I don’t want to give the Statue of Liberty to France but I do think we should remove that dumb poem about the “huddled masses” and send that to them. They can attach it to the Eiffel Tower or something. America is not an international homeless shelter.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) March 18, 2025
People talk about that stupid poem like it’s some kind of founding document. It was written in 1903. It wasn’t even an original part of the statue, much less an original part of our nation’s founding.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) March 18, 2025
I’m submitting this poem as a replacement for the “huddled masses” bullshit on the Statue of Liberty https://t.co/94kYHGynpG
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) March 18, 2025
Spring is here.
The old taboos and values are melting away.
Here is a short list of the thaw that we have seen over the last two months:
- Matt Walsh calling for the removal of Emma Lazarus’s poem from the Statue of Liberty which was the bedrock of American identity as it was reforged by liberals in the 1930s and 1940s.
- Joe Rogan essentially echoing Bob Whitaker’s Mantra on his show.
- Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens just asking questions about the USS Liberty
- Matt Walsh rejecting the old consensus that America is a melting pot
- Black Lives Matter Plaza being dismantled in DC
- Sarah Stock going viral for defending xenophobic nationalism and the racial, cultural and religious basis of American identity against Sam Seder
- Woke language vanishing across the federal government
- Tucker saying that race is not a social construct and defending race realism
- The collapse in support for Israel in Gallup polling which used to be a mainstream consensus
- The sudden rise of self-censorship … among liberals who are conforming to Trump’s America
- The explosion of antisemitism on the internet with Ian Carroll on Joe Rogan and Theo Von and other influencers with large platforms bringing up the Jewish Question
- Tucker Carlson interviewing Ernst Roets on the truth about post-apartheid South Africa as a Rainbow Nation
- Ben Shapiro calling for Derek Chauvin to be pardoned
- Trump signing an executive order to make English our official national language
- The end of the decline of Christianity in the United States
- MSNBC firing BIPOCs like Joy Reid
- Jeff Bezos ending the era of Resistance Liberalism at the Washington Post
- Donald Trump firing the Chairman of the Joints of Staff for being a diversity hire
- Transgender soldiers were banned from the U.S. military
- DOGE purging the federal government of DEI employees
- Vance’s speech at the NATO Summit in Munich about free speech and migration
- Matt Walsh letting the truth out about anti-Whiteism in South Africa
- Elon accusing South Africa of White genocide
- Donald Trump signing an executive order to allow White South African farmers to be admitted to the U.S. as refugees while shutting down the refugee resettlement program
- The DOGE staffer who was rehired after his racist shitposts were exposed by a journo
- The attempt by Trump and House and Senate Republicans to ban “trans” athletes from women’s sports
- The NFL ended its practice of Ending Racism in the Super Bowl
- Jim Acosta and other Trump enemies like Jennifer Rubin leaving mainstream media
- David Duke was interviewed by the Hodge Twins
- Elon and Steve Bannon throwing Roman salutes
I’m sure some people will chime in without thinking about it to say nothing has changed in the comments because of Jews and Israel. The internet is saturated in criticism of Jews and Israel. It is everywhere now. It is on large platforms. The taboo on the Jewish Question is also evaporating.
The cultural warming trend accelerated last week. Every 80 years or so the country reinvents itself. It is happening again. American identity and culture is being refurbished.
Note: FDR’s America was our last cultural spring. It is when American identity was transformed beyond recognition from what it had been during the Victorian era.

That’s not a bad list. I doubt we’d have seen these if that retarded whore had been installed on the Cherry-Blossom throne. There’s still much to be done of course, but it was ever so.
Nothing changed besides Gaza. You are grasping at the words of social media grifters and, hilariously, Ben Shapiro.
Joy Reid and the other BIPOCs were fired because they were all Palestine supporters. This and the heightened edginess of the grifters is more proof of what I’ve been saying about the New Deal, which is the same old Neoconservatism.
You have become a Neoconservative to “own” your long time wignat readership. Neo-Confederacy does not represent normal white people. The CofCC does not represent normal white people. You are a freak just like us, and you are spiteful just like the rest of the old Altright gatekeepers.
If you really do want to become Normal, you will need to go the Jack Hunter route and do some penance. Otherwise everyone will know that this is just as much of a fraud as Spencer or Hanania’s turnabout.
I’m actually not a freak like you.
I wouldn’t use that language to describe you. You choose to identify as a freak.
I’ve never believed in “NS” or “fascism.” Feel free to search the archives of this blog. Feel free to go back even further and search my oldest posts on vBulletin forums. I have never at any point in my 25 year posting career cared about any of that stuff. Even the SPLC doesn’t attribute that to me. You obviously find it deeply meaningful. I do not. And I never did.
As I have always said, I got into this scene after reading Pat Buchanan’s book The Death of the West. My views were shaped by paleocons like Buchanan. I’m not “inspired” by “NS.” It is why I am so pleased with Trump who has worked to quell illegal immigration, blow up the global trading system with tariffs, negotiate ceasefires to end devastating wars, ended anti-White discrimination across the government, attacked cultural degeneration like “trans.” I’m critical of Israel and its influence over our government, but that does not mean that I support Hamas, Hezbollah or the Houthis. It doesn’t mean I support attacks on the U.S. military. The actual neocons at The Atlantic, The Bulwark and The Dispatch are all aghast at what Trump is doing especially in Ukraine. They are all still around.
If I was ideologically a wignat and believed in wignatism, then I would have joined any number of wignat organizations – White Revolution, World Church of the Creator, National Alliance, National Vanguard, NSM, Traditionalist Worker Party, National Justice Party, Blood Tribe – but I did not. These types of short lived “NS” groups have always been around. I joined the League of the South and Council of Conservative Citizens because those groups were pro-White, pro-South, pro-Christian and, most importantly, because they were not wignat in their ideological outlook. I wanted to meet people who shared my own values. I did. I even married into the group. My in laws knew George Wallace.
Normal White people in the South have no problem with Confederate monuments even in Virginia after Charlottesville. Lots of states including Alabama and Georgia have heritage protection laws. Robert E. Lee Day is a state holiday in Alabama and Mississippi. I’m a normal, married, White middle class Southern Protestant with a house and three kids who graduated from a SEC college. I identify with my own people. I like my neighbors. When I think of people who I share a lot in common with, I think of my friends and family and people who I go to church with and who live in communities like mine. I’m not some miserable, alienated weirdo who lives vicariously through foreigners.
I still believe in all the same things that I have always believed. It is conservatism that has changed under Trump. It has incorporated those things which are no longer fringe. I’m happy that our values are mainstream now. I also want to succeed in politics. It is true that I have some regrets. We all do. We all make mistakes. I’ve learned a lot from my mistakes. I think it was a mistake, for example, to go to Charlottesville. I think it was a mistake to parade around with the NSM. I think it was a mistake to support the Richard Spencer Show. I think Heimbach led us down the wrong path.
Richard Hanania has disavowed HBD. He supports open borders. He hates people who are pro-White. Richard Spencer has become a liberal. I believe in race realism. I support closing the borders. I’m pro-White. I’m not a liberal. I’m thrilled that White identity is no longer toxic. I’m thrilled when I see Joe Rogan repeating Bob Whitaker’s Mantra. I’ve been to the last two Amrens.
I get that you are not happy about any of this because of “NS” or “fascism” or whatever. Speak for yourself. I think the things that I listed above are all worth celebrating.
That dopey toxic poem was written by a jew and sponsored by a Hungarian jew, joe Pulitzer.
Toxic ideas from toxic people.
I’m old enough to remember when the poem was considered sacred by Republicans like George W. Bush
Yep, I’ve herd several people think that peom is a part of the Constitution.
‘The old taboos and values are melting away.’
You mean we might be returning to some semblance of sense, like before WW2 ?
No, I think the postwar liberal order is clearly dying.
I don’t think we are returning to anything so much as moving into a new historical era. The dead hand of WW2 is losing its grip. The country has a new set of challenges namely the mess that the Boomers made on all fronts and particularly on the economy and identity issues.
“mess that the Boomers”
May I remind you, boomers were in diapers when much of this idiocy was started.
Like the public schools, that statue of Isis in the Harbor will stay, until the nation expires. Fortunately, we are almost there. There is no American Spring. The nation is in deepest,darkest, coldest Winter, and death is near. There is no healing. The Gold has dimmed. Ichabod, Ichabod, chant the angels.
Are we going to get over the defining oneself opposite swastika enthusiasts thing or is that the theme of the comment sections now?
If someone is pro-White, counter-Judaic, lgbtqp-skeptic, and woman-realist.. or just 3 out of the 5…. I’m not going to argue about if Pat Buchanan and Trump represent us and our interests better than Rockwell and Pierce. I don’t think anyone is at risk of Richard Spencerism for several years now and when it comes to edgey comedian commentators like Fuentes and Anglin.. stop taking them so seriously. Their own young and/or single audiences regard them less seriously than the hyper-political married dad civic nationalists do.
We’re hungry, we are starving, are potatoes are no good we have nothing to eat please please, we are begging you……
Funny, ain’t it when the show is on the other foot.
As an Australian, it’s great to see Donald Trump put Americans first. He’s put some tariffs on Australian imports to protect American jobs, as indeed, any leader should do. It isn’t Trump’s job to give a shit about me, I don’t live in his country. It’s the job of the Australian government to do that…..and admittedly, they’re pretty useless. But if Trump make’s these things ok again, then hopefully, the wider West will take note, and follow.
These are encouraging developments. Hope springs eternal.