The Wire

Has anyone seen this SWPL show? I’ve been watching it lately with my brother. The Wire is an HBO cop show about the seedy, drug infested underworld of Baltimore. Several critics have described it as the greatest television series of all time. There are a lot of racial angles:

– 95% of the criminals are negroes.
– There are a few interracial relationships.
– I’ve seen one episode that depicts affirmative action corruption (Whites using a negro frontman to get government contracts).
– It is understood in the show that Baltimore is a black city and Whites can’t get elected mayor.
– In one episode, McNulty points out that criminals, judges, and jurors (all negroes) attend the same social functions; blacks get a slap on the wrist, the book is thrown at Whites.
– The black controlled city government suffers from endemic corruption.
– The two major black drug dealers (Stringer and Barksdale) have a Jewish lawyer.

Update: Steve Sailer’s review at Takimag.


About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I can tell you from personal first hand experience that the Wire may as well be a documentary. The subplot about the mayoral race is a barely fictionalized retelling of the story of Baltimore mayors Schmoke and O’Malley.

    Blacks *love* the show as well and they know it represents them truthfully, it’s all the rage among Baltimore thugs.

  2. I’ve never seen the show because I generally avoid watching TV (AKA ‘talmudvision’), but I did notice recently that this TV show is going to be the basis of a college course at Harvard – – “The class will be taught by sociology professor William J. Wilson, one of the best-known African American history professors in the country, who has made no secret of the fact that he is a huge fan of the show.”

    And it’s already been ‘taught’ at Duke and Middlebury as college-level work.

    Since it has been largely hijacked by Jewry, American academia gets more and more absurd and irrelevant every year. This pathetic pandering to anti-cultural Black ghetto values is truly sickening.

  3. I have to tolerate enough African eyesores around here already, I certainly wouldn’t choose to watch a show with that many blacks in it.

    I suppose they’re so thrilled with it because it’s a black show that actually has a decent story, as they’re usually obnoxious and juvenile.

  4. – I’ve seen one episode that depicts affirmative action corruption (Whites using a negro frontman to get government contracts).

    This is the norm in business in my line of work at least. When I start a company the guy that is putting up the money has told me we have to at least have a ‘female’ as a front to get contracts. It is the price of profit these days and serves as an affirmation that NN makes valid points about who is boss in this country.

    Before anyone chimes in to point out the obvious, yes, the creator of the show (David Simon) is a Jew.

    They are creative bastards.

  5. – I’ve seen one episode that depicts affirmative action corruption (Whites using a negro frontman to get government contracts).

    Also, a few of the other contractors on Southern California Edison property have female or negro fronts. They literally have a minority or female with a majority stake solely to get contracts. The persons have no executive power or even basic understanding of the business.

    Here is one example where I’ve personally worked:

    They admit they are WMBE on the front page. These are business with profits in the hundreds of millions.

  6. Another angle is that the black drug dealers get taken for a ride by the princes of the city: Politicians, developers, lawyers, all view these guys as an ATM and get them into investment schemes, basically bleed them dry promising contracts or this or that because the dealers have lots of ready cash from selling heroin and cocaine but are not smart to the ways of people of power and influence. Kind of like a ‘reverse street smarts’ thing. Might give some insight into why drug dealers are tolerated to an extent in the cities (i.e. street dealers get locked up but the kingpins are allowed to remain), since they obviously aren’t afraid to grease palms.

  7. Kasimir Petrenkov, take a look at the work of Catherine Austin Fitts on the relationship between drug gangs and developers. The scam works like this:

    Send drugs into a neighborhood. As the people who can move out to flee the crime, property values drop. Buy up lots of property dirt cheap. Then elect a new police chief and get rid of the gangs and drugs. Open a trendy bar for young whites and gentrify the neighborhood.

    This has happened in city after city around America since the 1970s. Someone here or a related blog mentioned that Whites gave up extremely valuable urban properties during the White Flight/Ethnic Cleansing era and traded it for crappy cheap suburban land on the outskirts of the metro areas.

    In many places urban areas were then regentrified and the kids of the White Flight generation are paying rent or buying their parents generation’s old homes for ten times what their parents sold for.

    This is *not* a coincidence, this is a coordinated business. In certain cases (like during the 1980s in California) it was assisted by federal policy.

    Catherine Austin Fitts and Gary Webb told this story, and Webb was murdered for it.

  8. WNC: Great points!

    Michael Ruppert is a slightly kooky, almost mainstream voice that hits upon the relationship between the CIA and drugs which Gary Webb did as well.

  9. WNC,

    Those are excellent points you make.

    Yggdrasil and James Bowery have made points along those lines regarding the economics of development, ethnic cleansing of Whites from cities, suburbanization and how these are tied to the great centralization of wealth that has taken place over the past few decades.

  10. WNC,

    According to Wikipedia, Gary Webb committed suicide. I wouldn’t find it hard to believe if this were just a coverup. Do you have any sources indicating that Webb was indeed murdered?

  11. “Still, for all Simon’s chest-thumping over his show’s realism, you can’t help noticing that The Wire’s central thread is old-fashioned Jewish liberal sentimentality straight out of a Stanley Kramer message movie from the early-1960s. According to Simon, it’s The System that keeps the typical crack dealer from becoming what he always, deep down inside, aspires to be: a nice Jewish boy with a B.A. in English from a state flagship university. (Simon, the son of a B’nai B’rith PR man, graduated from the U. of Maryland and became a Baltimore Sun reporter.)

    An occasional blog called Jeopardy Green Room points out:

    The Wire is simply repeating liberalism’s oldest and most discredited tropes: … [Early 1960s] liberals fully expected that one day “blackness” would simply disappear as a public phenomenon and with it all of the coarse traits associated with ghetto culture. …”

  12. Yes, thank you WNC for responding to the post I made – lots of valuable info and I will look into it!

    Notice that the high-ups we mentioned make a profit both ways: playing the drug dealers on the up-phase of their neighborhood transforming project, scamming the folks who move and whose progeny move again. Damned tricky, they.

    I guess what this tells us is that Mr. Simon has actually made a complex and accurate picture of the US urban landscape. From a Jew, nominally the masters of deception, who’d have thought. I wonder what his motivations are. (Btw he was a journalist for 20+ years which is likely the source of his vast knowledge of the American cityscape).

  13. The Wire is simply repeating liberalism’s oldest and most discredited tropes: … [Early 1960s] liberals fully expected that one day “blackness” would simply disappear as a public phenomenon and with it all of the coarse traits associated with ghetto culture. …”

    There’s no question that Simon’s views are liberal, that comes through in the content of the show. However it doesn’t mean that his portrayal of the many scenarios within the American city isn’t accurate.

  14. Notice that the high-ups we mentioned make a profit both ways: playing the drug dealers on the up-phase of their neighborhood transforming project, scamming the folks who move and whose progeny move again. Damned tricky, they.

    Don’t forget all the social programs they neighborhoods require as a result of their semi-conscious destruction. They all become potential candidates for Great Society hand outs by design.

    It is profit all around for everybody except the white folk who are dispossessed and the innocent blacks caught in the middle.

  15. Bernard, as someone who followed the Webb story from his groundbreaking articles until his death, my only source for the fact he was murdered is a functioning brain. If you choose to look into the story I have no doubt you will come to a similar conclusion.

  16. The 4th season is about the schools. An ex-cop is trying to teach math to a pack of feral niggers. Hilarious.

    So they don’t give it the Stand and Deliver treatment?

  17. In the words of Charlene Fassa:
    ‘ On the morning of December 10th 2004, 49 year old, Gary Webb was found dead in his modest, recently sold Carmichael, California home. Webb allegedly died from two *self-inflicted* gunshot wounds to the head from a .38 caliber pistol. The Sacramento coroner, Mr. Lyons, hastily ruled Webb’s death a suicide heralded by his now infamous pronouncement: “It’s unusual in a suicide case to have two shots,” he said, “but it has been done in the past, and it is in fact a distinct possibility.” ‘

    I don’t know that Webb was shot in the BACK of the head – if his assassins were clever, they probably tried to shoot him in the mouth.

    However – the USA government has a habit of using head-shots as alleged “suicides.” Those with a morbid interest and no aversion to photographs of blood can compare with the Vince Foster case and Bud Dwyer case here:

  18. I’ve never seen it but from the description it seems to mirror the ghetto reality that is Baltimore. I have a friend that lives in Baltimore and there are many “no-go” zones but especially for whites. Around 3-4 years ago an editor for a University of Notre Dame sports publication was out walking and wound up in the wrong area. He was beaten severely, robbed and suffered serious head injuries, but miraculously recovered. I’m sure you can guess the race of the savages that attacked him.

    “The Wire” seems to more accurately depict racial realities in our urban jungles more so than another popular TV series, “The Sons of Anarchy”. SOA bears little resemblence to reality. Racist whites are depicted as tattooed, shiftless, drug using bums who are regularly dressed down and pushed around by the SOA biker gang. Jewish actor Ron Perlman plays the leader of the gang and Jewess Katey Sagal (of Married With Children) plays his old lady. A coincidence of course, that two Jews are lead actors in a TV series that often times besmirches the image of racially aware whites.

    Currently, the bad guys on season two are white nationalists whose leader is wealthy, successful and intelligent but behind the facade lies sinister and unlawful motives. Even though the SOA biker gang is basically bad guys with a few redeeming qualities, the white nationalists get so such breaks.

  19. I also only have a brain, and have looked into the Webb issue – it is quite distressing. This guy stumbles upon truth, is discredited, unemployed, and all the while, everyone admits that it is the truth. Ms. Fitts was also nearly destroyed by our government once she independently began to piece the system together. Her company created software which revealed the inner-city shakedown and money-laundering/drug scheme that our beloved Fed was running. For this, her firm was destroyed, she was taken hostage in our judicial system for years, blackballed in all possible ways… This was an asst. sec. of HUD in the Bush I administration! Find her at

    I love her description of our current system, “The Warfare, Central-Banking Model.” She doesn’t NTJ, but gets very close — close enough that you’d have to be a mental midget not to take the final step of inference.

    I am not a conspiracy buff at all, nor do you have to be to understand this systematic failure of the central apparatus of this country… I’ve always found that sheer incompetence and selfishness adequately explain most of what we see in our corrupt regime. It’s just good business, making lots of money for folks in the right positions. This is also why any talk of “correcting” the system must have an underlying faith or something of a calling underneath or the whole thing will be repeated. A good marker for pure jew-hatred is thinking that just by removing jews, the whole abysmal project won’t be repeated. It will.

  20. I hope ‘The Wire’ scriptwriter, in his research efforts, has read the excellent book on “inner city” pedagogy, called “Shut Up and Let the Lady Teach” by, if I remember correctly, A Jewess teacher called Emily Sacher

  21. The 4th season is about the schools. An ex-cop is trying to teach math to a pack of feral niggers. Hilarious.

    Sheeeit. 😆

  22. don’t know that Webb was shot in the BACK of the head – if his assassins were clever, they probably tried to shoot him in the mouth.

    I was only joking about the back of the head thing. I must have subconsciously remembered that he shot himself twice though. “Sucided.”

  23. Currently, the bad guys on season two are white nationalists whose leader is wealthy, successful and intelligent but behind the facade lies sinister and unlawful motives. Even though the SOA biker gang is basically bad guys with a few redeeming qualities, the white nationalists get so such breaks.

    “Vote for the Crook. It’s Important,”

  24. “Racist whites are depicted as tattooed, shiftless, drug using bums who are regularly dressed down and pushed around by the SOA biker gang.”

    They did depict the pro-white leadership as very organized, educated and intelligent. However what they ended up doing to bring it to conclusion was nonsensical. The previously righteous and pure leader turns out to sell drugs, etc. And every time the skinheads had a fight with the bikers, the skinheads went limp and couldn’t muster even a swing.

    I found it ludicrous that the SoA, who murdered and tortured people, including the murder of a defenseless woman who was the wife of one of their own, self-righteously bloviate about the terrible, psychopathic racists.


    Sunday, November 29, 2009
    Losing The Battle

    The present generation is lost. It should come as no surprise that any chance at perseverance for whites and white Christians will not come through the efforts of the white men that are now living. I don’t believe there is a honest man alive that can deny what I am saying if they just take a look around. Our present world is a mockery of the truth, and what follows can only be the persecution of those that bear the truth. When men create art featuring Christ in a bucket of piss without fear of recompense, the enemy becomes certain they can walk over our faces without fear. Yes, this generation is lost, and there will be no mass awakening in our time because most whites have already purchased a one way ticket to hell.

    We are on the path leading toward death. Some of the most beautiful white women in the world are being buggered by the blackest negroids from the dark continent. Furthermore, they are carrying their babies and flaunting it to the entire world. That’s right, whitey, your blond-haired, blue-eyed sweeties are giving birth to brown, frizzy-haired babies and there is nothing you can do about it. Make no mistakes, this race has been conquered by the forces of degeneration that are presently turning this world into a cesspool of sin and social decay. The trouble is that the so-called “sensibilities” of white folks are killing them. They absolutely refuse to have families and children and cannot see that this trend is going to destroy the world. This selfishness is typical of the modern white race. If you have any doubts about what I am saying, go to your local mall this Christmas season and take a look around at the school age children. Little white girls walking hand in hand with every two-legged mamzer and beast of the field. So we can now establish two concrete facts about white men today:

    1. White men are cowards. They allow their God to be mocked and ridiculed.


    2. White men are cowards. They allow their women to be defiled.

  26. I’m a few episodes behind on SOA but inferred from write ups that white nationalist leader Zobel isn’t motherhood and apple pie and would be exposed as a common criminal in later episodes. White nationalist = common criminal with no positive character traits. Biker thugs, however, arrive to save the day and are all too happy to rid their town of white supremacists. What a joke.

    WN leader Zobel is played by Jewish actor Adam Arkin. Again, probably not a coincidence. Predictably, racially conscious whites are portrayed as wimpish and possessing serious character defects. I don’t recall ever seeing racially proud non-whites cast as ingrates and villains either on TV or the silver screen and when the subject is dealt with they are normally cast as noble men and women righteously battling the prejudice and injustices of white society.

    The only movie that was somewhat objective towards white racism was American History X.

  27. There are a lot of inconsistencies in the last episode, when Zobelle is arrested. When Weston finds out Zobelle is selling narcotics, he murders 3 people in cold blood. But somehow when it comes to fighting their primary impediment, SoA, he can’t even cause a bruise.

    In addition the local corrupt police chief goes farther than he ever has by allowing SoA to attempt to murder Zobelle in front of him, while telling other officers to stand down, including the formerly noble deputy who complies without hesitation. I guess when “racists” are in town anything goes.

  28. On the topic of crime in real life, note an interesting Jewish influence:

    “Rio is one of the very few cities in the world where you have whole areas controlled by armed forces that are not of the state,” Alfredo Sirkis, a prominent Rio politician who is also a former guerrilla, said. “Any one of the drug gangs in the smallest favela of Rio today has more weapons than we ever had,” Sirkis added. “We had basically one rifle, two machine guns, and a pair of grenades. And with those we had the state in our thrall.”

    Sirkis, who is in his fourth term on Rio’s city council, is a tall, rangy man of 58 with a mop of fair hair. His parents were Polish Jews who emigrated to Brazil after surviving the Holocaust. Sirkis was born in Rio. As a student in the late 60s, he joined the Popular Revolutionary Vanguard, an urban guerrilla group. Sirkis robbed several banks and, in separate incidents, helped kidnap the Swiss and German ambassadors to Brazil. (The diplomats were freed unharmed after the military regime agreed to release 110 political prisoners.) In 1971, as his comrades were being hunted down and killed, Sirkis fled the country. He spent almost nine years in exile, in Santiago, Buenos Aires, Paris and Lisbon, returning after the military issued an amnesty. Sirkis went on to repudiate political violence in a bestselling book, Os Carbonários, published in 1980. He is now an environmental activist and a leader of Brazil’s Green Party, under whose banner he ran for president, in 1998.

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