Southern History Series: A Southern Republic and a Northern Democracy (1863)
The Confederacy sought to create a Patrician Republic more congenial to the culture of the Cavalier
The Confederacy sought to create a Patrician Republic more congenial to the culture of the Cavalier
From the shores of the Gulf to the Delaware’s slope
“Conservatism” in the United States is Northern conservatism. Southern conservatism was a very different animal. Unfortunately, it has all but vanished
In the aftermath of the War Between the States, the French came to regret their decision not to intervene and save Western civilization from the excesses of liberalism
A less hysterical age looks back more objectively at the plantation system of the Old South
A book review of William C. Davis’s book Rhett: The Turbulent Life and Times of a Fire-Eater
Mississippi seceded from the Union because it disagreed with the position of the equality of the races
Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens addresses the Virginia convention to argue for secession
We should reject universalist conservative and lolbertarian conceptions of “liberty” in favor of a particular sense of liberty embedded in time, culture, identity, history and place
In Tidewater, the meaning of liberty was being “unbound,” or having the economic independence as a Southern gentleman to enjoy a life of leisure while cultivating virtue, refinement and engaging in public service
In 1670 and 1671, the founding fathers of the Deep South arrived from the Caribbean and dropped anchor off the coast of what is now Charleston
In the Deep South, the meaning of liberty was economic prosperity and growth
The Southern idea vs. the American idea
What is real and authentic Southern conservatism? It has nothing whatsoever in common with “mainstream conservatism”
Documentary: Jim Webb’s Born Fighting: The Scots-Irish
How was Judeo-Christian Zionism transplanted to Dixie during the poverty of the New South?
A book review of Wayne Flynt’s Alabama In The Twentieth Century
From sharecropping to space in a generation
From Confederate Alabama to Colonial Alabama
Jeffersonianism retarded Alabama’s economic development
Why did John Wilkes Booth assassinate President Abraham Lincoln in 1865?
In the aftermath of the War Between the States, ex-Confederate soldiers were forced to “swallow the dog”
A book review of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture: Agriculture & Industry
A book review of Michael Lind’s Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States
A book review of C. Vann Woodward’s Origins of the New South, 1877-1913
In the Backcountry, the meaning of liberty was symbolized by the rattlesnake. It meant leave me alone
A book review of Richard B. Drake’s A History of Appalachia
In the antebellum era, Appalachia had an economy on par with the rest of the South, but after the War Between the States it was ruthlessly exploited by Northern capitalists
It is springtime in Dixie which means it is time to wake up and smell the azaleas
How Central Appalachia was ravaged, exploited and underdeveloped by free-market capitalism
The economic impact of free-trade on Southern manufacturing since the passage of NAFTA and the WTO
How the Southern forests were stripped bare and looted by Northern and European capitalists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
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