Secular Talk: Full Fascism! Trump Locks Up Immigrants At Gitmo

I’m dying laughing at this.


  1. Guantanamo is a pitifully small place. Mainfest Destiny is mostly Westward and Southward. Out there, in the vast Pacific Ocean there are place far better suited for this policy than Guantanamo. There are plenty of islands in the Pacific that were former US territories and European colonies before Decolonialism and the Great American sell off abandoned them. Today, China is busy picking up the pieces of these  glittering dots on the Pacific. They should be our again. They would make excellent places for penal colonies, plantations, military bases, etc.

    Many of these islands were originally and many still remain beautiful areas. These islands  still echo in the imagination of Americans and Britishers whose forefathers fought in area during WWII. These areas could hold hundreds thousands, if not millions of convict laborers, prisoners, military outpost servicemembers, and plantation families. Guantanamo Bay is too small. In contrast every single one of the little statelets of Micronesia, Polynesia, Melenesia, etc is magnitudes larger. Of course, we wouldn’t want illegal aliens convicts and unredeemable Black felons to enjoy the sites. But for the correctional officers, military servicemen, and plantation owners, it would be a great place.

    • We probably should follow the Salvadoran template ourselve’s, illegal have no rights period, these Interlopers come here, enjoy our milk and honey, then think, they can riot, behave criminally, burn the star’s and stripes, insult law enforcement …. Let us ask ourselves, is their another country/ government on this planet, that would tolerate that kind of behavior from American people, we know what the answer is, maybe the Maricopa county example would be even better, act like a dipshit, you buy yourself, tent living in the desert,with a boot up your ass, the previous admin admenstrualbation, assigned hagbag Harris, the job of border security, well it’s obvious now,that unless their was knob waxing involved, she wasn’t competent to do anything, …… I suggest, we put J D. On this crisis situation, he lived in Californian, he knows …..
      With satellite surveillance,drones, AI, robotics, we can shut that southwest border down completely, with facial recognition, we can pick up everyone of these A HOLE rioters, I would really like to see law enforcement, go after these ill mannered heathens, with the same gusto, that they go after some working class American man, for going two or three miles, over the speed limit ……. Imo …….

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