About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t go as far as you to claim that all Southern Euros are mixed, though some are, and certainly their level of non-European admixture is higher just from proximity to them. – Mark

    I should have clarified. I didn’t mean to suggest that all Southern Euros are mixed, but rather to point out which countries contain some admixture and where that admixture comes from. Obviously, there are white people in all of the countries I listed (hell, there are even white Turks, as I learned from traveling there), but it would be asinine to ignore that non-white blood has crept into southern Europe to a much greater degree than in the north.

  2. enjoyed listening to the webcast and reading the comments posted. Thank you to everyone here. I much appreciate finally coming across some intelligent comments concerning the issue of cultural survival.

    I think kemp is approaching this from idea of what is workable, practical and has a chance of achieving results in the matter of the orderly, bourgeoisie method that has shown good effect in small business, the professions, municipal politics etc.

    Reminds one of the ‘organizational man’ concept of the 60’s. This is not without it’s merit.

    Perhaps he is correct. Although I highly value his input and contribution. I disagree with his prognosis for the national movement.

    In his comment concerning the issue of talmudic influence, he says ” show me one politician, dogcatcher, anyone….” concerning the utility of these issues in a political sense. HIs idea of the political sense is, business as usual. Work hard, save, keep your head down and one day you will be able to afford to repurchase your European derived American culture….. even if mortgaged to the hilt.

    Well, I would answer ‘Hitler’. Regardless of where you stand on him….he’s somewhat more than a dogcatcher or minor politician. He is the one European of the last three hundred years who stood for the homeland, the folk, of not just German, but European and European race and culture, (including American, Canadians, Australians.) etc.

    Of course you could say he failed, catastrophically. But in another sense he succeeded . For time, and rationality is beginning to vindicate his successes as well as failures.

    I’ll give Kemp his due, and look forward to hearing more on his ideas. However, unlike the BNP, i consider being the ‘organ grinder’, and not the ‘monkey’ to be the objective on the issue of my own country and culture.

  3. Being a female admirer of the BNP and having listened to this website interview, and having also attended functions at which Mr Kemp was the main speaker, I largely agree with his general synopsises albeit, with a few reservations.

    Arthur’s strategy would take too long to multiply and bear results, and would be blocked at every turn by the numerous anti-White enemy forces around the world today.

    I further agree that America is, in reality, a multiracial continent but do NOT agree is a melting pot continent, (the melting pot description being a term derived by the Communist agenda to dilute and ultimately destroy White genetic, demographic and intellectual dominance both originally and currently Jewish-inspired. (I speak, incidently as a person of Jewish maternal origin myself who refuses to deny the heavy Jewish lead in the invention, propagation and establishing of, Marxism, Troyskyism and Bolshevism, AND its post war replacement ideology – multiculturalism).

    If we look down through the pages of history, the majority of European political instabilities and confrontations bear high significant input from that particular Semite identity. This fact and how its goals were accomplished cannot be ignored and MUST be publicised and driven home across the whole of the planet regardless of the consequences.

    Ethnic utilization and enablement of alien non-White races and their respective various creeds against the whole of White Christian-based civilization, arose because of them which can be proven.

    We know where the enablement of insitu non-White races and the accompanying mass non-White invasions post WW11, have led to and the purposes behind this agenda.

    In the case of Europe, the ancestral homelands of White nations, we cannot settle for separation because such a course of action would mean relinquishing huge swathes of OUR ancestral European homelands to the current and ongoing invader swarms of trespassing non-White alien races and creeds. This is NOT an option!

    It would be better to seek the physical destruction of the whole continent and her sister enclaves. This way, non-White invaders and their enablers would never realise their aims of massive land grab coupled with the enslavement and orchestrated gradual obliteration of the White genome, and the hijacking of White heritages, languages, histories, belief systems, cultures and achievement legacies. Yes, it would be the ultimate suicide on the part of White nations, but at least we’d be taking out all of our enemies with us.

    In the case of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as the prime non-ancestral homelands of European Whites, separation is the only option. Unfortunately, due to present day demographics this means conceding territory on these continents and/or in countries at least temporarily, to non-white invaders who have become embedded in them due to Semite involvement and traitorous White Marxist participation in said Semite involvement.

    White Europeans and their diaspora are being so systematically targeted and labelled with charges of being racist, Nazi, xenophobic, homophobic and so on, that the perpetrators of this repression and ultimately, stealth genocide must be held to account and made to pay – with their lives if necessary.

    Nothing else will suffice to punish their monstrous crimes against the White European races and their European diaspora.

    In my view, these crimes are on par with the Jewish Holocaust which the said Semites are at extreme pains to force us never to forget.


    The Jewish Holocaust was politically engineered and executed by government design


    likewise, so is the present worldwide halocaust against the White races.

    The jeads of those guilty must roll for this current gigantic anti-White race hate based genocide agenda.

    The setting up of an international anti-White hate crime tribunal led by White organisations would be a start and should be initiated in association with every other political strategy for White justice and freedom, and soon.

  4. Ellen, it’s nice to read the female perspective here, other than Admiral.

    Being a person of Jewish ancestry you will fit right in, along with Scrooby and some others.

    I’m not sure what you mean by destroying Europe, that is not an option.

    I don’t accept that North America is a multiracial continent, South America maybe. The damage has already been done down there, so just ship our non-whites south.

    In Australia we can just ship them to the other islands already populated by their type.

    South Africa is a more difficult situation.

  5. Mark – Ellen is a Jew. If the mother is the Jew, the hatchling is a Jew. Ellen’s Jewishness is her deranged fantasy of White Europeans destroying themselves, a la “Sampson Option” scenario. It’s her genetic rage against Whites, that inspires such bloodlust. Sorry, Ellen. I think Whites should turn the tables on the Swarthy Hordes, and tip them off to the depradations and machinations OF the Jew. MY White Fantasy is to see Devil Jews rent and devoured by the Dark Hordes, piece by piece – and then witness Whites obliterate the Dark Hordes.

    How’s that for a “meme”?

    Oh – the never was a Jewish Holocaust – unless you mean the one the Jews perpetrated against Russian Christians. And Armenians.

    Now – on to the topic of my post – I’ve been reading through the comments. Do any of you fellows actually deal with non-Racialist Whites? Do any of you gents understand that most Whites don’t even kow that ARE White, and if they do acknowledge this fact, it’s not without whole-sale cringing, and hearlt-felt apologies?

    Most people live in ethnic enclaves. The Devil Jew’s strategy of appealing to White curiosity. generosity, and fairness is the most successful weapon they have used against us. MOST Whites believe that any crimes committed by non-Whites is the aberration, for Darkies, and not the norm.

    No matter whether we exist as Klan-robed Costume Nazis, or Men and Women in Gray Flannel Suits – the majority of Whites are NOT gonna Come to Stormfront until they have gotten HURT, again and again, by said Darkies. Not until they have lost everything, will they come to us.

    Wiki, above, noted that lovely young J defended DI – while Big Strong White Men were nowhere to be found. Those were, and are, the facts on the ground. Until any of you debaters put your gluteus maximi on the LINE – it’s worthless spew. So make your peace with the Vanguard. YOU need them, you repellent cowards, far more than they need YOU.

    Mainstreamers – as Hunter has brilliantly detailed – all you’ve done, for decades, is is yield ground to the Jew-owned Left. So CHOKE on your canapes, and cocktails, why don’t you? I name the Jew, and DEFEND the Nazis, TO Mainstream Whites all the time. I make a CASE for what I say. And the KIKE bank-robbing plunderers (don’t you DARE censor that word) in and around Wall Street, have aided me far more than any of you effete manicured pragmatist eunichs.

    So – you can continue to fight over whether or not that bought-and paid for Judas Kemp, the public voice of the British Neutered Pussies, and jump over the edge of the cliff he’s leading you to – or you can do something. I nthe real world . Here’s a task. Name the Jew to a random White, tomorrow. You are all so reasonable and polished and well-spoken. Name the Jew, Just make some passing, light remark, about how Jews have really screwed up ______ (fill in the blank with just about anything. There is almost nothing they haven’t destroyed – AND ALL OF YOU BLOODY WELL KNOW IT). Then walk away.

    Say it. Name it. Change the energy, and get the word out – you pathetic nattering nabobs of net nonsense. DO IT!

  6. Mark
    “I’m not sure what you mean by destroying Europe, that is not an option.”

    I wish it wasn’t! However, as non-nuclear methods of land-cleansing also exist, these may well have to be utilized since a reversal of the present death spiral of white nations wrought by our eternal enemy and own race traitors, is now unrealistic.

    Initial selective mass evacuation and relocation of indigenous Europeans, (the young, those of reproductive age and productive members of the middle-age section of the population) into white controlled set-aside territories outside Europe could be considered by the new up and coming elites of what is an ever-growing and increasingly unstoppable ethnoNationalist power broker base presently taking shape in Europe.

    “South Africa is a more difficult situation.”

    As regards White Europeans who’ve been domicile in South Africa for over three hundred years, their evacuation and relocation would be part of the same rescue plan as that for continental Europeans and the native inhabitants of all neighbouring enclaves.

    South Africa, like Zimbabwe, must be left to face whatever fate awaits it.

    They, the Blacks, raped, bombed and slaughtered Whites in their quest for racial and territorial independence so now they must accept the ominous consequences of future alien takover by more powerful and superior ethnicities.

  7. Ellen’s clarity of thought and grasp of the issues is unusual for a female. Can ask you your age, Ellen?

  8. Dear Moderator – you have not allowed my admittedly cranky post through – fair enough.

    Yet you allow Ellen the Jew to post completely ridiculous fantasies? Her Jewblood cannot resist concocting the most bizarre White removal fantasies.

    What gives?

  9. Die Wasserkocher wird gerührt

    Your concept seems to be counterproductive.The the Samson option you propose… is actually a Israeli nuclear war plan scenario proposed by one of their scholar/diplomats….this is their plan, not ours, not in any way. If you proposed we annihilate Israel with nuclear weapons, I would still not agree, but I would see some rational to it…and it would be more logical than your former idea.

    Retreating into american or european white only enclaves is the perfect receipe for eventual annihilation by asians.

    The idea of ‘white’ culture. is an impoverished concept that leads to a paupers future and inspires only those who are destitute. AngloSaxon, for those who are…. is at the bottom of it is neither accurate or not that much of a boast these days. White is our skin colour, not who we are. We are Europeans. This is our blood. This is our heritage. This is the golden heritage.
    This is what the the imagined descendants of Jacob wish to barter with us for, during the moment of duress, in exchange for a mess of pottage. As Jacob pawned Essau so long ago in their scripture.
    Is it a surprise that many leaders of the white nationalist movement have turned out to be cryptos?


    Jewish power right now is very much like the idea of the Lucifers power in the middle ages. It’s power seems enormous and intractable with tentacles everywhere. But it is not. It’s greatest trick is to convince us that it exists as an implacable mammoth, and that we are weak. But it is neither implacable nor mammoth. Nor are we weak. We are the ones who are strong and we are changing the future. They are the ones who are weak and hide in the shadows and deal in deceit and subterfuge.
    What you say is right. Say it, name it, change the energy.

    Your proposal of feeding the Jews to the dark skinned apes however, is on the same level as Ellen’s nuke Europe and ‘get it over with’. The time when it seems natural to go beserk, is exactly the wrong time. Kemp and whoever else, ‘debaters’, is in his own way, changing the energy, the same as you.
    For better or worse, we need to stand together.

  10. Friedrich Braun
    I’m in my late forties.

    That Denise person is a profound race hater and a total Hitlerite which she admits to being.

    I can well understand why one of her posts has been blocked. Never mind one post. All of them should have been.

    She’s totally out of order with her racist ad hominen attack upon my goodself and should be banned off this website unless she learns to conduct herself in an orderly manner like everyone else.

    If indigneous white peoples are not evacuated off the European continent at some point in the near future they will be be subjected both to protracted periods of enslavement and systematic ethnic cleansing by the Semites and their native self-loathing useful idiots, using the invader Third World browns and blacks as their exterminator armies. Is that what you want, you fool!

    My suggestion is for the fittest of them and the young to be relocated to pre-prepared safe havens of which there are several territories still belonging to white nations across the globe so that their European homeland can be cleansed of the multiple instances of Third World infestation, once and for all. I don’t see why native Europeans cannot then be returned to their respective ancestral homelands when they are deemed safe for habitation once again.

    Incidently, someone else on another forum which I happened to stumble upon some while ago, came up with a very similar solution to mine.

    Hunter, this is the first I’ve never heard of any Samson facility . News to me!

    Grimoire, I specifically referred to non-nuclear means, not nuclear.

  11. In the real world . Here’s a task. Name the Jew to a random White, tomorrow. You are all so reasonable and polished and well-spoken. Name the Jew, Just make some passing, light remark, about how Jews have really screwed up ______ (fill in the blank with just about anything. There is almost nothing they haven’t destroyed – AND ALL OF YOU BLOODY WELL KNOW IT). Then walk away.

    Say it. Name it. Change the energy, and get the word out – you pathetic nattering nabobs of net nonsense. DO IT! (“Denise”)

    My kind of woman.

    Another Good Idea:

    Can you imagine the effect on our negroid conspecifics, if, one fine day, every White Guy on the continent openly wore an automatic pistol in public (as I did for the past ten years)?

  12. @ Denise,

    One would hope that your bracing words might prompt our effete manicured pragmatist eunuchs into racially productive activity.

    However, you will need to be qualified as to your background and character before your counsel can be seriously considered by said eunuchs.

    So, are you now, or have you ever been:

    1) …a “loser”?
    2) …unappealing to the opposite sex?
    3) …otherwise sexually dysfunctional?
    4) …the product of a less-than-elite educational institution?
    5) …compensating for feelings of personal inferiority?
    6) …proud of the sacred symbols of the race and to be publicly associated therewith?
    7) …contemptuous of the dignified and efficient conduct of racial confrontation as confined to modern electronic devices?

    If your answer to any of the above is in the affirmative, the eunuchs are excused from attention to your remarks. Sorry.

  13. Mr. Wallace,

    Thanks for your explantion. I know that my initial post is rather…exuberant – but thanks for posting [it]. Ideas must stand, or fall in defeat, by their merit alone. Not to cosset the egos of those that would limit debate. We are White, after all. This is one of the Hallmarks of OUR Race,

    Ellen – the idea of a Jew calling a White, or any-one else, a profound “Race Hater” is Irony, Defined.

    Your demands for censorship emerge from your DNA.

    If you want hateful, psychotic writings to be banished – run along and clean up the Talmud. You do not belong here, or anywhere around Whites. You are a Jew.

    Europe is the INDIGENOUS HOMELAND OF Whites. Every-one ELSE should go. You, your self-flattering self, can get your gluteus maximus back to your point of origin. Noe called “Georgia”. Go back and bedevil the South Ossetians

  14. So, are you now, or have you ever been….If your answer to any of the above is in the affirmative, the eunuchs are excused from attention to your remarks. Sorry. – NeoNietzsche

    This point of yours will probably go unheeded as most of yours have so far. I happen to agree though. Why we feel the need to use Freudian psycho-quackery on potential allies is beyond me. I don’t know if it’s eunuchry though – it smacks of Jewish perversion of our collective subconscious that we tend to behave in such a fashion. Truly a testament to the ability of our oppressors to create discord and partisanship. Hell, the pro-white thing is always going to have “cranks”, might as well just incorporate those who can be and ignore the rest.

    But yes, before we can regain collective autonomy (if ever), we must be willing as individuals to force back our own autonomy. That means not being coerced needlessly by alien mores and being less risk-averse. The safe, easy road ends with our extinction.

  15. Denise and Ellen are a novel experience for me. Not entirely — I remember Carole Ward. But they’re extreme rarities for the XX genotype.

  16. The Neo of post 118 seems to either be a troll, or have had a radical change of direction, form the Neo of posts 116 and 117. But I’ll humour you, whom-ever you are.

    1) State your criteria for the pejorative/descriptor “loser”. In what realm? I have lost wagers, of money, and I tend to lose small objects, at an alarming rate (hence my refusal to wear watches, or maintain a cell phone). As far as employement, or personal relationships? Professional achievement? My employers have always found my performance to be more than satisfactory. Personal relationships? I have loved, and lost, and won.

    Ideological battles? I play to win. I plan for the long term. I’m good. I am pitbull. I sniff out weakness, and then go for the throat. I never let go. I win.

    2) I seem to be not so much unappealng, as frightening, to most of the opposite sex. Men who are attracted to me either want a mother, or a challenge. Or once and awhile I run across a really rare gent, with a boundless mental landscape, who is seeking a really wild ride,

    3) See above. I’ve never had any complaints, voiced to me, in that realm.

    4) My University is well-known, and very well-respected, but not crawling with Ivy. I knew, and was chummy with tons of Yids, there-in. FYI.

    5) Ha! Ha! Yes. that’s it. This is all a pose. A facade. I’m really terribly shy.

    6). Yes. Open-heartedly, and with every fibre of my soul.

    7) No. Not at all. I am not contemptuous of the dignified and efficient conduct of racial confrontation, via confrontation as confined to modern electronic devices. I am contemptous, however, of limp-wristed hand-wringing, cowardice, and excuses. I detest those who seek refuge from action, by slavishly agreeing with the spectacularly erroneous “advice” of egoists, who have NO direct experience of the subject they expound upon – and leave disaster and betrayal in their wake.

    So – your turn. Tell me about yourself.

    What are wearing?

  17. ok, so your a redhead…nice. Do you think it’s more productive to get in their faces and fashion them a new asshole….when they have an endless supply of assholes for you to refashion….or do you think it’s wiser to pool your resources, cool your jets and study the enemy and the problem, and then take them out at the head, for good?

    Say a steet fight…your up against four or five, there onto you but waiting, scoping for weakness, it’s dark and you can’t identify useful objects quickly in your immediate enviroment. How do you proceed?

  18. @ Denise,

    It looks like I was right and the subtlety of his point went over your head. He was not insulting you, he was making a joking reference to the people in our circles who are so quick to condemn fellow pro-whites for making radical statements like you did all in the name of “respectability”. Commonly the accusation comes out that you’re either a loser or mental case, etc if you do urge people to do certain things.

  19. Kasimir – I knew he was teasing. Neo posted a sly jab at the effete eunichs. I decided to have a little fun, myself.

    Didn’t the last line of my response tip you off?

    Sigh. The single worst flaw, in the WN, is a severely impaired lack of a sense of humour.

  20. Grimoire. I am a female. I have always been fascinated by history. The story of human beings. Have yo uever studied the American “Wild West” era, in the mid-to-late 19th century? Most attacks were not carried out is the classic Hollywood set-up, of 2 gunfighters facing off, at High Noon, in the middle of a dusty, and hastily-emptied street (although Mr Wm Hickock DID do that sort of thing), but carefully-thought-out sniping set ups.

    The scenario you described is what could happen to an unwhittling young sport, who wasn’t thinking…….

    The most prudent thing to do, for a person of my size, and sex, is to NOT get myself in such a situation in the first place. Now – you can study yor enemy forever. Sooner or later you MUST act.

    Far better to have your enemy at your mercy, after you have spent lots and lots of time, practicing with the tools of your trade.

    That is what ALL the LEGENDARY gunslingers did. Practice practice practice. Not talk talk talk.

  21. “I knew he was teasing. Neo posted a sly jab at the effete eunichs. I decided to have a little fun, myself.

    Didn’t the last line of my response tip you off?

    Sigh. The single worst flaw, in the WN, is a severely impaired lack of a sense of humour.” – Denise

    That’s a little harsh, I’ve a sense of humor else I wouldn’t have picked his point up myself. Anyhow, I admit because of the volume of comments I often skim them rather than reading them fully which is why I missed the last line of your response. Forgive me, no offense intended or taken.

  22. Kasimir – I would now like to apologize to you, if my rebuttal was”harsh”. I still have the flu. I’m very crabby. Not an excuse. Just a reason.

    I like this forum a lot! The posters are really interesting. I love Stormfront – cause it provides relentless action – but the posters on this site seem to be thoughtful, erudite, and highly intelligent.

    I dove in on this Kemp issue. I detest that ……I will refrain from befouling this thread with accurate descriptive pejoratives.

    I cannot stand creatures like him – or Jews.

    Jews are not White.

  23. “Ellen – the idea of a Jew calling a White, or any-one else, a profound “Race Hater” is Irony, Defined.”

    Really! I am White! My Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather on my mother’s side, was Jewish. Even the Nazis defined people of an 8th or less Jewish, as White.

    “Your demands for censorship emerge from your DNA.”

    What a ludicruous remark! All races engage in censorship at some time or other, even the Chinese and Asiatic Muslims.

    “If you want hateful, psychotic writings to be banished – run along and clean up the Talmud. You do not belong here, or anywhere around Whites. You are a Jew.”

    LOL. I am a Roman Catholic as a matter of fact, but carry on making a total idiot of yourself if you want. I’m enjoying it for one.

    You’re steeped in rage, hate and resentment to the point of being psychologically disturbed. Usually, people who are affected by this kind of emotional insecurity and mental instability, sooner or later end up sidelined since they are unable to debate, rationally, sensibly and coherently. Anyone who empathises with them obviously must also be of the same ilk too.

  24. You’re steeped in rage, hate and resentment to the point of being psychologically disturbed. Usually, people who are affected by this kind of emotional insecurity and mental instability, sooner or later end up sidelined since they are unable to debate, rationally, sensibly and coherently. Anyone who empathises with them obviously must also be of the same ilk too.

    Or they create a website and claim to be on the vanguard and represent the movement.

  25. Denise. Yes some, while traveling through the Utah i met Art and Ruth Norlan, gunsmiths , anti-nuclear activists and caretaker of the Bat Masterson / Wyatt Earp brothel museum. I stayed there for a month, many nights in the brothel (it was a museum), I fired a colt 14″ long barreled revolver proposed to be Bat Mastersons carriage weapoon, crude but deadly. I read many of their actual letters. Then I traveled south through the southwest. My habit is to stop in small town museums as I go. I stopped in Fort Sumner at the grave of Billy the Kid. I remember looking at his boots in the museum, how the heels were worn down from the outside in, because he had extreme bowed legs.. The seam was picked open at the top of the boot so he could slide his shaving razor between the leather. I stared at those boots for what seemed like hours, and in my mind’s eye I could actually hear and feel him there.

    No, the scene i described in my previous comment to you, could happen to anybody. It happened to me more than once, and I have never been unwitting. In the martial arts it is called ‘four corners’, and it is a method and test that must be passed in advanced hand to hand combat training.

    I asked that because your likable, but rash. That can be good in a women. All men enjoy cat-fights. But it is usually deadly, and I wanted to see if you knew anything.

    You say “you can study your enemy forever. Sooner or later you MUST act”

    This is obvious, yet meaningless, and the thoughts of a loser,

    The inimitable first rule: no matter how aggressive your are, no matter how skilled you are, no matter how prepared you are, no matter how tough you are – and you had better be all of these things….there is always someone more aggressive, more skilled, more prepared. and tougher, and they may just kill you. With wisdom, you can edge down that statistical certainty by correct action. But every time you step up, it may as well be that fight. The more you fight, the more certain you will be in that fight. Television, rap music and magazines convince the ignorant this is a law that can be beaten with rash words and actions. But it is a lie, there is no escaping this law.

    Combat is a combination of four qualities, between yourself and your opponent. Each battle, is a square of four corners of attack and defense you meet with proper action.

    Reckless words and rash action is the quality to ensure defeat,

    Because your a woman, you will avoid combat, but you will harass others with criticism that they must act NOW. Advise for which you are not needed, wanted or qualified to give. So you should shut the fuck up. You guarantee the quick destruction of anyone foolish enough to listen to you.

    You may be an ok lady. But what you need is a man to teach you to be silent.

  26. So – your turn. Tell me about yourself.

    1) No
    2) No
    3) No
    4) No
    5) No
    6) Yes
    7) Yes

    What are wearing?

    As in “what are [you] wearing”?

    If that is your meaning, I can report that I am appropriately attired for a late evening’s recreation.

Comments are closed.