Vox: Why Trump’s Second Term Agenda Is So Wildly Different From His First

The vast majority of activists didn’t survive this transition.


“All this and more from Trump’s first four weeks back in office show that his new administration is profoundly influenced by what might be called the online right: perpetually plugged-in posters who’ve become united by their desire to combat and defeat “woke” progressives.

Complaints about the liberal leanings of various institutions — the media, nonprofits, the civil service, academia — are nothing new for Republicans, or for Trump.

But the new Trump administration — and, specifically, very online officials like Vice President JD VanceStephen Miller, and Musk — isn’t just complaining. Officials are now trying to use the tools of government against these institutions, in hopes of taking progressives’ power away and establishing cultural dominance for conservatives. …

So while Trump’s first administration was heavily influenced by traditional Republican figures, his second one is far more influenced by a burgeoning new establishment — a very online one. …

The online right’s roots go back years, to Gamergate and the alt-right, though in the 2010s such subcultures were viewed as somewhat disreputable even by Republicans. Few prominent figures openly associated themselves with them, and Trump relied on traditional Republicans for most of his appointees. …

Indeed, Vance is immersed enough in online right culture that knows full well that the young right’s online ranks are full of racist shitposters. But, in that culture, they are part of the team — valued allies in the struggle against this greater enemy, the media (which to them is of course part of the woke progressive deep state blob). …”

The 2010s are over.

The younger Right has been marinating in “racism” for a decade now.

No one is shouted down, condemned and ostracized as a “racist,” for example, for blaming the recent plane crashes on incompetent black people. Trump himself comes out and says things like that at press conferences. Racist cartoons mocking black people get over 100K likes on X.

The border between the mainstream Right and the Dissident Right, which was still intact at the time of the Groyper War in late 2019, dissolved under the Biden presidency. At this point in 2017, the Alt-Right was being denounced at CPAC. Today, the Vice President goes out of his way to publicly defend racist shitposters and attacks the German government for censorship and marginalizing AfD.


  1. Naw, the online right doesn’t have much to do with it, the online right follows conservative INC, in the main, not the other way around.
    The reason why con INC is turning against trans and DEI is, because it’s stupid, inefficient and bad for business.
    It’s about money and power, not what the online riff raff thinks, that’s a distant second insofar as it’s a consideration at all.

  2. It’s conservative think tanks funded by billionaires that largely shape the culture, including the online culture on the big conservative social media platforms, it all trickles down to the online riff raff who think they came up with it all.
    It’s just business, woke is bad for business and sooner or later enough business people would get sick of it and turn on it.

  3. Trump looks to be a good thing culturally. I like how he described the airtraffic control system.

  4. The reality is, you’re stuck with your nogs. They will never go anywhere. Rather than have them on the streets or in welfare ques, they need to be educated and given equality of opportunity, but not equality of outcome. Same with women. This will separate the imbeciles from those who deserve the responsibility.
    The smart, intelligent blacks should be utilised when they have the capability. It beats the alternatives; crime, unemployment, social decay.
    They can’t be removed, so should be put to good use.

    • @Goose
      “Rather than have them on the streets or in welfare ques, they need to be educated and given equality of opportunity, but not equality of outcome. Same with women. This will separate the imbeciles from those who deserve the responsibility.
      The smart, intelligent blacks should be utilised when they have the capability. It beats the alternatives; crime, unemployment, social decay.
      They can’t be removed, so should be put to good use.”

      Oh Goose, ur really a funny, funny guy !

      • @Charlie,
        I’ve toyed with the idea of being a stand up comedian, but I doubt my jokes are funny enough.
        Imagine the embarrassment of getting to the crux of the joke…….and NOBODY laughs!!

    • Perfect example of why ceaselessly repeating NTJ is both pointless and counterproductive. Their masks are falling off all over, revealing their true nature.

  5. Its a whole new world for Whitey. Casual racism is finally funny again. Feels like the 90s. Kinda. Music is worse tho.

  6. Why is his second term different?

    TRUMP is different. The DEEP STATE tried twice to kill and and many times to destroy him legally, trying to imprison him for life and to destroy him financially. I think he hates these people and it’s personl now for him in a it wasn’t before. he truly is a man on a mission. I think he does love this country.

    Clearly we must keep vigilant and keep him honest.

    I speak as a life long Republican voter and activist since 1964. TRUMP has done more than all the Republican Presidents of my life time during his first week. He had trampled over the mainstream meda and totally discredited them. The challenge now is to hold the house in 2026 and to try to clean up election fraud, which is still a factor.

  7. We don’t know who was flying the plane yet, however I heard the purported tower radio communications during the incident and right before the Delta flight landed a male voice came from the cockpit to the tower so it would seem at least one male pilot was in the cockpit. The radio is operated by pilot monitoring, who is watching all the instruments, not the one flying so that person was not at the controls, however unless my ears fooled me at least one man was in the cockpit. I saw an online comment purporting to be an anonymous Delta pilot saying scuttlebutt is that the pilot flying was a brand new first officer who had been grounded and sent back to the simulator for “landing difficulty” and just brought back with a training pilot in the other seat to guide them…but this still happened. A fox news pilot said the radar, if accuract showed a sink rate at 1100 fpm instead of 500fpm and their airspeed should have been higher for the windy conditions because if the winds suddenly abate you don’t have enough speed. Could have tried to flare and arrest the decent at the last minute and just not had enough airspeed?

    Trump needs to have a 7pm broadcast to explain why he is cutting the budget due to the gov’t being insolvent so we can actually have a functioning gov’t in the 2030’s and 40’s. Right now he is allowing the left to have the microphone and whine that all these little diversity commissars are unemployed. And just some unfortunate new hires. But when you’re broke you have to cancel that trip to Disneyland.

  8. Because the 2017-2024 era knocked the naivete out of him.

    Others have said this, so I’m just repeating. Maybe it was better in the long run that Trump “lost” in 2020. If he would have won, it would have endorsed the less than ideal political paradigm of the first term.

    Instead, we wound up getting a better version of Trump.

  9. where I disagree:
    -I don’t think racialism is going mainstream.
    -I don’t think younger conservatives are rehabilitating racialism.
    -I don’t think political power comes from mainstreaming. Powerful people successfully implement unpopular ideas all the time.
    -My views align with where you were in 2008 but not where you are now. Your approach now seems to be to ride a wave of mainstream opinion. I don’t think the wave you’re riding actually exists, but regardless, I don’t think that’s how power dynamics actually work.

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