Utah has been sued this evening by the Obama Justice Department, the Obama Department of Homeland Security, and the Obama State Department.
As you probably imagined, the Obama administration is not suing Utah over its HB 466 guest worker program which constitutes a foreign alliance with the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon.
Instead, Eric “My People” Holder has sued Utah over three provisions of HB 497 which were the enforcement provisions of the “compromise” that was passed by the Utah state legislature. The guest worker program with Nuevo Leon is also unconstitutional, but the Justice Department didn’t feel compelled to file a lawsuit over it today:
The department notified Utah state officials of its position that the Utah’s Immigrant Guest Worker statutes, H.B. 116 and H.B. 469, are clearly preempted by federal law. Given that the provisions do not take effect until 2013, and in light of the constructive conversations the department continues to have with Utah officials about these provisions pursuant to the Justice Department’s long-standing policy of exploring resolution short of litigation before filing suit against a state, the department is not challenging these provisions today. If, however, Utah fails to comply with federal law in this area, the department will not hesitate to take the legal action necessary to vindicate the important federal interests in this matter before these laws go into effect.
This is BRA.
The Obama administration needs to boost Hispanic turnout in 2012 to win Nevada, Colorado, and New Mexico. Thus, in order for Obama to win reelection by impressing Hispanic voters who are disappointed by his failure to secure “comprehensive immigration reform” with his Democratic majority in Congress, it was necessary for Eric “My People” Holder to sue Red States like Arizona, Utah, Alabama, and South Carolina.
Now stand and rise for the Southern national anthem because it is happening all over again.
Holder needs to go. Just on the basis of Fast and Furious alone.
It’s a good song but it ain’t Dixieland.
That reminds me, I’ve long sought a slow, classical piano instrumental version of Dixie. Anybody?
Will Utah resist? Or will the Mormon church get another “revelation” and come to heel, as they did with polygamy and black priesthood?
Fuck Utah. The whole place looks like the surface of the goddamn moon and Mormons are a bunch of weird fuckers. I think Utah is a perfect place for ALL of the illegals to set up camp. Siccum, nigger boy! Siccum.
Great VDARE essay:
It should be interesting to see what happens next year.
Conservatives were outraged by the “Utah Compromise” when the steaming pile of shit was signed into law by Gary Herbert. I would imagine they are even more furious now that the enforcement provisions of the so-called “compromise” have been gutted by the ACLU and the federal courts leaving nothing but the stinking amnesty.
I would not be surprised if the guest worker program was repealed. There is no reason to keep it on the book anymore. It was never popular anyway.
Arizona, Florida, and Texas are three other states where the Republican establishment screwed over conservative voters.
The states to watch next year are Mississippi, Virginia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. Mississippi is the most likely state to pass a new immigration law.
No. I’m thinking the battleflag of the New Confederacy will be a white cross on a field of blue….with maybe 20-25 red stars lined up w/in the cross, representing ALL the seceeding states.
I have to admit that even as a teenager first becoming interested in history I noticed that the Germans and the Japanese both used symbols of the Sun – symbols of light, whereas the allied powers, both Soviet and American, used stars – symbols of darkness.
No one is more Southern than me and I would opt for the traditional battleflag MINUS the stars, though still in red, white and blue – symbolizing European colonial status (blue being lighter than black).
I always liked SouthPark’s old town flag
Mormons need to form a WHITE MORMON CHURCH and be NEWS PARTY MEMBERS!
Old White Jim: Read Mormonzietgeist and look at history of Mormons. David Lane even stated MORMONS were a White Race Religion. Look at Warren Jeffs and his FLDS Church. He makes alot of White Babies. Today the Salt Lake Mormons are sell outs and are in the Mason thing which is destructive to existence of White Race. You think the White Mormons are bad, look at those Scottish Rite Baptist Ministers who preach death of White Race. Jack Ryan is right about Mormons! A White Mormon Church will form. Maybe NEWS should be there Party!
“I have to admit that even as a teenager first becoming interested in history I noticed that the Germans and the Japanese both used symbols of the Sun – symbols of light, whereas the allied powers, both Soviet and American, used stars – symbols of darkness.”
Only if one is a pagan. Both the stars and the sun (a star itself) are symbols of Light- all of which, come down from the Father of lights, in whom is no darkness at all,’ as St. James says. [Jas. 1:17] And the reason for Crosses on most of the flags of Europe, is (like the old hymn says, too) ‘Christ is the world’s true light.’
John Thomas: I prefer to form my opinions based upon my own observations rather than the writings of others. From what I observed in my extensive travels in Utah and Idaho I have concluded that Mormons are worthless and weak. They may someday form a White Mormon Church, but it will be attended exclusively by Eloi.
I reiterate: Fuck Utah. It’s got too many Yankees married to the equality myth for my taste. It’s also got too many Yankees who seem to enjoy helping the Federal Horde locate the White folks who believe in action. And the whole place looks like the surface of the goddamn moon.
People can change their minds about religion but only if they actually exist in order to do it! What Utah has going for it is a white fertility rate way above replacement value. Which is a lot more than you can say for the rest of the country.
Old White Jim: The old Mormons had Deseret! They also make alot of White Babies! I hate the Salt Lake LDS as much as you. They are traitors just like the Scot Rite Southern Baptist Preachers are. The pre 1978 Mormons were great! But now with the NWO homing in like they have everything else, its a NWO FRONT! The Fundalmentalist Mormons are OK. Why do you think they put Warren Jeffs in jail? Because he had a 14 year wife, or Beacuse he was making to many White Babies? Remember this, ARYAN NATIONS came after NEWS and Butler was a member of NEWS before starting Aryan Nations. The message that Buddy Tucker had was dynamite! ITS THE SPARK for the Wildfire! St. Pete Valley in Utah is not a bad place and most of the White people their are good people. I agree with what Jack Ryan says about Mormons. Me, I guess I am just a Cracker Red Neck Revolutionary! I agree with Hunter, something has to change or the White Race on this planet is facing total destruction!
I was told when I lived out there that Southern Utah and Southern Nevada were a pocket of support for the Confederacy, hence Dixie College in St. George, Utah, and the Runnin’ Rebels of UNLV.
John Thomas: As you probably already know, non-Hispanic Whites still comprise 65% of the U.S. population. We’ve got plenty of Whites, but the vast majority of them are of the variety that would spend most of their time on their knees or under a bunk if they went to prison. That’s the problem. Having a shitload of White babies won’t help if nature and nurture destines most of them to be cowards and fuckboys.
I have met groups of very serious White folks in many places, but Utah wasn’t one of those places.
Making White babies is easy and fun. Shoving bayonets through non-White babies is hard and grim, but if there is to be a future for the White race there is going to have to be a whole bunch of it in the coming lawless years.
Most conservatives have a dim view of Woodrow Wilson because of his progressive ideals that he felt would turn America into heaven on earth. However, most conservatives are unaware that Good Brother Woodrow knew that such a utopia could exist only if you first got rid of all the niggers, weaklings and mentally deficient people. He wanted to exterminate them, but that was frowned upon even in his day, so he advocated a eugenics program that rewarded nigs and tards who volunteered for abortions and sterilization.
As you may be aware, extermination of niggers, weaklings and mentally deficient people is still frowned upon til this day, but I think that secret smiles are beginning to form in that secret part of many a White mind.
Decide what you are prepared to do. It’s going to get wet out before those oh-so-important White babies are big enough to help.
“Having a shitload of White babies won’t help if nature and nurture destines most of them to be cowards and fuckboys.”
Fuck you for bad mouthing white men. Niggers aren’t shit if they are by themselves and spics can’t fight for shit even if they are in a crowd.
“Only if one is a pagan. Both the stars and the sun (a star itself) are symbols of Light- all of which, come down from the Father of lights, in whom is no darkness at all,’ as St. James says. [Jas. 1:17] And the reason for Crosses on most of the flags of Europe, is (like the old hymn says, too) ‘Christ is the world’s true light.’”
I don’t mind being a pagan. I still think the symbolism is representative and a little more than a coincidence. What else can you associate with darkness – on a flag – but stars? The American WWII generation were the Jews’ dream come true.
Old White Jim and Rudel: Have you guys checked out what Pastor Martin Lindstedt says about the Third and Final Tribulation? and Who White Whiggers are and what will happen to them? I know we have to be all bad asses to survive. Today is Thanksgiving and I pray that God will have Mercy on our Race and save us from destruction! All true White want the Miracle! I know I do! I like George Rockwell, Joseph Tomassi, William Pierce, Robert Mastthews, Louis Beam, David Lane. Tom Metzger and countless others who have tried with all their might energy to awaken White Race! I like Buddy Tucker with his message! and NEWS! Lets all pray for the Miracle! The Raven and Sweet Odor of Cedar Returns!
Rudel: Go to a mall near any area that has been subjected to nigger infestation and watch how the vast majority of the White people behave when a small group of cannibals drifts by. I usually see a flash of terror on their faces. Then they suddenly find something extremely interesting to look at on the floor or in one of the store windows. Rarely will you see a White in that situation that doesn’t exhibit some kind of tail tuck.
Some of it comes from nurture. Most White men allow their pussy wives to teach their sons all there is to know about behaving like a girl. Most White men won’t make their soft-ass sons put down that goddamn game control long enough to get some exercise. Very few White men actually know how to fight because they haven’t thrown a punch since the third grade, if at all, so they have no defense skills to pass on to their sons. Most White men just can’t seem to justify the cost of getting their sons into a martial arts program. Most White men don’t teach their kids how to use guns.
Some of it comes from nature. Even if you did make your boys step away from the Gameboy long enough to learn to learn how to fight, and even if you taught them how to shoot like Daniel Boone, your grandkids could still grow up to be fuckboys if your sons marry into families of cowards of the genetic variety.
Every man with a White skin is not qualified to be White Man. Our race has had it way too easy since WWII. Proper pecking orders haven’t been established, so the weasels, weaklings and the mentally deficient don’t know their place. We have genetically pussified guys marrying the daughters of pussified men who might have been warriors or emergent leaders in harder times. What kind of White babies will that produce? Maybe good, maybe bad, but we won’t know if we don’t start giving each other a hard inspection.
Denying the problem exists doesn’t make it go away. Open your eyes. Whites are not all equal. The genetic and cultural divide that separates White Men from Pale Pukes is as wide as the genetic and cultural divide that separates White Men from niggers. The culling and eugenics must begin.
A future filled with low IQ White Eloi is no more attractive to me than our present reality filled with cannibals and mestizos.
Check out this article to get a better understanding of what I’m talking about:
That article mostly goes into the difference in intelligence within the White race. The other differences are just as important.
So, cull today for a brighter future. When the dark days are upon us you don’t want to find yourself fighting next to stupid fucker or a coward who’s gonna start whimpering and pissing his pants.
Old White Jim – I recently asked my hubby if he thinks Niggers are human. He looked at me , for a long time – we actually had a stare down – and he finally piped up and said “Sure they are. They are human…”. I cut him off. Told him he still had a long way to go.
I am a Renegade Yankee in Yankeeland. Sigh. Not much longer.
Old White Jim: Good article to Rudel. Its true what you say. What Pastor Martin Lindstedt says about the Tribulation and what will happen to Whiggers is true to, like it or not. Like Terrible Tommy says—the Worse—The Better! and the NEWS Messenger says the same. I like the old Mormons,. they even had Destroying Angels…The Salt Lake Mormons are like the Southern Baptist—-really sickning. Warren Jeffs of FLDS–I like him, James Harmston is pretty cool to—but they are not racist enough. The White Russians have held the Heavyweight Boxing titles for many years, because they are WHITE, they get no glorification like blacks and muds. We all look for a Miracle, May God have Mercy on us and help us, Happy Thanksgiving…. PS) Texe Mars has a good book on Freemasonry—Codex Magica
Denise: Better have hubby read this:
John Thomas: That was my biggest problem with the Mormons–they aren’t racist enough. Maybe Utah needs more niggers so that those guys will learn what the rest of us are talking about. I also don’t like the way they answer questions. Always after too long a pause. That is an indication that they are either sneaky or guarded and, to me, those are not endearing traits.
“Rarely will you see a White in that situation that doesn’t exhibit some kind of tail tuck.”
Speak for yourself. I’ve pounded quite a few niggers since my first exposure to them back in my Marine Corps days and very few of them come back for more after a solid punch to the jaw. The rest who do will just have to be surprised when they find themselves curled up on the ground gurgling out pathetic pleas for their momma while they bleed out from multiple .45 caliber holes in their chests.
Old White Jim: So true for these new Mormons now. The old ones were different. The current so called Prophet did an inter racial marriage in the Salt Lake Temple as soon as they had their Cainite Revelation in 1978, thanks to Peanut Carter. Look at the older ones they were racist and not pansys like they are now! Even Romney is a Mason — There is a picture on Mormonzietgeist that shows Tom Metzger with group with White Mormon Power T-Shirts! J. T. Ready of Arizona is a Mormon and so another guy in Idaho named Rex something and they dont reflect a weak type like most are now. There still is a very few who are like the typical flakey ones who you mostly come in contact with. All the religions are controlled now by the Evil Ones….. We need more Buddy Tuckers!!!!!!!!!!
Old White Jim: So true for these new Mormons now. The old ones were different. The current so called Prophet did an inter racial marriage in the Salt Lake Temple as soon as they had their Cainite Revelation in 1978, thanks to Peanut Carter. Look at the older ones they were racist and not pansys like they are now! Even Romney is a Mason — There is a picture on Mormonzietgeist that shows Tom Metzger with group with White Mormon Power T-Shirts! J. T. Ready of Arizona is a Mormon and so another guy in Idaho named Rex Hammil and they dont reflect a weak type like most are now. There still is a very few who are like the typical flakey ones who you mostly come in contact with. All the religions are controlled now by the Evil Ones….. We need more Buddy Tuckers!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Hunter posted by accident twice.
Rudel: Outstanding. That puts you on the non-cull list. Now, what are we gonna do about all of those fuckboys with the pale skins. Saying you’re tough doesn’t change anything I’ve said about them. But that’s your choice. You can have them for your brothers-in-arms. Hell, you can have my share of them, too.
Myself, I believe I will continue to side with folks who are smart enough to choose quality over quantity.
OldWhiteJim: What part of the country do you live in that you see all these pussy young white guys. With the exception of some emo hipsters, most of the ones I live around seem to be tough enough. You can tell by their fearlessness in various conventional and/or extreme sports. Even the left-wing anarcho types don’t back down from the cops. Plus white guys rule in the Sandbox (however stupid big picture-wise that might be.)
Rudel: In the past 15 years I have lived in Jacksonville, FL, Macon. Ga, Ft.Worth, TX and now south central KY. Before that it was Minneapolis and before that it was Detroit.
I’ve seen a lot first hand, and I’ve been close to people who relay stories to me that concern chimp behavior. For instance, when I was in Jacksonville from ’96-’01, I used to help my bondsman brother-in-law round up people who didn’t make their court appearances when they were out on bail. While waiting for a catch in mixed neighborhoods I saw dozens of Whites get shook down by niggers. I also saw Whites get punched in the face and not fight back. If they fought back we helped them, if not they were on their own.
During that time a lot of guys from the Sheriff’s Department stopped by the office regularly for free coffee and they kept us informed about all of the nigger on White assaults and rapes at the county lockup.
I have a step son who was a paramedic in Macon when I lived there. He always had a story or two to tell about White guys who got beat up by niggers. Lots of facial injuries, but never anything on their knuckles. He used to ask them if they fought back or not, just so he could hear them talk about all of the tough shit they would have done if something had been different. Now he’s working down in St.Pete and the stories are exactly the same.
I have a daughter who is an assistant principal in a high school in a first ring Minneapolis suburb. Part of her job is to take statements from all of the little pussy White kids who get beat up by niggers. Not White kids who fought with niggers: White kids who were plain old sniveling victims. No bruised knuckles in that bunch, either. The school is 70% White.
I was running a company when I lived in Minneapolis so I only got out often enough to see a few Whites going out bad with my own eyes. I saw a good sized white guy get punched in the nose by a medium sized nigger at a pool hall. No fight, just one unanswered punch. Then, on two separate occasions, I saw niggers punch Whites who didn’t fight back in fast food joints. Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about the big fat White guy that I saw get bitch slapped on the ear by a nigger at a concert at the Taste of Minnesota in St.Paul.
Most of what I know about the Minneapolis White pussies came from the news. Every day there was another poor defenseless Cracker who was assaulted by a Black male in a jogging suit. (After a while I started wondering if it was always the same nigger who did all of it.) By the time I left Minneapolis in ’94 the guy that kept assaulting the White victims was a race-less male in a hoodie.
When I was growing up in Detroit about half of the White boys fought back. Later, when they started busing kids from the nice neighborhoods to our hell hole of a school I observed that very few of those guys would fight back. I even heard of a few kids that performed some homo favors to keep from getting beat up.
As for your assumption that participation in sports is an indication of whether or not a White kid is a fuckboy, you are comparing grapes to watermelons. Unless the sport involves punching and getting punched, as in full contact karate, kick-boxing or boxing, then that kid isn’t prepared for jack shit. Even then there is no guarantee. I have sparred with guys in the ring that gave me a hell of a fight, but they were total pussies if somebody fucked with them in a bar. I mean shrinking, red-faced, trembling, please-don’t-hurt-me pussies.
To be fair, I must also tell you that I have seen Whites fight back, maybe 20% of the time. I have seen Whites fuck niggers all the way up, but it was usually old bikers with a patch. They don’t make many like that anymore, but we need to start.
We need to start right away. Snowboarding isn’t gonna get them ready.
Old White Jim says:
November 23, 2011 at 6:58 pm
From what I observed in my extensive travels in Utah and Idaho I have concluded that Mormons are worthless and weak. They may someday form a White Mormon Church, but it will be attended exclusively by Eloi.
I reiterate: Fu*k Utah.
JR replies:
Jim could you clean up your mouth just a little bit? O.D. is a family friendly website. You talk lots of talk about how tough a bar fighter you are, maybe if you clean up your mouth a little you’ll attract higher quality bar flies.
We need to cross train – yes, you are correct too many White lads are too soft in confrontations with street Blacks, but the other side is White men who have no manners and can’t perform basic personal hygiene. Please clean up your mouth/act or go hangout in some other dive bar forum. Robert E Lee was no pu*$*#@ and he was also a fine Southern gentleman, so is Hunter.
Jack Ryan: I didn’t mean to get your sensitive little panties all in a bunch. Are Robert E. Lee and Hunter the only two White guys you can think of that aren’t p*ssies? D*mn, it’s worse than I thought.
Rudel: Now this is the kind I’ve been talking about. The guy cusses like he’s writing the dialogue in a MAD magazine, but he still cusses and he thinks a bunch of asterisks makes him a f*cking, c*cks*cking, motherf*cking gentleman. Now that’s a true 92.5.