.@TuckerCarlson reflects on Trump's transformation after being shot:
— Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) July 19, 2024
“This was no longer a man… this was the leader of a nation.” pic.twitter.com/zbJfgiai5Z
Make America Great Again. pic.twitter.com/ZKsp3UHYQg
— MAZE (@mazemoore) July 14, 2024
In the 2020 election, I was extremely blackpilled and exhausted after four years of the Trump presidency. I didn’t vote in the federal election. I was eager to move on to better things.
Unfortunately, I quickly realized that the Trump era was far from over. Trump denied that he had lost the election. He insisted it was stolen from him. Losing the 2020 election and the inauguration of Joe Biden did nothing to 1.) weaken the Trump personality cult and its grip over the American Right or 2.) loosen the political grip of MAGA which remained in control of the GOP. Trump was sent into exile to Mar-a-Lago where he brooded over his grievances and plotted his return like Napoleon at Elba.
Some people are still suffering from the delusion that Trump losing the 2024 election will be sufficient to move on from the Trump era. After the assassination attempt, the Trump personality cult is stronger than ever. MAGA also has a stronger grip over the Republican base than in 2020 as “True Conservatives” have continued to leave the party and migrate over to the Democrats. If Trump loses again and Kamala Harris becomes president, then Trump will surely run again and win the nomination in 2028.
Why does Donald Trump have such a strong cult following?
The answer was on display at the First 2024 Republican Presidential Debate. The truth is that ordinary White people look at the Republican Party and they do not see anyone else who comes close to Trump’s strength and charisma. They are correct in their low estimate of the alternatives.
I’ve yet to meet anyone in our circles who is extremely upset that Trump was not defeated by Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Doug Burgum, Asa Hutchinson, Chris Christie or Vivek. Literally no one is bitter and holding out in favor of Pence or Vivek. There is no else in the Republican Party who wasn’t on stage in Milwaukee that night who can hold a candle to Trump. The GOP is worse than Trump. The median Republican in Congress is House Speaker Mike Johnson aka Ned Flanders.
I didn’t bother to watch any of the 2024 Republican debates because I already knew that I would never vote for any of these people. It would have been a waste of my time. Virtually everyone who is blackpilled on Trump is comparing him to some fantasy figure in their own minds. They are not looking at the GOP as it exists in 2024 and concluding no wonder these people are voting for Trump.

I agree with this assessment.
I’ve looked at all the other cars on the lot.
I’m not at odds with normies on Trump in 2024. I agree with them on this.
Before Donald Trump, we saw countless Republican politicians crumble under the scrutiny of something as minor as a bad news cycle. This guy has survived bad press, two impeachments, defeat in a presidential election, censorship, 95 felony charges, lawfare that crippled his business and an assassination attempt. None of that which would have brought down a lesser man has stopped him. It was very revealing that he remained strong, defiant and in good spirits after getting shot in the face.
There is something inspiring about that. There is no doubt that Trump is a strong leader. I also couldn’t resist comparing Trump and how he has handled adversity, which is strongly to his credit, to some of the Alt-Right influencers who I used to know and their endless effeminate whining and tiresome ex-girlfriend energy. Trump took a bullet like Teddy Roosevelt. The Right is desperate for masculine leadership. He provided it in that moment and will ride it through to the election. I think we would be wise to learn something from this because it has revealed something important about leadership.
Needless to say, it goes without saying that I have all sorts of policy differences with Donald Trump, but I know this. If you put the names of a thousand elected Republicans in a hat and pulled out a winner, every single one of them would be worse than Trump. He is the leader because he is the best of them.
As always, the point of this series is just to share my current thoughts. I want to go on the record and share my inner monologue about the Trump Question. I am not urging anyone to vote for Trump. I trust you to make your own decisions. It will be fun to revisit this series in four years.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
Note: Watch the clowns below and explain how they could have beaten Trump.
Trump is not going to live forever. Trump may not be alive this time in 2025. He may say or do something stupid to lose this year.
I will vote for Trump as I did the previous two elections. Vance was a good choice, upsetting all the right people.
Trumps loves the poorly educated ang Hispanics.
An ex-lifelong pepsi who loved the clintons and Jeffrey Epstein is the best of the cok….er Republicans. Thats says something. Another vote along the lesser of 2 evils line eh. Dump said the election was stolen from him? Then why didn’t that pussy contest it like he had right to? Oh right because he was easily intimidated. Why won’t dump come out and say, “hey look my opponents are trying to kill me, we need a thorough investigation”, instead we’re getting the usual cover up and dumps dutifully going along. This all ******* stinks and you all know it.
Trump threw his own base under the Church of Woke bus on Jan. 6, 2021, then flew off to Mar-a-Lago where Jared filled out pardons for a long list of negro felons and jew swindlers, which he dutifully signed. I didn’t vote for president in 2020 will never vote for him again under any circumstances. I will not cast a vote for president at all as the entire system is rotten beyond all hope of reform. It needs total destruction, as in burn it down better.
The clown-show of also-rans in the Repuke primary is merely additional proof that no meat-puppets are permitted to run unless they have the Kosher brand on their hides. Normies are literally retarded. The barn is burning and they’re too gaslighted, retarded, high or drunk to even notice – despite all sorts of folks warning them for a century running now.
Here’s what’s coming.
> Despite which A++ lister prevails, they have both committed to making all youth register for the draft and it is to stop kids from moving out of the country. Except for vacations, they want to make sure a work force is available in the US, so you will not be allowed to be gone for longer than six months until you reach an age that has yet to be determined.
> A++ lister refers to a US President or credible candidate. Clown World is fighting for its life, so don’t imagine that the US federal government won’t impose a military draft on both sexes. The one lesson the Clown Worlders have learned from their defeat in Ukraine is that they’re going to need more soldiers. A LOT more soldiers, given the way in which the US + EU population is significantly outnumbered by the Russian + Chinese + North Korea + Iran population and the kill/capture ratio tends to favor the latter.
> And since they know that there is absolutely no way a volunteer army will suffice to fight a global attrition war, a draft is inevitable unless Clown World gives up and surrenders. And there is no indication that they are anywhere close to doing that yet.
> Still any illusions about living in the “land of the free”?
The obvious retort to his question about harboring such illusions is that a herd of godless idiots will believe whatever bullshit is repeated long enough, irrespective of how patently ridiculous it is. So yes, well over 50% of the whites (the ones who are targeted) still believe the lies, despite the Mt. Everest-sized pile of evidence that they’re massive lies.
The mechanism to draft to tards is already in place. As soon as Satanyahoo and his bosses give the command, Trump or the Heels-Up Whore-US will issue the order. You going to get your offspring out of Clown-World? Being in Alabama will not exempt them from being drafted to go and fight for the banksteins.
I believe if dump goes against netandyahoo, the fix is in for camela. The pepsi strategy for camela is pure race baiting it seems, so I predict another race fiasco with more government sanctioned riots with pallets of bricks on the street corners in time for the election to obfuscate the vote count.
He doesn’t oppose Netanyahu’s policies, he just doesn’t like the fact that Netanyahu congratulated Biden when Biden won the election. To think Trump is at all sympathetic to the Palestinian cause is naive at best.
Yes, I’m well aware. I never ever said dump is in any way supporting or going to support palestinians. “Netanyahu congratulated Biden when Biden won the election”, this and his suppossed “not getting us into new wars” (even though murdering Soleimani should have have gotten us into a war), is what I’m thinking, let’s call it a wild card. Dump’s appears to be a spiteful SOB, we’ll see if his spitefulness outweighs his love for his terrorist warlord master, which I doubt.
Trump will build the Third Temple using US taxpayer money.
Why do you purposefully jump to such idiotic conclusions? The third temple will never be built, because Jesus Christ is the only temple. 2000 years of church history and the existence of the Catholic and Orthodox churches among the largest of the contiguous churches, and all the protestant Reformation era Creedal churches, attest to this fact!
Could we have a war over this? Most definitely, but Christ God will not let such an abomination be built. He has all power. He has all authority. Why we’re not seeing it ,is because His followers aren’t doing their jobs! So, if we started inaugurating heresy trials and burnings at the stake of stupid dispensational bastards for their blasphemy, we would see this idea crumple in a heartbeat. You have to have a moral order based on biblical law. You cannot have immorality or a morality in its place.
Hi, for one, and more than happy to see a little “collateral damage“ on the part of these sons of bitches who pretend to worship Jesus Christ, but serve Israel and the satanic Jews.
@Exalted Cyclops,
Yes, I can state en claire, a draft is being planned. Under Trump it will be limited in scope, and primarily focused on recalling to service only veterans. But, eventually, because we super-powered China, pissed off Russia, gave up on defeating the Jihadis, and let the country get swamped by immigrants and foreign influence, it is likely it will become a mandatory WWII style draft. We are trying to have it limited to militia oriented units that are unable to be deployed overseas but focused on defending Fortress America, with only volunteers for the fight overseas. But the fact is, WAR IS COMING.
Whether its Civil War, or Revolutionary oppression war, or Counter revolutionary insurgency, or Civil insurrection, or major overseas war, the fact remains War is coming. In fact, we are already in the beginnings of a WWIII. Despite Hunter’s sincerest hope of ignoring War and going fishing there are some 130 conflicts raging right now, with scores being large enough to count as regional conflicts and with dozens of those involving US allies or interests.
How this all plays out, the type of war, the size and scope of it, who whom, will all depend on who wins in 2024. So, unless you want to end up like a Soviet United States of America, being involved in wars of democracy across the globe, you better vote for the right guy. Regardless, because we gave up trying to stop things from getting worse, its already decided. Hunter and especially his kids will be drafted as well as anyone under the age of 65. Its now a matter of the how’s and what’s of it. You all had your chance. Now its been decided for you.
Russia has been fought to a standstill after only advancing 60 miles from the Russian border in 31 months and the slave colony known as China can’t even take an island a few hundred miles away from the mainland. Despite the fantasies of spergs everywhere WW3 ain’t happening and there won’t be a Civil War as long as the internet is working and the Walmarts are open.
And even if WW3 does breakout, the Walmarts will still be open, and Sportsball will still be on television. As Stalingrad raged in late 1942 – the most intense battle in the history of the world – Stan Musial led the St. Louis Cardinals to the World Series.
They want us to work and consume. And that’s a good thing.
Then close the Walmarts.
There have been no stories about the U.S. military missing its recruitment targets for several months now. This was a recuring story until recently, usually followed by an appeal to patriotism for young White guys to enlist. The manpower situation has only worsened lately but the Lügenpresse doesn’t want to report anything that contradicts their narrative that things are going great under Dementia Joe and therefore, Cackling Kamala should be elected Mr. President.
Stories about the war in Ukraine and Israel have been scarce lately too. The Ukraine War has been going against GloboHomo, it’s going to be settled on terms favorable to Russia and Our Greatest Ally is in a quagmire with its two front war, Gaza and Lebanon. If there is a major war in Lebanon, especially if Iran gets involved U.S. troops and aircraft will be in the thick of the fighting immediately showing up the parlous state of the U.S. military. There will be an immediate need for national mobilization, both military and industrial, for troops, weapons, ammo and supplies that cannot be produced quickly.
If the escalation of the war in the Near East happens soon this will present both candidates with the question of conscription in the middle of the presidential campaign. Both candidates support conscription but neither candidate wants to touch the issue with a ten foot pole. Events may force their hands anyway.
It would be interesting to see the reaction of both candidates’ supporters when their tin gods tell them the bad news: time for Government service, like it or not, come and get it. And BTW, the favored few i.e. The Usual Suspects, the well connected, those with “critical” jobs (whatever that is) are exempt from conscription; Vietnam draft all over again. Will White normies comply with conscription will be the big question.
Trump is only appealing if you haven’t figured out that he’s lying. Other Republicans are simply more honest about what they believe in.
I was on to the fact that Trump says one thing and does another as far back as 2016.
The nose seems focused on Iran. The largest country without a Rothschild bank. In Ukraine and the South China Sea there are negotiations and some agreements already in place.
Three times Obama ordered the military to attack Iran. Three times they refused. Two Generals in particular were heroes who said no.
Looks like they will try again. Iran has no friends, not Russia, not China, no one. The issue of course, is the Bank. Overthrow the mullahs and set up the Rothschild bank.
Putin surprised me when he backed down in Ukraine. He has been open about his desire to surrender most of his demands, so long as sanctions are lifted and the cases against him at the ICC are dropped.
This looks like a very long World War. I cannot see any positive role national Republicans can play in our future. Of course I vote locally and Statewide. Offices like Sheriff and Clerk of Court are important.
Seriously Hunter, once fooled shame on you. Twice fooled shame on me.
The whole Gaza shebang is an attempt to make a war on Iran. Whoever wins, the Blue Lodge or the Red shield, it is all the same. I will be pulling for Iran.
Trump/Vance “Israel First” is still better than Kamala Harris. At least the border and economy will get some attention. Harris would be a literal nightmare. She wants an assault weapons ban, federal ERPO laws, and expropriation of White wealth. Yeah, Trump is flaccid, but it’s still far better than the nightmare Harris would be.
Gotta give Satanyahoo points for letting a good one loose on the gathered whores of the Great Dismal Swamp. He stated that “Gays for Gaza” is like “Chickens for KFC”. That was almost worthy of Harlan Sanders.
BTW, Heels-Up didn’t show for Satanyahoo’s command performance before the assembled whores. That’s might be a public snub or maybe sheer stupidity. She might get replaced one way or another. Another thing to watch for is to see if the ‘Biden’ zombie actually resigns as president, making Heels-Up Murika’s first wymyn teleprompter-reader. That will give her a certain amount of incumbency advantage, especially with feminists and negroes. We can count on Zion-Don sucking up to both groups, especially the platinum-murikans like a typical member of the Gay Old Pedoburo. It will be interesting to see how hard he fellates the Schlomo-Schlong with Satanyahoo in town. Hyperventilation danger!
I have watched this for quite awhile, and I’ve yet to see the Republican Party ever do anything except cut taxes for rich people, and start wars for other people’s kids to get shot at in.
I would agree that Trump seems to have quite a bit of guts and backbone, either that or he’s just nuts.
He didn’t seem to be a very effective leader when he was there before, hiring too many Washington types like John Bolton.
Boomertard Trump himself avoided being sent to the Vietnam bankster war by having some quack write that his heel-spur would make it hard for him to march. Even then the military did precious little actual marching outside of basic-training. Bolton likewise stayed out, along with Trump’s good buddy (and fellow Epstein client) Bill ‘Beelzebubba’ Clinton, Lawd Hee-Haw of Arkansas. Feckin’ clownshow…
“The truth is that ordinary White people look at the Republican Party and they do not see anyone else who comes close to Trump’s strength and charisma. They are correct in their low estimate of the alternatives.”
Absolutely 100%. If you’ve been with Trump like myself since he first started, you’ve been working to get people involved in supporting him, especially in the GOP. There are now more of us than there are of the Truecons, GOPe, or Boomercons in the GOP.
The main problem is still the apparatchiks of the party. Without firm control of the County and GOP state machinery, those numbers can’t be put into action or in getting candidates to replace the losers.
So, as of now, everyone is hoping on Trump. Thats why they tried to kill him.
Worse, there are now plenty of grifters and opportunists who have been rebranding themselves to take advantage of the popular momentum in the GOP. Sadly, this could leave us in a situatuon like the French Revolution were insidious elements seized control of the Revolution and instituted The Terror. The same thing happened with the Russian Revolution, where a mass revolt of various parties was later sized by the Bolsheviks to institute the Red Terror.
So, if you just stay at home eating popcorn watching the fire works, or tune out and go fishing, you may wake up to find yourself at best, drafted into one of the competing factions in the coming Civil War. Take charge of your destiny, or fate will do it for you, even if you aren’t a Doctor.
Related to HW’s car accident.
Guy in AZ
“insurance went from $87 a month to $227 a month due to the accidents caused by illegals not knowing how to drive and all the stolen cars and break ins of our cars”
Again, why are no lawyers around to potentially make a huge sum of money suing the following enablers of all this:
1. NGOs who are taking tax dollars to facilitate and enable the invasion. This includes just about all churches (Catholic, Protestant and even Orthodox) plus numerous Jewish and secular ones.
2. Corporations (like the insurance entities scalping everyone) who donate to these Church of Woke NGOs.
3. Major fat-cat assholes who donate to the NGOs. Soros, Gates, Buffet, Bezos, et al – lots of very deep pockets there.
This could be a massive class-action suit against the lot of the treasonous scum listed above (and so many others it would fill volumes). Why isn’t this happening?
Actual experts have often gamed what would happen if the grid goes down. In 2 days race riots. In 3 to 5 days most cities will begin to experience food shortages.
Zog will be telling everyone to boil the water but most won’t. Drinking dirty water will make half of the people badly ill within ten days.
Without their drugs, addicts will go bat shit crazy. Millions of them. Tobacco addicts will be insane as well. Diabetics on insulin will just die. Hospitals will be overwhelmed and most of the employees, under constant attack from unhinged diversity will just quit.
With the banks down, the stores closed, very limited food, the cities will be a complete war zone. The white cops will just walk away. Gangs of color will rule.
Whites folks might hold the outer suburbs for awhile. But most suburban houses are framed in wood and sheathed in plastic. They will burn. A lot of them will burn.
6,000 years mankind has lived on this earth, and never once has there been anything remotely like what we have built in the last 100 years. I mean this grid. The electric is the base, but the water depends on the electric as well. Without the electric, no phones, no gasoline, no trucks bringing all the necessities into the sprawl. It all shuts down Without “the grid” for 3 months, most people will just die.
The survivors will be in one of two places. The first place is underground. Underneath the surface exists a vast parallel society, built by Zog over the past 80 years, and it can support many millions of people. But that won’t be you and me.
The second place is in the rural areas, where people can survive without the grid, for however long. There will be Hispanic diversity out there, and you can count on it, they will come to steal everything you have and to kill you and your family. They will. Be prepared, physically and mentally. I know we all love Mexicans and all that, but get it through your thick white heads, that love is not returned, not for a minute. They hate you.
It is still possible to buy bulk food enough for 2 years, good water filtration units, heritage seeds to cultivate a garden, and even self defense items. Ammo will be a form of currency. It could make you money, a lot of it, when it runs short. Of course it could also get you killed.
The world is not at all like you were taught in school. In the real world the money for NAZI movements comes from Jews, businessmen support communism and masonic satanism, and the most powerful nation in the world ran for four years with a dead man as President, his person played by actors in high tech CIA masks. But it mattered not at all.
Putin was being honest when he told Tucker that it matters not at all who is President in America. These people do not run the country. As he clearly stated, America is being run by other people.
For example the name Christopher Cavoli probably means nothing to anyone on this site. But he is one of the rulers. He is in command of the entire NATO war machine, which now includes de facto Japan, Australia, and South Korea. He has also been in direct operational control of all Ukraine forces for the past 9 months. And still is. Cavoli commands the Ukrainian forces, not Syrski. How else could Ukraine have kept control of 85% of Ukrainian land area over the past year? Didn’t Congress cut off the money? Yes they did, but Congress doesn’t run anything, and Zog kept the Ukrainian war machine intact
Now Cavoli is out giving speeches, saying after the war is over, “we” will still have a big problem with Russia. Cavoli is a brilliant General, and more powerful than any POTUS, but no one has even heard of him. Underneath his cool demeanor he is a complete genocidal maniac. He is totally down with every aspect of WW 3. He intends to run it, and he probably will for the next few years.
Looking back at the virulently anti-Christian and anti- white Republican Convention just ended, there can be no doubt but that in God’s eyes the whole thing is Ichabod.
Stay strong in the faith, separate yourselves from this evil. Our salvation will come from elsewhere.
We’ve been hearing the same “The End Is Nigh” stuff since Obama was elected. Americans may bitch ceaselessly but at the end of the day the vast majority are quite content with their lives. ZOG will keep them all distracted with mindless nonsense like Presidential elections and trannies shilling for shitty beer but the White tax donkeys will shuffle off to work tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that.
That’s all true enough – until the black swan appears and it all dries up rapidly. Rangewolf is not an idiot. His post jives with much hard info that’s out there to anyone willing to do the research. We are not party to the day or the hour of the black swan. Only time will tell.
” . . . With the banks down, the stores closed, very limited food, the cities will be a complete war zone. The white cops will just walk away. Gangs of color will rule.
Whites folks might hold the outer suburbs for awhile. But most suburban houses are framed in wood and sheathed in plastic. They will burn. . . . There will be Hispanic diversity out there . . . they will come to steal everything you have and to kill you and your family. They will. Be prepared, physically and mentally. I know we all love Mexicans and all that, but get it through your thick white heads, that love is not returned, not for a minute. They hate you.”
Truer words were never spoken, especially about the diversity and their intense hatred for White people. Nevertheless, the last words spoken by most Whites as the diversity sticks the knife in will be: “At least I’m not a racist”. The programming is so deep, so thorough, multi-generational now that Truth has no purchase with most Whites. They have chosen lies to live by, and they will die by lies too.
I have tried gently, carefully, a little bit at a time, to tell White people to prepare, have extra food, some cash in small bills, a few gallons of clean water stored, some flashlights with extra batteries, extra meds if needed, nothing extreme here. People look at me like I have two heads. With stupidity even the gods contend in vain.
Musk told commentator Jordan Peterson during an interview on X on Monday evening that “What’s been reported in the media is simply not true. I am not donating $45 million a month to Trump.”
Saw that
Musk was up at the Capitol for Bibi’s speech today to show his support so that the jews won’t shut off the money spigot that enables the EV scam.
I think with Trump, musk can kiss his subsidies goodbye.
Tesla go kaput.
Musk was the personal guest of Satanyahu, and seated next to fellow philosemite Douglas Murray.
Here is a link to a photo of young Elon with Ghiseleine Maxwell (Epstein’s XO).
Does anyone truly believe Elon’s claim of being “photobombed?”
Kahanists For Trump?: Israeli Far-Right National Security Minister Ben-Gvir Endorses Donald Trump, quotes the American Candidate’s Hardline stance on Iran as the best for Israel
?? Israeli far-right cabinet member Itamar Ben Gvir took the unusual step of endorsing Donald Trump as the next US president, saying a return of the ex-leader would bolster the chances of victory against Iran’s allied militant groups and the Islamic Republic itself.
? “I believe that with Trump, Israel will receive the backing to act against Iran,” the minister for national security told Bloomberg in an interview. “With Trump it will be clearer that enemies must be defeated.”
? “A cabinet minister is supposed to maintain neutrality,” the 48-year-old minister conceded, “but that’s impossible to do after [U.S. President Joe] Biden.”
? “The U.S. has always stood behind Israel in terms of armaments and weapons, yet this time the sense was that we were being reckoned with—that we were trying to be prevented from winning. That happened on Biden’s watch and fed Hamas with lots of energy,” added Ben-Gvir, who was convicted by an Israeli court in 2007 of incitement to racism after he advocated for a total ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
?? The head of Jewish Power — a nationalist party that’s key to the survival of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition — Ben Gvir has been an outspoken critic of cease-fire talks that could stop the fighting in Gaza, at least temporarily, and see some of the Israeli hostages taken by Hamas freed in return for the release of Palestinian prisoners.
?? On the advice of Iran hawks in his administration including then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Trump also ordered the January 2020 assassination of Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Gen. Qasem Soleimani in Iraq.
?? Netanyahu himself has remained neutral and said it’s essential for Israel to work with whatever government runs its most important ally.
The head of Jewish Power — a nationalist party that’s key to the survival of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition — Ben Gvir has been an outspoken critic of cease-fire talks that could stop the fighting in Gaza, at least temporarily, and see some of the Israeli hostages taken by Hamas freed in return for the release of Palestinian prisoners.
?? On the advice of Iran hawks in his administration including then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Trump also ordered the January 2020 assassination of Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Gen. Qasem Soleimani in Iraq.
?? Netanyahu himself has remained neutral and said it’s essential for Israel to work with whatever government runs its most important ally.
The head of Jewish Power — a nationalist party that’s key to the survival of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition — Ben Gvir has been an outspoken critic of cease-fire talks that could stop the fighting in Gaza, at least temporarily, and see some of the Israeli hostages taken by Hamas freed in return for the release of Palestinian prisoners.
?? On the advice of Iran hawks in his administration including then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Trump also ordered the January 2020 assassination of Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Gen. Qasem Soleimani in Iraq.
?? Netanyahu himself has remained neutral and said it’s essential for Israel to work with whatever government runs its most important ally.