Rainbow Confederates Grovel Before NAACP


The SCV has joined forces with the NAACP to denounce the Klan for holding a rally in Memphis:

“Lee Millar of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and Pastor Keith Norman, the new president of the NAACP, sat side by to say they don’t want the Klan to hold a rally in Memphis next month.

“We don’t believe in anything they stand for and we’re together on that and wish the Klan wouldn’t come to Memphis,” Millar said. …”

Carl Roden and the Rainbow Confederates at the Southern Heritage Non-Preservation Group are giddy about this opportunity to finally *prove* to the liberal media, the NAACP, and the Left that they are not the “scum of the earth” like “the Klan trash” who are “desecrating Forrest’s last resting place with their presence.”

Those are some strong words from Carl Roden which you would think might be reserved for the NAACP, the black city council, the black mayor, and the black population of Memphis, not the Klan, which you know, actually demanded, spearheaded, and orchestrated the renaming of the three Confederate parks in Memphis including the final resting place of Nathan Bedford Forrest:

“Who knows, perhaps this one common moment will resonate and give lie to the Liberal’s misguided mindsets concerning our heritage? . . .

Rather what I am saying is that all it takes is one small moment to hopefully set in motion something bigger. A way to spread proper education about our heritage to those who still remain blind to all the positive aspects of it. …

In no way do I expect anything to happen overnight, and I absolutely doubt that any chapter of the SCV or the National Leadership will compromise when it comes to our heritage and how our Southern battle flag is defined, quite the reverse in fact. I hope will lead to the ultimate victory we seek in the defense of our Southern heritage, by God’s grace, within our own lifetimes.

LOL Lani, good analogy. In this case the disease is racism and hate and the carriers are the Klan. They likewise carry and misuse our ancestor’s flag and if I had to march with Billy Sherman’s ancestors to voice my disapproval of that then I would in a heartbeat. …

This act, as small and minor as it is, may well drive a stake through the heart of a wrongful misconception about us as a Southern people, the SCV, UDC and our heritage (assuming it is reported properly…we’ll see) and its an opportunity we can ill afford to take as a movement.

I think the point of this one moment of common views has more to do with challenging hatred. That is why most of us are here in the first place. …”

According to Carl Roden, the real purpose of the SCV should be “challenging hatred” and fighting the “disease” of “racism and hate” and dispelling “stereotypes” with our “black brothers” in the NAACP … funny, the segregated SCV and UDC in the Jim Crow South, which erected almost every Confederate monument in Dixie, had no interest at all in Rainbow fetishes like arguing with historians about the existence of “Black Confederates” or “fighting racism.”

The only people in our entire history who ever failed to preserve Southern heritage are the Rainbow Confederates like Carl Roden. In every case, the destruction of Southern cities like Birmingham, Atlanta, and Memphis – and by extension symbols of Southern heritage like the Confederate parks in Memphis – was caused by the delusional Rainbow estimate of the character and intentions of the blacks and a desire for reconciliation with them which was never shared by the NAACP or the black community.

Note: The WNs who read this website won’t be surprised to learn that Carl Roden has boasted in the past about his Jewish ancestry. The one Jew on the SHPG Facebook page can be found relentlessly promoting multiculturalism, hysterically denouncing pro-White groups, and aggressively pushing his own agenda of “fighting racism.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If it’s detrimental to Whites, you’ll find one more often than not. Where’s Silver? I believe this person and Jews in general have White Gentiles on the brain…

    The WNs who read this website won’t be surprised to learn that Carl Roden has boasted in the past about his Jewish ancestry. The one Jew on the SHPG Facebook page can be found relentlessly promoting multiculturalism, hysterically denouncing pro-White groups, and aggressively pushing his own agenda of “fighting racism.”

  2. I’m glad my grandmother is not alive to see this. She was involved in confederate groups her whole life when those groups meant something.

  3. And, pray tell, have the Rainbows said anything regarding the renaming of the Memphis parks? Have they asked their “brothers” to address that with the Memphis city council?
    As I’ve said before, nobody respects a suck-up, NOBODY.

  4. Checked out the articles you linked to,Hunter. Is it just me or does the black in the interview with the white look like he wants to jump up and punch the fool in the face? I’d support him 100%.

  5. And, pray tell, have the Rainbows said anything regarding the renaming of the Memphis parks? Have they asked their “brothers” to address that with the Memphis city council?

    Surprisingly enough, their bros in the NAACP are against the renaming of the parks.


    Maybe white Southerners should join the NAACP rather than the SCV or SHPG since they’re likely to do a better job of preserving Dixie’s heritage. 😉

  6. Note: The WNs who read this website won’t be surprised to learn that Carl Roden has boasted in the past about his Jewish ancestry.

    Not a bit surprised, in fact, I would be surprised were he not .

    Ps: “Carl Rodent” seems a better fit.

  7. Characters like this Millar guy, and this Roden character, must have no respect what-so-ever for their Confederate ancestors.

    I couldn’t bring myself to act the way they are acting. To speak for my Confederate ancestors, who oral tradition in my family tells me, were far from being subordinate to Blacks, or Asiatics for that matter. I don’t know how Millar or Roden can grovel, and live with themselves as members of a Confederate heritage organization. Talk about pissing on the graves of the Confederate dead. That’s what they are doing.

    There are almost 8 generations now since the end of the Civil War, those ties with our ancestors get thinner every year. The only real way you know about your ancestors, and what they thought is oral tradition, and that’s real thin and often not too reliable 8 generations on. Maybe there is some excuse for guys like Millare & Roden, and maybe there isn’t. I tend to think there isn’t.

  8. Earl: The essence of leftism for whites is hatred of ancestors, a most unnatural and unhealthy sentiment. It manifests itself in white guilt and in extreme instances, child sacrifice.

  9. I tend to think James Edwards is right about the Klan. The Klan today would have a hard time getting three guys together, and those three guys would be FBI agents. LOL. There really is no Klan today.

  10. Are they young Swedes under the hoods? Fargo is, I think, a very liberal centre within an otherwise conservative state.

  11. http://www.fbcbroad.org/1pastor.html

    1.He’s a Baptist.
    2.He’s a nig.
    3.He’s a heretic. (see point 1)
    4.He’s a racist. (see point 2)

    Result? -Absolutely Null and Utterly Void of the spirit of the living God.

    He therefore lacks all legitimacy to speak either for me, for God, or for the Church- the Christian religion- the WHITE MAN’s religion.


  12. “Fargo is, I think, a very liberal centre within an otherwise conservative state.”

    Mosin, how right you are. The ELCA (hyper-liberal, faggot/feminazi/fornicator synod of Liberal Lutheranism) has one of their bigger ‘church’ (hack, cough) colleges in the area- Concordia. My musical parishioner friend knows of a music teacher and his wife who still teach at this college, even after he ‘came out,’ divorced his wife, and took up with a hairdresser or something- and this teacher has caused a ‘fag crowd’ to now ‘blossom’ at this college. Utterly disgusting. and blasphemous. But what is most disgusting, is that the Administration and the ELCA have done NOTHING to stem this tide of ‘infants’ (for what do college co-eds really know, anyway?) to be sacrified to the god, Phallus. I’m reminded of “millstones about necks,” for some reason….

    Here’s the ethnic breakdown, also. Not majority Swede, or even Norski, but Kraut. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fargo,_North_Dakota

    According to the 2006-2008 American Community Survey, the top ten European ancestries were the following:
    German: 42.7%
    Norwegian: 35.0%
    Irish: 9.4%
    Swedish: 6.2%
    English: 5.3%
    French: 4.7%
    Polish: 2.9%
    Russian: 2.4%
    Scottish: 1.7%
    Scotch-Irish: 1.7%

  13. As long as cretins like this Roden are allowed to be in our orgs, they will continue to be worthless.

    Both of the mainstream Southron organisation, the SCV and the LS, are filled with race-denying cowards and are consequently worthless. The Klan abandoned Southron nationalism long ago and replaced it with American nationalism (whatever that is) and white nationalism. Southrons have gone far too long without an organisation that effectively represents our national interests.

  14. The Daily Outrage, this shit will kill you HW, total reactionary crap, that basically these days empowers the anti-whites while allowing some scant emotional release from the depressed.

    “The anti-white Carl Roden continues to abuse the Confederate Nation with his lies and distortions.” then fill in the facts, and then conclude with the above sentence.

  15. Robroy makes a good point.

    Anyone like that should have the equivalent of Anti-Semite
    Tacked on the name.

    AntiWhite Roden grovels before NAACP.

  16. I disagree with Robroy, this was far more than a ‘daily outrage’, it is rather ‘lesson time’, and Hunter did a fine job on this entry.
    Most important part being a reminder for some, and an alert to others, as to the rotten fruit that seems to always follow the allowing of Jews in (supposedly) “pro-White” organisations.

  17. Is there a way of getting at coppers legally?

    For example, boycotting their pension plans, and firms associated with them? Attack the pension of a man and he caves in most of the time.

  18. Boo Radley says:

    Does Hunter realize that his entire position regarding the South’s superiority to WN, New Right, “Yankees” etc., has been blown to bits and shaken to it’s foundations with this post?

    Does he realize that he resembles Wile E Coyote and his blackened face after a stick of dynamite from the Acme Co., meant for the Roadrunner, blew up in his face instead of his intended target?

  19. “Carl Roden is a textbook example of how Jews subvert organizations. I agree that it is a problem. I’m just not fixated on that particular problem among others.”


  20. “In this case the disease is racism and hate and the carriers are the Klan.”

    The carriers are the racists in the NAACP who they are afraid of and sucking up too. Bet they would never criticize the NAACP or protest anti-white racism. I’m glad the blacks are taking down their Confederate symbols since, apparently, the SCV are pussies (unlike their ancestors who actually fought back when punched).

  21. “Maybe white Southerners should join the NAACP rather than the SCV or SHPG since they’re likely to do a better job of preserving Dixie’s heritage. ;)” – Don’t be fooled, now that its a done deal they are taking the other side of the argument to further beat their chest about what victims they are.

  22. I’ve always wondered how much scallywag and/ or carpetbagger blood these damn rainbow confederate have. The only one I can recall knowing on a personal level wasn’t one drop Southron, but thought she was because her Romanian family had been in the South for 3 generations.

  23. I’ve always wondered how much scallywag and/ or carpetbagger blood these damn rainbow confederate have.

    The most prominent Rainbow in North Carolina is Bernhard Thuersam, the Executive Director of the Cape Fear Historical Museum, the Chairman of the North Carolina War Between the States Sequential Commission, and the Chairman of the North Carolina League of the South. He is a native of Niagara Falls, New York.

    People like him are just Carpetbaggers who have found different means by which to dominate Southrons – pretending to support the Confederacy while promoting anti-Southron ideas. It really is a smart move on their part and it’s too bad that some Southrons are so weak-minded as to have fallen for it.

  24. On the history channel; Mafia v.KKK

    sez. Jews and the Italians have funny names.lol

    The prohibition., mafia rose to power. did the mafia bring down KKK?or bs?

    Mafia promoted jaz.gay bar. And all sorts of stuff for a quick buck. Mafia and Jews intermix with blacks.

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