El Salvador Caves To Trump

El Salvador is already doing a great job at imprisoning violent criminals.

Guatemala, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic are Rubio’s next stops.

Note: Remember when Kamala Harris went to Latin America to discover the “root causes” of illegal immigration? Activists enthusiastically voted for this last year!


  1. There was no “caving” here. Bukele is clearly one of the more pro-Trump Central American leaders. Bukele also got something to do with nuclear power out of the deal, so it’s more like a win-win arrangement.

  2. Might not exactly be a cave-in with this guy. He seems to be kind of a based figure in his own right. He managed to defeat MS-13 and their allies in El Salvador.

    In other curious news, it seems old Joey Shitpants (a lifelong nominal Catholic) joined Corn-Pop’s Masonic Lodge down in Lady G’s state. I wonder if Lady G’s lawn-jockey Mr. Tim is a member, or perhaps Lady G herself. It would somehow be fitting if they were.

  3. Have you ever noticed that when a young, male talking head apparatchik is interviewed by a liberal establishment news agency, his voice always sounds like a gay man gossiping with straight girlfriends while they do each others nails? That fa@@ in one of those clips needs to get on testosterone therapy.

  4. I do not like the idea of a foreign nation taking American citizens. There’s too much of an opportunity for abuse and denial of rights.
    Korea was offering this decades ago, so has Vietnam, for about 5 dollars a day or less.
    That’s far better than 30k a year in US prisons.
    Why should illegal aliens have the facilities made for US citizens?

  5. If nothing else , this should be a great deterrent as most illegals will not want to risk time in a Salvadoran prison.

  6. So they are talking about deporting American citizens to a foreign prison system, right after Trump signed an executive order to “deport antisemites”. (Which people were claiming would only apply to foreign students because “you can’t deport Americans”.)


    (Notice in the article it says it “might not be limited to violent criminals”.)

  7. You probably don’t know that ICE has been releasing many of the invaders they arrested over the past 2 weeks back into the United States. ICE has confirmed that they have been doing that.

    So Burkele offers to help, because he is a good man and is on our side, and you portray that as Burkele caving to Trump.

    Meanwhile yesterday Trump approved giving Israhell another One Billion dollars worth of bombs. So much for DOGE. And yesterday Trump caved to both Mexico and Canada and cancelled the tariffs.

    Obviously Trump’s handlers said they need those factories in Mexico and Canada so cancel those tariffs. So he caved, just like the fraud he is.

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