USAID HQ Shuttered

Are you not entertained?


“The Trump administration has targeted the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for potential shut down, the latest in its broad and escalating push to radically reshape the federal government. …”

Gayops all over the world are being defunded.

Bill Kristol’s decades long grift has been exposed and cut off.


  1. I dont think think people appreciate the full importance of this development and what is likely to occurr. USAID is at the heart of a network of operations, which are led by the  by the US government, corporations, NGOs, and IGOs. Linking them all together is the neo-liberal progressives elite, mostly centered at DC, but also in NYC, Chicago, Miami, SF, LA, etc. By going at it, Trump is directly threatening the center of gravity of the neo-liberal elite. As a result this will cause massive push back. This will be an epic battle. Whoever wins, will mortally cripple the other.  

    USAID, is an extremely influential organization and with its use of Domestic US NGOs can and has had influence at home. When it was led by people who had a modicum of respect for Constitutional prohibitions and early National Security Esrablishment carrvouts restricting domestic operations, USAID was pretty much allowed to do what it needed. But, total led by the Neo-Liberal Progressive elite, it has been weaponized to advance un-American policies at home and abroad.

    Oroginally, USAID was associated with advancing American interests, particularly business. It was associated with Anti-Communist influence operations. But, with the rise of the professional left and their entrance into NGOs, Foundations, Trusts, International government, and domestic governments, those elements at the foundation of USAID turned into thw agency into a twisted and unholy version of itself. Once in the drivers seat, the Neo-Liberal progressives found immense tools to use at their disposal. Not only lacking respect for the Constitution or regulations, they simply used their newly won power to corrupt our domestic discourse and policy formulations.

    Large numbers of the neo-liberal elite are tied to these network of Foundations, NGOs, IGOs etc that are nested inside USAID. A common career tract of Fed bureaucrats witness combinations of power couples, where one will hold official positions in say the CIA and another will hold a domestic NGO position. Together it gives them combined influence to push domestic policy at home and abroad. The end result, is once  dominated by Neo-Liberal progressives we get CIA run covert ops promoting gay tranny beauty pageants in Venezuela to unleash cultural Marxist deconstruction on the targeted society and NGOs advancing Gay Tranny Library hour at home.

    Earlier I posted about Trump’s assault on USAID The reaction will be interesting. For, with such a combination of interest groups at USAID,  chopping off the heads of its leadership, stopping funding of its operations, and shuttering its offices is effecting the careers and livelihoods of untold numbers of the DC Esrablishment. I fully expect to see hordes of White Neo-Liberal progressives wearing Armani suits, Burberry Overcoats, and Hermes Scarves joining with Pink Haired Ladies, Trannnies, Antifa punks and Mexicans to smash windows and overrun the White House or Capitol in their own replay of J6.

    Ironically, there was literally nothing stopping the rightwing from joining up with this scheme thru the decades. It easily could’ve formed NGOs to focus on helping Afrikaaner farmers, Christian Middle Easterners, or repairing decapitated Colonial Buildings in India, or studying White Hispanic colonial classes in Latin America, thereby creating an ecosystem of rightwing nationalists and colonialists. All my efforts to do that with the right were either met with mystification by rightwing leaders at best or in more recent years meeting active hostile domestic actions by as of yet undiscovered adversaries. Maybe it can be traced back to USAID HQ.

    I hope the Trump Administration initiates an investigation of this sordid mess. Congress will get no where doing it, since they are literally on bed with the degenerates. This is because the GOP thru people like Senator McCain set up the National Endowment for Democracy which is the other major instrument of USAID and Covert Action and using this network of NGOs and IGOs to conduct its ops. This was the center of gravity for people like McCain and Lindsay Graham. So, the Trump Administration will have to go it alone. With Marco Rubio at the helm, maybe American Renaissance can at last put its Foundation to good use, establish an NGO to work with ethnic communities (Whites) in Europe to promote and strengthen relations between the founding people of NATO. Note, that’s how you would word it. Sadly, I doubt Jared Taylor will take the opportunity. Instead he likely will want to conduct provocative operations with the likes of Nick Fuentes and use click bait by talking about low iq results amongst mud people. Ive grown particularly black pilled about our movement leaders. Lets go talk to Rubio instead.

    • Well said. Thank you for posting this. This is a big deal. In two weeks TRUMP has done more than all of the feckless cowardly Republican Presidents in my lifetime (Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr. & Jr.

      • It’s definitely a big deal. Most of AGB’s post is spot on about it too. He only went off the rails in one place. It pertains to what Trump has to do so its important. USAID needs to have a stake driven straight through its heart. There is no reforming such a monstrosity. Full stop.

    • > Ironically, there was literally nothing stopping the rightwing from joining up with this scheme thru the decades. It easily could’ve formed NGOs to focus on helping Afrikaaner farmers, Christian Middle Easterners, or repairing decapitated Colonial Buildings in India, or studying White Hispanic colonial classes in Latin America, thereby creating an ecosystem of rightwing nationalists and colonialists.

      While your overall description of that particular swamp pool is very much on the mark, here you drift into the realm of the absurd. VDARE was such a foundation – an NGO if your prefer. Look at what happened to them. Your notion may have been kind of possible in a very limited way in the 1960s, maybe even into the Reagan years. But the business interests who ran USAID in those days were hostile to the ideals such as those VDARE and AR even way back then. They are the ones who basically prepared the way for the situation you accurately describe above to become what it is today.

      Your error is that you fail to see that the problem is deeper than USAID, which is but a symptom of the putrefaction. Gramsci’s “long march” was basically a fait accompli by the time the last of the old business types retired in the Bush I years. All of academia, law and business upper tier, filled with newly-minted woketard ideolgues from elite schools were in place to take over completely, which was a done deal by the era of Beelzebubba of Arkansas. Bill Kristol has been cashing in off that massive spigot for literally decades running. He and the likes of Lady G are what passes for ‘conservative’ in that massive pool of dark matter. It is beyond reform. Trump will have to destroy it completely if he’s serious this time around – which it is looking like he might really be.

    • Trump should start by cutting the most expensive foreign aid, military aid to Israel.

      When Israel has a smaller arsenal, I predict there will be fewer refugees coming from Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Syria, and there will be less need for humanitarian assistance in those places.

      • “When Israel has a smaller arsenal, I predict there will be fewer refugees coming from Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Syria, and there will be less need for humanitarian assistance in those places.”

        False, there will be more refugees, Israeli ones, as Israel’s seige worsens and encourages more and more Jews to leave. They will need and get aid to come to America and live next door to people like you. The lack of foresight with your Anti-Israelis beggers belief.

  2. USAID was one of the CIA/US rackets that was exposed in the must read book “Cofessions of a Economic Hitman.”

    Those that have already read that book understood how the judeo-US empire was a gangster in its behavior around the world.

  3. Elon Musk was calling USAID a “criminal organization” that must “die.”

    Now, it’s confirmed that USAID has been reshuffled into Marco Rubio’s State Department, and Musk’s top influencers are going along with the Trump administration’s charade.

    The judeo-empire isn’t going away, it’s reconstituting.

    Y’all got conned. Neo-conned

  4. Whitney Webb
    Until DOGE or any other aspect of the Trump administration meaningfully addresses FASAB S-56, which literally allows the US government to cook its own books to enable secret/black budget projects, I will remain skeptical that it truly intends to reign in runaway spending and the misuse of taxpayer funds.

    For more on FASAB S-56, see this article or the work of
    11:36 AM · Feb 3, 2025

  5. So, US tax dollars were going to the BBC. I wonder if there is some connection to when the BBC began replacing historical figures with blacks, plus all the race-mixing propaganda.

    • Maybe, but I think they are totally subversive on their own, and this was Black-washing was just the next logical step for them. As for as the BBC’s homosexual-ization of literally everything, that started back in the early 1990’s.

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