired from Fox News.
Tucker Carlson was at that time the #1 rated news presenter and commentator at Murdoch’s Fox News. But ratings and $ money weren’t the deciding factor with who gets allowed on or to stay at Fox or National Review. You should know that.
The model that worked for very long at Fox News, the UK, Australian “Sun” tabloid newspapers was:
Center Right politics
Ra ra Conservative pro military but never mention “The Js”
Nave sexy blond and other sexy White women as news presenters , Page 3 topless gals for the UK Sun.
The guiding lights of original Fox News was:
Yes, Rupert Murdoch
Roger Ailes ( made it as the producer of the Mike Douglas show – day time TV for White housewives”, Reagan era political consultant. I worked on one Roger AIles US Senate Campaign when I was ~ 24 in Colorado.
Tough , straight shooting White guy commentators first Bill O’Reaily then Tucker Carlson.
But the unwritten rule there and at Buckley’s National Review is:
“Don’t piss of the Jews, any Jews – don’t say Hollywood, Bolshevism, Federal Reserve debt slavery usury, or pointless, endless, counter productive Je* Neo Conservative wars were/are a bad thing./
Tucker Carlson’s live interview destruction of Je* Neo Con man, Mitt Romney’s expert Je* Neo Con Adviser (Romney’s Grima Wormtongue) TC’s destruction of Max Boot – that was GOAT.
“Certain classes of people”…
The race that dare not speak its name.