Christianity, Universalism, and White Racial Survival

This is an interesting article which was shared in the comments.

Euro Canadians:

“There has been increased interest in Christian nationalism since Trump has taken office, this being the idea that America, if not the West, is based upon Christian values and principles. [1] Many who do not believe in the traditional theological doctrines associated with Jesus Christ, still hold to cultural Christianity, that regardless of the theology, the values and principles are the most important social glue for the coherence of society, a position held by Elon Musk for example. [2] One important spin-off debate arising from this social movement is the relationship between White racial survivalist movements, and Christianity. Thus, it has been noted by committed Catholic, E. Michael Jones that “White unity is incompatible with Christianity.” [3] As Brett Stevens says: “In his view, universal Christian morality mandates the inclusion of diversity, even if this leads to the destruction like Christ on the Cross of Western Civilization.” [4] 

In this article I will also argue that Christianity is a form of universalism, and as such is incompatible with White racialism. Ideally it should be replaced with a more suitable racial religion, or simply the worship of Western civilisation itself and the White race. But Christian nationalists are not to be made into sworn enemies, and there are far greater dangers from neo-liberalism, transnational capitalism, wokeness and globalism. This “live and let live” strategy will be suggested for mutual cooperation in fighting common foes rather than each other, at least until common enemies are defeated.  This is a departure from the usual critics of Christianity who see it as an evil doctrine designed for White enslavement, at least of the mind. [5] After we save the White race, we can sort this one out. …

It is concluded that Christianity is fundamentally flawed as a cognitive position, and given the rational nature of Euro-Whites, cannot serve as a racial religion for us. As well, Christianity has universalism coiled in its heart, and in the right socio-cultural context, these racially destructive seeds will grow into the monstrous mutant we have today. While it is true that there are counter-traditions to Christian cosmopolitanism, as detailed by Andrew Fraser, this indicates that the Christian doctrine and tradition, embraces deep inconsistencies. This too is far from satisfactory. It is far better to operate with a White racialist movement, which takes as its core element of faith, the cultures and traditions of the White race, and puts that as the fundamental value by which everything must be measured, including the cult of Jesus. But realistically that is not going to occur, and Christian nationalists will stand their ground regardless of reason and evidence. At this late stage of the game, it is not worth the emotional energy to battle them, given the more dangerous globalist Leftist enemies, and transnational capitalism itself, that are threatening the White race with extinction. Hopefully Christians can embrace one more doctrine such as ordo amoris, and put the White race first, and get on with the battle for racial survival, however inconsistent.   

Just let “Jesus” sort it all out down the track, after we win this race war!”

As a White Christian Nationalist, I have considered this thoughtful argument. I have dismissed it outright because the subject of history and reproduction never even comes up.

The idea that Christianity is incompatible with White racial survival is hilarious. The population of Europe grew from about 45 million people at the peak of the Roman Empire to 83 million when Christopher Columbus discovered the New World in 1492. There were twice as many Europeans at the dawn of the Early Modern Era as there were at the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

From 1492 until 1950, which was when Third World immigration began to Europe, the population of Europe expanded from 83 million to 500 million. There were 751 million people in Europe in 2018, not all of whom are White, but there are still significantly more White people in Europe today than there was in 1950. There are 204 million White Americans. There are 105 million White men in the United States alone which is twice as many White people as existed in Europe at the peak of Rome. There are 24 million White people in Canada, 14 million in Australia and 3.5 million people in New Zealand. The White population of Canada, Australia and New Zealand in 2025 is greater than the population of Europe at the time of the fall of the Roman Empire. There are millions of more White people who live in Latin America.

Christianity is so incompatible with White survival that Europeans conquered nearly the entire world under Christianity with only a handful of exceptions like Ethiopia (itself Christian) and Japan. White Christians conquered and settled North America, South America, Africa and Australia. Just from an archaeological standpoint, the graves of White people can be found all over the world. The cultural artifacts of White Christians can be found on all continents including even Antarctica. No human culture in history has been as demographically successful in spreading across the world as White Christians.

If I had the time, which unfortunately I don’t because I have to get to work, I could respond to this in much greater detail. The very idea that race is a meaningful source of identity was created by White Christians, not by atheists or agnostics, and certainly not by pagans. It was mainly a byproduct of the European Christian expansion into Africa and the New World and specifically the European Christians who colonized the New World – starting with the Spanish and Portuguese, who expelled Jews and Muslims from Spain on racial grounds in the 16th century after failing to convert them – but later developed further by other groups like my Anglo-Protestant ancestors who settled the American South and who expelled the Creek Indians from the very ground on which I now sitting here responding to this article. The conversion of Jews and non-Whites to Christianity didn’t change their immutable hereditary racial characteristics. This is how the modern concept of race in the first place.

The idea that race is real and White identity is meaningful is part of my own White Protestant identity, culture and heritage which is why it resonates with me. We had a racial caste system and anti-miscegenation laws that governed interactions between the races for three centuries. That is also where this actually comes from, not from some made up “racial religion,” which is just a transparent attempt to find a new justification for old beliefs. In the South, our traditional racial values were only temporarily suppressed by “antiracism,” which was imposed on us by victorious liberals after World War II, which in the long eye of history was just yesterday. My grandparents saw the Civil Rights Movement. Compare this to the Greeks and Hungarians who lived under the Ottoman yoke for centuries.

The people who like to argue that Christianity is incompatible with White survival … are often themselves the descendants of White Christian settlers. Personally, I know my ancestors were White Christians. My grandmother had 7 siblings. My mother-in-law had 8 siblings. This was the normal demographic pattern in the South two or three generations ago. My wife has kin all over southeast Missouri. It is why I have kin all over southeast Alabama, north Florida and southern Georgia. My demographically successful White Christian ancestors created a thriving civilization here which I would like to preserve and continue. The fact that the Gospel was shared with black people who have their own black churches was no impediment to the survival of the White race. It just made them and us more civilized.

The much more interesting question is whether atheism, agnosticism and secularism is compatible with White racial survival. White demographic collapse is driven by irreligiosity all over the world. White people who adopt a secular or atheist perspective on religion also heavily skew toward leftwing universalist antiracist beliefs. At least in this country, it is White evangelical Protestants who have children and who feel threatened by demographic change, which is why they supported Trump. The overwhelming majority of secular Americans are too inwardly focused on selfishness and narcissism to care about the White race. It is only the most extreme outliers who end up embracing a racialist political perspective.

It is true that White Europeans are facing a severe demographic crunch – the crisis is being driven by secular White people with liberal beliefs who have low fertility, not by their White Christian peers or their own ancestors. A microcosm of the difference can be seen in the White Nationalists who criticize Christian Nationalists. The Christian nationalist is usually almost always a married Protestant or Catholic with children. The White Nationalist is typically single, childless and irreligious.

The survival of the White race depends on the private reproductive decisions of White couples – full stop. It does not turn on any abstract philosophical question of ethical universalism vs. particularism vs. relativism. I already have two children with a third on the way next month. White evangelical Protestants tend to have 15% to 20% more children than White Americans in general. The most fertile White people in America are groups like the Mormons and the Amish. The White demographic crisis is a reflection of apostasy. White Europeans left the faith of their ancestors and now they choose not to reproduce.

You exist because your White Christians ancestors believed in the future. If you don’t have any descendants, it is probably because of something you believe.

Note: If you believe Jews are why haven’t had children or why you shouldn’t engage in political activity, this might explain your lack of success in relationships and politics.


  1. National Socialism is my religion.
    Adolf Hitler is my God.
    He is the way and the truth and the light.
    I shall not have any other gods before him.

    • Obviously, the White race should have perished a long time ago because Christianity is incompatible with our survival. You shouldn’t be here

  2. Excellent take and rebuttal to this article HW.

    “But Christian nationalists are not to be made into sworn enemies, and there are far greater dangers from neo-liberalism, transnational capitalism, wokeness and globalism. This “live and let live” strategy will be suggested for mutual cooperation in fighting common foes rather than each other, at least until common enemies are defeated. This is a departure from the usual critics of Christianity who see it as an evil doctrine designed for White enslavement, at least of the mind. [5] After we save the White race, we can sort this one out.”

    The author seems awful confident that a fringe group can just defeat the Christian Nationalists after “we save the White race.” I’m doing my part with a bunch of beautiful White kids while these types typically don’t even have a wife let alone kids. I don’t think these types understand what kind of Hank Jr Crusader types we are down here. “I got a shotgun, rifle and a four wheel drive and a country boy can survive.” Deo Vindice!

    • The key to the survival of the White race being a made up religion with no followers is a perennial theme in the movement. It is up there with creating “NS” parties which do not engage in political activity

  3. Great response. Too many of these people seem to never read history. White identity just somehow happened without any past, until these guys came up with it???

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