Kanye West spent millions on a strange Super Bowl ad for Yeezy, then wiped his website clean, leaving just one item for sale: a Swastika shirt. pic.twitter.com/IffWllLPjR
— Patriot Vibe (@CopActivity) February 10, 2025
Kanye trolls Jewish people wearing a swastika shirt in LA. This is how Black people feel when Jewish label owners push drill and gangsta music on our people. pic.twitter.com/m12Dlu8lRN
— Judah? (@BachirSoHumble) February 28, 2025
Nick Fuentes is fed up with all the cowards who keep whining that they don't like Hitler.
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) December 19, 2022
Fuentes: "Well, I do, and I'm tired of pretending I don't." pic.twitter.com/4YtlhUvxEB
Nick Fuentes in twitter spaces tonight:
— DS (@LakeDaniel11) December 8, 2022
-Hitler was “epic”
-“We also love Adolph Hitler okay?…Non negotiable and not just because we love the Hugo Boss uniforms. We really love him and we love all the Nazis too” pic.twitter.com/pNNBiOxdct
Fuentes is such an idiot he doesn't realize Harris is Hitler and there's no need to wait until 2028. Inheriting a doomed economy whose only recourse is to purpose production for war? To ultimately lose to Russia? Sound framiliar??? ? pic.twitter.com/Qo1wAARb5f
— Chris Morlock (@CDMorlock) October 15, 2024
In 2023, white nationalist Nick Fuentes said he could no longer support Kanye West because of his repeated blasphemy and sacrilege. But after West's latest declaration that he's a Nazi who loves Hitler, he has regained Fuentes' full support. https://t.co/U69cNWsOjI https://t.co/oxNqt9ZHIp pic.twitter.com/wwTjJAj9hC
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) February 7, 2025
Ye understands it better than all of these fake white nationalists@NickJFuentes pic.twitter.com/OhNyah1Q8x
— GoyaBeanGroyper (@goyabeangroyper) February 8, 2025
I want to give a shout out to Joseph.
You reminded me of why I have developed the impression that “NS” is a fandom.
Can we really talk about “NS” in America without bringing up Yedolf? Kanye West is far and away now the most well known fan of Hitler in the United States. Nick Fuentes was his campaign manager and sidekick. Alex Jones compared Fuentes to Salacious B. Crumb from Star Wars. Yedolf, Fuentes and MILO ran a fake presidential campaign which was about nothing but fangirling Hitler to get attention.
It occurred to me that the “NS” fandom might actually have a leader now … Kanye West. Ye and Fuentes are certainly now the two most well known “Nazis” in America. This might even be a potential solution to the biggest problem facing “NS” which is an unwillingness to engage in political activity. I’ve seen rumors that Yedolf might be running for president again in 2028. Kanye certainly has the celebrity, platform and money to run for president. You could even say he is filling the void of leadership.
What do you think?
Is this the same thing as historic National Socialism? Is Yedolf “NS”? Ethnicity doesn’t matter, right?
Nick Fuentes thought it would be better for Trump to lose because Kamala would be worse which was better. It would produce “another Hitler” instead of JD Vance. Ye was the new Hitler. He’s fresh. He should be the Supreme Leader of America.
For many people in “NS,” losing at politics is the brilliant Loser Pilled strategy which will resuscitate the corpse of National Socialism from the dead. It goes without saying that Hitler himself didn’t think about politics this way.
This was the dumbest thing I have ever seen come out of the fandom. It would be better to let the dead rest in peace

Yahztee Party ain’t easy.
Some Yahtzee parties are more equal than others. Meanwhile, looks like the God-Emperor’s honeymoon is coming to and end. Yes it’s still early but the same old pattern is rapidly emerging:
>No Epstein, JFK, or 9/11 lists, no Mexican wall, no Fort Knox audit or UFO disclosure, no mass deportations, with ICE raids rumored to have halted, no promised US troop withdrawals from Syria, Europe, or elsewhere. Every other boastful attempt to capture Greenland, Canada, Panama, and everything in between has likewise fallen flat on its face, with countries no longer fearing nor taking the US seriously.
Guess Jared an Satanyahoo are back in charge, assuming for a second they even stepped back for a while.
Well, at some point we must confront enemy. The same problem is in Europe too. It is true that beclowning itself is not a best idea but somehow, antisemitism must go mainstream and this going will be not decent.
Decent people wearing mask and doing jab and watching TV to learn what is at the moment current thing what to believe. Overton window is always moved by crooks and freaks.
‘when Jewish label owners push drill and gangsta music on our people.’
Way past time that they discover the root of the depravity.
Did you see the president of Iran tell Trump, “oh go do whatever the hell you want” ?
Yes, but I am at work
‘Is this the same thing as historic National Socialism? Is Yedolf “NS”? ‘
This is a torture of sense and sanity.
Donald Trump is leading our people to a glorious victory. Only through Trump will our race have redemption. Donald Trump said so himself – he said “I am your retribution”. Time will vindicate our faith. It starts with deporting Hamas sympathizers and it ends with our racial enemies begging that we will only deport them. And even if you don’t have faith, at least have fear. If you oppose Trump then you’ll be crushed. A new sheriff is in town and we’re not going to tolerate blackpillers much longer. “Our patience has its limits”, you might say, and one day they’ll find their dirty stinking lying mouths plugged.
“This will be the last post about Yedolf.”
February 9, 2025
It was a funny moment coming outside of nowhere, don’t take it for more than that. I think Nick really wanted to push a camppain but then the guy got married and the rest is history. I am very curious about about what could had been, a crossover between politic and performance art i guess. Would be something, who could deny it?
I would rather like living next to a wealthy Jewish neighborhood, than a metro black people project.
If you had to live in NYC, and you had Three choices?
A: Harlem, B: East Side Center Park, C: West Side Center Park NYC, and None of the Above D: Brooklyn?
The Reason I ask this Question is Blacks are only good at moving things with muscle strength, why used as slaves! And very good at cunning with emotion extremes with use of Music and violence.
When I say Music, they will never have an all black European Symphony any where close to East Asians, Same for Jews, Arabs, Central Asia, (I ran pack stain and India / Latinos )
Pigmy’s and back people down under!
Thanks Mr West for not being Aborted in the West !
I’m in the mode to listen too, Franz Liszt Tonight!
Thanks blacks, for not winning!
Yedolf, as you call him, is a very mentally ill person. True right – wing people should not allow him to represent them, as in Germany they shouldn’t allow the lesbian Alice to represent them and their party.
Fair enough but is Southern Nationalism any less of a fandom? Those League of the South rallies had about the same numbers as the NJP demonstrations.
Everyone is retreating to their class prejudices. You are associated with CofCC and Bircherism. Dicky went into a WASP larp even though he is not Christian and still dabbles with Apollonian claptrap. TRS went Yankee. Scott Greer went Wigfrat. Anglin doubled down on his petulant rich daddy’s son status while pushing 40.
Everybody is coming home!
National Divorce is popular in the South. Secession is not that far outside the mainstream. Most Americans believed a year ago that there would be a “Civil War.” It might have become more popular in Blue States since it is being driven by polarization.
“NS” is not like secession. It doesn’t poll anywhere close to the same. Millions of people are open to a national breakup, but not National Socialism. We saw this first hand when we were doing the “Nationalist Front”
Sure, NS is a fandom especially for grifter “influencers”, but is that really a surprise.
Now more relevant to this site here, I’m not exactly sure how someone who self identifies as “christian” is ok with jews in general and just telling people to tone it down with the antisemitism. At some point in my growth process I really pondered whether reconnecting with christianity might be a good idea. Then I took a good look around at self professed christians and I decided uuuh actually pass. I’m not particularly fond of pagan larpers but when they call you guys christcucks, it’s hard not to agree. You will literally bend over backwards to “make things work” with the tribe that killed Jesus and actively hates you with a burning passion, meanwhile there is a moderator for “profanity” here, always the reminder of that thinly disguised contempt for the plebs of your own blood. And somehow you delude yourselves into thinking this is going to end well, just like all the nations that thought “hey, a compromise with jews, what could possibly go wrong?”. Repeating the same moves over and over is not going to end any differently. For all the talk about practicality and what is really political or isn’t, you are at best just buying time. You are not even looking for a (final?) solution.
And don’t get me wrong, I have a family and “buying time” sounds good to me right now, but don’t act like this is it isn’t. We’re going right back to the grinder after a short victory lap. Gilded age yeah right sweet dreams buddy.