My friends in DC are catatonic. They can't believe what is happening to them. This is nothing like 2017, they are acting like this is the apocalypse, because for them, it is.
— expatanon (@expatanon) February 14, 2025
This is absolutely insane:
— The Kobeissi Letter (@KobeissiLetter) February 15, 2025
Since DOGE began discussing mass layoffs, the median home price in Washington DC has FALLEN by -$139,000.
In 30 days, nearly 4,000 homes have been listed for sale in and around Washington DC.
What is happening? Let us explain.
(a thread) pic.twitter.com/rPyp4fFvzN
Year-over-year, home listings in the Washington DC metro area are up ~23%.
— The Kobeissi Letter (@KobeissiLetter) February 15, 2025
Parts of Virginia are seeing 60%-70%+ jumps in year-over-year listings.
Keep in mind, this is during the winter months in a housing market that has been historically LOW on supply.
Truly insane. pic.twitter.com/mgbeUCeCLG
The wildest shit is happening near Washington DC, here is Arlington VA
— Darth Powell (@VladTheInflator) February 14, 2025
Everything is being put on the market pic.twitter.com/jkPYbkdCuv
Travis LeBlanc has a timely article at Counter-Currents about aging gracefully as an oldhead.
“But to the oldhead, the victory is bittersweet. “The movement” will never again be what it once was, which was a ragtag band of bohemian eccentrics, autistic political theory nerds, and rebels with more than few sociopaths sprinkled in for seasoning. It will gradually professionalize and in the process may be less fun. What was once punk rock become mainstream pop. As the Overton Window shifts, the danger declines and if we are being honest, the danger was always kind of part of the thrill. White nationalism was riding the tiger: you either ride white nationalism to victory or the tiger eats you. But at last, Elon Musk has put the tiger to rest. I think DOGE employee Marko Elez getting rehired after it was discovered he made racist statements is a historical event of Rosa Parks magnitude. The last of Con Inc’s gatekeeping machinery has broken down.
There is also some bittersweetness in passing the baton to the new generation of pro-whites. While it is good that they will never know the levels of persecution pro-whites experienced in the past, in some ways they will be worse off for it. When white nationalists were on YouTube, they had to learn to make their arguments as politely as possible and there was a lot of value in learning to do that. The new generation will never know what it is like to be one word away from losing your channel. Back in the day, people had to use all sorts of codes like “you know who’s” instead of Jews and whatnot. …”
My generation was driven underground.
We spent decades in the trenches under anonymous accounts on the internet making sacrifices to mould public opinion on the Right for a rising generation of Zoomers with broccoli haircuts like the DOGE staffers could walk into the federal government and start firing every single diversity bureaucrat.
“A team of workers from the U.S. DOGE Service developed step-by-step plans for carrying out President Donald Trump’s order to purge diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives from the federal government — and over the next six months intends to expand that campaign dramatically, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post. DOGE aims to target staffers who are not in DEI roles and employees who work in offices established by law to ensure equal rights, internal DOGE documents show.
In the coming weeks, the documents show, DOGE has planned for the Trump administration to trim staff from dozens of offices across the executive branch, including those that protect employees’ civil rights and others that investigate complaints of employment discrimination in the federal workplace. Among the groups targeted are a Veterans Affairs office that works to ensure all veterans receive equal access to care and an office within Health and Human Services that provides information about the health of minority populations. …
In the first days of 2025, a subgroup of the DOGE team began sketching out how to implement a government-wide elimination of DEI employees and programs, internal DOGE documents show. …”
It is a beautiful sight to watch it come crashing down.
Note: Unfortunately, as Trav said, some people have become so antisemitic that they are unable to enjoy this. They have convinced themselves that the destruction of this evil is a Jewish plot.

“have convinced themselves that the destruction of this evil is a Jewish plot”
That is a common problem, once some people become jew-aware they go overboard and see jwz everywhere.
I was referring to a TRS show that I listened to a week or two ago in which Mike Enoch and Sven were defending DEI because of something about the Jews
The best part in Fight Club is when the corporate art gets vandalized!
There is A potential downside to this expulsion of illegals, the housing market.
Real estate prices and rentals have been driven to insane levels by population pressure of so many immigrants seeking housing. Remove the immigrants and prices may fall ,dramatically. Good for first time home buyers, but catastrophic for the economy, because so much money is tied up in high priced mortgages. Also, as people see their home equity evaporating they’ll cut their spending.
Law of unintended consequences!
Overpriced real estate has wrecked Japan’s economy.
Overpriced real estate is wrecking china’s economy.
Overpriced real estate will wreck America’s economy.
Taco says he’s going to leave Georgia and flee to Cali, likewise for many other states. This will create a flood of illegals into Cali, bringing crime , overcrowding and associated other social ills , making Cali even more miserable than it is now. I foresee a social crisis in all ‘sanctuary’ states.
If Trump wants to, he can stomp on newscum by cutting federal funding. He can reduce or close military bases. University of Cali receives 100s of millions in research grants from fed zog, which he can cut. Trump can put newscum in a real bind, if he chooses.
Why should a federal job be a lifetime sinecure ?
It’s easy for those in other parts of the country to forget that the swamp is a real place. If Donald Trump causes Virginia to politically rejoin the South, he’ll have been well worth my vote.
IDGAF that it’s not edgy anymore. I’m middle aged and I always wanted results. Fuck being cool. You can be the stuffiest dork in the world, but if you’re deporting beaners and firing the IRS – YOU ARE BASED. This was never a game for me. Sure memes are fun, but I actually want to secure the future of our children and that will likely entail all types of bureaucratic and lame stuff – SO BE IT.
We won boys.
It’s poetic af that it’s a broccoli-haired zoomer firing every liberal devil that tried to MURDER their generation. If only there were more appropriate consequences for what these liberals have done…
Yes Hunter. The old heads are owed everything. Sadly, our historical anonymity marks us invisible regarding claims to Rightthink and our past publicity if any, makes our right talks sound vanilla. But, this is the fate of our generation. It’s been this way for every analogous Gen X back to the first colonies.
We are Generation X (1965-85). We are the ones who voted for Trump in the most numbers. Our more celebrity and well placed counterparts who could finally come out of hiding are the ones leading these young chappies. In the end, even they will be remembered as a mere afterthought. This is the fate of every one of our analogous generations before us, going back to the first paleo-Gen X of the middle to late 17th century.
That PaleoGenX saved the Colonies from extinction. They overthrew the Andros Tyranny. The fought back the great wave of Indian invasions which killed almost a quarter or more of the colonies. In turn, they put into the grave the stupid liberalism of their parents and grandparents who wanted to make the Indians into good English men.
In their old age, PaleoGenX had little wealth. Most of their wealth had been mispent by their parents and grandparents, destroyed in the Colonial Indian wars, or used to rebuild and expand the colonies (watch what happens to Elon).
Much like them and their successors, those PaleoGenXers with their tall Puritan style hats, Elizabethen era sounding pirate dialectics and accents, and odd looking clothes, you and others of our surviving generation will be looked at strangely but reverential by our adult children and grandchildren. They will thank us for rescuing our future kin, like John Wayne was thanked for rescuing his kin from the savages in “The Searchers.” GenX is the savior/hero generation. But, its to the younger ones which will go the riches and even fame, to us, will go whisperered legends, half forgotten deeds, and great thanks, but little else as we walk out.
I only hope my 50 year old brother, an “Afghan war vet”, a white guy who voted for Trump and just got hired on by the Post Office doesn’t get fired too just to prove they “aren’t racist” he said the place is full of “sistahs” and surprisingly dot heads everywhere??? The post office??? But I can see them canning him come need be if they get the choice.
Surprisingly….or not too surprisingly considering I should be in the know. At work among the “brothers” the guy who is most “white” in lifestyle, who lectures the other brothers on “responsibility” and considers himself to be the Black Anthony Bourdain is the one most consumed by Trump Derangement Syndrome. The dumber “brothers” despite not likeing his policies think he’s a cool, macho dude. This middle class brother of course is totally under the control of his black wife, the other brothers even make fun of him for it along with a white, hippie punk who claims he’s the most “whipped” dude he’s ever met. Not surprisingly a huge amount of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is female based…especially black women who know he’s not stupid enough to fall for their scam of perpetual enforcement. This weakling brother harps on with the “trans” party line he gets from his wife that even the other brothers laugh at. He was arguing with me last week that queers were at a higher risk of Aids…the old black guys were completely with me with the argument, they grew up with the newcasts of those 30 something, emaciated white guys with mustache’s sitting in hospital beds covered in purple spots on the nightly news every single night in 1985 but he insisted it was merely an accident that people consider gays particularly susceptible to aids??? Really? As if Harry Highschool in Smallville Kansas is coming down with it from Sally the Homecoming Queen? Or is it coming from the Blue Oyster Bar in NYC from the Police Academy Movies?
Now that the left has tripped it’s time to put the bayonet in their backs and twist it. A very large KEY to their power is the unicrat city vote. Jefferson warned us about this.
Thomas Jefferson: ‘When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.’
Jefferson, “Our government is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit, by consolidation first, and then corruption…. The engine of consolidation will be the federal judiciary; the two other branches the corrupting and corrupted instruments.”
Jefferson,”The great object of my fear is the federal judiciary. That body, like gravity, ever acting with noiseless foot and unalarming advance, gaining ground step by step and holding what it gains, is engulfing insidiously the [state] governments into the jaws of that [federal government] which feeds them.”
The big whoping key, the lever, is when the left got the Judiciary to rule that “regional based” Senates were illegal in the State Senates and that all Senate elections in the State Senates should be based on equal population. Now how it’s illegal in the States but the Federal government’s Senate is regional and not illegal, they didn’t say. It’s obvious that the States intended for their Senators to be “regional based” Senators in the State Senates, if not, then why have a separate Senate at all? Just have a population based House.
This can be changed. Overruled with only a majority vote in the Federal Senate and House.
People who say the Constitution doesn’t fit the times and is an out molded document are buffoons and imbeciles. The founders knew exactly what they were doing. Make the government work for the vast amount of middle class, what Pounelle called the middling class, that are the ones that make the country keep operating. Property owners, the ones who pay taxes, that sort. The rest only care about the gimmes and will rot the whole country to get it.
I covered what can be done in the most absurd anal ridiculous detail in this link and the ones referenced in the link. We could take the whole country back and destroy the opposition in a few years time if we could get real legislators that were through and through populist. We don;t need a civil war or to march about on the streets. We need only do that which worked far better before.
Yes, BUT ….
But before we all declare victory and then roll over and go back to sleep, we have to address the issues our children will face. They are still going to be a racial minority – hopefully, a large one – in a sea of Non-Whites. It could be worse, like the ultimate Rhodesia-South African nightmare of majority Black. Any Whites still living in Flint, Detroit, Baltimore, etc. can tell you what that’s like.
The biggest amount of intermarriage has been between Whites and Mestizos with both men and women equally crossing racial lines, so the largest group are going to be the Castizos. Unfortunately, I am notice a LOT more Black and White mixing. This time White men with Black women.
The last, most troubling challenge, IMNSHO, is the number of dot Indians who are not only taking over hotels and convenience stores, but high office. We still have to hold the Trump Administration’s feet to the fire about those H1-B visas. We have too many STEM majors with massive college loans to pay that are consigned to being baristas at places like Starbucks.
For any Pro-White activists out there, the job is not done until we address The White Man’s Kryptonite – Cheaper Non-White Labor. That the White Taxpayer is expected to subsidize because the cheaper workers don’t get rebates on their rent or other living expenses in this country. You know damned well they are gaming the sytem and getting SNAP benefits, etc.
We can’t grow the number of White people unless we provide them with all the right variables for Affordable Family Formation. That includes making the money for young men to buy a home and support a family with a homemaker and more than one or two children.