He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 15, 2025
Honey get in here, Donald Trump is quoting Napoleon on the timeline
Note: He actually was thinking about Napoleon while in exile at Mar-a-Lago.

F’ Around Find Out.
Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice ! ….. Guess who ?
Barry Jewwater
Yes sir Charles, you win a cookie, oatmeal of course, if it’s good for a horse, it’s good for a man …….
Yes, Trump’s exile at Mar a Lago reminded me of Napoleon’s exile on the island of Elba. It appears he put that time to good use.
It was only a matter of time before the eternal boomer gave way to the imperatives of righteous retribution.
If somebody doesn’t stand up and say “no” to this corrupted judicial and opposition party, at all costs, we will just end up back here in a generation.
Trump is the one who can do this. I’ll support him to the hilt and to whatever end. He is all in on this gambit to drain the swamp. They will kill him and his family like Czar Nicholas if he doesn’t stay the course. He no longer has a choice.
Let the dice be cast, and we’ll see who providence smiles on.
Men bear the burden of taking risk onto themselves for solving problems that have no ideal solution. If that burden is blood or scorn, its still our burden, and it must be so or the burden falls to our children. Its why we exist. It is our imperative, biologically and spiritually to fight without knowing the outcome.
Great men bear the burden of leadership. It is likewise their imperative. Strong leaders are rare. Rarely do their actions end up exactly how they’d hoped, but such is our plight, mortal and flawed as we are. There is no shame in aspiring to liberty, only in fearing to fight for it when the darts fly.
The core of this struggle is liberty. Liberty to speak our minds, to defend our families and have safety and security for them in generations to come. This is the heart of the 14 words.
We must (imperative) secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.
If we fail, all may well be lost. Now is the time decide. This is the critical time, when everything is in flux and power over the state is uncertain. Civil war will be soon, or not at all. They are running out of time to strike back.
Its a fact that Trump and his people around him regularly are informed thru people like us at this site and others, especially thru Twitter and most especially thru other means.
That is why they tried to shut us down in Twitter. That is why we recruited Elon to buy Twitter and liberate us. Note, my handle was shut down for promoting this Napoleon piece following the Stolen Election. My reach was small except to all the right people. #Ghost
Hail, King of the Jews!
Trump does not know how it ended for Napoleon.
I don’t think he plans to invade Russia, Egypt or Spain.
It’s not really a very good comparison. Napoleon was an actual military savant unafraid to face enemy fire. He was not so great as an emperor, though the French love him to this day. His reign ended in defeat, thanks in great part to Wellington, a superb general who was more methodical – and to the British navy, who caused no end of trouble.
Wellington still would have lost if not for the Prussians.
Shitlibs in the know should troll him back, and say that Napoleon was not a draft dodger, as fake tough guy Trump with five draft deferments during the Vietnam War.
“Trump with five draft deferments during the Vietnam War.”
Like 98% of all rich kids ?
A lot of those rich kids got cozy postings in their state national guard to avoid seeing combat in Vietnam.
Of course, that wasn’t the case for the weekend warriors during the Iraq II and Afghanistan fiascos. National Guardsmen were deployed overseas, as we saw with the Tennessee National Guard being deployed to Kuwait when they were needed in Eastern Tennessee because of Hurricane Florence’s destruction.
Since there isn’t conscription, everyone who joins a ZOG federal or state armed force is a pawn on the jewSA chessboard.
It’s shocking to Libtards and even Normies to see a White man who doesnt hate himself for being White.