Wall Street’s Demographic Winter

In the twentieth century, "progressives" came to believe they were smarter than God

New York

After 10 years of ignoring reality, Wall Street is finally waking up to the awful realization that there is an unmentionable connection between “the aging thing” and the wild oscillations in the stock market.

It hasn’t yet occurred to them to draw any connections between “the aging thing” (i.e., the retirement of the Baby Boomers) and what is happening now in Greece and Japan in the year 2011. They might be forced to conclude there is a connection between their abstract economic models and the physical strength of real households.

How long will it take for Wall Street to factor into its analysis the race thing (the reality of racial differences), the culture thing (the inability of a degenerate culture to support the existing institutions), the energy thing (the long term Peak Oil crisis), the finance thing (the detachment of finance from the physical economy), and the political thing (a broken political system which is incapable of solving major challenges)?

What do you suppose are the implications for “progressivism”? It doesn’t matter because “progressives” are unable to reproduce themselves. There won’t be any “progressives” around twenty years from now.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The problem with the Jewish question isn’t that the number of jews does much other than to prolong the inevitable collapse of BRA; the problem is that small group of jewish families control international banking. There will always be a Rothschild or Warburg pulling the strings to suppress “White” values so we can be easier controlled little debt slaves. There will always be the jewish network that will keep them disproportionately represented in law making and finance. Now, this could be that because of HBD and centuries of inbreeding they are better at it. But as this financial crises has shown, nepotism has played a huge part in determining the winners.

    The more time passes and the more I read about our financial system and yellow press, the more I believe that Hitler was right but for the wrong reasons. Throw the money changers from the temple as Jesus did and kick the rest out to ensure they can’t come back. The jews and their network is like a bacterial infection: if you leave any they re-multiply and the infection returns but only stronger.

  2. @YT,

    Right now, law and finance are MOST OF THE ECONOMY. Between banking and social services and the military (which can be considered “global law enforcement”) what’s left? Not much.

    It used to be that the bourgeouis — the millions of small business owners, the baker, the butcher, the candlestick maker, were able to enforce their morality on the bankers and lawyers, who represented a much smaller chunk of the economy.

    THe situation we have now is called “Financialization of the economy.” It is an anomaly. Globalism took away our workshops/factories, and Petroleum based industrial farming (using land to turn oil into food) took away our farms. The loss of ownership of assets, especially productive assets (as opposed to service assets such as CPA offices and Jiffy lubes) by a large middle class, is what took away our power.

    This economic structure is horribly unsustainable. You don’t have to be a PhD scientist to see this. It’s a massive short term abundance at the cost of long term productive capacity – I’m talking about food in particular here. The coming Industrial Farming Malthusian Overshoot Famine is going to be unprecedented. They will probably use the emaciated bodies to fertilize the fields for the survivors.

    It doesn’t even have to happen as a result of resource shortages either. It could be an “artificial peak oil scenario” such as the one of the excellent book “Last Light” by Alex Scarrow, a ripping piece of fiction.


    In Scarrow’s novel, the “ruling elites” (as Alex Jones would call them) are 12 individuals plus 160 enforcers/implementers. A division of the FBI that was created by RFK after his brother was assassinated is trying to find out their identities. It’s implied that the 12 did 9-11.

    So the 12 get the idea to do an “artificial peak oil scenario.” An oil engineer does a dissertation on the chokepoints of the oil production/refinement/distribution system, and the 12 purchases it from him, and then launch terrorist attacks on all the choke points to destroy the system of distribution and kill off a few billion people to reset the clock. An assassin from the 12 at the end talks to the oil engineer and “explains it just before I kill you” (great plot device), and then the oil engineer says, “but you guys over-reached, it’s not coming back for 100 years. We are going to be living in the 17th century for generations. It took time to build up these systems of production and distribution, they won’t return overnight like you thought.”

    This book is a metaphor for the financialization of the economy as well. They did something that is bound to destroy the intricate mechanisms of the global economy, which they depend on. When their global economy fails, they’ll probably try to make us go to war to “restore the economy,” just as WWII “got us out of the depression.” But people may refuse to mobilize. We know too much. And we can’t go fighting wars while our families are starving at home. And the bankers may not be able to bribe people with food! They might not even have it, except their own personal stashes! What leverage will they have? Drone strikes on people who refuse to report for the draft? Slave camps? Anything too extreme and there will be a militant resistance movement against it.

    They might try a Stalin or Mao type Communism, however. Killing lots of people is a way to get compliance of the survivors. At any rate, I think we are in for extreme times on both sides – them and us.


    Financialization is a term sometimes used in discussions of financial capitalism which developed over several decades leading up to the 2007-2010 financial crisis, and in which financial leverage tended to override capital (equity) and financial markets tended to dominate over the traditional industrial economy and agricultural economics.

    Financialization is a term that describes an economic system or process that attempts to reduce all value that is exchanged (whether tangible, intangible, future or present promises, etc.) either into a financial instrument or a derivative of a financial instrument. The original intent of financialization is to be able to reduce any work-product or service to an exchangeable financial instrument, like currency, and thus make it easier for people to trade these financial instruments.

    Workers, through a financial instrument such as a mortgage, could trade their promise of future work/wages for a home. Financialization of risk-sharing makes all insurance possible, the financialization of the U.S. Government’s promises (bonds) makes all deficit spending possible. Financialization also makes economic rents possible.

  3. Kievsky,
    As much as you are right on, I think, in general – why would it go so far as food shortage?

    I do think we may see mass starvation in the 3rd world this century, but I don’t think things will go that far in the first world.

    I’m pretty sure you could make electric tractors right now and run them off a nuke plant. Thus, agribusiness can go on. Obviously, it’s quite expensive (so far) to make electric vehicles, but not prohibitively so. Not so expensive that people starve in the US, though they might wind up relinquishing most of their consumption other than food and shelter. Similarly, creating usable shale oil or what have you might cost $250 a barrel – if that were suddenly the only oil around then our daily life in the USA would become immensely different, and you might see millions living in shanties (plus a new authoritarian government of some sort), but I don’t think there would be very much actual starvation.

    Mechanized mass agriculture will go on… if reliance on electric tractors drives up food prices 3x or 4x, well then fine, we will just give up most other consumption. 3-4x cost increases won’t mess up the agricultural machine. The only thing I can think of that potentially would, is violence I guess. If there is total chaos for some reason, that would disrupt everything — like if there is war raging back and forth over the agricultural heartland (Iowa etc).

  4. Kiev,

    I’ve been worried about Peak Oil since I read Stephen Leeb’s book The Oil Factor in 2004.

    I’m less worried, now, about Peak Oil, per se:
    The problem was well defined by Matt Simmons in his book Twilight in the Desert. Shortly before he was discovered dead in his own bathtub of a “heart attack” (after exposing the coverup by BP of the toxic effects of its Gulf spill) Simmons had founded Ocean Energy Institute.

    It turns out, it is actually *practical* and scalable to use ocean-surface winds and currents at depth to turn turbines to crack water and bond the hydrogen to atmospheric nitrogen, resulting in ammonia.
    Ammonia can be burnt in internal combustion engines with only small modifications. Ammonia can be sent down a pipeline, and since it is FAR more stable than plain-ole hydrogen, the infrastructure in existence can be modified without too much trouble.

    OH! some scream. Anhydrous ammonia fumes are bad for you!
    And gas isn’t?

    We handle anhydrous ammonia, now, ALL the time.

    So the Peak Oil problem is curable, but for ONE LITTLE PROBLEM:
    Blacks and Mexicans are not smart enough to do the engineering and construction of such a massive overhaul of billions of dollars of infrastructure.
    The cure for Peak Oil depends on the White Man, and right now he’s under siege. There is zero evidence at present that the “minorities” (who will soon be the majority) will come to their senses in time.
    THIS is why Peak Oil will result in mass starvation: because of the concurrent war being waged on the White man.

    f***ing untermenschen.
    Oops, sorry, Hunter, I shouldn’t have said that.

  5. @Kievsky

    Its called the FIRE economy. Finance, Insurance and Real Estate. The FIRE economy has grown way out of control in proportion to the productive economy since around 1980.
    The Jews have controlled the FIRE economy and its media propaganda wing since long before that.

    Go to google news archives and read the papers from 100 years ago. Its the same shit, same propaganda and the same f*cking family names! Have you ever wondered why these “chosen” people seem to wear out their welcome no matter where they are throughout the ages? But stating the obvious about jews and banking is verboten much like it is about blacks and crime.

  6. There is no need for oil-based farming. In 1900, 40% of the American work force was agricultural, and most farming was done with draft animals. To this day, Amish are farming the same way very successfully. Perhaps we could, using our increased knowledge, get along with only a quarter of the people in agriculture, but I can easily picture a sustainable culture and economy by re-adopting the methods of the recent past.
    As for famine in the U.S., I think it could only happen by political design. Right now, we have the capacity to feed much of the Third World, and we do. Much of our corn is intended only for alcohol production. If we lost half our farmland tomorrow, all we’d need to do is stop exporting food and making gasohol.

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