Matt Walsh: America Is Not a Melting Pot

I’m old enough to remember a faction of the “movement” called identitarianism. At the time, the identitarians wanted to normalize White European identity. The race realists also wanted to break the taboo on candid discussions of racial differences.

Note: It turns out that many identitarians just wanted to talk about Jews and “NS” all the time.


  1. Dr. Ricardo Duchesne, who I have previously greatly respected for his historical opus “The Uniqueness of Western Civilization” appears to be angry that Matt Walsh has not joined the “NS fandom”:

    “Matt Walsh is the one caught up in a quandary he does not want to escape, arguing that America was “founded by Christians of Western European descent” and that Christianity and European racial ancestry constitute the foundational identity of America ——————— while unable to counter Sam Seder’s
    claim that America did become a melting pot of races.

    Either Walsh accepts the current American political reality, religious pluralism and multiracialism, or openly declares that he is a white nationalist who wishes to reverse the melting pot reality of immigration and return to the original America.”

    I wonder what the Dr., and others who loudly demand that political figures actually effecting real world change adopt their maximalist extremist positions hope to achieve? If Matt Walsh took the Doctors advice and declared himself a white nationalist and got himself removed from conservative political circles and his show canceled would that somehow be better than the work he is currently doing promoting 95% of white nationalist views to a massive audience? God forbid someone actually normalize the views of white nationalists without giving the self declared “leaders” of “the movement” some credit with a seig heil!

  2. Good for them.We need to always talk about the children of Hell,the Jews.They are behind all our ills.They love porn and feminism and mixing races.The Jews(I believe)invented Islam.They hate God and His children the White race.To talk about other issues by themselves does nothing to identify and correct the cause of all problems.But this will play out according to our Fathers will.I am on the side of God and Jesus and the only other side is the Devil and his children the Jews.

  3. I’m afraid that Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire and others at ( Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing) or formerly at the Daily Wire (Brett Cooper the fast talking, good looking young Conservative gal who did the “Comment Section” now a look a like is doing the Comment Section) – Matt Walsh, and the Daily Wire are the new “Rush Limbaugh” voices of the “Conservative” media.

    It’s heavily scripted, marketed to appeal to disenfranchised ha White Conservatives, traditional Christians. And it’s based in Nashville TN – once the home of Country Music as a cultural media rival to LA and New York City.

    Like Rush Limblob, the audience for Matt Walsh and the Daily Wire is ~ 85% ha White, Conservatives, “Christians” but the whole thing is run by Jews.

    Anybody see a problem with that?

    Anybody remember the Neo Con Jew takeover of National Review and pretty much all of Conservative Inc.

    Like Rush Limblob, the main Meme of Matt Walsh and the Daily Wire is:

    All the problems in the USA are the fault of those gosh darn Liberals, Leftists, Hollywood elites – Blacks and 3rd world migrant hordes are only bad because they’ve been misled by Liberals, feminists, LGBT, Hollywood, corrupt academia and sure Islamists can be bad as they are in GAZA and now Syria, but it’s all the fault of Liberals and weak Europeans like the French who never fight – “The French would be speaking German now if we hadn’t saved them”. Blah, blah blah. We know the script.

    Matt Walsh and the Daily Wire will never “Name the JQ” or do what Tucker Carlson did and shame the Neo Cons for the pointless, counter productive wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Serbia, now Russia, Ukraine.

    IMO it’s the same as Rush Limblob – entertainment, controlled opposition.

  4. It does seem like there’s been a certain bait and switch. Generations of anti-white policies in America pissed off a lot of white people and we wanted somebody to stand up for us. And then these groups popped up saying hey we’re pro-white, support us and we’ll defend you. But then after we supported them, they dropped all the pro-white stuff and demanded everyone become NS. Often declaring how much they hate any white person who won’t become NS, which means they hate the overwhelming majority of white people.

    It’s never explained why being opposed to anti-white discrimination or being pro-white necessarily entails becoming NS. Or why NS is the solution to the problems of white America. America was a great place for white people for hundreds of years before NS even existed, which would seem to prove that NS is not necessary for white people to flourish. It’s all very weird.

  5. Basically America has long been been a fusion of white Europeans and was stabilized as such, with the culture being one of individuality, with very light cultural pressures on the population to conform to any particular belief system. This atomized culture has basically been on autopilot with the populace allowed to go their own individual ways, however, this atomized, anonymous population has been severely exploited, especially post WWII, as jews and catholics, who were severely persecuted by the nazi’s, began a “never again” campaign to ensure no homogenized, nationalistic social system ever arose again to challenge their ancient power. That is what’s going on. So, over the past 100 years, both of these groups have have free reign to capture this system, and utterly destroy any sense of unity among the scattered whites, which is why we are now an atomized, indebted, and ruined people with third world latinos flooding across the border,and welfare used to bred millions of negros, all of which have been weaponized and now preparing for mop up operations of the whites. Jews do not want any culture, or population to be stabilized and will use any excuse to keep people the world over in a state of chaos. This is why you see stupid negros using the argument that whites stole this land from the indians and have no claims to America. Bottom line is jews will never allow ANY group to stabilize and will come up with endless reasons to justify their attacks on us. For them it’s biblical (which is why they invented that nonsense).

  6. “Note: It turns out that many identitarians just wanted to talk about Jews and “NS” all the time.”

    Keith Woods made the IMHO correct observation that for such types, the “NS” is a RELIGION, or like an esoteric underground sect like Manichaeism (they are indeed promoting a practically Manichean worldview, with the world under the control of omnipotent Jew-demons). Such individuals are “proselytising” for their sect, sort of like Fascist door-to-door Jehovah’s Witnesses (although with much worse manners).

    And acidly anti-social hostility towards Christianity often goes along with such esoteric Nutzi sectarian spirit – they often think, and even say out loud, that there is no hope for Western civilization as long it has any connection to Christianity (and this viewpoint largely explains their grim blackpilling – out of principle, they want to deny and belittle everything that Christian nationalism has accomplished, in the past as well as in the future). As Keith put it:

    “As for the “existential conception of life as struggle”, this is a metaphysical view that is inessential to the success of a nationalist movement, and in conflict with the many Christians who may otherwise support White racial survival. Of course, if you push National Socialists enough, you will often find this principle is what it’s really all about: their National Socialism typically serves as a kind of religion for them based on this principle of eternal struggle and Nordicist racial hierarchies, and they simply wish to proselytise their religion.”

  7. G.L. Rockwell, for example, clearly regarded Hitler with at least semi-religious veneration, as a “vessel of Holy Spirit”, to use Christian parlance, and he taught his followers to think likewise, as one can read here – direct comparison to Christ, and implying the notion of apostolic succession (with Rockwell in the role of St. Paul). This was more than just fanboy “LARPing”, this was outright idolatry:

  8. Cuomo is trying, but his brain has been rotted away. Tucker is super charged on nicotine pouches and running circles around him.

  9. Guys like Tucker and Matt Walsh are infinitely preferable to guys like Mike Enoch and Striker to represent an argument for why its ok to be white.

    For all the discussion about optics, and effectiveness, nobldy ever asked if it was a good idea to let some bitter little freak in a wheelchair represent your position publicly, or a guy whose claim to faim is that he abandoned his family because he got red pilled.

    For all the issues I have with the zionist leanings of the current iteration of this online right wing movement, given the vastly diminished power of zionism culture wide, I just don’t see it as an obstacle when guys like this can go onto what is still the most left censored platform (youtube) and say anything they want now about White interests and nobody can stop them.

    If you are pro White, and America first, there’s no way to arrive at uncritical support for Israel. Its an untenable position and it is being rapidly abandoned. Even by alot of Jews.

    The real question is what priority fills the vacuum left behind by the political power of that obviously dying Jewish power structure? If its nationalism, being run by White Christians, and a minority of American Jews, that is 1000% a better place to be in than we were even in 2016 where the first administration still had to pay lip service to DEI and the cultural hegemony of the leftist jewish power structure that disintegrated in the interim.

    Its not even a close comparison. Even if nothing else gets accomplished this has already been an unalloyed victory for Whitey.

    • I’m not so sure.

      What if the result of “redpilling the normies on the JQ” only produces an audience of paypigs who join fake “parties” and who send in superchats and donations to grifters whose job it is to “tell the truth” about the Jews without ever doing anything about the problem?

      Then those some grifters buy houses for themselves, shit on White people all day and tell their “redpilled” followers to go vote for liberals?

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