Black Run America: Per Pupil Spending/Per Prisoner Spending

Black Run America

What does the prison population as a whole look like in Black Run America?

Total – 1,548,700

Black = 597,100
Hispanic = 321,000
White = 530,200
Other = 100,400

Source: Prisoners in 2009, Appendix Table 12

As a casual observer, it looks black and brown to me.

I thought it would be a neat idea to compare per pupil spending on students with per prisoner spending on inmates in the seven states we have already examined: California, Arizona, Michigan, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia.


Per Pupil Spending: $8,301
Per Prisoner Spending: $31,358

Other Highlights: 69.6 percent of TANF welfare users in California are Hispanics and African Americans.

African-Americans and Hispanics are responsible for 78.6 percent of the robbery, 71.4 percent of the rape, 73.8 percent of the homicides, 62.7 percent of the aggravated assaults, 62 percent of the burglary, 58.8 percent of the theft, 66.8 percent of motor vehicle theft, 65.2 percent of the forgery, 72.3 percent of the kidnapping, and 63.9 percent of the sex offenses in California.

In 2011, California spends $34 billion more dollars on the criminal justice system than it did in 1967. The infamous “budget gap” in California is $25.4 billion.


Per Pupil Spending: $6,515
Per Prisoner Spending: $22,346

Other Highlights: African-Americans and Hispanics are 63.9 percent of TANF welfare users in Arizona.

63.3 percent of robbery, 58.5 percent of rapes, and 56 percent of homicides in Arizona are committed by African-Americana and Hispanics.


Per Pupil Spending: $9,575
Per Prisoner Spending: $28,570

Other Highlights: 39 percent of African-Americans in Michigan are sustained by EBT cards. 62.6 percent of TANF welfare users in Michigan are African-Americans.


Per Pupil Spending: $7,683
Per Prisoner Spending: $12,545

Other Highlights: From 1995 to 2009, there were 2,577 Black-on-White rapes in Alabama, which means African-Americans were responsible for 91.7 percent of interracial rape in Alabama.

31 percent of African-Americans in Alabama are sustained by EBT cards. 69 percent of TANF welfare users in Alabama are African-American. 79 percent of robbery in Alabama is committed by African-Americans.


Per Pupil Spending: $8,595
Per Prisoner Spending: $20,543

African-Americans are responsible for 77.5 percent of homicide, 85.1 percent of robbery, and 50.4 percent of rape in Georgia.

70.3 percent of TANF welfare users in Georgia are African-Americans.

South Carolina

Per Pupil Spending: $8,120
Per Prisoner Spending: $16,417

African-Americans are 70.1 percent of TANF welfare users in South Carolina.

59 percent of rapes, 78 percent of robbery, and 75 percent of homicide in South Carolina is committed by African-Americans.


Per Pupil Spending: $9,454
Per Prisoner Spending: $21,380

Other Highlights: 22 percent of African-Americans in Virginia are sustained by EBT cards. 61.5 percent of TANF welfare users in Virginia are African-Americans.

African-Americans are responsible for 43.6 of rapes, 81.2 percent of robberies, 64 percent of homicides, 50.1 percent of aggravated assaults, 44.4 percent of simple assaults, 43 percent of burglary, and 44 percent of larceny. 62.2 percent of all prisoners in Virginia are African-Americans.

In Black Run America, White and Asian taxpayers invest in the future of Hispanic and African-American criminals, not in public schools for their own children.

Last month, we also saw that White and Asian taxpayers spend more money on Hispanic and African-American children in per pupil spending in public schools than on their own children.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The large sums of money involved in the per prisoner cost is, of course, going into the pockets of those who make up the “Justice” Industry. In my county, for example, the county jail gets about 130 bucks a day per prisoner to keep them housed. That is, what?, about what someone making 20 bucks an hour gets after taxes for a day’s work. In other words, what who are considered comfortable middle class make and can can afford a nice car for the wife, a nice 4X4 Z71 pickup for the man, a nice brick home, pool, nice clothes and good food with is what is being handed out to keep people dressed in pajamas locked up in concrete block cells eating meager meals. This might take up 30 bucks a day, so the other hundred a day times a few hundred prisoners is going towards making a nice living for people employed by this industry. Ditto the state prisons.

    Much more can be said about this.

  2. One thing that most liberals “forget” to notice is that not only are the victims of most of these crimes from minority races, but law enforcement captures most of the focus of government in those communities, starving other programs. Diversity is working for no one (except ESL teachers).

  3. “African-Americans and Hispanics are responsible for 78.6 percent of the robbery, 71.4 percent of the rape, 73.8 percent of the homicides, 62.7 percent of the aggravated assaults, 62 percent of the burglary, 58.8 percent of the theft, 66.8 percent of motor vehicle theft, 65.2 percent of the forgery, 72.3 percent of the kidnapping, and 63.9 percent of the sex offenses in California.”—-Did you mean “responsible for” or

  4. Is it me or did every city have roughly about 60% black and Hispanics combed for crime? Am I they only one who can do simple math where’s the other 30 to 40%. White America. It’s not rocket science every race has issues and for society to keep degrading what was once the minority is sad

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