Donald Trump Imposes 25% Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum

This is a great example of where we are at now under Trump 2.0.


“President Donald Trump on Monday imposed a 25% tariff on all steel and aluminum imports into the United States with no exceptions or exemptions.

Although the United States gets most of its steel from Canada, Brazil and Mexico, the tariffs are largely — albeit indirectly — aimed at China.

“This is a big deal — making America rich again,” Trump said in announcing the tariffs, according to a pool report.

America imports very little steel directly from China, by far the world’s largest producer of steel. Steel tariffs of 25% launched in Trump’s first administration and continued by former President Joe Biden resulted in American importers shifting to other sources. …”

When I got started and was developing my political views in the early 2000s, supporting tariffs and industrial policy was paleocon blasphemy and heresy on the Right. The same was true about taking various positions on a number of controversial subjects like race and immigration.

In those days, the “Dissident Right” space was much larger. If you uttered even the mildest defense of White people, you were cast out of respectable conservatism as a “racist.” The SPLC and ADL were still considered respected “watchdog organizations.” “Journalists” were not dismissed as the Enemy of the People. The mainstream Right was generally pro-war, pro-immigration and pro-free trade and was criticized from the fringes by people like Sam Francis, Pat Buchanan and Lou Dobbs.

Today, the positions that Pat Buchanan and Lou Dobbs took on trade and immigration are the mainstream of the Republican Party and are being implemented as policy. We’re getting very close to the point where you can be explicitly pro-White and fully mainstream. It was edgy just four years ago to use loaded terms like “anti-White” but that is now commonplace. The Great Replacement broke into the mainstream when Biden was president. It is now mainstream to use terms like White genocide.

Note: The latest news is that Elon Musk is floating the idea of Ron Paul as Fed chairman. Try explaining any of this to anyone in the movement around 15 years ago.


  1. These tariffs will result in higher prices for steel and aluminum which will equate to increased building costs of mobile homes that will then put them out of reach for many of Trump’s supporters.

  2. “The SPLC and ADL were still considered watchdog organizations.”

    The ADL got the US government to ban Tik Tok, forced Elon Musk to go to Auschwitz to repent to his jewish masters, has absolute censorship control over all US discourse. They have near totalitarian control, and you are implying that they lost power somehow?!? You are simply retarded.

  3. So we are back to admiring Elon Musk?

    Musk is worthless scum and fundamentally no different from that slimeball Vivek. Musk is a manchild who never worked a day in his life and hypocritically got rich off the biggest government welfare in history, specifically the Federal Reserve’s doomed COVID stimulus, all of which flowed into assets. That makes up at least half of Musk’s 400 billion. Why would the reserve-socialists want to end their own little ponzi-scheme? Musk is a grifting moron.

    Ron Paul is a dinosaur of the Paleocon era where racists and white supremacists were too scared to come out and say it, so they endlessly talked about markets and small government. Paul is like the living embodiment of what Pierce talked about regarding the middle class white lawyers, doctors, and accountants who just wanted to keep on running. None of these people were ever serious. Let’s elect the 90 year old “libertarian” to run my money printer. Musk, I mean “Kekius Maximus” is a clownish manchild.

    All this muh tariff claptrap is going to do is increase prices and accelerate dedollarization just like with the Russia sanctions. There is no plan. It is the Orange Zion King shooting from his obese hip. He is going to freeze the global economy with tariffs but then open the legal immigration floodgates for third world labor? Is this reinterpretation of Invade The World, Invite The World?

  4. Ah the early 2000’s, halcyon days. We were assured that history had ended and Neo-liberalist trade policies were as good as a laws of nature. Ayn Rand’s acolyte ran the Fed and the flaw he was to discover was still in the future.

    I’m really pleased Trump has done this and I can’t wait to see what the Canucks do in retaliation (Canadian Aluminum dwarfs imports from all other sources). He’s really tearing up the Neo-liberal bible with this one and if he pulls it off one of the key pillars holding up globalism might just come crashing down. It makes me wonder what other sacred cows Trump is prepared to tackle.

    Ron Paul as interim Fed chairman, sure. Then kill it. If Trump manages to do that he’ll out do the great Andrew Jackson himself and they really will need to find some new real estate on Mt Rushmore.

  5. If Elon Musk is going to use Ron Paul, I think he should first put him in charge of the IRS long enough for him to shutter the doors of the agency once and for all and then let him do the same to the Federal Reserve.

    Former Rep. Ron Paul of Texas called the recent IRS fiasco troubling — but writes that the only way Congress can protect the freedoms of Americans from a long pattern of suspected IRS abuse is to “shutter the doors” of the agency “once and for all.”


    Paul argues that “in the post-meltdown world, it is irresponsible, ineffective, and ultimately useless to have a serious economic debate without considering and challenging the role of the Federal Reserve.”

    In End the Fed, Paul argues that the Federal Reserve was created to bail out banks when they got into trouble. He says that this is bad for competition in banking, as it strengthens the big banks.

    Paul argues that the Fed is both corrupt and unconstitutional. He states that the Federal Reserve System is inflating currency today at nearly a Weimar or Zimbabwe level, which Paul asserts is a practice that threatens to put the United States into an inflationary depression where the US dollar, which is the reserve currency of the world, would suffer severe devaluation…
    — Wikipedia: End the Fed .

  6. It’s long past overdue that the US has a balanced tariff doctrine . Too many countries impose heavy tariffs on American exports while the US has nearly zero on theirs.
    The US needs to address the clandestine subsidies that other countries give their exporters in order to reduce their domestic unemployment. China and Japan have both used government programs to boost their industries in order to stifle political unrest in their populations, especially China.

  7. Either we have a steel and aluminum industry, or we don’t have a steel and aluminum industry. Trump did the necessary and practical thing with the modest 25% tarriffs on steel and aluminum imports.

    Hopefully, Trump will not knuckle under to the “globohomo cabal” in the Republican Party, and do whaatever it takes to create a strong metals industry once again in the US.

    I’m sure that Philip Murray, and David J. MacDonald are 100% behind President Trump! Let’s remember that Murray and MacDonald kicked the “communist-socialists” and the “globohomos” of their day out of the AFL-CIO and the Steelworkers.

  8. Yes it’s fine to say White now that Trump has the biggest cast of drunks, grifters, dog killers and RFK running his administration.

    They want everyone to remember they’re White. In fact, they won’t let us forget it.

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