Alabama’s 1901 Constitutional Convention


This excerpt comes from Wayne Flynt’s book, Alabama In The Twentieth Century:

“Delegates set the tone for their proceedings by electing a corporation lawyer from Anniston, John B. Knox, president of the convention. Knox’s presidential address left no doubt about the chief agenda of the gathering:

“And what is it that we want to do? Why it is  within the limits imposed by the Federal Constitution, to establish white supremacy in this State. This is our problem, and we should be permitted to deal with it, unobstructed by outside influences. But if we would have white supremacy, we must establish it by law – not by force or fraud.

These provisions are justified in law and in morals, because the negro is not discriminated against on account of his race, but on account of his intellectual and moral condition. There is in the white man an inherited capacity for government, which is wholly wanting in the negro.”


About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. As long as the United States defines itself as a creedal “nation” committed to the “self-evident truth that all men are created equal,” it will surely disintegrate until it is indistinguishable from any other impoverished, barbarous state. “Liberty and equality” are not the calling cards of civilized nations. They are the war cries of batshit crazy lunatics who are so drunk on the utopian Brotherhood of Man that they slaughtered their own families and their own kin in a hopeless attempt to make their utopia a reality.

    I define myself as an ethnic American and always will for the sake of my own identity. But I can live with a major shift in geographical boundaries.

    Dissolve the Union.

  2. “… if we would have white supremacy, we must establish it by law — not by force or fraud.” If non-whites operate by force, fraud, enforced unjust laws, and unenforced just laws, while Whites operate by just laws, then a non-white majoritarian democracy is death to Whites. The U.S.A. (we now have) might result in 4 classes: the super-rich, the mainly Eurasian white collar class, the mainly mestizo blue collar class, the mainly mulatto welfare/criminal class. My guess is that force and fraud are the two best hopes for Whites. I think that we need the world’s best weapons in the hands of White racists and tens of thousands of fraudulent front organizations.
    The powers of government were divided, not, as heretofore, in references to classes, but geographically. – John C. Calhoun
    The trend of events is to have a one-world government controlled by people like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg … geographic unity with a brutal class division that exterminates White people.
    We need to persuade people like RamZPaul:

  3. Two years ago, I would have condemned this as garbage. Now after reading books written by Nathaniel Weyl, Teddy Roosevelt and several others, and many uncensored news stories about black life and behavior, I now believe what the Alabama Constitutional Convention was trying to do was absolutely right.

  4. Contrast those sentiments of a post-plantation society to the sentiments of metropolitan France in the 1790s or metropolitan England in early 1800s or the so-called ‘Free Soil’ Midwestern USA in the mid 1800s. The peoples with long experience with living in a multi-racial plantation society had quite a different understanding of racial reality than did those in Western Europe in the eighteenth century or even today in the twenty-first century.

  5. “My guess is that force and fraud are the two best hopes for Whites. I think that we need the world’s best weapons in the hands of White racists and tens of thousands of fraudulent front organizations.”

    Careful, Goner. ‘Jack Ryan’ might ‘block’ you, too, for ‘advocating violence.’

  6. A decade or so or ago, I would have disagreed that the “inherited capacity for government” is “wholly wanting in the negro.” Experience and observation have taught me differently. Without strong moral guidance and leadership from whites, most blacks are simply incapable of leading orderly and productive lives in Western bourgeois society.

    Also, compare this speech with what passes for “oratory” in our own day. There’s nothing particularly eloquent about Knox’s address, but the very fabric of his language is much richer than anything our own politicians use, or are even capable of using.

  7. @ GonerWithTheWind:

    Ramzpaul is not a white supremacist. He is trying to convert the middle 50% of the white population. The racial right 20% is already with us.
    You don’t the 50% to end immigration into white countries by flogging White Supremacy.
    Ramzpaul will probably have a more forceful and correct message as his 50% target audience moves to the racial right.

  8. “The peoples with long experience with living in a multi-racial plantation society had quite a different understanding of racial reality”

    That was the last vestige of land based feudalism during the nascent of the original industrial nations (The Union North, Germany, France, and most of all Great Britain.). The South ultimately didn’t have enough capacity for industrial production as had the North. The Civil War actually force fed the Industrial Revolution in the North so it cam out stronger after the War.

    Even during the war it was rich and productive enough to build the Transcontinental Railroad while simultaneously fighting the Confederacy.

    The single most important event in the last two hundred years of human civilization has been the Industrial Revolution. The effects of the ubiquity of the steam engine and the generation of electricity on a massive scale make all the subsequent wars and revolutions and political order mere straws in the wind of the unleashed maelstrom of production of plant, equipment, and the surfeit of commodity material goods.

  9. That was wordism, bound to fail sooner or later. And now what resistance there is to black governance is basically quibbling the details.

    My question is black governance good for whites?

  10. Well, Fr John – good to see you back on the messageboard – ya old battleaxe.

    Not that a strictly legit operation like Occidental Dissent would ever advocate extremism online – I post this link for those who, as Fr John is wont to say, should: ‘read, mark, learn and inwardly digest’.

    Just sayin.

  11. “Well, Fr John – good to see you back on the messageboard”

    – Not in the slightest. His demented ramblings do nothing for Hunter’s cause, and only disrupt the conversational flow of the comment threads.

  12. Chris , you should always remember to hold up the Hunter Book when you stand on parade with the comrades.

    This is an international conversation among Whites. You don’t have agree with everyone. Obviously Fr John does not agree with me some or even much of the time. But he reads and thinks about this issue and he has some important things to say.

  13. Ramzpaul could od a lot more than he does. I give him credit foir what he does – but he’s trying to have it both ways. He’s not going to do a thing to injure his cushy lifestyle, and he’s a victim of the STD of Yellow Fever.

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