I always wondered what that song meant.
We don’t remember much from our teenager years but most of us who went to high school in the BRA in the 1990s distinctly remember Bone Thugs N Harmony’s First of Da Month.
Black people around here loved that song for some reason. Until recently, the first of the month wasn’t any different than any other day in our homes. But now it makes sense:
Southeast Alabama
Barbour – 32 percent out of 13,742 = 4,397
Dale – 38 percent out of 9,827 = 3,734
Houston – 36 percent out of 24,509 = 8,823
Pike – 41 percent out of 11,134 = 4,565
Coffee – 25 percent out of 8,475 = 2,119
Henry – 35 percent out of 5,073 = 1,776
Geneva – 35 percent out of 2,680 = 938
Crenshaw – 25 percent out of 2,968 = 742
Covington – 43 percent out of 4,586 = 1,972
Total African-Americans in Southeast Alabama: 82,994
Total African-Americans on EBT Cards in Southeast Alabama: 28,466
Percent of African-Americans on EBT Cards in Southeast Alabama: 34.3 percent
Southwest Alabama
Butler – 42 percent of 8,328 = 3,498
Conecuh – 50 percent of 5,808 = 2,904
Baldwin – 25 percent of of 17,028 = 4,257
Mobile – 37 percent of 138,704 = 51,320
Escambia – 36 percent of of 11,820 = 4,255
Monroe – 38 percent of 9,134 = 3,471
Clarke – 38 percent of 11,038 = 4,194
Washington – 33 percent of 4,467 = 1,474
Choctaw – 37 percent of 6,195 = 2,292
Total African-Americans in Southwest Alabama: 212,522
Total African-Americans on EBT Cards in Southwest Alabama: 77,765
Percent of African-Americans on EBT Cards in Southwest Alabama: 36.5 percent
Central Alabama
Bullock – 32 percent of 8,193 = 2,622
Russell – 34 percent of 20,401 = 6,936
Lee – 26 percent of 30,317 = 7,882
Macon – 34 percent of 18,368 = 7,347
Montgomery – 32 percent of 118,478 = 37,913
Lowndes – 44 percent of 8,923 = 3,926
Elmore – 23 percent of 16,469 = 3,788
Dallas – 48 percent of 28,591 =13,724
Autauga – 32 percent of 8,854 = 2,833
Wilcox – 50 percent of 9,112 = 4,556
Marengo – 39 percent of 11,209 = 4,372
Sumter – 42 percent of 9,402 = 3,949
Greene – 36 percent of 7,167 = 2,580
Hale – 29 percent of 10,562 = 3,063
Perry – 57 percent of 7,370 = 4,201
Bibb – 26 percent of 4,953 = 1,288
Chilton – 32 percent of 4,532 = 1,450
Coosa – 28 percent of 3,505 = 981
Tallapoosa – 39 percent of 10,454 = 4,077
Chambers – 38 percent of 12,947 = 4,920
Pickens – 33 percent of 8,299 = 2,739
Tuscaloosa – 27 percent of 55,037 = 14,860
Jefferson – 27 percent of 269,723 = 72,825
Shelby – 14 percent of 17,873 = 2,502.
Talladega – 31 percent of 25,403 = 7,875
Clay – 21 percent of 2,014 = 433
Randolph – 37 percent of 4,894 = 1,811
Total African-Americans in Central Alabama: 733,041
Total African-Americans on EBT Cards in Central Alabama: 225,453
Percent of African-Americans on EBT Cards in Central Alabama: 30.8 percent
Northeast Alabama
Blount – 12 percent of 547 =66
St. Clair – 17 percent of 6,830 =1,161
Calhoun – 27 percent of 22,155 =5,982
Cleburne – 20 percent of 781 =156
Etowah – 29 percent of 15,094 = 4,377
Marshall – 21 percent of 1,369 = 287
Cherokee – 29 percent of 1,373 = 398
DeKalb – 22 percent of 1,047 = 230
Madison – 19 percent of 73,908 =14,043
Jackson – 20 percent of 1,861 = 372
Total African-Americans in Northeast Alabama: 124,965
Total African-Americans on EBT Cards in Northeast Alabama: 27,072
Percent of African-Americans on EBT Cards in Northeast Alabama: 21.67 percent
Northwest Alabama
Lamar – 40 percent of 1,735 = 694
Fayette – 34 percent of 1,999 = 680
Walker – 28 percent of 4,372 = 1,224
Winston – 20 percent of 40 = 8
Cullman – 12 percent of 977 = 117
Marion – 30 percent of 1,093 = 328
Franklin – 26 percent of 1,205 = 313
Lawrence – 24 percent of 4,174 = 1,002
Morgan – 29 percent of 13,376 = 3,879
Colbert – 28 percent of 8,714 = 2,440
Limestone – 18 percent of 9,732 = 1,752
Lauderdale – 31 percent of 8,990 = 2,787
Total African-Americans in Northwest Alabama: 56,407
Total African-Americans on EBT Cards in Northwest Alabama: 15,224
Percent of African-Americans on EBT Cards in Northwest Alabama: 27 percent
The statewide numbers:
Total African-Americans in Alabama: 1,209,938
Total African-Americans on EBT Cards in Alabama: 373,980
Percent of African-Americans on EBT Cards in Alabama: 31 percent
Total Number of Alabamians with SNAP EBT Cards (2009): 679,138
Percent of African-Americans as SNAP EBT Users in Alabama (2009): 55 percent
Percent of African-Americans in Alabama Population (2010): 26.2 percent
Average Monthly EBT Benefit Per Person in Alabama (2009): $119.14
Average Yearly EBT Benefit Per Person in Alabama (2009): $1,429.68
Grand Total: African-American EBT Cards in Alabama (2009): $53,671,726 million dollars.
“We are facing an absolute crisis. We’re looking at state employee layoffs. We don’t have the money to do this,” Barton said as legislators attempted to restore funding for various attractions or services.
Alabama General Fund Budget (2011): 1.8 billion
2009 Black EBT Card Allowance As Percentage of 2011 Alabama General Fund Budget: 5.6 percent
Both versions of the budget will save about $75 million by increasing class sizes slightly and eliminating nearly 1,200 teacher jobs.
2009 Black EBT Card Allowance As Percentage of 2011 Alabama Education Budget Shortfall: 71.6 percent
This calls for Bob Wayne, Hank III, and DBT on the Outlaw Jukebox!
Update: In 2009, which is the base year of the above statistics, there were 679,138 people in Alabama with EBT Cards. As of February 2011 there are 864,745 people in Alabama on EBT Cards.
Note: I will doublecheck these numbers tomorrow afternoon. They can’t be that far off the mark.
If 31 percent of blacks in Alabama and 39 percent of blacks in Michigan are on EBT cards, it confirms our theory that “The Day The EBT Card Stops Working” is more or less synonymous with “the collapse of the system” which some have speculated about.
The New York Times article flatly says that more than a third of blacks are on food stamps in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee too. You can see racial differences in EBT card usage nationally by switching from “Blacks” to “Whites” on the graphic.
White men have become so effeminate, nerdy, and laughable that that their women are now reduced to competing for Black alphas. When are White men finally going to man up?
They may be intelligent, but they lack masculinity. And natural selection favors masculinity over intelligence. Every White woman secretly dreams of making love with a Negro, a real man.
“Every White woman secretly dreams of making love with a Negro, a real man.”
Negroes are so proud and manly. That’s why they only fight with 10-1 odds in their favor – and attack elderly people and children. Oh, and can’t take care of themselves, which is why they’re mostly on welfare.
Women everywhere love the proud manly manliness of the manly negro!
Intelligence is masculinity.
Blacks (considered in the abstract as a race) are the most henpecked, cowardly, over-preening group of males on the planet. They don’t have jobs or skills which is one of the defining characteristics of a real man.
This is just racial patterns resurfacing – in Africa it is the women, not the men, who do most of the hard work while the men sit around.
Regarding the above comment, African culture and by extension the African race is strongly matriarchal and femicentric in many respects.
LOL, those aren’t White women. They’re Asiatic mongrels, no loss to the UK or real Whites in general.
The type of human women that date subhuman males are ones that want to feel superior, they’re narcissists. The nigger male is actually the bitch in the relationship, as he obeys the whims of the female. She’s in control because she is more intelligent, genetically superior and has ownership of valuables.
White men have become so effeminate, nerdy, and laughable that that their women are now reduced to competing for Black alphas. When are White men finally going to man up?
They may be intelligent, but they lack masculinity. And natural selection favors masculinity over intelligence. Every White woman secretly dreams of making love with a Negro, a real man.
Hi white troll, er, I mean, black guy!
Speaking as an actual White woman – I have been hit on, by Black males, since teenhood (just about every White woman is) – but I have always found Black males to be repulsive. Ugly. Physically repellent. When I was young, I was very well-mannered, so I would turn down any requests for dating in a polite fashion. I am thankfully RARELY in contact w/ Negroes these days. I would not be particularly polite, in any refusals., these days…
Black mean TALK. TALK TALK TALK. I learned, early on, that all sorts of men promise all kinds of things – but actions are what matter. In terms of being any real life-long VALUE for women – Black men are THE worst. Most of them are dismally STUPID. Their attempts at flattery, in order to try to have a sexual encounter. are boring beyod belief. They are invariably ignorant, hyper-sensitive to any percieved slight, or rebuff, and dull as dirt. I have YET to see a Black male than can compare with the looks of most average-looking White men. The facia lstructure of Black males doesn’t even look human. AND they SMELL bad. I’m not kidding. I cannot – and never have been able to imagine touching one of ’em. To me, it’s always smacked of bestiality/ So any White female that could engage in sexual relaitons with one of them, no matter what she looks like, must be seriously defective, in some way.
I thin that guy is a troll as well – but I wanted to go on record. NO woman I know thinks Blacks are even remotely attractive. Or even Human looking.
“Every White woman secretly dreams of making love with a Negro, a real man.”
Read the link below and weep …
The nigger knows it isn’t true, that’s not its intent. They’re like demons that spout foul lies just for attention and to shock their listeners hoping they will believe them.
I’m a Meat Cutter in a grocery store{applause} “the first of the month” is the time when the owner is delighted and employees eat their veggies and wish for tranquilizers.In my years of experience I’ve encountered the affluent, the working-class, and those discussed in the article by Mr. Wallace. Nothing on this Earth so repeatedly validates my White Nationalist Beliefs as my monthly experience with rude, DEMANDING, morbidly-obese, ass-smelling, monkey Niggers at “da firss uh duh munt”. WHEN Austerity {my new favorite word} finally comes, my gleeful laughter will be heard ‘ round the World. I will positively VIBRATE with joy when the FOOD RIOTS begin and pray that I’m required to arm myself at work.
Jeffery Heavin,
“I will positively VIBRATE with joy when the FOOD RIOTS begin and pray that I’m required to arm myself at work.”
1) Superiority is not in being the brawniest or the brainiest but in being the optimal combination of brains and brawn.
2) Publicists often arrange photo-sets like that to cover up for gay celebs – usually footballers.
I’ve been thinking more about this … what we need to do is get an EBT card and go through a grocery store with a Flip Cam, capture it all on film, putting down the round steak for the fillet mignon. Buy a whole grocery cart full of the choicest meat.
We need to show White people who are cutting back on their budgets because of high gas prices that negro welfare queens who live off the government are cleaning out the choicest items in the grocery store while they are switching to bran cereal.
I think this is an excellent idea. EVERYONE can relate to cutting back in the grocery store because of higher prices … WNs, conservatives, moderates, libertarians. This would be far more effective than stupid essays about a European Arctic Septentrion.
He goes from mocking Nordish preservation and claiming race-mixing is natural to now fantasizing about a EuroSiberian Nordic bloc when the Arctic ice melts in a few hundred years. Yeah, let’s discuss what we’re going to do 300 years from now. What a clown.
Black men:
And my beautiful White daughter agrees.
Too many blacks on welfare proves one very important thing, to my mind:
This system isn’t working for blacks, or whites. It’s just not working.
Diversity is a total failure.
ProudBlackMan (assuming not a troll, a big leap) is right: black people should be proud. There is no reason to keep them down. But, they need a separate society from the one white people need.
We can work together toward that goal.
Hunter Wallace, blacks are not buying the choicest meats and veggies from our supermarkets with EBT cards. They are buying; soda, snack cakes, chips, 70/30 hamburger meat, candy and you get my point. Which is why were see 400-500 lb EBT recipients running around.
I am also tired of recipient in general blatantly falsifying what information is needed for welfare benefits. I drive a Ford, and am an engineer! I see a 400 lb black women get out of her Mercedes, go into a convenience store and pay using her EBT card. I see them buying herbal incense for $50 plus to get high on and pulling their EBT card out to pay for that $1.50 soda!
Welcome, Engineereagan
Too many blacks on welfare proves one very important thing, to my mind:
This system isn’t working for blacks, or whites.
Hunter Wallace, blacks are not buying the choicest meats and veggies from our supermarkets with EBT cards. They are buying; soda, snack cakes, chips, 70/30 hamburger meat, candy and you get my point. Which is why were see 400-500 lb EBT recipients running around.
The system is working fine for blacks, they get free benefits. It’s not the system that is necessarily dysfunctional, it’s blacks themselves. There’s only so much you can do with an average IQ of 70, 85 for American blacks because they’re mixed.
Of course blacks don’t buy choice meats and vegetables, they have low intelligence and low impulse control. They want a cheap, quick fix of sugar. They could easily start a vegetable garden of their own but don’t.
I’ve come into contact with a lot of blacks, growing up, at school and work. I’ve literally never met one that talked about gardening or had a garden. Now I know some do, somewhere, but it’s such a rarity. The vast majority simply don’t care to put effort into a productive lifestyle.
i hear all of you people talk about blacks on foodstamps i live in decatur al most of the blacks on foodstamp here live in the housing authority pay no bills sell drugs and have nice cars im single white mother im going to college and working full time because when i lived in the housing authority i had my second child and her father came over during the day to help me for the first few days and they kicked me out because of that after they said it was ok my baby was 2 weeks old i culd not work had no where to go no money and all of these blacks have men living with them selling drugs and get kicked out because i needed hel with newborn baby so all of the blacks like that get ready its about to end i know most of you
Are you enjoying your white privilege to work and pay taxes to support these African-Americans?
I live in monkey town due to being close to my business. And dont get me wrong, even though the blacks at the fast food chains are rarely able to get my order right, but we need them to cook our food, there’s no way in hell i would let my son work in fast food, and believe there’s like minded people in the area due to the lack of my great race being employed in the restaurants. So i really like having the nignogs here to cook my food. Well at least the ones that do work
fuck you nigger hatin son bitches!!! im a suburan white kid who loves blacks but never been to the ghetto… i think its wrong to hate on a race unless its THE WHITE race!! hahahahaha
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony one of the best rap groups. 1st Of Tha Month great track, brings back a lot of memories.
Of course, more Whites are single moms on welfare but they lie. That is why Whites vote against themselves. Majority on Medicare but they vote against it. Same with foodstamps. They lie!!