Donald Trump Claims The U.S. Will Take Over The Gaza Strip

I’m ready to test my theory.

I have repeatedly claimed that 1.) the Jewish elite is declining and 2.) the Jewish Question will continue to go mainstream. This is consistent with Trump’s announcement at a press conference tonight with Bibi Netanyahu that the United States will be “taking over” the Gaza Strip.

I’m sure lots of people will rush forward to say “I told you so” about Z.O.G. You don’t get it. I’m not saying that Jews have ceased to be wealthy or powerful. I agree that Miriam Adelson gave $100 million dollars to Trump to try to purchase the West Bank. What I am saying is that Jewish money is less important than it used to be, Jewish media commands less public support than it did in the past and the strong bipartisan consensus that used to exist on Israel and antisemitism is rapidly breaking down.

Just watch the reaction to this proposal as it rolls in.

How eager are Americans to “Stand With Israel” if that means occupying the Gaza Strip and sending American troops there to fight terrorists and engage in nation building? We know a tiny handful of wealthy Zionist donors support this. Does MAGA support this? Does the Left support this?

If I am right, Zionism is becoming toxic. Jewish money is becoming toxic. The bipartisan consensus behind Standing With Israel is eroding. If I am wrong, then what Trump floated tonight will be extremely popular with both parties and no one but cranks on both sides will rush forward to criticize the proposal.


  1. What’s next after the Gaza Casino Strip?

    The three wise men will return to the West((( Bank ))Bethlehem?

    To much Wining!

  2. This is the worst idea any president has ever had. It confirms my suspicion that Trump was never really serious about annexing Canada, or Greenland, or Panama, or even renaming the Gulf of Mexico. Those were all just trial balloons to prepare the American public for this catastrophically bad Neoconservative imperialism.

    Shilling for Trump is becoming toxic.

    Being a “philo-semitic White Nationalist” is becoming EXTREMELY toxic.

    I don’t know how much money certain people in our sphere are receiving from Zionists to sell out the American people, but it is not enough.

    • I strongly suggest that we wait to see how this plays out.

      Nothing has happened and this is probably some kind of stupid negotiating tactic.

      • If this is a negotiating tactic, then that raises the question “On whose behalf is Trump negotiating?”

        All of the evidence suggests that Trump is negotiating on behalf of the Jewish people in general, and the Kushner family in particular.

        Look at a list of the people Trump pardoned in his first term. It is a list of all the worst Jewish white-collar criminals, organized crime figures and scam artists of the past half century, particularly friends of Jared Kusher. Included on the list is the very worst exploiter of illegal immigrant labor in American history, Rabbi Rubashkin, and the worst Neoconservative who ever lived, Scooter Libby.

        Jared Kushner became a very rich man from the Saudi and Israeli contacts he established while he was Trump’s Mideast envoy during the first Trump administration. He stands to make a great deal more money now that Trump himself is promoting the exact same Gaza plan that Kushner floated last year.

        I suggest we make as much noise as possible. All of the evidence points to Trump trying to give as little as possible to the American people while getting as much as possible for Israel and the Jewish diaspora.

        Now is the time to negotiate hard on behalf of our own people.

        Trump hasn’t merely made promises to the Zionists. He has taken concrete actions on behalf of the Zionists which are highly detrimental to the American people.

        He has listed the Houthis as a terrorist group, even though they have never conducted a single act of terrorism. They have only engaged in conventional warfare against Al-Qaeda, Saudi Arabia and Israel. This action cuts off trae between America and a large part of Yemen, and will create a humanitarian disaster which will produce refugees.

        He has initiated a “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran. Sanctions always hurt the economy of the country which imposes them.

        He has removed sanctions against radical West Bank settlers. These settlers are part of Meir Kahane’s movement.

        They should be sanctioned because their movement has a history of committing terrorist attacks inside the United States. Meir Kahan’s Jewish Defense League committed 17 acts of terrorism inside the American homeland, including the attempted assassination of a congressman and the firebombing of the home of a “Holocaust denier”.

        Trump has promised to cancel the student visas of foreign anti-Zionists, but not the student visas of foreign Zionists.

        If there is nothing to stop foreign Zionists from agitating on campus, while anti-Zionists are muzzled, the effect will be to hamper the free speech of real Americans who want to voice an opinion about US foreign policy. ALl of the apparatus of spying and snitching created to police foreign anti-Zionists will also be used against American “antisemites”. All of the acts of serious violence during the protests last year were committed by foreigners, Israelis, against US citizens. For instance, an Israeli committed the “stink spray” attack against a Christian Palestinian US citizen. The violent Zionist mob which attacked the peaceful, mostly American protesters at UCLA, consisted of Israeli expatriate LA residents. Reuben Kahane, the cousin of Meir Kahane, committed a car ramming attack against a peaceful protester on the street of New York City.

        He has resumed delivery of 2000 lb bombs to Israel. American taxpayers will pay for these weapons.

        We should’ve been defending our own American interests loudly in each of these instances.

        • All one has to do to know what WU will have has his major talking points, is to watch Nick Fuentes the night before. Arguing with adult men childs who think they are so smarty pants gets boring after awhile. But here goes:

          “He has listed the Houthis as a terrorist group, even though they have never conducted a single act of terrorism.”

          Houthis are terrorists. Pirates to be exact, or Islamic Cosairs specifically. They’ve killed or seized hostages from civilian boats, have launched helicopter and boat attacks on ships, threatened to cause environmental damage to the red sea and carried it out by sinking a massive oil tanker, launching ballistic missiles at various NATO warships, and blockaded the shipping lanes. They are terrorists, and had we occupied Southern Yemen as I’ve advocated for over 30 years, they wouldn’t exist.

          “Meir Kahan’s Jewish Defense League committed 17 acts of terrorism inside the American homeland, including the attempted assassination of a congressman and the firebombing of the home of a “Holocaust denier”.”

          Meir Kahan’s Jewish Defense League, were a small clique of militant wildmen. Meir Khan himself was arrested like five dozen plus times in Israel and was considered such a provocateur he was forbidden from running for the Israeli Knesset in 1988. He was giving a speech encouraging American Jews to immigrate to Israel when he was assassinated. His groups in the US lasted for several years. Haven’t been around in a generation. In Israel his political descendents are represented by the Kach Party. They are little different than a kind of Jewish version of the Afrikaaner Nationalists, who they’ve been known to work with.

          “Trump has promised to cancel the student visas of foreign anti-Zionists, but not the student visas of foreign Zionists.”

          Foreign Anti-Zionists, want America to be the dumping ground for every nationality in the world including Jews. They want America, not Israel or the Middle East to be the homeland for Jews, as well as the homeland for Arabs, Blacks, Asians, Hindus, Latinos, etc. Yeah, don’t allow those promoters of invasion and colonization of my country to come here. All of the Anti-Israel and Anti-Zionist, mostly peaceful demonstrations, featured heavy violence by them. There were counter attacks. But, decidedly less prolonged or violent than when the Rightwing engaged with the Left during our street battles before Trump.

          “He has resumed delivery of 2000 lb bombs to Israel. American taxpayers will pay for these weapons.”

          We give alot of weapons to Israel, because, unlike our pussy allies in NATO, they use them. We also have tens of thousands of US troops in Israel guarding many of these munitions dumps, as we also get to draw on them. Its called being an important ally. Back in the day, before the Left took over, our NATO allies did the same. Thanks to the Israelis this relationship helps both sides to fight their adversaries. 

          • If Nick Fuentes is independently reaching the same conclusions as me, then he must be an intelligent young man.

            Meir Kahane’s ideas are more accepted now than they were during his lifetime. He is an inspiration for Itamar Ben Gvir’s Jewish Power Party, and for the extremist West Bank settlers who were deservedly sanctioned.

            In 2020 Trump supporters were the peaceful protesters and Jewish supremacist Antifa were the instigators of violence.

            In 2024 anti-genocide activists were the peaceful protesters and Jewish supremacist Zionists were the instigators of violence.

          • “We” get to draw on them….to fight Israel’s enemies. A real American would be ashamed that his country is the cur laying at its master’s feet.

          • A worthy rebuttal! And one might add: what exactly is a “Christian Palestinian US citizen” (as described by WU)? Paper-Americans of foreign loyalties who have no allegiance to the United States should not be harbored in this country, especially when they are using the protections of citizenships to wreck our nation — whether they be from “Palestine”, Israel, Mexico, or anywhere else.

  3. This requires no analysis. Trump has just firmly hitched America’s brand to that of a genocidal war criminal. America under this leadership is morally bankrupt.

  4. I do not want to rub this in but…

    “What I am saying is that Jewish money is less important than it used to be, Jewish media commands less public support than it did in the past and the strong bipartisan consensus that used to exist on Israel and antisemitism is rapidly breaking down.”

    As we all saw with Gaza over the past year, public support does not matter. That is the problem. Public support is meaningless because Jews have made their decision – The Jewish New Deal. The MAGA base will support this and no one but cranks like me will say anything bad about it in dark corners of the internet. The Republican base was never anti-Israel, ever. Trump could declare war on Russia if Putin rejects the peace proposal and the MAGA base would support it. The MAGA base would support anything because of the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Woke Monster under the bed. You do not want to be Woke, do you? Look at how quickly Elon became BASED again to the online crowd just after cursing them like dogs and complaining about how worthless they were. That Indian at the FBI went in front of everyone and implicitly lectured the base about its white privilege. Where is the outrage? It is rigged. It is a sham.

    And if any of this costs Trump elections because independents get weak or leftists reassert themselves at the ballot box? Guess what? The Democrats are right there, waiting in the wings, as Zionist as ever. Just as Zionist as the Republicans. They are practically begging for Jews to come back to the party. They have learned nothing and doubled down on everything. They were the ones who issued the massive clamp down on all those Palestine protestations in the first place. It is not that this or that has to be popular. It is that the populace does not matter.

    • It is already playing out like I expected.

      MAGA doesn’t support this.

      Senate Democrats are now free to dump Israel.

      It has so little support that Lindsey Graham thinks it is a bad idea.

      • The Democrat Party, the political expression of American Jewry, now gets to pose as the moderate, peace-loving saviors of the Palestinians, despite having orchestrated the 2024 Gaza genocide.

        The Republican Party, the political expression of old-stock White Americans, is now saddled with all of ZOG’s guilt, despite the fact that the typical White evangelical Christian doesn’t pay any attention for foreign policy and has no real knowledge of what is going on, much less control of US foreign policy.

        This is exactly what I feared. My people are being used as a scapegoat for the crimes of the Jews.

    • Times are definitely changing. Everybody’s finding out about the aeonic jew swindle. USHMM admits in effect the Holohoax was less than 3 million.

      Predict this Palestine bunk will merely prove an patently insane idea Rump floats to make the chosen happy but isn’t stupid enough to attempt. “See, Miriam? The whole world is against it. For your people’s sake I’ve got to think of my job!”

  5. It feels like winning every day. Though, for a moment I thought with the so called peace deal, that the Sand N@ggers were going to get back Gaza and the investment we made in a certain seacoast area there would be lost. I am hoping our interest in land for the foundation I purchased at the auction will now gain us valuable development grants thru US development grants and loans. Indeed, I imagine this will be coordinated thru a reformed USAID.

    If this works out, Christian Europeans will be returning to the Holy Land in large numbers for the first time in centuries (the British area doesn’t count as most Europeans were mandate officials, soldiers, and police. But, I guess you should count them given the time they had and the make they made  So, not in generations I suppose. Hopefully, the entire Gaza Strip can be turned this way into a new Anglo-American strip of civilization over the ghetto it became under Hamas. If so, the early investors such as our group stand to make millions while also providing a beach head for our Christian operations. 

    I told you guys not to shiite on the auctions that were happening around the country for this. If you’d followed our lead you would be your own Christian colonial settlers in Gaza. You gotta learn how to make lemonade out of lemons. Or you can keep crying over Sand N@ggers who will kill you the second they get the chance. Of course, if you are afraid of that then I wouldn’t expect you to buy property in Gaza which you’ll probably need to keep and defend by force of arms against a sea of Sand N@ggers. But, Christian Nationalists such as us aren’t afraid of such things. It feels like a new day colonialism is dawning in the West.

    • Land theft and ethnic cleansing are okay as long as the US is doing it. Anyone else who tries it are obviously Satan’s Spawn and will be bombed into dust. Am I doing this right?

    • Will Chamberlain is a jew, but do not let the Anglo surname fool you.

      Who does he sound exactly like? You only get one guess.

      Will Chamberlain
      You guys aren’t thinking big enough about what Trump is saying about Gaza.

      The Gaza Strip will be OURS. American property. American sovereignty. An overseas territory. Not someone else’s territory where we are guests. OUR property where we can enforce OUR immigration rules.

      • Will Chamberlain sounds like a smart guy. The Gaza Strip 0should be America’s toehold on the strategically vital Sinai peninsula. Furthermore, it is an ancient homeland of the Nordic people in the Holy Land and should be again.

        • Look at the little lady, strutting around talking as if she was a he. It’ll be “ours” again. What a joke. The White race has far to many cyphers parading around as if they were steeped in deep lore. The vomit you consistently post on here is mere proof that you are just about as empty headed as a broken coffee cup.

  6. Give it up, all these Trump is playing 4D chess arguments don’t work anymore. It is very obvious he is a whore for Israel.

  7. Look at the bright side Palestinians would probably be treated better in U.S. occupied Gaza than in Israel occupied Gaza.

  8. So, we now (at this moment, it may change) have a Republican leader siding with a Jewish leader after the Jewish leader conducted a cruel, vicious war against civilians and infrastructure. This reminds me of the what the Republicans were trying to do to the South back in the 1860s. Fortunately, in the 1860s, they forgot that there is a God who would not allow demons like Lincoln/Sherman/etc to get their way.

    Notice Judah (they are not the kingdom of Israel) is NOT offering to forgive and forget and rebuild all they destroyed in Gaza just like the demons in the North never had much help or concern after the destruction they caused in the South all in the name of their hatred of the South and slavery — an institution which God Almighty allows and this allowance is even written down in HIS BOOK! It took decades for the South to rebuild while even have to fight off the demons sent from the North to harass the Southerners in the name of Reconstruction trying to turn them into godless Yankees.

    The reason why the “North” can never get their minds off “racism”/slavery/etc and these subjects keep coming up over and over is that the North was wrong and they will keep coming up until they are totally obliterated just as they tried to do to the South. They can’t see what is coming.

    Allatoona 7:30 p.m.
    Oct. 9th 1864

    Lt. Gen. Grant
    City Point

    It will be a physical impossibility to protect this road now that Hood, Forrest, Wheeler and the whole batch of Devils are turned loose without home or habitation. I think Hoods movements indicate a direction to the end of the Selma and Talladega road to Blue Mountain about sixty miles south west of Rome from which he will threaten Kingston, Bridgeport and Decatur and I propose we break up the road from Chattanooga and strike out with wagons for Milledgeville Millen and Savannah.

    Until we can REPOPULATE GEORGIA it is useless to occupy it, but UTTER DESTRUCTION of its roads, houses, and PEOPLE will cripple their military resources. By attempting to hold the roads we will lose a thousand men monthly and will gain no result. I can make the march and MAKE GEORGIA HOWL. We have over 8,000 cattle and 3,000,000 pounds of bread but no corn, but we can forage the interior of the state.

    W.T. Sherman
    M. Genl.

    Secede Now!

    May God Save the South!

    • Seems to me Lincoln, Sherman, and Grant got their way. The god you are speaking of who allows slavery is the childish demon god of the Hebrews, which was itself a man-made avatar. Are you a Hebrew?

      • @Titus,

        “The god you are speaking of who allows slavery is the childish demon god of the Hebrews, which was itself a man-made avatar. Are you a Hebrew?”

        Slavery isn’t a sin. There is no where in the Bible or in the history of all the religious origins of the Europeans from the Hebrews to the Hellenes to the Romans to the Celts to the Germans. We as a people have decided that Slavery is not conducive to the long term health of the body politic of a free people. But, that doesn’t make it a sin any more than not having the income tax before the 1900s was a sin.

        Jesus’ family owned slaves as did Paul and other Apostles. The Great Adversary knows this which is why they beat the drum that Slavery is a Sin. So, they can say the Apostles and Jesus’ family where the greatest sinners of all time and destroy any of the monuments and memorials just as they destroy the monuments and memorials to Confederates who were Christian to a man. We have eyes that see, hears that hear, and we see and hear far the Great Adversaries plans.

  9. I can’t see it being popular with voters at all. Does Trump want this, or is he just stating what he thinks will happen?
    I’m guessing most Americans don’t want Gaza…..or it’s refugees.
    They want secure domestic borders.

  10. this is a bad move. he’s kicking every foreign country at once. he should have deescalated this conflict. this is going to lead to palestinian terror in america. universally stupid move.

  11. It takes huge balls to tell the Prime Minister of Israel you are gonna take the prime real estate they just finished conquering a couple weeks ago and turn it into a resort city lol.

    I’ve got a feeling this is another big ask by Trump to loosen up the pocket books of the wealthy arabs in the region that need to pay to fix this issue of theirs.

    The muh ethnic cleansing optics are gonna be pretty hard to sell to those muslims in Detroit he was trying to cozy up to before the election lol.

    Trump is correct though, by everything I can tell, Gaza isn’t fit for human habitation anymore and letting the Palestinians back in there is gonna make it impossible to take care of them the way he seems to want to. This is the reason not getting involved is the best approach. We didn’t create the mess, why volunteer to clean it up?

    On its face it makes no sense to me. But as a tactic to force the regional players to engage seriously in actually solving the issue I think its hilarious.

    We’ll see. The way he threw this out off handedly with Bibi in the room, I think its likely just spit balling. His envoy that got the ceasefire, Witkoff said it will realistically take 10 years or more just to clean the place up. So nothing is going to happen in the four years Trump is in office anyway.

    It’ll probably be a retirement project for him or something. If he’s even serious about it. He’s gonna learn the hard way that paternalism doesn’t work with non Whites. Every boomer seems to need to learn it the hard way.

    In any case, his entire presidency is predicated on prioritizing US interests and this issue of israel and palestine is a perennial thorn in our side that needs resolved. I’d have preferred it was resolved by reordering our relationship with Israel to something more proportional to our actual power differential. If he’d rather just say “this land is mine now, problem solved, neither of you can have it, thanks” and ship the palestinians to Egypt…. well, we’ll see how that works out lol. This clearly can’t be a priority for him, as there’s the huge issue first of actually occupying it…. with what army?

    This one’s a head scratcher, I’ll be honest.

    I think we’ll see what he is angling at in time. Half the things he says are just to upset people and get them off balance while he puts pressure on them behind the scenes to give him money, or concessions, or to do stuff he wants done.

    Notice he hasn’t stopped saying he wants Canada to become our 51st state? Yeah, its not realistic, so why is he still saying it? It pisses off the canadians, upsets their government and puts them off balance while behind the scenes he is busting their balls over concessions to get out of tarrifs. All of that is preliminary to the USMCA being renegotiated in 2026.

    There’s more going on here, so I’m happy to let this ride and see what the man is up to. He clearly doesn’t give a shit whose arm he twists anymore. He already made Bibi look like a warmongering ass, thats something.

  12. Prediction: The supposed ‘Gaza Annexation’ proposal by Trump achieves two objectives;

    1. Pressures Hamas leadership by threatening their power and prestige
    2. Creates a dilemma for Netanyahu – if the US takes Gaza that effective ends Israel’s attempts to slowwalk settlements

    Trump has spent the last nearly 10 years now trying to extract the US from the middle east – I doubt he wants to establish a permanent settlement there

    The people losing their shit on the timelines are overreacting to a press conference. Literally nothing has happened yet. Trust the plan.

    “There’s a third option if you two don’t accept a deal. It’s a great deal, the best”

  13. The wild-card in all of this, is the fact that Judaism is a cult, and it meets all of the classic psychological and sociological definitions of a cult.

  14. If he’s serious this is retarded and goes against everything he said about wasting money on nation building projects. It’ll be nothing but Iraq War part 2. Makes that $32,000 he saved the taxpayers from squandering on “transgendered comic books for Peru” look negligible. Most of his missteps so far have just been tact such as immediately blaming DEI at a press conference while they were still fishing warm bodies out of the Potomac. We have no idea what caused the plane crash yet and it is the NTSB’s job, not his to pontificate like at a private dinner. But despite the tact he was still right about DEI ultimately being a poison pill for our society. This silly Gaza idea however is not saying the right thing at the wrong time, it’s a potential boondoggle, hopefully nothing come of it.

  15. The Arab’s need to get off their backsides and go to work, I was thinking, wouldn’t it be something, if Elon, or bezo, tool a page out of Delorean’s playbook,and built a huge one industrial/ manufacturing hub or operation in Gaza, put these people to work, Idleness is the Devil’s playhouse, these people been living off of handouts long enough, they need to get too work and be men once again …… Imo …

  16. If this “deal” works out I’ll give you 3 guesses as to which countries all those Palestinians will be heading for. Hint: they won’t be ME countries.

    • Deal or no deal, a good number of them will be heading to the U.S.A. no matter what Trump says. Where else can they go? No Arab country wants their Arab “brethren”, do they? Once again, our ball-and-chain, “Greatest Ally” will inflict grievous harm on their benefactor while most of Congress will stand there with shit eating grins on their ugly, corrupt, faces while the Lügenpresse goes from railing against Trump to silence regarding “Our Greatest Ally’s” latest perfidy. Congress doesn’t need to be reminded of the miles of video from Jeffrey Epstein’s whorehouses available to be “accidentally” released in the NYT/WSJ/CNN/Fox TV if they don’t do the right thing for “Our Greatest Ally.”

      Gaza is a gigantic graveyard now with the U.S. taxpayer, without even the pretense of consent, paying for all those nice, 2,000 Lb. bombs and other ordinance, millions of gallons of fuel, spare parts for everything etc. used to kill and displace the civilian population of Gaza. It would be nice to get all the facts regarding the grievous, unjustified, Oct. 7th attack against Israeli civilians that triggered this catastrophe, such as how surprise was achieved by Hamas, but we are unlikely to ever learn the truth, like the USS Liberty. Neither the thoroughly compromised Congress nor the Lügenpresse has an ounce of curiosity either. Their job is to brush away crimes, not investigate and report.

      The absolute indifference of the ruling class to the harm their actions cause to others is astonishing to anyone with an ounce of Christian conscience or normal human sympathies. Trump and his Satanic son-in-law, the execrable Jared Kushner, talk about building casinos and selling luxury condos before all the bodies are buried or the remaining hostages are returned. They literally are happy to make money off of people dancing, whoring and gambling on the graves of thousands of innocent civilians without missing a moment’s sleep. If the ruling class will do this to unpopular foreigners thousands of miles away they will also do it within the U.S. to deplorables who supported Trump if they can get away with it. Why not? There is money to be made and casinos to be built.

      • @Hunter,

        “Saudis have been vetoing it for weeks and vetoed it again before I went to sleep last night.”

        The Saudi’s are just trying to get a piece of the action. They did the same thing with Beirut, and totally flummoxed it, leaving a giant explody thing behind, because, well, they are stupid Sand N@ggers. But, we have plans for the Saudis. They will bend the knee.

      • The Saudis are a major component of who he is aiming this at. They have the money and the religious leverage to move the palestinian issue forward. Egypt has the land also. Between them, with money from Kuwait and Qatar and others there’s nothing they can’t do if they are serious about it.

        Trump has our diplomatic muscle and control over Israel, who is the usual wild card that can’t be predicted.

        If there was ever the time that this eternal system of blackmail that is this constant existential threat to Israel that lets them hook boomer cons into their grift, if there was ever a time this cycle could be broken its now. Trump is the one man on Earth nobody can with any credibility call an antisemite. They can’t touch him.

        Worst case scenario it doesn’t happen and we are no worse off than we are now. Best case scenario somebody else pays for the problem and we get strategic real estate on the Mediterranean.

    • Hopefully it’s all a trick to get the wealthy Gulf states to step up and say “NO, NO, NO, WE’LL GO IN AND POLICE AND REBUILD IT” probably best just after the IDF kills off what’s left of Hamas. The Palestinians would be far better off without Hamas same as the best thing that could happen to Mexico would be to utterly destroy the Cartels.

      • @Nightowl,

        “Hopefully it’s all a trick to get the wealthy Gulf states to step up and say “NO, NO, NO, WE’LL GO IN AND POLICE AND REBUILD IT””

        Nope. We already did that one in Beirut. Trump thought it was stupid to do it then and it was proven stupid and deadly after this happened. No, we are going to be in full control of the rebuilding and we will make money and expand our interests and power.

        • @ Hasidic Globalist Bro “No, we are going to be in full control of the rebuilding and we will make money and expand our interests and power”

          Who the hell is “we”, shlomo? Because I promise that only you and your pushy, grabby co-racialists will gain any benefit here, while us dumb goyim will foot the bill, in treasure and certainly blood if this inane proposal from zion don ever comes to fruition.
          Everyone here knows what you are, shlomo, so go away.

          • “Who the hell is “we”, shlomo? Because I promise that only you and your pushy, grabby co-racialists will gain any benefit here, while us dumb goyim will foot the bill, in treasure and certainly blood if this inane proposal from zion don ever comes to fruition.”

            You, Guido, won’t be paying anything. You don’t pay any taxes.

            “Everyone here knows what you are, shlomo, so go away.”

            The Ellis Island trash is getting uppity around here.

  17. Netanyahoo told NBC News he supports Trump taking over Gaza and West Bank. Says it is “worthwhile”.

    No one else is going to take those 4 million crazies, so they will be coming here, if Trump success in this.

    The most basic fact is that the IDF tried and failed to take Gaza. The West Bank would be the same. Failure. So let Hegseth and his white normie volunteers go and die for Israel.

    It would then transition to Israeli control, but only after the Temple is built.

    It would be nice for the Jews if American power was supreme in the area while they are piecing together their third temple. Most probably that is the main goal in this, providing security while the temple is being pieced together, and for a couple years after.

    Brad, you said Trump was a peace maker, and Jews don’t matter anymore. But this will be a big war, all for Jews. Nothing for us.

    Netanyahoo said it’s a go. He owns Congress. So it’s a go. Assuming Langley says ok.

    Everyone knows full well, that when the Yids destroy Islam’s third holiest site in order to build their Temple that Iran will attack. Thousands of missiles. Putin will support the Jews, as he always does, and the military might just replace him with one of their own Generals.

    Well anyway, you don’t study Schneerson and Chabad, the Rabbi whose grave Trump prayed it, in order to be chosen as President.

    According to Schneerson the building of the Temple coincides with a great massacre of most of the “Goyim” on earth, and the Jews will emerge as the absolute dictator of all nations. The remaining “Goyim will be slaves to the Jews.

    That is Trump’s religion. He is doing all of this knowingly. My only thought is, will the CIA go for it? Maybe, maybe not. If not,then Hail President Vance.

    • @Rangewolf,

      “No one else is going to take those 4 million crazies, so they will be coming here, if Trump success in this.”

      No. Trump and the planners are not bringing Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to here. That has already been explained. The CIA and FBI and USAID are going to be inextricably changed if not eliminated. Its a new age. America is back!

  18. Reading all the AF (Anal First) America Last comments here is hilarious. They don’t want to see America expand, especially in the Middle East, because they are Sand N@gger Lovers First, Israeli haters Second. Anything that reduces Sand N@ggers is bad, anything that helps Israelis is bad, anything that expands and strengthens America is bad.

    We are going to get the Gaza Strip. And more. We are going to get places we formerly had and should’ve never gotten rid of, and we are going to get places we never had but should. Gaza will have casinos. It will also have a port. It will be the terminus of a valuable oil pipeline. It will also have military bases to project American power into the region. It will be a nice place to vacation or have a second home. Come visit the Holy Land under protection of newly re established Christian military forces.

    People like my group will make alot of money, while the Sand N@gger loving, Israeli hating, American Lasters of the Dissident Right will have nothing but their tears, cries of “Duh, Jews,” and reports they must file to their FBI and SPLC handlers. There will be other opportunities if you chance your minds. Just watch out for my comments here and read between the lines. Are you tired of winning yet? I am not. And I bet, neither is Hunter.

  19. Aryan Globalist Bro sounds like a Jew. As well as ironicsickaccount. Seems to be the loudest voices in the moderated comment section. Like niggers at the movies.

    • @George RedLeaf,

      “Aryan Globalist Bro sounds like a Jew.”

      Nope. Straight of British American colonial Settler Stock. 100% Gentile.

      You on the other hand have the voice and name of a Commie Anti-Semite. Which is almost oxymoronic.

      “Like niggers at the movies.”

      You must be from the North and probably Catholic. Southern Blacks aren’t loud in our theatres. That’s a Northern thang.

      • British, I can possibly believe that. You guys have been polishing kike balls since Cromwell. Empires, which are greedy anti-Nation entities, always fail in the end, by the way.

        • “British, I can possibly believe that.”

          I said British American Colonial Stock. We broke away from the Empire and made our country America because, it stopped being an Empire of Anglo-Saxon Liberty and became an Empire of Clubby Commerce. All real Americans are British in origin. The rest of you are just visiting.

  20. Trump has changed the calculus.

    During the Biden Admin people feared that Israel was genociding the Palestinians and would take their land and the US would pay to build Gaza back. That is what we were in for if Biden was still president.

    But if the US owns the Gaza Strip, Israel doesn’t. Trump is not planning to pay for it, it will be paid for by private investors. As for genociding the Palestinians, that has already been done. Ninety-two percent of the homes in Gaza have been leveled. It has been turned into an unlivable place. Of course, al Jazeera wrote a story condemning Trump for wanting the Palestinians to leave Gaza, but IN THE VERY NEXT PARAGRAPH they talked about all the injured and sick Palestinians who are waiting to be transported to other countries for medical care! Because the hospitals in Gaza have been destroyed.

    Israel destroyed homes and infrastructure; unexploded ordinance litters the streets. Gaza is an uninhabitable place, purposely made that way by Israel. Trump gets that and it didn’t happen under his watch. But other politicians don’t get it, they scream that this will prevent a two state solution. A two state solution that’s been talked about for decades and has never happened. They can’t look at a situation with clarity, all they can do is mouth tired old talking points that are totally meaningless. Trump’s idea stands above that: it’s Realpolitick and it’s outside the box. I don’t know if he can pull it off, but it is not a terrible idea.

  21. You know this a manifestly stupid idea when even Lady “boots on the ground” Lindsey can’t support it.
    I really REALLY support everything Trump has done with regard to illegal invaders since coming into office, but this proposal is so clearly daft it just beggars belief. I know the announcement is probably just a sop to his big jew campaign contributors without any real plans for execution, but zion don really needs to learn when he should just shut his yap.

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