About Hunter Wallace 12401 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The takeaway is that there’s not much difference between the two on foreign policy.
    Obama wants more teachers for niglettes.

  2. Friends :

    Watching the debate now.

    It is all so incredibly false and misleading.

    It’s like an adult talking with a child – the debaters and the viewers are on two totally different levels.

    It’s like the big elephant in the room is making screaming sounds in one corner, but those watching can’t even hear the pachyderm’s bleating.

    It’s like my idea of the Political Venn Diagram Phenomenon is manifesting itself yet once again: there are three circles. They intersect at multiple points. Circle One, Circle Two, and Circle Three shall we say.

    But in the same way that the Right Hand Does not see what the Left Hand is doing, in the Political Venn Diagram Phenomenon (the One Banana meme notwithstanding), watching Romney and Obama argue back and forth sans balls makes me realize that we here in the Alt-Rightosphere are the only observers of global politics who are capable of seeing the interaction of circles 1 through 3.

    These two candidates are world’s apart enthnically, from an HBD point of view, from a WN point of view.

    Sadly though, the essence of their is essentially the same.

    Barry Obama is the most verminous manifestation of BRA and clueless white guilt ever, EVER, in the history of mankind.

    Unfortunately and this is part of the Political Venn Diagram Phenomenon, the utter fraudulentness of Obama and all he stands for is out of bounds.

    -*- Sigh -*-



  3. More teachers to babysit blacks! That will help us beat China and Germany and Russia economically!

    Obama is a bloody joke.

  4. Anyone ever notice how black jesus whistles when he says his “S” sound?

    I’m not sure when I started noticing that but it makes experiencing his blackface that much worse.

    I’m in the same boat as others: My rational brain knows Romney is a kike puppet loser. However, I really want to see the black/brown/homo/jew/LGBTBGBGnfbdngWTF communities lose their shit for a while.

  5. “I’m in the same boat as others: My rational brain knows Romney is a kike puppet loser. However, I really want to see the black/brown/homo/jew/LGBTBGBGnfbdngWTF communities lose their shit for a while.”

    Well said, YT.

    Deo Vindice

  6. “uKn_Leo says:
    October 22, 2012 at 9:36 pm
    Behind the scenes footage in a Mormon Temple. Not good.


    Leo my darling lad,

    angel baby sweetums. Please cvisit the JooSA. We’ll show ya around. You can visit a Mormon Temple.

    Then you can visit Dee=troy.

    We’ll protect you. We have loads of…means of self defense.

    You can decide, afters , which is worse. A Mormon Temple – or Dee-troy.

  7. “Porter says:
    October 23, 2012 at 1:22 am
    Mosquito Spray: The Libyans stand with us. Their culture merely expresses solidarity differently.”

    Best line on the thread. Kudos!

  8. “Sadly though, the essence of their DISCOURSE is essentially the same.”

    Sorry about that.

    Also (I am bumming because Romney -oops sorry the “Anglo” – seems less cool in this debate, so far. The fraudulent HNIC must be on pills. He’s cooler than he’s been in the last two. Did they implant a Talmudvision teleprompter into his tiny half-simian semi-prognathic wooly-headed nigger skull?), … also I wanted to sat this:



    I have heard from beaucoup WNs that they think that Obama must win for another four years just to fully wake up white people (Matt Parrott and Greg Johnson, entres autres).

    I do not agree: I can not stand the thought of seeing this NHIC every day on the front page of the NYT every day for another four years.

    What horrifies me even more, is the prospect of having to see during four more years the scowling, prognathic visage of Michelle Obama, the First Sowpotomous, every day in the nation’s news sources.

    Barry is bad, but Michelle is worse when it comes to naked anti-white harted at the highest levels.

    Lastly: Correction from last comment :

    “Sadly though, the essence of their is essentially the same.”

    was supposed to be :

    “Sadly though, the essence of their message is essentially the same.” (obviously).



  9. “John says:
    October 23, 2012 at 1:52 am
    Obama is split screen staring. He is not blinking.”

    Oh. I interpreted that as an overdose of Special K.

  10. Re: “Vote Virgil Goode (Constitution Party) or Merlin Miller (A3P)”:

    Rather write in Ron Paul! But only in states where the names of Presidential write-ins are reported, AND where Romney is SURE to win!

    Obama has learned the powerful debate-winning STARING-BACK tactic.

    At this moment he is pledging, again, to stand with Israel “if it is attacked.” Now BOTH candidates stare at each other while the other is speaking, and of course both remain pledged to order troops to stand with Israel “if is attacked.”

  11. Romney: The president said that he would meet with all of the world’s worst actors. Yet Sean Penn still waits.

  12. Women do not like Iran, but they like niggers. The yellow dial on the C NN feed is sucking up the mocha messiah.

  13. Degeaube says:
    October 23, 2012 at 1:52 am
    I have heard from beaucoup WNs that they think that Obama must win for another four years just to fully wake up white people (Matt Parrott and Greg Johnson, entres autres). ”

    I know. They are wrong. Sometimes worse is worse. I know that I make fun of Negroes, in ways that would be banished or censored on Stormfront, in FRONT og “mainstream” Whites – and in “mainstream” news sites. Npo problems. People now agree with me, defend me, and chime in.

    “What horrifies me even more, is the prospect of having to see during four more years the scowling, prognathic visage of Michelle Obama, the First Sowpotomous, every day in the nation’s news sources. ”

    Not even the First Sheboon – Eric holder unchecked is my issue.

  14. Mitt just said he’d bring Ahmadinejad up on genocide charges….that Iran should be treated as bad as evil rac-sus apartheid……. he just reinforced my view that Persians are closer to being white than much of ‘murica.

    Did you know that Arya, the Indo-European word for Warrior is the root word of both Iran and Ireland?

    The more you know….

  15. “Porter says:
    October 23, 2012 at 1:54 am
    Romney: The president said that he would meet with all of the world’s worst actors. Yet Sean Penn still waits.”

    HAHAHA!!! Who are you? You are a screech!

  16. “YT says:
    October 23, 2012 at 1:57 am
    Mitt just said he’d bring Ahmadinejad up on genocide charges….that Iran should be treated as bad as evil rac-sus apartheid……. he just reinforced my view that Persians are closer to being white than much of ‘murica.

    Did you know that Arya, the Indo-European word for Warrior is the root word of both Iran and Ireland?

    The more you know….”

    Sigh….I know……

  17. Obama is bragging about having “put in place the toughest, most crippling sanctions EVER”!

    Now Romney is saying he would have ordered even harder sanctions and done even more for Israel than Obama did.

    IMAGINE: What would Ron Paul have said? You may say-ay-ay-ay I’m a dreamer….

  18. Let’s see. Mittens claimed that he learned that he can’t “kill his way to peace” or somethang to that effect.

    However Mittens “thinks” he can bluster his way by threatening to kill his way to peace. And why he’s gonna put Adminijihad on trial as a genocider in the World Kort. Why, that’s gonna happen real soon. Why that should make Iran’s mullahs give up nukes. Why they might go North Korea and damn the torpedos and staving gooklets, full speed ahead.

    Mittens is acting like a ZOGling whigger ass-clown. However the First Congoid in Chief isn’t calling Mittens on this very well.

    Draw so far.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  19. Watching the debate now :

    Obama is doing well, he has resumed to his usual nigger coolness.

    Romney seems shaken and not in control.

    The fraudulent one as I type this is saying: “I was reminded how I would feel if my kids had missiles reigning down on them. That is why we funded the Iron Dome program.”

    God Almighty, I did not realize that I had in my heart the ability to hate Hate HATE a fraudulent impostor nigger as much as I hate this nasty-looking shit-colored fraudulent usurping HNIC as I do.

    God forgive me.

    These are difficult times.

    – Arturo

  20. Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt says:
    October 23, 2012 at 2:01 am
    Let’s see. Mittens claimed that he learned that he can’t “kill his way to peace” or somethang to that effect.

    However Mittens “thinks” he can bluster his way by threatening to kill his way to peace. And why he’s gonna put Adminijihad on trial as a genocider in the World Kort. Why, that’s gonna happen real soon. Why that should make Iran’s mullahs give up nukes. Why they might go North Korea and damn the torpedos and staving gooklets, full speed ahead.

    Mittens is acting like a ZOGling whigger ass-clown. However the First Congoid in Chief isn’t calling Mittens on this very well.

    Draw so far.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN”

    I have wanted them to hit each other, since the first debate. Just punch the the Hell out of each other. Winner gets to be First ZogSlurper.

  21. “Barry Obama is the most verminous manifestation of BRA and clueless white guilt ever, EVER, in the history of mankind.”

    Good one, Arturo. You don’t even need to use your extra 120 grams to see that.

    “Hail the Golden Dawn!!!!
    (Hint…there’s a connection…)”

    The only connection I can see is that Romney the globalist is as anti-Golden Dawn as he is anti-Southern. White ethnics are “divisive” to him and “we” don’t need that, now do we? It’s awfully bad for big business.

    Prediction: If he manages to win, he will spin so fast back to his liberal roots after the election it will make your head snap. Get ready for more “nonpartisan compromise” in the manner of Bush I, starting with the “oops, I did it again” non-repeal of Obamacare/Romneycare.

    Romney’s only virtue is his whiteness, which is only skin deep. His heart is with BRA and the continued replacement of the native white population of Amurrica for the sake of big business and the ethnic whiner interest groups.

    Deo Vindice

  22. The problem with Mittens is that he is NORMAN (Hunter alerted us to his “Anglo-Norman” identity!) as well as a leader in the Mormon heretical cult.

    We need a genuine SAXON.

  23. Mittens is a ‘haet-speecher’ and wants to put Amonkeyjihad on trial before the Whirrrrld-Kort for haet-speech against Isn’tReal, oy vey.

    Why does anyone think that the ZOGling whigger ass-clown vulture capitalist is any ‘improvement’ over the gay Muslim First Kenyan HNIC? At least the HnIC won’t give the jews an Iranian war like Mittens will.

    Boycott the [S]Election. Neither of these clowns are in any way for Whiggers. “What’s good for Whiggers?” Neither of these ZOGling whigger and nagger ass-clowns.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  24. This debate is boring as shit. I’ll bet the number of viewers turns out to the lowest of all four of these things.

  25. The only thing Romney’s done well is talk the economy. Every time it’s mentioned Obama gets that “nigger in the headlights” look.

  26. Mosquito: In 2014, we will leave this barren and hostile place. Years and years of war are long enough. It’s time for Detroit to stand on its own.

  27. Totally OT— but turned on t.v., onto an old movie called Flashdance. Star was Jennifer Beals (half black, half Irish), and was the most blonde hating movie ever. The whole plot starts with how bad the pretty talented blonde ballerinas make her feel. Later, she gets the guy and a blonde confronts her, and she gives a streety anti-blonde response (he goes out behind her back with the dreaded blonde). Then there was a “bullying” commercial with more dread blondes doing bullying.

    It’s just so gross.

    Mittens the Norman Mormon was just bitching about people “Stealing Our Intellectual Property”—- lol. What? Flashdance?

  28. I notice how Mittens side-slipped the question as to what Mittens would do if Isn’tReal started a war with the Persians. Said, “That is a hypothetical which won’t happen.” “I have my mouth around Bibi’s organ, and Bibi won’t start nothing without giving me my marching orders first.”

    Where-ass Obongo put in the caveat that he would defend Isn’tReal — IF ISN’TREAL WAS ATTACKED [first]”

    And now regarding the Chinks. Mittens is going to start a trade war with the Chinks. And beg them to lend ZOG ZOGbux. And respect us in the morning.

    Such a deal. Can’t kill ZOG’s way to piss, but can threaten to kill ZOG’s way to piss.

    I’m sure the Taliban and Al & Martha Quaeda are shaking in theyz’ camel-skin sandals.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  29. Give me liberty or give me death! Sic semper tyrannis! Hurrah Abe Lincoln is dead! Hurrah the south shall rise again! Hurrah Whites take their rightful place again! Send these despots packing both the mulatto and son of a nigger lover.

  30. Gotta admit that there is a big difference in the facial expressions of both Mittens and Obongo.

    Obongo has the steady gaze of a silverback buck looking at a bit of lice or a NutHouse Negroid off itz meds about to attack some White Debbil. I’ve seen both expressions both on Animal Planet and In Real Life with congoids too far gone for pretense.

    Whereass Mittens has the perpetually shifty look like you just missed him masturbating in the closet by just that much.

    So Silverback vs. Lying Jack-off Whigger.

    So you hafta ask, “What’s best for whiggers?”

    Actual White People gain nothing from either ZOGling whigger or mamzer ass-clown.

    Show over. I’m listening to M$NBC — The Obongo Channel. They, of course, think Obongo won.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  31. Sorry. Was watching and recording it on CNN. I was waiting for the mad sow kikess bull-dyke and instead got Anderspawn Twooper & Itz Gay Pooper. Wrong faggot.

    Anyway, the CNN jews & homos think Obongo won too.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  32. The debate had no winner. The both of them just blathered like idiots. Romney did have one moment where he made Obama look like a punk, but it was otherwise a boring, redundant, waste of time. Anyone who is going to vote, has likely made up their mind long before tonight.

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