Live Thread: Alex Linder Debate on Radio Free Mississippi (Round Three)


Here’s a link to the archive of the third debate with Jim Giles and Alex Linder.

Note: I turned the moderation queue off for the live thread. It was restored here when the debate was over. In the future, there will be no flaming or personal attacks on this blog, only substantial discussions in the comments.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I hope that Brad hasn’t disabled the live commentary but think that he will. Hunter often disappoints his friends.

    Nothing human is born without blood. A new nation is no exception.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  2. Giles starts out with a ridiculous demand that both sides use their real names. Jim Giles is already chimping out.

    Jim Giles is NOT a legitimate anything other than a legitimate ass-clown that routinely runs sniveling to ZOG whenever he has something to inform on.

    Alex Lender published under a ‘fake’ jew name? Hmmmm. How about using the name Lender or Linderwitz?

    The gut-sick guido kiken-weasel was placed as a ZOG false front as a result of Pierce investing some Order ZOGbux.

    And, since Hunter/Brad does seem to have not moderated in advance the comments section, then he has my apologies.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  3. Reposting comments left this morning:

    How about a live, open thread for commentary tomorrow’s ‘debate?’

    Quite a bit of work you did here, Hunter. Rabbi Linder has a different dream of writing a few spintros/chutzpatros and closing down yet another gay bar in Kirksville in order to bring about a “Golden Dawn” and to save the White Race.

    I notice that your hard work doesn’t seem to make much of an impression over on Lender’s Greater Free Range Tard Corral, and they are exceedingly huffy that you are allowing free speech for such as myself. Why Vargina the LinderMiller Meercat ‘thinks’ that setting up an Alex-kenite-nutzi Defecation League cumplaint in order to destroy free speech elsewhere is in order, oy vey.

    However, I do notice that the only time that such as these bowel Movement tards seem to have any respect is when they are getting some ‘ad hominids’ from the unruly over here on your blog. I think that the thang to do is to simply inform them that chutzpa cuts both ways, and over here “goy-pa” and “Free Speech for Whites” is the order of the day.

    Accordingly, if you would open up a “live thread” for me to comment tomorrow, that is a good thing and nothing much harmed even if a few colostomy bags are burst in the melee, oy vey. You might tell Rabbi Linder/Lender that since “Free Speech for Whites” is extinct over on VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF that you decided to on occasion open it right here for those who have sundry ribald commentary on Saint Lender of ZOG-Tards.

    If Roid-Rage chimps out on you and it breaks bad, hang up. We can always do an emergency Turd later.

    And if you stood me up last night in order to “get you some” then “Good Show.” Friends don’t keep friends from getting somethang cuddly and nice. If I was your age and with good prospects of doing something useful, then I’d do exactly the same thang. However, not to worry, Rabbi Linder, when not changing colostomy bags as Super-Mamzer is flying around on a broom and busily playing “Carrie Nation” for the lavender set in Kirksville.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  4. Unlateral Comment Control, Like Unilateral Gun Control, Doesn’t Work to White Advantage — OR — Cry “Fuck It” and unleash the Mad Dogs of War!!!

    I noticed that VNNF has indeed gone south. What did you expect? For Linder’s misbegotten defectives to suddenly behave and stop acting like a pack of jews insisting that you must be disarmed while they run wild?

    Niggers love gun control — as long as Whites are disarmed and prevented from shooting feral niggers. Likewise the Lenderkike meercats are whining about one of your unruly tards running wild and ripping colostomy bags asunder and speaking freely and you not doing anythang about it. Well, me, specifically.

    In the 1640s or thereabout some Indian savages asked the anti-nomian lawless femnishevik skank Anne Hutchison to tie up her dogs because they were scared of being bit. The stupid whigger skank did so, and was promptly raped and murdered with her entire family except for a younger daughter, still raped. Nothing was learned by that whigger skanktard, but that is not the point. Rather, you need to understand that you hate Yankee whiggertards and thus setting some nigger and beaners turned loose on Yankee whigger and jew tards today has no downside. Letting such be killed and raped and eaten by those they profess to love and actually fear is a good cure for hypocrisy. They can’t be lying hypocrites when they are dead at the paws of their pet Beasts of the Field.

    Anyway, I think that the solution to VNNF meercat fuktaration isn’t goy control or even being nice. Rather, Cry “Fuck it” and unleash the Mad Dogs of War on them fuktarded misbegotten meercats in Lender’s tard corral.

    Turn me loose, turn me loose, Hunter, with a dull knife and a bad attitude and sit back as colostomy bags are ripped asunder and meercats gelded!!! Of course when that happens you will get blamed for letting it happen, but itz not as if criminal charges are likely to get filed.

    Open up a debate thread with unmoderated comments. I’ll restore you some respect — or at least some fear. Remember, they’ll blame you for what I do. Effin’ half-beared maniac beats meercats, Hunter controls half-bearded maniac but doesn’t bother, Meercats get ass-raped, gelded and butthurt. Sorta like rock, paper, scissors, but there is only rock, rock controller not giving a shit, and scissors. Scissors always gets screwed.

    What’s the worst thing that can happen? Linder ban your ass? Well, I don’t worry about such as that for a second. I gots plenty of sockpuppets and using a TOR browser means none of them get caught.

    Look, there is a time for high-brow discussion. Dr. Greg Johnson moderates Linder. Linder doesn’t have any choice but to whine about it. I’d advise Dr. Kevin MacDonald to censor Linder and his meercat tards on sight as well. Linder should be caged up in itz own ghetto/tard corral. But not when you are engaged in a ‘debate’ with Linder and Linder has nothing really to debate with other than unleashing Lender’s defective ass-clowns. You need a “Big Mad Dog” to unleash on your property against some mattoid meercats.

    I find it hilarious that this jew Lender/Linder acts exactly like a kike — whine about being censored when Whitey controls the Republic and censors and whines for censorship when jewboys run the Empire. Treating a kike like a human being and then being surprised when they bite you like a rat is stupid whigger behavior. jews know when they are facing a White man because a White man treats them like jews. Linder is a jew, and you need to treat it like one.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  5. Giles seeks any excuse to chimp out on ‘intellectuals’ on the nigger issue.

    I hate to admit it, Lender is right. By now every whigger has experience with niggers and beaners.

    Giles seeks every reason to chimp out. Doesn’t look good.

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  6. Come now Brad. You were the one who posted the Linder is a jew thread at VNN. And Pastor Loonstedt is allowed to write the most ridiculous comments about everyone he disagrees with here.

  7. Linder has no ‘higher standards. Linder simply lies and lets his meercats runs wild but censors his enemies.

    Lender is whining about Hunter not censoring. Hunter is indeed censoring posts. Which is why I have a policy of saving my comments.

    Also, like a jew, Lender insists that “VNN” drules be used.on other sites.

    The moderated WordPress blog has become the medium of choice for the intellectual sort. The v-bulletin forum has nothing but tards.

    Lender also cumplains that ‘libelous’ material is posted here on Occidental Dissent. Yet Linder and itz meercats call me a child molester, which is libel per se. Whereas I say openly that Linder is a jew with a jew genetic disease of Crohns.

    Linder is simply a jew hypocrite operating a data-mining site. The “Higher Stqandards” of VNNF are like those of National Alliance. None to speak of.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt

  8. So far these have been very enlightening debates. Shame they’re dragging out the psycho(s) from WN 1.0 and all. A Hunter-Linder-Kievsky round table discussion would be amazing.

  9. Linder is one sick jew, pretending to be Aryan.

    Took five years for Linder to go from having Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS to “Ulcerative Colitis” i.e. Aryan ass-GAIDS.

    Same thang that turns a East Side jew like Peterless Goodmam/mamzer from a kike living in Westchester County to an Aryan living in Iceland.

    Linder is a jew with a jew genetic immune deficiency disease.

    Hunter denies being mentally ill. Hunter’s problem is “Whiggeritis” a common affliction affecting 100% of whiggers. Until the whigger grows a set of nuts, all whiggers suffer from Whiggeritis.”

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  10. Lender is claiming that Brad is gonna becum an Auntie Waycist. Brad is changeable.

    However, Linder is, and always has been a jew.

    Brad has every right to change his mind as Brad sees fit. Whigger Nutsionalism is proverbally full of idiots, tards, clowns, meercats, ZOGbots, and jews pretending to be Aryan..

    Nobody wants to see their community filled with Whigger Nutsionalists.

    Brad has made the point that he is seeking community, not meercats.

    Now onto CornCobb. CornCobb is suspected of being an informant. VNNF is full of such.

    Linder claims that VNNF is a ‘vanguard’. Anything but. Snitches, informants, jail-birds.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  11. Brad, you said you want to surround yourself with normal, well adjusted people. Is Lindstedt normal and well adjusted? Would he not chase most people away?

    Let’s get real.

  12. Well. I see that Brad got on his web page and has put me on moderation.

    Brad is the sort who will ALWAYS pull defeat out of the jaws of Victory. Whenever any one of his partisans get ready to pull off a tactical victory which cannot be undone, Brad chickens out and wants to control the situation.

    Linder, being a jew, will act accordingly. Brad, being a whigger, will act accordingly.

    The only solution will be reached by those who are definitely not intellectuals. This bowel Movement is full of people who play. And meercats.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  13. Linder in Hitler’s Germany would be in a camp making colostomy bags for wounded German soldiers.

    Brad would be on the Eastern Front, being made to grow a set. Or die trying.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  14. VNNF is exactly like the “Wandering Mamzers” of WikiPedia-Talksjew CI” You have secret marrano jews, like Lender/Linder and Eli James/jewseph Kutz-November as jews screaming about jews.

    Brad is being pinned on his views of Hitler by Giles. Sidesteps the Holohoax as best as can. Takes the part of Greg Johnson for that matter.

    Makes the position that he doesn’t study but quotes Irving. Whiggers always side-step the issue. Lender, on the other hand, pegs his fellow jews as liars.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  15. Linder side-stepped the question that Brad made as to whether or not Linder would actually shoot a six-year-old kikess. But Lender is now claiming that he believes in others killing jews — just not him.

    Giles is making a point if whether or not if Linder is going to actually kill an individual jew like Shamir. Giles, for all his faults, asks whether Linder will actually do what he advocates.

    Brad gets to asking a question again. Lender asks a question and slithers out again.

    Linder claims to be for exterminating all the jews yet won’t get pinned down to actually killing one jew spawn.

    Linder slithered out by making japes.

    Now Linder claims that Brad, by saying that he isn’t going to kill jews is waxing rhetorical. Brad then makes the point that he isn’t going to punish jews for being jews. A position with which I disagree, but at least Brad is being honest.

    This point goes to Brad.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  16. Linder is being pinned yet again.

    Claims a ‘non-rhetorical’ position of exterminating all jews. Yet refuses to answer the question without extreme duress about individually killing a single jew spawn.

    Giles is going on to talk about his dealings with jews. jews have been very mean and sneaky to Giles. But Giles is now getting annoyed with Lender.

    Giles is forgetting that he shouldn’t intrude himself into the debate.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  17. Every mighty Evil Empire says that secession is ill-eagle.

    Yet every mighty Evil Empire dies, like a steer, when it destroys itz founding stock, dies.

    Giles forgets that every civil war is fought with the population as it lives for that day.

    The first Civil War was fought between men. The second Civil War will be fought by degenerate whiggers vs muds and gliberal whiggers.

    Jim Giles forgot that nobody was tried for treason in the first Civil War. Advocating secession was not declared ill-eagle because such arrest and trials will make for Civil War.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  18. Lender’s sacred honor and the honor of VNNF meercats. They ought to swear by Fearless Marranose’s colostomy bags instead.

    Giles muddles the Bill White case. Lender knows it better. Of course, Linder testified against pore ol’ Kommandork Bitch-tits back in Dec. 15, 2009 and got Giles to ambush Brad three daze later.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  19. The meaning of ‘secession’ is when Brad talks about it. That is secession.

    Revolution is when people like me go out with guns and kill regime-criminals and jews like Linder.

    Big difference.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  20. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    Can you say that three times, Jim?

    That supercalifragilistic thing was lame.

    You are not dumb everyone knows that. You let some stuff get under your skin.

  21. Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt, Church of Jesus Christ Christian Aryan Nations of Mo. Please excise Jesus Christ and my home state of Mo out of your nom de plume.

    Your anal obsessions and fecal wordplay immediately stamp you as a doofus doing Jew shyte on the Occidental Dissent weblog.

    Your disinfo reference to ‘data mining websites’ is comical. Israeli mining companies, Verizon and Narus at work on the NSA internet spy centre in Utah make such things totally obselete.

    Get a new shtik.

  22. Rabbi Lender is speaking yiddish — again. Says that infighting is good — as long as “He who is a mad dog and half-bearded is censored”.

    Now onto another secessionist movement. Giles is yapping about Arcadia and then pussies out.

    Giles has left RFM to do some real work. Oh well.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  23. Jim Giles worsesheeps military men, which is a common failing amongst those who never have joined the military. Well, when you are a Spec-Four and a short-timer then a drunken anglo-mestizo like TraitorGlenn Miller has no charms whatsoever. I seen quite enough Lazy Ignorant Fuckers Expecting Retirement Soon (LIFERS) from the Drunken L:ifer Corps enough.

    Rabbi Lender discusses making a National political party while not even setting up a county political central committee in Kirksville. Lender must expect ZOGbux from above.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  24. Well, fun with jews, other than Lender. Gotta give Jimbo credit. He is a Roid-Rage-Retard but he does know how to play Slype crank-yankers.

    Wanna have real fun? Jimbo call up


    on Skype.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  25. Gonna call the big jew now!!!

    Calling Dis-Honest Ape Fox-mamzer.

    This is getting farcical. Playing a call which won’t work in order to get a response from those who are there don’t work.

    Jimbo lost friends. He is a Roid-Rage-Retard and acts accordingly.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  26. Well, Jimbo did get hisself another jewboy.

    Then lost it.

    Time for platitudes.

    I’ve met Linder. Lender is a chickenshit in real life that is a physical coward.

    Linder is a jew. Acts like a jew.

    Meanwhile Brad blames getting in White Nationalism because of Greg Johnson.

    Brad is right. So-called White Nationalism is full of jews, idiots, retards, meercats, and AB_Normals.

    Lender is right. Politicians are scum.

    Now Jimbo and Lender are whining about Brad getting on VNNF. Lender is whining about a lack of censorship over on VNNF.

    Name who is making fun of you, Linder.

    Linder calls me a child molester, yet allows that on VNNF.

    Well, Linder, if you wish to clean up the Internuts, then start with VNNF.

    Linder is an informant — see Dec. 15, 2009, and a jew with a jew disease.

    Brad, having someone give out as good as you get is the only way you will maintain a balance of power.

    When it comes down to it, there is no point to censoring commentary which doesn’t rise to actual ‘defamation’ even if against the Alex-kenite-nutzi Defecation League.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  27. There is no strategy or tactics.

    Linder claims that he wants to form a White Nationalist political party at the national level, yet won’t even run for local county commissioner.

    Linder wants to exterminate all the jews, yet won’t actually pull the trigger on a six-year-old she-kikess.

    And Brad wants to play nice, yet seceed in real life.

    There is no strategy or tactics to discuss. Itz all Internuts.

    Show over. I best save the chat.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt

  28. Re: Moderation

    We can’t have one standard for one person and another standard for everyone else. We can either have some rules or no rules at all here.

    The quality of the comments have improved tremendously since I imposed the moderation filter. This website attracts more readers when we focus on substantial arguments rather than personal qualities because lurkers don’t care about personal feuds.

  29. Slightly disappointed with the lack of substance from the debate. Strategy, tactics, goals, etc. got about as much air time as Linder’s anal disorder.

  30. What did you think about Giles asking whether you had considered the legality of secessionist speech? What do you think about comments on here openly discussing armed revolution ideas?

  31. I haven’t listened to the archive.

    I do clearly recall at several points conveying my genuine distaste for any further involvement with White Nationalism. I don’t want to meet any further people who are going to steal my forum or stab me in the back or spread vicious lies and rumors about me over money.

    I don’t want to live among people like that just because they are “White.” Neither do most people. I have had enough bad experiences with “our racial brothers” to last me the rest of my lifetime.

  32. I thought that was a fair question.

    I told him that I don’t need to consult an attorney because I already know that 1.) secession is illegal under Texas v. White (1869) and 2.) it is perfectly legal to advocate secession.

    Unlike HAC, I don’t advocate armed revolution. In the interview, I distinguished between secession and revolution. I made the same distinction in “My Worldview.” No one including Lincoln denies that the right of revolution exists.

    Any government that is the final judge of its own powers will inevitably become a government of unlimited powers. Either the people of the states are sovereign or the federal government is sovereign. If the people of the states are sovereign, they can assert their sovereignty and secede from this consolidated despotism, and that is what I endorse.

  33. Linder is a bit patronizing. Smart but full of himself. Tended to try to correct when it wasn’t needed. “Yankee” through and through.

  34. All you have to do is talk about Slovaks, Scots and Catalans. Perfectly reasonable stuff. Even if a state seceded for the sake of example it would only be illegal once the state machinery actually seceeded. Probably refusal to pay forward tax revenue. Even then what would the federal government do? Martial law? Even that has limits. A fucking optical disaster anyway. Self determination, no one really objects to it.

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