Oh come on ??
— ???? ???? ? ?? (@NiohBerg) February 5, 2025
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) February 5, 2025
Are we redeploying them to fight Hamas in the MAGA Strip?
If so, the most dire predictions that American soldiers will be dying for Israel will come true.
“The US Department of Defense is developing plans to withdraw all US troops from Syria, NBC News reported on Wednesday, citing two US defense officials.
President Donald Trump and officials close to him recently expressed interest in pulling US troops out of Syria, leading Pentagon officials to begin drawing up plans for a full withdrawal in 30, 60 or 90 days, the report added. …”
Israelis are jubilant.
They can barely contain their excitement at the prospect of America assuming long term responsibility for the huge mess that Israel has made in Gaza. It is a dream come true.
Note: What do Americans think about this dream? What are the consequences of this proposal for Israel’s declining standing in America and specifically in Congress?
At least Greenland was in our backyard and would’t have a terrorism problem and costly occupation. Not that the Danes would ever sell it anyway. Of course most of the 58,000 Greenlanders would take their big payday check from the US and their newly minted US passports and promptly descend on Fort Lauderdale leading to a depopulation event. But 58K Greenlanders wouldn’t really cause any problems, 2 million radicalized Gazaans on the other hand all descending on the Detroit Suburbs?
If the Palestinians from Gaza were to be transferred to the US, it would only be fair to place them in areas with the highest concentrations of Christian zionists. After all, they were a lard part of why the Palestinians lost their land to their favorite tribe. It would be just desserts to see mosques next to their churches.
The whole refugee resettlement program is shutdown
“Shutdown” temporarily.
When you want to stop steamroller, then there are 2 opportunities.
One is stand infront of it and try to push it back . In this case roller rolls over you.
Second opportunity is move behind the roller and push more speed so the roller will go over the cliff.
Thanks to Donald Abraham accords and capitol to Jerusalem, jews have worst and longest war in the Israel history with no end in sight.
When Donald catering Jews one more time, then there will be end of Israel and whole Jewry.
Then there is question, Is there 1.6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas under Gaza? Some people think that yes and they are not happy to give it to Jews.
I, fully support the American take over of Gaza. (Full Disclosure: My organization now claims property in Gaza). I earlier said this would likely occurr and advised readers and commenters to take part by contacting me. No one did. So, now, we, a few other forward thinking Gentiles, and a bunch of Jews claim property in Gaza.
Now the risky part with this deal, was these land sales don’t have the force of law. The Gaza Strip governance was and is an illegitimate and unrecognized government. So, even if they wanted to they couldn’t give provenance to the real estate deals. So, our claims are just that, CLAIMS, which, while backed by force of money, so far, lack any force of power.
Under, Palestinian Land Law, which is operative under the Palestinians Authority, now in the West Bank only, foreigners are allowed to purchase property. It is a bit onerous but it can be done. There are plenty of foreigners, even Gentile Europeans and Americans who own property in the West Bank. I know, because my organization also bought property there in the PA. So, we don’t discriminate in our purchases.
However, the PA has labeled selling land to Israeli citizens or Jews, a crime punishable by death. On the other hand, the PA recognizes the organic law of original title holders. So, title holders can sell the land to whom they wish but, they will be charged for a crime, possibly sentenced to death, assassinated or driven out of the community. Its often Christian Palestinians, who sick of having rocks thrown at them, their homes robbed, and children beaten, so the sell to Israelis and some even move to Israel. This is how Jewish settlers often buy land on the West Bank, short of destroying and seizing Palestinian terrorist property.
In contrast, to the hateful PA government, the Palestinians can buy property in Israel. As can foreigners in general. This is why today, Palestinian Christians are increasing in number on Israel, while in Gaza, they were exterminated prior to the War, and in Bethlehem regularly face attacks from Palestinians. My organization has tried but so far has failed to find a deal in Israel. Much like Peter Brimelow, we are looking for a castle, so if any IDF agents are reading this and have some ideas, contact us and help us out.
So, back to the Gaza Strip, technically anyone who has a title there, which will be hard, but, not impossible to prove, could by organic law sell to whoever they want. But, there is no government to recognize the transfer even if that happened. If Gaza returns to Palestinian control, i.e. the PA, our purchase will be likely nullified as it was done thru a Jewish Israeli straw man. However, if Israel takes over, our purchase should be recognized. But, since we did it thru an Israeli we will have to go thru another transfer of ownership, which is complex, but not hard.
But, if America takes over, the transfer will be much easier. Furthermore, its likely we will receive substantial aid thru grants and subsidized loans to develop the property thru Trump’s redevelopment plan. Combined with another partner organization, our land area is not insubstantial. Our interests are not in casinos but Christian security, education, and missionary activity. Nonetheless, we know others who are interested in casinos or resorts. We expect the area to be beautiful. So, we would much prefer an American take over during the Trump Administration.
As to the fears of Israeli hating, Sand N@gger loving, American lasters, worried about some Americans fighting Palestinians afterward, your fears are as usual, unfounded. Most Palestinians will be leaving the Gaza Strip. Most Palestinians will be given generous support in their new areas including housing, medical care, grants and loans for businesses, job training, schooling, and above all protection by American forces. Hamas officials will be imprisoned and tried. A comprehensive de-Hamasization campaign will be carried out. Palestinian lives will be much improved, much more peaceful, and protected from hostile Moslem and Israeli governments alike, allowing for the psychological and spiritual healing of their community.
Trump never said he was abandoning the Middle East. He never said he was abandoning Afghanistan. In fact, he has said, had he not been forced out by a fraudulent election and coup, and the Taliban did what they did, he would’ve heavily reinforced Afghanistan. Trump gave the military and State Department numerous chances to come up with a plan to defeat the Mujahideen and give America something in return. They could never came up with one. Only Eric Prince’s plan almost got accepted. As a result, Trump’s plan was for a negotiated settlement, which was agreed to, and then lost by Biden.
What Trump is against, is forever wars. Those kind of wars feature just enough troops to keep a so called roof on a country, but not enough to fully restore the country house. It means fighting half assed campaigns, featuring surgically heavy, but non comprehensive strikes, and unintelligent pacifications campaigns. All of which merely enrich the military-indistrial complex to continue forever wars. Ukraine is another. Huge wasted expenditures, but not enough to win, and with heavy skimming by our corrupt elite. What Trump is talking about in Gaza is fundamentally different. A so called Syria pullout is probably in alignment with the general context I provided above, and likely won’t happen immediately anyways.
Apparently “Occidental Dissent Comment Guidelines” don’t apply to OD’s resident rabbi.
This aryan globalist dude is totally a Jew, IMO. just piggybacking cause i think it’s worth mentioning
The Neocons only wanted US soldiers in Syria to overthrow Assad.
Mission accomplished.
Al-Qaeda now runs Syria. Netanyahu approves. The Neocons approve.
Some headchoppers are more equal than others. The latest puppet they installed in Syria even changed his name. Thus he magically was never on that State Dept. terror list. This is not the head-chopper you’re looking for, move along!
They’re moving next-door into Iraq – or Jordan where the US military has their their permanent MidEast bases(like they have in Germany). Bibi told the Zio-Stooges Putin and Donny Boy that the party was over and to GTFO of Syria so that the Yinon Plan can continue with one of Israel’s flunkies assuming the leadership role of Syria.
Night owl, Detroit, land wise, is a gigantic city, with large swathes of empty depopulated area’s, in theory Detroit could accommodate, not all of them, but a lot of them, but Detroit is a solid blue city, so that being said and understood, I won’t happen, so in reality, temporary lodging for the Palestinian on the sudan, would be more plausible, but in reality, that’s been a major driving issue for those people, temporary housing, they need a marshall plan for Gaza and the Jews and the rich Arab’s can pay for it, Imo they can turn Aden, down in Yemen land into a new Arab riveria, Gaza under American supervision, can be turned into a industrial, manufacturing hub, those people need jobs, they need to get to work, the Jews and the rich Arab’s will be compelled to pay for it, just like they facilitated and financed the transatlantic slave trade … Imo ….. You troll’s out there, make sure Elon reads the this too ….
Too bad this site hasn’t resisted this possibility for some time.
As for Syria, I wrote a half dozen articles about it and broke with Trump in 2017 over launching some cruise missiles at that empty tarmac. It was Biden, however, who presided over the overthrow of Assad. It was USAID that funded it.
The lesson that I took away from that experience and the disasters in Gaza, Lebanon and Ukraine was to be more skeptical of the groupthink of activists.
What you’re saying is both political parties share the blame for anti White foreign policy. I agree.
In the case of Syria, Trump was definitely the lesser evil, but we only found out after the election. I expect the same will prove true of Ukraine.
There was a good indication of this before the election. All of the war-pigs like Bolton, Kinzinger, Cheney, Kagan and his bride the giant War-Sow et al lined up behind Kali the Kumswallow-walla because Orange Man bad. War-Sow is so massive she could feed a nice Chinese family for a month.
Trump signed the Cesar Sanctions into law, leading directly to the eventual fall of the Assad regime.
Is Trump the lesser evil? Yes. The same could be said about George W. Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley.