About Hunter Wallace 12401 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t see where Romney has a lead. He is behind in Ohio and has no path to victory in the EC without winning Ohio.

  2. With a bisexual miscegenated egotist in the White House, and the heir presumptive as the GOP candidate, who believes (unofficially, of course) in polygamous marriage (to many women), these stats are a macrocosm of the Prez Debate tonight.


    Yup. I’m voting Anglo-Saxon.

    Let the AIDS degenerates, who started the whole thing, by fornicating (But not adulterating- they’re ontological equals in Africa) with monkeys in Africa, bring home to roost their bestial behaviour, by these stats.

    Separate, but equal? Not after the Obamanation, that’s for sure. Unequal ALL THE WAY, Baby.

  3. Let me clarify: I don’t see where Romney has a lead that matters. Head-to-head polls mean nothing. What matters are the numbers in the swing states. The swing states will decide the EC. The EC will decide the winner. Obama, again, is ahead in Ohio. Romney has no path to victory in the EC without winning Ohio.

  4. Of course 0bama got no bump from the 2nd debate. And unless Romney puts his dick in the butter tray in the 3rd debate, 0bama will see no bump there, either.

    This is because everyone’s quite familiar with 0bama. It was Romney they didn’t know. Now they do, and from here on out 0bama will only continue to bleed voters.

    All this makes perfect sense once you get the (real) narrative: the public has been ready to jump the 0bama ship for 2 years now, but the media had painted Romney as a robber baron, so the boobs didn’t know they had a viable alternative. Now that they see a viable alternative, they’re jumping ship by the millions.

    One debate isn’t going to dent this narrative, unless it’s an extreme outlier (Romney putting his dick in the butter tray and ruining himself as a viable alternative).

    A policy tweak here or there means NOTHING at this point.

    The zero’s one and done.

  5. Hunter, why all the recent pro-Romney excitement? I thought you wanted a black face presiding over “the collapse.”

    He is behind in Ohio and has no path to victory in the EC without winning Ohio.

    That’s not true. But it would probably really come down to the wire if he doesn’t. (Then again, with a string of heretofore unexpected good performances he could cruise in.)

  6. Lew, Romney is ahead in Ohio. A LOT of pro-0bama assumptions are built into these polls. A two point lead in the polls for the 0 means he’s losing Ohio.

    Did you know the assumption that 0bama will match his turnout levels from 2008 is baked into all of these cakes? What kind of nut thinks that’s going to pan out? Then there’s all the oversampling of minorities…

  7. “..why all the pro-Romney excitement? I thought you wanted a black face presiding over “the collapse”?

    – That’s a good question. Throughout the summer, I was getting taunted on here on a daily basis by one individual, because I wouldn’t flinch in my confidence that Romney would win this thing. Now, that same individual, who won’t even be voting in this American election, seems to have abandoned his “collapse and partition” fantasy and become Romney’s biggest cheerleader. Of course, it might just be due to Romney’s English roots.

  8. Why is Hunter excited about the Prosective of a Romney win?

    Instinctively, the Confederate seeks the chimpout! It’ll be good sport. Make sure you have cameras ready and take screen shots of negromeltdown.

    If things get bad in your own neighbourhoods, take precautions.

  9. Instinctively, the Confederate seeks the chimpout! It’ll be good sport.

    Yes, I suppose that it’s it. I don’t believe this election will fundamentally alter very much over the long-term (which is where my interest lies). But I too am hoping for a Romney victory for no other reason than the sheer sport of it. Though, I don’t just want to see the nigger go down in flame for its own sake (chimpouts, riots, niggerwhine etc), but also because it would disappoint and dishearten the sort of hard left “progressive” excrement that I despise so much (again, this despite no substantive policy difference between the two candidates).

    Svigor, you are investing a lot of ego in that prediction. Are you sure you’ll be able to handle the humiliation if you’re wrong?

  10. Let’s have an honest debate about blacks once they
    prove themselves to be unsuitable material for democratic process.

    That’s my position.

  11. Ohio will go down to a few thousand votes. Obama does not have an advantage that is insurmountable there.

    “Chew the bitter cud” for either side.

  12. Listen I told you folks that President World Be Free was toast, he simply is being mooslimed and the mooslimes are the new niggers in our dog whistle politics.

    White Ds outside of the absolute anti-white fringe have little use for for brown skinned morons besides as props for PC purposes.

    “The nigger is goin down,” got it?

  13. Yes, I suppose that it’s it. I don’t believe this election will fundamentally alter very much over the long-term (which is where my interest lies). But I too am hoping for a Romney victory for no other reason than the sheer sport of it. Though, I don’t just want to see the nigger go down in flame for its own sake (chimpouts, riots, niggerwhine etc), but also because it would disappoint and dishearten the sort of hard left “progressive” excrement that I despise so much (again, this despite no substantive policy difference between the two candidates).

    Same here, pretty much. That and they get a one and done for their “historic first black president.”

    Svigor, you are investing a lot of ego in that prediction. Are you sure you’ll be able to handle the humiliation if you’re wrong?

    I reject the premise of your question. I haven’t invested a lot of ego in this, and I won’t be humiliated if I’m wrong. I’m just calling them as I see them. If I’m wrong, oh well.

  14. Ohio will go down to a few thousand votes. Obama does not have an advantage that is insurmountable there.

    “Chew the bitter cud” for either side.

    Romney could easily win Ohio by hundreds of thousands of votes. I don’t think it will even be a nail-biter.

  15. Yeah, I can’t quite wrap my ego up in this either. Party Politics is a bitch, it demands money and attention and then it runs off with the milkman.

  16. Actually, I have a misstatement to correct. I’ve been saying that the polls assume 2008-level turnout for 0bama, but that’s actually understating the bias. There are tons of polls out there that weight toward 0bama far in excess of what he got in 2008. He’ll have to significantly increase his turnout from 2008 to live up to these polls. E.g., there are Ohio polls weighted at D+9, when the 0 got D+5 in 2008.

    Totally nuts if you ax me.

  17. Yeah, I can’t quite wrap my ego up in this either. Party Politics is a bitch, it demands money and attention and then it runs off with the milkman.

    Haha, well said.

  18. And Silver, you know what a slick cunt I am. If I’m right, I’m the prescient genius. If I’m wrong, hey, what am I, a political genius or something?

  19. Obama is still ahead in the electoral college race and will likely win unless Romney gets 61% of the vote:

    Romney’s ahead in the electoral college race. Where do you people get this stuff?

    As for the battleground states, I wouldn’t wipe my arse with obama’s “statistical lead,” given how massaged those statistics are, and how slim it is even on paper.

  20. Romney ought to tell the public:

    1. We need peace at long last.

    2. We need to keep tabs on the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the political arm of AQ.

    3. Protect our allies in Europe, Asia and wherever we find them.

    4. Tell them we must be realists. Double meaning but it’ll impress.

    5. Point out that Reagan for example was a leader who won but did it without American casualties.

  21. Then it’s game over for O.

    Keep reiterating broad principles.

    Additionally link security to economy.

    “Money is the sinews of war, peace and strength.”. Something classical like that.

  22. Please please please watch this – very relevant to Romney – the Mormons have some sort of weird vengeance plan for the US – This temple is apparently linked to Romney in some way, can’t remeber how, like this is actually where he ‘worships’ or he is in this clip or something like that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6udew9axmdM

    Also Occy D – terribly slow to load up – just got a 503 error – unuseable at times -under cyber attack?

  23. I’m not a scientologist but, the story ain’t so far fetched given the size of the universe. Aliens? Why not. They are more plausible than supernatural beings.

  24. I don’t care who “wins” tonight. I don’t really care who “wins” the election, either, although I will say that the thought of never seeing the President or his frowning Neander-spouse in the White House again is pleasant to contemplate. Never mind that Mr. Romney holds to some made-up, goofball sci-fi American fake religion — at least he looks like a human being.

    Of course, things could get dicey if the One doesn’t win. Why not take the time now to make a few simple preparations for “urban unrest”? Come the Chimpout (God forbid, of course), a few cans of soup and an extra brick of twelve-gauge could come in handy.

  25. Romney’s position is still tenuous. He has to win both Florida and Ohio or capture essentially every other small toss-up state if he losses either. Rasmussen has President Mosquito Spray up by one in Ohio and I doubt he is overcounting dems in his sample.

    Though what I will wager he is undercounting are apparitions, specters, phantasms, and other large undead democratic constituencies. These unalive-americans are rarely well accounted for until election day when prior lifetimes of conservative voting give way to a more progressive outlook from purgatory.

  26. Romney: We must develop a plan to deal with muslim extremism…move them to America where we can keep a close eye on them.

  27. Could only make it through three minutes of this… Romney is stammering all over the place, he needs a drink.

  28. He’s playing it safe.

    Obama is attempting to pick fights.
    Romney should point out that revolution in the Arab world is BAD. It gives the Jihadi a foothold.

  29. Romney’s position is still tenuous.

    Obama’s position is much more tenuous. He’s still bleeding votes and will continue to do so until the polls close, unlike Romney, who will continue to gain votes.

    He has to win both Florida and Ohio or capture essentially every other small toss-up state if he losses either. Rasmussen has President Mosquito Spray up by one in Ohio and I doubt he is overcounting dems in his sample.

    Yes, Rasmussen is baking bad assumptions into his cake, too. Obama’s going to lose Florida and Ohio.

  30. Lots of pro-Romney people seem to think that the outcome of this election will be the end of BRA. Not so. The election of Romney will see the continuation of the anti-white policies of Amurrica. It’s their government and their election after all.

    There is no good outcome for any white Southerner in this election. Either way, our enemies win–the choice is merely between the fanatically evil or the casually malicious. This government does not even pretend to represent the interests of white Southerners.

    One doesn’t have to support Romney to hope the mulatto messiah will fail in his reelection bid.

    Just because some yankees (certainly not those in the Northeast) may be having a change of heart about the disaster that is the Obama presidency does not mean that the majority of yankees are not just as rabidly pro-negro as they always have been.

    Were it not for the gullible Southern vote, Romney wouldn’t have a prayer.

    Romney will be sure to stick it to those same Southerners any way he can after his election as a sop to his fellow yankees and their PC negro-worshipping religion.

    Most of you northerners on this board are not such yankees, but I’m sure you know plenty of them. It still remains to be seen if Romney will actually carry any northern state other than Ohio. I don’t know if I would be doing all the trash talking if I were you. Your fellow yankees hold the whip hand, after all.

    Deo Vindice

  31. He’s playing it safe.

    That’s what you do when you have a commanding lead approaching the finish line and you don’t get extra points for setting a record. You put it on cruise control because the point now is to seal the deal and not trip over your own feet trying to run too fast.

    Okay, probably not a good analogy because I have no idea what racers or runners actually do in that situation. But in an election, you don’t need to overreach when you know you have it in the bag. You just make sure the bag is closed and zipped.

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