How Mississippi Joined The Union

Captain Ned Osband and his black soldiers annexed Mississippi to the United States


I’m posting this here for those who are unfamiliar with the story. In its basic details, it is also the same story of how Alabama, Virginia, and Georgia were restored to the glorious Union.

Sadly, the great stories of “Reconstruction” like this one are not taught to White Southerners in high school or college in Black Run America. They survive only in folk memory and books which are rarely accessible to our citizens:

“May 22, 1865, 9:00 A.M.: the Governor’s Office, State Capitol, Jackson, Mississippi.

Forty-three days after the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox, a platoon of black Union troops with fixed bayonets stormed through the ruined streets of Jackson and onto the grounds of the Mississippi State Capitol building. The troops were led by white U.S. Army Brigadier General E.D. Osband. They marched toward the office of Governor Charles Clark.

Two days earlier, the soldiers had invaded the Mississippi state legislature, declared the gathering an illegal assembly, and dissolved it, waving the legislators out of the building at bayonet point. Now Governor Clark heard the measured clap of soldiers grow louder in the marble hallway, and presently General Osband appeared in the doorway.

The general saluted the governor, and read to him a proclamation by the president of the United States, dissolving Mississippi’s government.

Governor Clark was an elderly, dignified veteran of the Mexican war whose limbs were shattered at the battle of Shiloh. The old man straightened his battered legs and struggled onto his crutches.

“General Osband,” the governor announced defiantly, “I denounce before high heaven and the civilized world this unparalleled act of tyranny and usurpation. I am the duly and constitutionally elected Governor of the State of Mississippi. I would resist, if it were in my power, to the last extremity the enforcement of your order. I yield obedience because I have no power to resist.”

Within moments the federal troops invaded the executive office, seized the governor’s office furniture, records, and the Great Seal of the State of Mississippi and escorted the governor out of the building. In that instant the government of Mississippi was decapitated, and the state was under the direct rule of President Andrew Johnson and his military.

They inherited a ruined, ravaged land. Before the Civil War, cotton-rich Mississippi was among the wealthiest members of the Union, but now the state was decimated, with families, fortunes, and entire cities wiped out.”

Before the War Between the States, Mississippi was one of the wealthiest states in America. The vast “Black Belt” region which stretches from Texas to Maryland was teeming with prosperity. Then the Union Army came and “liberated” the people who lived there and put African-Americans in charge which resulted in an entirely predictable disaster.

In 1965, the U.S. Congress passed the Voting Rights Act at the height of the King mania in order to recreate the black holes of Reconstruction. There is no telling how much taxpayer money has been squandered by the federal government on MLK’s “Dream” since the 1960s.

An unintended side effect of MLK’s “Dream” was rewriting our immigration laws to eliminate their racial foundation. I will let you use your imagination to project how that will affect us around the year 2032.

Note: The historians and anthropologists of the late 21st century will have a “jobs project” that will last for generations analyzing and ridiculing the historical revisionism of Black Run America.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I for one would welcome postings on the history of the Reconstruction.
    It is a topic few of us, to my knowledge, know about. I would also guess that lessons from the past, especially from this period, should be carefully studied for our future.
    Referencing of source materials would be welcomed.

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