Tulsi Gabbard Confirmed As Director of National Intelligence

RIP GOP establishment.

NBC News:

“The Senate voted to confirm Tulsi Gabbard as director of national intelligence on Wednesday, elevating a former lawmaker with controversial foreign policy views to the head of the country’s spy agencies.

Gabbard was confirmed on a 52-48 vote. Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., was the only Republican to oppose Gabbard’s confirmation. …”

Mitch McConnell should hang it up and go ahead and retire. It is over.

Note: My second prediction from 2024 and third from 2025 are coming true.


  1. Take note: Bernie Sanders voted to confirm Marco Rubio as Secretary of State, but he voted against Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence.

    So much for the myth of “antiwar” Senator Bernie Sanders.

  2. Mitch is as glitchy now as a 1981 IBM PC with the old 5 1/4 inch disk drives back in the day but not as smart, useful or honest.

    • Just had to remark, your comment gave me a genuine smile. That’s quite a brilliant little quip! A vivid image, too, for those few among us who are old enough to remember that relic of computing.

  3. “Mitch McConnell should hang it up and go ahead and retire. It is over.”

    Nah. The better coup de grace would see him trip, fall, and die right there on the Senate Floor after he was booed. Literally, the most cancerous politician in the GOP, and probably the epicenter of every betrayal we have suffered in Congress. Disgusting Mitch McConnel, CPUSA Agent Code Name: China Doll.

    • What do you have against turtles? It would be somewhat difficult to find many members of the animal kingdom disgusting enough to compare with that creature. Perhaps a maggot.

  4. The Coco Chow quip has not been forgotten. You forget your own name, but somethings you just never forget.

  5. My favorite member of Democrat Socialists for America along with AOC!
    Plane crashes and derailments? Oh my.

  6. Set everything else aside regarding Tulsi. That Trump was able to get her in as DNI is a huge indicator of his current power level.

    RFK Jr. Should be up today. Lets see how it goes.

  7. I started noticing Senile Induced Libtardism with Barry Goldwater. This disability reared it’s ugly head with John McCain, GHW Bush at the end of their lives. McConnell has a very bad case of it. When they get too old to think clearly they lurch to the left. Someone should study the phenomenon.

  8. Tulsi Gabbard is not pro-White, as the term is normally used in movement circles. But she also is not anti-White, which is more or less a “w” for us these days.

  9. It’s obscene, all these senile creeps in the senate, Supreme Court has also had that problem in the past. Lifetime appointed should be abolished, have some cutoff.

    Polit Bureau of the Supreme Soviet , USSR, had more turnover than the US Senate, disgraceful!

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