Very considerate of them to tell us where to deport them to pic.twitter.com/Gktyi8si0u
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 3, 2025
? #BREAKING: LAPD were just given a STAND DOWN order as they were about to begin mass arrests of illegals blocking the road
— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) February 3, 2025
LAPD just packed up and left!
WTF IS GOING ON @MayorOfLA BASS? pic.twitter.com/c1jD6UoM6J
BREAKING: Migrants burn an American flag while waving foreign flags during a protest against the deportations in Oxnard, CA: pic.twitter.com/Mkpt3EvoNQ
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 2, 2025
Breaking — Absolute chaos at Seattle's Alki Beach as thousands of anti-ICE protesters shut down the streets.
— Katie Daviscourt ? (@KatieDaviscourt) February 3, 2025
A car burst into flames, and the group chanted "f-ck the police" as Mexican flags flew in the air. pic.twitter.com/MhYiaAGAG4
? #BREAKING: Anti-ICE protestors storm 101 Freeway in Los Angeles – KTLA pic.twitter.com/Ve4z1uL06t
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) February 2, 2025
Salem, Ore. — A @SalemPoliceDept officer was surrounded by Mexican nationalists at a protest on Feb. 1 against the U.S. for deporting illegal foreign nationals. After getting back in the car to drive away, they beat on his windows. Video by @davidmedinapdx:pic.twitter.com/QPyBs9CI71
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 2, 2025
Hey look, walking ads for deportations:
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 2, 2025
They appear to be acting like something has changed.
Once our cops or the Guard has to shoot one the republicans will back off and abandon Trump.
“Once our cops or the Guard has to shoot one the republicans will back off and abandon Trump.”
That might have been true before 911, it mightve been true during Obama, or even a few years ago. But, essentially, at this point, too large of a portion of the electorate has totally checked out not just on the legacy media but the entire propoganda line of the Globalists. They actually want to see more illegals shot dead.
COVID, Health Mandates, George Floyd, Burning the White House, J6, the response to J6, the Biden disaster years, all of it and everything has so black pilled the greater part of the American electorate into believing the liberal progressive establishment and a coalition of globalist forces are extinction level enemies. I think if one cop shoots an illegal, he will be hailed as a hero and marched with tens of thousands to go visit Congress again and tell them where to stick their illegal alien sympathies.
Its like after Pearl Harbor and hearing about the bitter fighting in the Pacific, Americans saw giant mushroom clouds over Jap cities and were like, “We want more!” The core American people are in a war mood. Ask many people whove been the enemy in such moods. They’d say get the eff out of town fast! If the GOP decided to join the enemy, God bless their hearts and rest in peace, cuz there’s always another J6.
War mood is dead right. Trump has the Executive and the People, why does he need the Republicans? This is not a change of administration, it’s a revolution. If enough RINOS don’t fall into line with the MAGA agenda Trump will brand them Deep Statists and just like that Congress could find itself surrounded again. Poetic justice for J6. Has anyone done a meme with Trump in Delacroix’s ‘Liberty Leading the People‘ yet?
“Treason is a matter of dates” – Napoleon Bonaparte
(((Aryan Globalist Bro)))
“… I think if one cop shoots an illegal, he will be hailed as a hero and marched with tens of thousands to go visit Congress again and tell them where to stick their illegal alien sympathies.
Its like after Pearl Harbor and hearing about the bitter fighting in the Pacific, Americans saw giant mushroom clouds over Jap cities and were like, “We want more!” The core American people are in a war mood.”
what are u smoking jew ???
The party of Lincoln and Maga are two different entities altogether ..
I mean, they’re kinda giving their locations away aren’t they?
Wow, this made it onto YouTube.
Will it get taken down ?
‘Migrants burn an American flag while waving foreign flags during a protest against the deportations in Oxnard, CA:’
Perfect illustration of how they love America, its laws/ideals and want to be part of our society.
The reality being they want to replace America with Mexico, government and people.
Oxnard has had a problem with Mexicans for over 60 years. Mexicans çame in an displaced, often by force and violence, WHITES who worked in the fields and orchards, strawberries, orange, lemon etc. For the poor and high-schoolers, field work was often a way to get extra money for clothes, school, a college fund. Again, WHITES being denied opportunity by foreign invasion.
Oxnard/ventura County some of the richest ag land in the world.
To become an immigrant in Mexico you must show an income of over 4000 a month not from a job in the country. We should apply the same for them and no welfare or public benefits.
I would very happily put a bullet in the posterior of every single one of these illegal invaders waving their flags and burning ours. Let’s give these racial aliens something to really whine about.
The daily deportation number needs to be 8,000.
It will be interesting to see if other states are deputized like Texas was last night to enforce immigration laws
“The daily deportation number needs to be 8,000.”
No, that will still take too long. It needs to be about 12,500. At that rate, if no illegal alien or the anchor bastards leave we could still get them all out in about 8 years. Better still, at that rate its likely, it will seriously pump up the rates of self deportees, so we could see them all gone in 4-6 years.
For example, Operation Wetback, which my grandfather participated in as a liaison to the Texas Rangers, Texas DPS, ***redacted*** Sheriff Office Border County, and ***redacted*** service, saw about 1,750,000 illegals rounded by by Federal, State, and local law enforcement and military services with another 2,500,000 self deporting. Some hundred of thousands of others were arrested and held for various other crimes.
Both Operation Wetback One and Two took about a few years to complete and see the entirety of the illegal alien population removed. It involved large numbers of local law enforcement from the LAPD to the El Park Sheriff Office to the Kansas City PD, and elsewhere working with State and Federal Law enforcement, National Guard and other military services.
Sadly, illegal alien migration ramped back up towards the end of Eisenhower term, went into high gear again during Kennedy. Illegal Alien migration, but for a lull during Ceasar Chavez days, never really stopped again. Eisenhower said it was because there was a vast criminal conspiracy of businesses, racketeers, and politicians promoting, protecting, and profiting from it. Today, aside from Hispanics from the Mexican Cessation of 1848, numbering a little over 10,000,000, and Puerto Ricans numbering about 7,500,000, at least 80% of the remaining Hispanics are illegal aliens or the children of illegal aliens.
Good for the South of the Border types, keep it up! I encourage them to double down on their protests. Close the 101 in LA at rush (so-called) hour to really get some good TV coverage. Burn that American flag while waving the Mexican flag, attack the hated gringos, show how you really feel.
There is no other way to wake up the average White normie than to have the wogs just act like their true, violent, ignorant, backward, hateful selves, live on TV and in normies’ neighborhoods. Ironically, LA is mostly hispanic and other Third World types now, Whites are a distinct minority. Most Whites left in LA are wealthy and publicly proclaim loudly their loyalty to diversity while using their wealth to keep themselves as far as possible away from the hideous Third World that surrounds them.
Heighten the contradictions, Comrade! Make them live up to their self-proclaimed ethics as Comrade Saul Alinsky taught. If you want your diversity you can keep your diversity as another Comrade taught us. The rioting and anarchy that is natural to these people will bloom like a hundred flowers as Comrade Mao encouraged.
There is no other way to get the stupefied White masses, raised on TV, indoctrinated in government schools, surrounded by communist cultural propaganda, betrayed by “conservatives” all their lives to react to the Third World invasion. This has been going on since at least 1965 with no effective response other than moving away from the diversity. The oppressed Third World types will “burn the bitch down”, as the Sage of Ferguson, Mo. taught us for one main reason: Because they can.
These riots and anarchy, natural to the Third World types, further give the lie to the opium of the masses: “All Men are created Equal.” Until this false lesson is unlearned by Whites there cannot be permanent progress. Trump’s policies are exposing the nature of the Third World and providing time to prepare for the inevitable counterattack from the Left. When springtime comes they will probably move their riots to the North and East and colder climes, one of the dumbest moves they can make. They just can’t help themselves, however.
Time to bring back slavery which is sanctioned by God. Some people naturally belong in bonds as we are witnessing. Problem solved!
The South was Right!
… he [General “Stonewall” Jackson] believed that the Bible taught that slavery was sanctioned by the Creator himself, who maketh men to differ, and instituted laws for the bond and the free. He therefore accepted slavery, as it existed in the Southern States, not as a thing desirable in itself, but as allowed by Providence for ends which it was not his business to determine…
— Mary Anna Jackson, Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1892) (reprinted, Harrisonburg: Sprinkle Publications, 1995) 142-143.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
Catholic charities and jewish nonprofits are responsible for this invasion, and they’re not here to work. It’s just more fracturing and pillarization of US, creating a chaotic culture, pitted against itself, they serves no one but jews. The bigger problem is if you remove these latinos without removing the jews/catholics that brought them in, they will all just be back again.
They are indeed some of the very worst of the gang, but they are not alone by any means. It’s an absolutely massive racket.
Illegals.from Mexico used to hold massive rallies in just about every city with a population over 500k on May 1st in the late 90s through Bush Jr’s presidency.
In the early aughts I was a member of my state’s Minuteman organization that would send volunteers to sections of the US-Mexico border to inform the Border Patrol when we say illegal immigrants, clean up the filthy mess the wetbacks and Central Americans made, and remove anything left for them by NGOs to assist them once they crossed the border.
I did this one week a year for three consecutive years. My state’s group would go and join up with volunteers with other Minuteman volunteers from different states.
One of the things most infuriating about these protests by illegal immigrants was that the police would wear their usual uniforms at them, but cops wore riot gear to peaceful protests actual American citizens rallying against the Iraq War II both before and after it began.
‘cops wore riot gear to peaceful protests ‘
All to intimidate WHITE citizens.
Martial law, for these out of control west coast cities, with boots ? n the ground
>we would inform the US Border Patrol when we saw illegal immigrants in the sectors we were watching, and they would usually come to round them up but not always.
You can blame all this on the Abolitionists. They think they know more than God.
Slavery is sanctioned by God. If you think you are smarter than God then look what these crazy radical abolitionist Republicans did to this country in the 1860s. They destroyed the original Constitution which had permitted slavery and destroyed the entire South to abolish something that God endorsed in His Holy Bible and now we are seeing just how smart God really is and how dumb we really are.
“…I have seen him (Sherman) in the fires of a hundred burning Southern plantations…his truth (that’s a lie) goes marching on…Glory, Glory, Hallelujah…”
— Battle Hymn of the Republic-an Black Radicals
You abolitionists thought you were so smart, now didn’t you. Well, keep on enjoying the “wonders” of abolition.
The South was Right!
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
He did spread a lot of “warmth” over parts of the South back in the day…
Well this Man from El salvador, seems to be, the kind of man, that could be very helpful, to us, I hope President Trump invited him to the White House and we show him the hospitality, that a Friend and a Righteous man, should be shown …… Imo .. what he has done in his country, serves as a template, for the rest of Latin America ….
He is the best leader in Latin America
Bukele is based. Here he is at CPAC last year:
” He is the best leader in Latin America ” agreed, he is, by far, I think he is the second best leader in the Western hemisphere and he’s is a Arab Evangelical ……. Wow !
@Terry Smith,
“” He is the best leader in Latin America ””
“agreed, he is, by far, I think he is the second best leader in the Western hemisphere and he’s is a Arab Evangelical ……. Wow !”
Bukele isn’t an Arab. Terming Christians in the Middle East was a dumb term attempt by late 20th century Liberal Oil Financiers blockheads trying to disguise the existence of Christian Middle Eastern communities so they could make deals with Sand N@ggers, and safely ignore Christian interests. Its probably one of the most single most damaging policy language creations of the last 75 years.
Bukele, isn’t actually Palestinian either, as he he is of Greek Byzantine Catholic descent, a group that separates themselves from most Arabic national movements. Greek Byzantine Catholic and Orthodox are essentially Greek liturgical descendents of the ancient Greco-Roman people. Not Arabic at all, but yes from Palestine.
Bukele’s father father became involved with Sufiism and other synthetic spiritual movements of the Hippie era during his time as an adult. Like the trend of the time with those folk, Bukele’s father converted to Islam as some sort of psuedo-intellectual pursuit. He even became an “Imam” so he could administer to other Euro-Hispanic hippies and some actual Moslems in El Salvador. His mother remained Christian and the family would best be considered that mixed religious post-modern family prevelent in many upper classes of the West.
The PM though definitely stayed true to Christianity, but like his father pursued a mystical path. He is a Protestant but of an evengelic pentecostal variety. His family has been in El Salvador since the 1920s and definitely consideres themselves Hispanic Salvadorans. He is definitely an outstanding leader. I got a chance to meet with him briefly last year.
AGB, I am a BAPTIST, but I have no problem with Holy rollers, next time you see him, tell him I said Howdy ! …..