Axios: Trump’s 2025 Moves Seek To Reverse LBJ’s 1965


Obviously, this is why I am supporting him.


President Trump has embarked on a systematic effort to unravel Lyndon B. Johnson’s civil rights legacy, rolling back protections that have shaped American life for nearly six decades.

Why it matters: Backlash to the racial justice movement of 2020 has overshadowed a more fundamental, long-standing conservative goal: Turning back the clock on the sweeping societal changes of 1965.

The Trump administration’s aggressive push to reverse LBJ’s signature achievements could radically alter how communities of color confront discrimination in a diversifying America.

“This is not as much about dismantling the policies of Bill Clinton or Barack Obama or Joe Biden,” Mark K. Updegrove, the LBJ Foundation’s president and CEO, tells Axios. “It’s dismantling the Great Society.”

The big picture: Two months into his term, Trump already has overturned, weakened or targeted LBJ policies on voting rightsdesegregationthe environmentimmigrationeducationaffirmative action and health care. …

Between the lines: Guiding the Trump Justice Department’s policies is a broad reinterpretation of Civil Rights-era laws to focus on “anti-white racism” rather than discrimination against people of color. …”


“In what some historians consider one of the best political speeches of the 20th century, former President Lyndon B. Johnson, 60 years ago this month, evoked memories of his former Mexican American students in Texas while urging Congress to pass the Voting Rights Act.

The big picture: As the nation marks the 60th anniversary of the historic march from Selma to Montgomery, many have forgotten the LBJ speech that made Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. cry and connected Latinos to the nation’s civil rights struggle.

The speech led to the passage of the landmark law …”

I would say it was the JFK-LBJ agenda.

JFK ran on liberalizing immigration laws and supporting civil rights in 1960. This is where the Democratic Party was at in the 1960s. LBJ and Hubert Humphrey later pushed the same agenda.

Note: LBJ delivered his American Promise speech sixty years ago this month.


  1. “It’s dismantling the Great Society.”

    “Great Society”,
    That term is another inversion neologism used to brainwash the public. If anything, those policies have had the very opposite effect, not a ‘great society ‘, but a ‘failed society’. America’s k-12 academics have plunged in those 60 years, as have most all metrics of social advancement.
    JFK and LBJ would never had the corrupting influence of occupying the White House if not for the Daley Machine’s vote rigging.

  2. A foundational argument against big government liberalism is that capitalism is meritocratic and correctly crushes the weak. The eugenically ungifted fail while the eugenically gifted rise to the top. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I’ve shifted to the view that our system doesn’t reward merit and needs a major makeover. If capitalism is not a eugenic system, then it makes sense to be a big government socialist. That’s pretty much where I am now. The view that capitalism is biased and unfair is what lead me there – a view I didn’t have when I was still on forums and still posting as “kane.”

    That said, I still oppose racial preferences. I don’t believe in a staggered start for non-whites – especially not this far out from segregation and slavery. I’m still anti-anti white, but a big Government socialist.

  3. The Great Society failed, the war on poverty failed. The civil rights movement failed; even if you grant that it was American’s just reckoning with slavery, it still just turned out to be a vicious war on white people. So, sure, 80 years on? Turn, baby, turn!

  4. I will believe this when Hart-Cellar is abrogated and the grandchildren of the Hart-Cellar legal immigrants are stripped of US citizenship and deported. Will not happen!

    Even after the Chinese exclusion act was passed, the US could not deport the Chinese railroad crews and their descendants (although they were denied re-entry if they ever traveled outside the US). Their desscendants are still here, as are the descendants of the Japanese pineapple/sugar plantation laborers in Hawaii.

    Hunter, you have become to optimistic. Maybe it’s good for your health!

  5. Martin Luther King was going to import weapons from the Soviet Union for an insurrection. The CIA waxed him. The black problem had to be dealt with. LBJ gave the gibes. Peace was bought. What happens now when the well runs dry? Are Candace Owen and Ye preparing a black on jew rampage? I hope not.

    • ” What happens now when the well runs dry? ”

      That’s when reality hits us in the face.
      It will be ugly.

  6. The two worst pieces of legislation passed under LBJ, Hart Celler and Civil Rights Act, need to go. Had JFK lived he would have signed them into law too.

    • The massive escalation of the Vietnam War did terrible social and financial damage to America. The consequences of that war were both subtle and long lasting.

  7. If someone had the balls to do it we could deport a very large amount of people that immigrated since 1965. Though I can not point it out, I assure you there us some sort of law that says immigrants can be deported if they are public charges. I have no doubt in our past, saner days, we passed such a law and I bet it hasn’t been repealed. If you stretched this you could say anyone receiving any sort of federal welfare is a public charge and deport them. I bet we could deport at least 50 million. And don’t say that we “physically” can’t do it. I costed deporting 100 million people and it was very affordable and could be done in less than one year.

    Here’s where I show the math.

    The cost would be less than we pay for illegal aliens children “just” to go to school for two years.Maybe one year or less now since they ramped it up so much.

  8. Dismantling the Great Society programs is a great enterprise and is desperately needed. Then, we need to allow lawsuits or a reparations plan generally for the Whites whose careers were diminished due to Affirmative action policies.

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