Southern History Month 2019: Little Dixie
The Missouri River Valley was settled by Southerners like Jesse James who was the first to “Secure the Bag”
The Missouri River Valley was settled by Southerners like Jesse James who was the first to “Secure the Bag”
In the early 20th century, a privately owned railroad network under free-market capitalism kept the Southern economy in thrall to Northern Robber Barons
In the Mississippi of the 1890s, populists began to revolt against the conservative Bourbon Democrats, and eventually elected Gov. James K. Vardaman as their “Great White Chief.” He later became a US Senator from Mississippi
After the War Between the States, two dozen timber companies clear cut 60% of the Great Smoky Mountains, which is the most biologically diverse place in North America
In the 20th century, Southerners built national and state parks to conserve our environment and to allow everyone to enjoy nature, which wasn’t possible under the previous system
A stroll through history and the ecological devastation caused by free-market capitalism
Southwest Georgia has its own miniature version of the Grand Canyon
The Green New Deal was actually a response to massive soil erosion
Sharecropping in the South was abolished in a generation by technology and investment
Technology and investment abolished sharecropping in the South
Do you remember the time we went to the moon?
In aftermath of the Civil War, the Northern ideology of free-markets, free-labor, free men and free society triumphed in the American South, and this was the result
Every man a king
James D.B. De Bow was a Southern economic nationalist
John Rankin triggered E. Michael Edelstein to the point that he collapsed and died on the floor of Congress
A look back to a very different South
Prohibition was a failed and instructive progressive experiment
Building rural infrastructure in the early 20th century South
Many years ago, populists and progressives turned the lights on in the South
The founders of the South wanted to cultivate an agricultural paradise
George Fitzhugh on free-market capitalism
James Henry Hammond on humane capitalism
Robert Barnwell Rhett was the ‘Father of Secession’
Is White identitarianism incompatible with progressivism and populism?
Dixie As House and Senate Democrats move forward with gun control legislation today in the 113th Congress, it is worth reflecting on why the Scots-Irish who […]
Alabama Sen. John Tyler Morgan of Alabama has always been one of my personal heroes. Morgan began his career as an aide to the fire […]
I once used the term “paleo-progressive” to describe my views. Here’s an excerpt about the political career of Braxton Bragg Comer: Conservatives opposed Comer, not […]
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