District of Corruption
According to Charlie LeDuff, Rosa Parks herself – who Al Sharpton described on his show tonight as “the mother of civil rights” – was laid to rest in Detroit:
District of Corruption
According to Charlie LeDuff, Rosa Parks herself – who Al Sharpton described on his show tonight as “the mother of civil rights” – was laid to rest in Detroit:
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“The saint of an endless struggle”
The future is a holy black boot stamping a white face, forever.
Endless struggle is right. The Negroes and their handlers never plan to stop the offensive. That is a big factor in why they are winning and why we are in full retreat. No matter how much ground we give up, they will demand more. With every compromise from our side, our people think that we have appeased them once and for all. But they keep coming.
You can tell that political correctness really is a religion. The statue looks exactly like Dana Carvey’s churchlady. lol
Desperately searching for a hero. The thread we had going the other day with one Nicholas perfectly illustrates that, truth be damned, minorities, especially blacks, must be glorified and worshipped by whites. They are going to cure cancer and get us to the moon, if only their precious esteem is puffed up.
Excuse me, that should be Mars, whites have already gotten to the Moon.
I hope someday these socialist monstrosities are pulled down, like those of Lenin and Stalin were.
Oral arguments at the Supreme Court on the Voting Rights Act.
You know your country has been taken over when it’s erecting statues of Commies at headquarters. How many does this make now?
Politics aside, it turns out this statue is part of a collection. This video shows a very informative “behind the scenes” of the creation process.
Perhaps these wee contrivances will assist our government in its endless struggle.
I love the comment do they come from Geidi Prime?
Infamous communist training school in the state of Tennessee, her alma mater: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highlander_Research_and_Education_Center
When I think about the leggy Russian tennis players and the fine looking models that seem to pour forth from the Russia’s, and I think of the horrible faces of the Bolsheviks and Stalinists, swarthy, rat faced, hook nosed, beady eyes–then a whole lot more of early soviet history makes sense. We really did abandon a very nice looking bunch to interlopers out to pilfer from out genetic stock.
Thanks, Porter. We should be able to afford little drones like that ourselves. Think of all the practical uses, such as pesticide application to crops at a safe distance, vetebrate pest control, herding, forest management, security, etc.
OT but only caught it whilst reading Porter’s link:
But it’s the comments that are still up that made me smile 🙂
Another mud shark producing little mudds. At this rate whites will soon be extinct – encouraged all the way to oblivion by the white hating media.
– flomper wood duck , sydney, 28/2/2013 02:23
Rating -15
Great, another white woman with two children who look nothing like her.
– Britsneedwakingup , Tokyo, Japan, 28/2/2013 02:06
Rating -14
“When I think about the leggy Russian tennis players and the fine looking models that seem to pour forth from the Russia’s, and I think of the horrible faces of the Bolsheviks and Stalinists, swarthy, rat faced, hook nosed, beady eyes–then a whole lot more of early soviet history makes sense. We really did abandon a very nice looking bunch to interlopers out to pilfer from out genetic stock.”
It’s not a coincidence that the people fighting the Jewish Bolsheviks were known as the “White Russians”- in that over 90% of the artistocratic Varangian Nobility of Russia was the target- both because they were noble, and also because they were White Christians.
Someone needs to steal that statue and put it in the back of a bus.
“Excuse me, that should be Mars, whites have already gotten to the Moon.” – they also might be too late on cancer, immuno-therapy treatment is making good headway.
Someone needs to steal that statue and put it in the back of a bus.
Omg that is so funny 🙂
I grew up in the “Metro Detroit Area” (the white part, naturally) and I’m here, smiling, remembering how Detroit loved Rosa Parks. The black youth so adored her as the “saint of the endless struggle” that they broke into her house, beat and robbed her.
On August 30, 1994, Joseph Skipper, an African-American drug addict, entered her home and attacked the 81-year-old Parks in the course of a robbery. The incident sparked outrage throughout the United States. After his arrest, Skipper said that he had not known he was in Parks’ home but recognized her after entering. Skipper asked, “Hey, aren’t you Rosa Parks?” to which she replied, “Yes.” She handed him $3 when he demanded money, and an additional $50 when he demanded more. Before fleeing, Skipper struck Parks in the face.[37] Skipper was arrested and charged with various breaking and entering offenses against Parks and other neighborhood victims. He admitted guilt and, on August 8, 1995, was sentenced to eight to 15 years in prison.[38] Suffering anxiety upon returning to her small central Detroit house following the ordeal, Parks moved into Riverfront Towers, a secure high-rise apartment building where she lived for the rest of her life.
Later in life she was on the verge of eviction for failure to pay rent, but was saved when the property management company forgave her debt rather than suffer the terrible publicity for evicting the 91 year old “saint”.
That too may have served as an example that many others in America’s Black Capitol. As reported previously here fully 50% of property owners in Detroit no longer pay property taxes, no doubt emulating the sainted example of the divine civil rights goddess Rosa Parks.
Let me be the first to call for a Rosa Parks Holiday, perhaps replacing some ‘white’ holiday like Memorial Day. Clearly her bravery in refusing to relinquish her seat on that bus was an act of heroism which dwarfs the mere military sacrifices of the soldiers of the past.
Do they allow you to walk dogs pass that statue? If they do, I’m taking my Chow-Chow there to ‘dedicate’ it!
Rosa should have stayed in the back of that bus. If she had, public transportation might still function in American cities.
Re: “I’m taking my Chow-Chow there to ‘dedicate’ it!”:
Is your dog racist? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAy_-lIrHEU
Fascists march in Aylsbury!
Well done lads.
Now they have the whole bus to themselves.
Fascists march in Aylsbury!
Well done lads.
The EDL is not much more than football hooligans who do not like Islam. They do not have a problem with non-whites who are not Muslims.
“It said the EDL had sympathy with some of Mr Jones’s views but still had ‘some reservations’ about him.
“The statement said the group is proud of its ‘diverse support base’, with divisions including a Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) division, a Jewish division and a Pakistani Christian division.”
Mosin Nagant, you ask whether my dog is ‘racist’. I don’t know. She just likes to hose things down.
Stephen E Dalton says:
She just likes to hose things down.
Analog Man, she lifts her leg like a male dog, and makes water.
Any expression of right wing militancy on the streets in mass formations is a good thing. Somewhat if they are subborned in some way? We all are.