Snow White Bombs At Box Office

I don’t believe Hollywood is still in its prime.

I don’t believe the masses are putty in the hands of Jewish media masters.

The stench of decline hangs over the “mainstream media,” late night comedy, Hollywood award shows, the SPLC, etc. None of these institutions are as powerful as they used to be.


“NEW YORK (AP) — The Walt Disney Co.’s live-action, controversy-bedeviled “Snow White” opened in theaters with a sleepy $43 million in ticket sales, according to studio estimates Sunday.

With a budget above $250 million, “Snow White” had set out with higher ambitions, particularly since it returns Disney to its very origins. The 1937 original “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was the company’s first animated feature, and paid for its Burbank studio lot …”

Hollywood is exhausted and out of fresh ideas.

Film and television were more central to 20th century mass culture.

Today, we get nothing but remake after remake and sequel after sequel of old movies, and now the remakes are woke slop like Snow White, feminist Ghostbusters, the forgettable Terminator sequel, etc. There was also Joker 2 which was one of the biggest box office disasters in history.

When I was in my twenties, I remember when Americans still watched the same shows like Friends and Seinfeld and The Sopranos. I remember Jon Stewart on The Daily Show in its prime and the influence he had on Millennials. I remember when cable television was in its prime when Bill O’Reilly was doing The O’Reilly Factor on FOX News. Nothing like that exists anymore.

Note: Benny Johnson is correct that the new Snow White movie is anti-White. This is another example of how standard Alt-Right takes from 2012 have migrated into mainstream conservatism.


  1. Once AI gets to the point where you can give it a paragraph description and it can generate a 2 hour movie, Hollywood will be dead. Sure, it won’t look 100% real and the acting won’t be great but it’s the same with Hollywood today. The actors don’t know how to act, the directors don’t know how to frame a scene and all the computed generated backdrops don’t look real either or feel contrived.

    • I can’t wait. All those kike producers are going to be competing with any number of creative people who will put these AI programs into action. Give it another ten years or even less, and I think it will look 100 percent real. Kill Hollywood, and the kike loses a huge amount of influence.

  2. Before anyone says anything, yes, obviously Gal Gadot is Jewish. I see no evidence that Zeigler is Jewish. She is of Colombian heritage, which most likely means she’s Catholic. All that said, it looks like both producers of this abomination are Jewish, which is sadly and tragically no surprise.

  3. “Hollywood is exhausted and out of fresh ideas.”

    They never had fresh ideas, only themes they stole. The entire studio system of Hollywood was created by Tom Ince, then stolen by a bunch of East European jwz.
    (Hollywood was called Inceville, before being called ‘Hollywood’).

  4. That’s one damn ugly actress.

    I think the contrast of the 1937 and 2025 movie is another prime example of America’s cultural decline. We’re more technically advanced, but in a steep societal decline, as with so many categories.

  5. So what is less people watch Hollywood movies. If you were not as clueless what is happening in the world then you should be aware that the ADL has been pushing (and getting it) for maximum censorship in computer games, Tik Tok, Telegram etc. To argue that something like ADL or AIPAC are losing influence is beyond absurd, their power is growing by the day, they have near totalitarian powers over an ever increasing number of things.

    The problem was never really about Hollywood, it was about the jews having a death grip over everything that people use.

    • I’ve spent most of the last decade listening to people with screen handles like “Aryan Uprising” rant about how the holocaust was fake and how Jews control this and that, and outside of old Twitter and a couple of purges on Discord I’ve never witnessed any serious clampdown on it. This stuff dominates online conversation and has for a long time now. Most online subcultures these days are full of people with Nazi iconography in their names and avatars, and outside of a few isolated leftist hugboxes nobody cares or bats an eye. Online Nazis are basically the 21st century equivalent of the goth kids from South Park, seeing themselves as some kind of edgy vanguard when no one else finds them particularly shocking or threatening anymore.

      “Antisemitism” is ubiquitous all over the internet and in most subcultures like gaming, anime and so forth. If there has been any concerted effort to censor or contain it those efforts have overwhelmingly failed.

  6. annie, lord of the rings, snow white, the little mermaid etc. all these woke remakes lose money. this proves that it’s not FREE MARKETS and CONSUMER DEMAND thats making these. it proves there is an anti-white agenda, and they are willing to lose trillions to push it.

  7. I think the 1930s was my favorite era in American film. My only complaint is how the women back then typically wore their hair shorter. Not boyish short, and not as short as the 1920s, but shorter than now.

    The 1930s didn’t have the vulgarity we started seeing in the late 60s. But it also didn’t have the over the top Hayes Code unrealistic corniness of mostly the late 40s to the early 60s. I mean, was it really necessary to NOT show a MARRIED couple sitting in bed together fully clothed in pajamas?.

    The 1930s was the transition period from Pre Code to Hayes Code, and while movies were very tame compared to now, the people acted far more realistic than what we saw later in the Hayes Code decades. They acted like adults instead of children in a Disney movie. They enjoyed and talked about things that adults enjoy, like sex, without actually showing the sex.

    Even Pre Code 1930s movies ( the transition was 1934) were so much cleaner than now. I always laugh when coming across a YouTube video that says “ 1930s Pre Code nudity in films” …… and all it is is women bathing while covered in water where you don’t even see anything, or it consists of women in undergarments that cover more than swimsuits now, or it consists of men and women talking sensually. That is about it.

    Anyways, in my opinion, no actor today compares to Clark Gable. I encourage young women to watch his movies from the 1930s. They will never like Brad Pitt ever again.

    • While I generally agree with your points above, I think it is important we keep in mind something about the true nature of those who ran Pedowood even in the 1930s. In 1940, while visiting the offices of MGM, Shirley Temple reported that Louis B. Mayer (head of MGM) came onto her mom while his associate, fellow Jew Arthur Freed, who exposed himself to Shirley in a neighboring office. The behavior of the Synagogue of Satan is very consistent with that of their god – Satan – and has always been so. Before someone screams monomania here, kindly note that the description Synagogue of Satan is one I borrow from Jesus Christ which I am merely repeating here. In the 1930s, the usual suspects had to confine their monstrous nature to closed offices and the like thanks to a far great percentage of folks like HW and Courtney would wouldn’t have tolerated the depravity celebrated by today’s Disney.

  8. Anti-White or Politically Correct propaganda under the guise of entertainment ought to fail. This is a good sign.

  9. “I don’t believe the masses are putty in the hands of Jewish media masters.”

    Even slaves could be insolent from time to time, requiring a good flogging. This didn’t change their condition.

    “When I was in my twenties, I remember when Americans still watched the same shows like Friends and Seinfeld and The Sopranos. I remember Jon Stewart on The Daily Show in its prime and the influence he had on Millennials. I remember when cable television was in its prime when Bill O’Reilly was doing The O’Reilly Factor on FOX News. Nothing like that exists anymore.”

    Netflix upended the cart with long tail marketing – appealing to a broader variety of niche viewers – via a disruptive streaming model. Media is more siloed than ever before as a result. The Narrative now requires more dispersed, hence uneven, talent to replicate it across silos. This is an opportunity but not a guaranteed win…we’re finding out that much legacy media is Too Big To Fail and is propped up Because.

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