Candace Owens’ total victory over Ben Shapiro in popularity seems reflective of what the internet is doing to conservatism: intellectual Jewish neocons that dominated the old media environment being outcompeted by minorities who talk about Jews and conspiracy theories pic.twitter.com/w7m1rUO9Id
— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) March 20, 2025
Keith Woods brought this to my attention last night.
A year ago, Candace Owens was fired from The Daily Wire. Several decades ago, this would have ruined the career of anyone who was banished from the synagogue of Conservatism, Inc. – people like Joe Sobran or Sam Francis – but today Candace is lapping Ben Shapiro on YouTube. She is getting millions of views on YouTube while Ben is averaging around 100K to 200K per video.
“Discovered” by alt-right luminaries Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich during the first Trump administration, Owens skyrocketed through roles at Turning Point USA and the Daily Wire between appearances on InfoWars. She attended Paris Fashion Week, palled around with Kanye West, and even received accolades from President Trump, who called her a “very smart thinker” for her defense of neo-Nazis in Charlottesville.
But even the right has limits, and Owens found them. She was fired from the Daily Wire in March 2024 for peddling the blood libel and Holocaust denial, among other antisemitic conspiracy theories. She leapt into the crossfire between Jordan Peterson and neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes, with the latter praising her for waging a “full-fledged war against the Jews.”
Banished to the right-wing wilderness, Owens relaunched her solo YouTube show three months later. Early numbers were solid but not impressive; she hit a low point in views and subscribers after the 2024 election as she was casting about for new scandals. …
After posting a dozen videos on the case, Owens announced she had surpassed 4 million subscribers to her channel for the first time ever. She added nearly 400,000 new subscribers just in the month of February 2025. …
HOW COULD IT COME TO BE that someone too toxic for the Daily Wire had not only reinvented herself as an influential culture commentator in such a short time, but had risen to preeminence in her new role? …”
Candace recently won the Antisemite of the Year award from Stop Antisemitism.
I’m standing by my view that Jews are a declining elite: the ADL advertiser boycott of X was a flop, the SPLC is a shell of what it used to be, “antisemitism” is now ubiquitous online, support for Israel has cratered to a 25 year low in Gallup polling, conservative influencers like Candace Owens are thriving while gatekeepers like Ben Shapiro have lost their leverage in the online marketplace and people like The Hodge Twins, Ian Carroll, Theo Von and Tucker Carlson talk about Jews all the time and criticize Israel on their platforms while the legacy “mainstream media” continues to shrink and decline in relevance.
Note: If Matt Walsh went independent like Tucker and Candace, he would probably be more successful too. Walsh is able to push the envelope on his show because of this.
I think Candice Owens like Serena Williams married a ha White guy.
Thus this :
“Let’s discuss the JQ, do something about it”.
It’s a way of leaving the lower class Black community and trying to move in to ha White places, be a NAZI etc.
I don’t see how this really helps us.
Jewish power has waxed and waned for three thousand years and any report of its death is probably pre-mature, as Mark Twain famously said of reports of his own death(!).
How does this help us for Candace Owens to take on the Jews and experience great personal and professional success in doing so? It helps us because the Jew is the common enemy of man kind and white people in particular and the first step in dismantling Jewish power is openly to talk about it and shine a light on it. She has done this. We should be grateful for this, when anyone opens the door to a forthright exposure of our common enemy. It’s Jewish power that has kept the lid on white aspirations for my entire life. Thank God that power is receding, for whatever reason.
There’s plenty of antisemitism among blacks and always has been. I don’t see this as her trying to “whitewash” herself at all. This isn’t exactly new ground for black activists – remember NOI wrote a quite good series of books about Jews, including one of the better ones about the Leo Frank case.
As to whether rising antisemitism helps whites, I’m neutral. It keeps them fighting fires, meaning they have less time for anti-white mischief. But it also reinforces their hostile sense of identity, which is the source of most of the problems they create.
I expect HW has at least something of a point here. While some might argue that Owens being black makes her immune from the de-platforming, etc. that has ruined many in the past to dared to criticize those who once could not be mentioned at all, note that they still took down Yedolf. On the flip side, Owen Benjamin just got de-platformed from a payment processor. Vox is famous for his “build your own platforms” advocacy of course, but apparently this hasn’t been entirely possible in terms of payment processing and banking – two longtime Jewish-run chokepoints.
Still, HW is absolutely correct about what would have happened to Owens merely ten years ago – she’d have been stuffed down the same memory-hole as Sam Francis and Joe Sobran.
What self-respecting White man cares what a negress – or negro – thinks about anything
Are you seeing the massive increase in blacks on jew tv, in commercials, movies, etc. Especially the inter-racial psyops? Ownes, who is married to a white guy, is just more of that, regardless what comes out their mouth.
“As society’s values, norms, and ways of doing things change because of the technology, it is then we realize the social implications of the medium. ”
That’s just fine and dandy. Kevin MacDonald is persona non grata from the Jew press.
damn, she beat YE lol
@Hunter Wallace,
Hunter you are prematurely celebrating something that doesn’t even benefit people like you. Raw rawing for these Papists adjacent to you still begs the question, why only Papists? All of these so called successful media personalities that are pushing the Anti-Semite envelope are Papists, including Candace Owen. Its not surprising since the Papists have always been equal with “Duh, Jew,” in media power. They are now merely tacting to the popular wind on the right to capture and secure it for their own ends.
You disagree?
Show me a Protestant Anti-Semite with the bandwidth of Candace Owen, who likewise took a fall from Zionist backing, who has her support and standing. As likely as a unicorn, you might find a Southron Protestant American nationalist doing that. When that happens, then you might have something that is worthwhile to celebrate regarding shattered taboos. At this moment you are celebrating people who won’t give a damn about promoting you and your causes and people like you.
Right now, all we have going are a few Papist media personalities broaching the JQ. Big effing deal. They don’t even really care about it except as a means to leverage exposure on the Right and time beat in the Israelis on behalf of Papal supremacy demands on Jerusalem. What they are really trying to corner, is to corner the American Nationalist movement and redefine it in terms friendly to their Papacy. That some are broaching the JQ or immigration now is about as surprising as Keith Woods, former Sinn Fein member all of a sudden having media promotion for illuminating non-White immigration into Ireland.
In fact, the little island of Ireland has per capita less foreigners than the UK. The Republic of Ireland has less immigrants per capita than Northern Ireland. Yet, whenever the British Protestants and Northern Irish Protestants complained about it they were denounced by the same people who are now promoting Papists as the new IT crew. Do any of them carry about Mexicans moving into your fishing hole? Are Igbo Nigerian Catholics running for Parliament in in the UK a concern for Keith Woods or Candace Owens NOPE. Especially if its being critiqued from a Protestant.
Hunter, you’ve peeled back a layer thinking to expose freedom to discuss formerly taboo subjects only to realize there is now a potently large Papist gatekeeper network ready to bloc any Prods like you interested in breaking into the new JQ talk nationally. Even at this late hour in the UK, with all sorts of potential openings, there isn’t a single Protestant Patriot leader peeing promoted in the UK. Not that they aren’t any, but see they are all Prods, and for the Judeo-Catholic dominated media they are a no go.
Don’t get me wrong. I agree its a start, but you are still woefully blinded by the network of Papist gatekeepers which now confront people like us on the right. Whether adjacent Nationalists or opposing Wignats, they stand united in letting you in. Together they will block a Prod like you for getting anywhere both by attacking you as insufficiently Anti-Zionist or as to close to some fictitious KKK network.
Prove me wrong Hunter, get Keith Woods to start promoting you more than his butt buddy Nick Fuentes. The same holds true for our mutual friend James Kirkpatrick. When they let you get up there and promote American Protestant Nationalism and discuss the JQ, then I will say we are on an even playing level. Right now, its just the deck of cards have been reshuffled. Its a move in the right direction, but it’s not even close to victory yet. Its just the end of the beginning.
I simply pointing out how the popularity of Candace Owens, how she is now doing laps around Ben Shapiro on YouTube after getting fired, how “antisemitism” has saturated the internet, how support for Israel is collapsing, how all of these people like Tucker, Ian Carroll and Theo Von now talk about Jews on the largest rightwing platforms, and so forth, is inconsistent with the religious beliefs of wignats who believe Jews have a god-like ability to control the “mass media” and manipulate the minds of the masses. In wignat theology, this should not be happening.
It is not about Catholic anti-Semites or Protestant anti-Semites. My argument is that Jews are not as powerful as they once were. Jews are a declining elite. Ben Shapiro isn’t anywhere close to being as powerful as a gatekeeper as the previous generation of neocons were back in the 1980s and 1990s. Today, anyone who works for Ben Shapiro like Candace Owens can go independent. The rightwing media is largely a constellation of independent content creators. Tucker used to work for Rupert Murdoch before he went the Joe Rogan route. Ben is an entrepreneur who competes in the space with everyone else.
I’m not interested in breaking into some JQ grift space as a Protestant commentator. I was just pointing out how the media landscape has changed.
Crowder used a happy merchant meme on his show the other day. Racism is finally funny again. This can only be good news for Whitey.