NFL Ends Ending Racism

This is why I am so fond of my Gilded Age analogy.

The country went absolutely insane on race for a few years, gradually came to its senses, slowly started trending in the opposite direction before galloping at full speed for 50 years.

New York Times:

“NEW ORLEANS — At his annual news conference Monday, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell expressed strong support for the league’s policies designed to promote diversity at the club-employment level and indicated that those endeavors will continue.

“We got into diversity efforts because we felt it was the right thing for the National Football League,” Goodell said. “And we’re going to continue those efforts, because we’ve not only convinced ourselves we’ve proven it to ourselves — it does make the NFL better.”

On Super Sunday, however, the NFL might be making another kind of statement. According to two league sources, Sunday’s game between the Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles will mark the first time since February 2021 that “End Racism” is not included as a message in the back of a Super Bowl end zone. Instead, “Choose Love” and “It Takes All of Us” will be stenciled onto the back of the end zones at the Caesars Superdome. …”

You are seeing this on multiple fronts.

In the rise of rightwing populism in the South.

In the rise of SJW causes among progressives.

In the hardening of racial attitudes in younger generations.

In the rise of immigration restriction to the forefront of American politics.

In the rowdier and more intense elections with higher turnout and the importance of viral memes which resemble the popular cartoons of that era

In gutting the federal bureaucracy, where Trump and Musk are trying to return to the spoils system, which you guessed it harkens back to the Gilded Age when the modern civil service was created.

In foreign policy, where the Western hemisphere is being prioritized, which harkens back to the age of gunboat diplomacy in Latin America and the Caribbean when we created Panama.

In the economy, where the revenue tariff returned in the first Trump administration and has come roaring back with a vengeance in Trump’s plan for an “External Revenue Service.”

In the return of Manifest Destiny, where Trump announced America would return to the days of national expansion by acquiring Greenland.

In Trump’s stated desire to eliminate the federal income tax.

In Trump surrounding himself with tech broligarchs like Elon Musk while invoking the memory of William McKinley who was financed by Rockefeller and Carnegie.

In the withdrawal from international organizations like the World Health Organization.

In the demise of the mainstream media and the collapse of “journalism” where the partisan press of the 19th century has returned in digital form.

In the crackdown on the Mexican drug cartels, which harkens back to the instability of the Mexican Revolution and the Pancho Villa Expedition.

In the proliferation of internet cranks and the return of assassination attempts.

In decades of partisan political polarization defined by the lack of a dominant party and governing ideology with control of Congress wildly swinging between the two parties.

In the level of income inequality and the wealthiest people in the country being tech oligarchs and how they are grasping control of the government like the railroads and industrial magnates.

In disruptive new technologies like AI.

In Trump living and residing in literal gilded mansions like Mar-a-Lago or Trump Tower.

In Trump being the first president since Grover Cleveland to win non-consecutive terms.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Trump may be residing in his guilded mansions but you and the rest of the TrumpSimps will still be living in their trailer parks and cheering on Southeastern Conference N-ballers

    • I live in Auburn and have never been bothered by football.

      In my experience, it is just a way that WNs like to signal that they are antisocial and don’t relate to normal people, which is why they also bash Christianity.

      • This is the problem i have with it. The players don’t like White people. The universities preach White man bad. The team owners in the NFL are not White friendly. The sponsors don’t like White people, so why would a White man support that? I realize that sounds hypocritical from people such as myself who shop at Walmart, but i need things i can only get from Walmart. I don’t need entertainment. I have to pick my small battles. I was an Auburn fan all my life because my dad thought it would be fun to raise his boys near Alabama University opposing the group. I had many fights on Iron Bowl days. But now I can’t see how the university nor players represent me or my values. I however don’t complain that my brother and sister still love to watch and attend games.

    • [Oops — wrote all this to Mr. Griffin but see I’m replying to a fellow commenter. Am on phone, can’t change it.]

      Extremely interesting parallels. As excruciating as Thrump often is, the global knock-on effects of his legend this time are often breathtaking.

      I don’t automatically believe anything good reported of him and his regime. At present rates he’ll barely be relieving us of a million invaders this term. John Stossel has a new YT video on what a minuscule proportion of federal extravagance Thrump’s changes are going to affect. But my God, the heady winds blowing now.

  2. After many years OD goes from encouraging neo-secession and dismantling the Union to…celebrating the expansion and recuperation of the Union.

    All this stuff is just colorblind civic nationalism. That is all Republicans can ever offer, because they are middle class. Sam Francis was wrong. The middle class is incapable of any radicalism…because what they really care about is their money hoarding, their paychecks, and their comfortable living standards. They want their Lazyboys, their restaurants, mcmansions, expensive vehicles, and their tax cuts. It’s Conservatism. It’s Big Gulp. The new edgy stuff about white victimhood is the wider latitude permitted by The Jewish New Deal to make them feel better given how noisy they got over the past 10 years.

    As for immigration, it’s mostly been big talk about illegal immigration. The main benefit has been the deterrent effect of the bluster. Actual deportations are relatively normal. The flood has been slowed, which is great but where is the army of deportations? Where is the 10,000 per day body count? Trump and Musk already cucked hard on legal immigration weeks ago over H1B.

    WN 1.0 really was right about everything.

    • 1.) There is a reason why most Southern states seceded in 1861.

      It was because the South was losing power inside the Union. It was slipping behind the North in industrial power and population. The North and South viciously fought over the settlement of the West because the addition of Western states would disrupt the balance of power within the Union. Southern elites bolted the Union as a last resort. This was the whole dynamic.

      As much as I would love to be permanently rid of the West Coast and the Northeast, Southerners aren’t embracing secession or a National Divorce, and that is because the trend is going in the opposite direction in our own times. In the 2020s, the South has a larger population than the Northeast and Midwest combined. The South now has twice the population of the Northeast.

      The North is becoming the smaller region of the country. It is the Rust Belt now. The people who built the North into what it was in the early 20th century have long since departed the scene. The Sunbelt is becoming the dominant region. Whether we like it or not, this is our reality now. We will probably have more success encouraging the West Coast states to secede than in getting any Southern state to secede. Florida, for example, has never been more powerful in all of American history. How do we convince Southern elites to secede when they are controlling the country?

      2.) If you don’t think conservatives have changed since around 2014, I don’t know what to say to you. What used to be firmly in the realm of fringe politics is now mainstream.

      3.) It is a good thing that illegal immigration has been cut to nearly zero. That’s something we should celebrate. It is also not “the same” as Joe Biden letting in over 10 million people in four years.

      4.) ICE doesn’t have the capacity to instantly deport tens of thousands of people a day two weeks into a new administration. Even if it did, it would take a lot longer than four years to get rid of all of them, and it makes far more sense to just try to make it impossible for them to live here so that they can go back on their own. The House and Senate are working on a budget reconciliation bill to expand ICE deportation capacity.

      5.) Legal immigration whether it is green cards or programs like the H-1B program or H-2As are all set by statute. Changing legal immigration levels requires Congress to pass news or reform existing ones.

      6.) WN 1.0 was a ghetto and in that sense nothing has changed

      • @HW RE: conservative change over time.

        I’d go even farther back to the Tea Party and look how far Whitey has come. Its an amazing transformation.

        I can’t see how people don’t understand the potential of the seismic shift we are seeing. Ffs Trump just cut aid to Sputh Africa over their expropriation and murder of White farmers. Nobody would even talk about that two years ago.

      • WN 1.0 was ahead of its time.

        Normies are willfully ignorant and distracted easily by tv, sportsball, gossip, gay ops, ad infinitum.

        • ‘distracted easily by tv,’

          Distracted ???

          That has been the prime mover behind the last 70 years of social decay.

          I think all events as mentioned above by HW can be attributed to the large migration to the internet and away from TV. People are discovering that there are narratives outside commercial TV and the TV dependant generations are dying off.

          • Yes. Even senior citizens have flocked to the Internet, not so much for alternative information, but for shopping, Faceberg, YouTube cute videos of animals and babies, but when I am out at night, I see that blue glow still coming from most homes and apartments of a tv.

        • [ACTUALLY TO ANONYMOUS] True for the most part but you may have missed the bitter irony pervading the article.

          Sam Francis’ title Revolution from the Middle was overly optimistic, yeah. But the excitement of discovering Instauration, TTAL, CofCC et al is unforgettable. These and related activism pushed many patriots beyond GOP/NR banality. Hail Wilmot!

  3. Sportsball kayfabe kabuki who?
    That only matters to those with the extra money to bet on it, it’s too late for the steaming fourth world turd Amerikwa the Kwanstain.
    Put away childish things.

  4. “2.) If you don’t think conservatives have changed since around 2014, I don’t know what to say to you. What used to be firmly in the realm of fringe politics is now mainstream.“

    Brad, talking heads on Fox News are actually using the word “normie” now. As in, “No normies in America voted for transgender comic books in Ukraine” or some such.
    I heard it with my own ears. They said “normie” in reference to regular, apolitical people.

    Activists would say that they’re just using our language to be gatekeepers. Dajooos are Commandeering our vocabulary to weaken our cause.

    What’s actually happening is, normal conservative Republicans, who have always held certain controversial views in private, in secret, without speaking them out loud, have collectively been given permission to be more honest and open, because they see all their friends and colleagues being more honest and open. This is the early stage of a paradigm shift. As the left loses its credibility, it no longer has the power to shame “normies” into the shadows.

  5. Federal football has lost interest. It is no longer a team sport. One superman ,the quarter back: Runs; passes ; and may catch his own pass. WHy need others? Has lost all quality. But I can appreciate the racial grievance .

    I do not watch it today but know there are still white players . And most of the coaches are white. Is this not discriminatioin. The blacks’ organizations should complain. Did one think that they should be content with numbers consummurate to the population. No? Because this is about making the world a better place . Like eugenics .

    It is growing like the proverbial weed . They may have had some exception like at Baylor University( amongst others) with young , white girls complaining of alleged rape. I hope they have been educated by now. But if the deprived and disgruntled black players are still remonstrating about it (what ever it was) then maybe eliminating all white people from this very lucrative ****** industry ( except the white cheer leaders) may be a solution.

    I used to like football especially college as a team sport. The Atlantic Coast and Florida when Steve Spurrier was there. Quarter bach just another player. But the ideology of the superman and the nameless others have lost its goal of teaching young men to work together for a common purpose.

    Unfortunately college football emulates the Fed football. And all are sacrificed to an alien ideology. What should George Wallace say ?

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