Blacks vs. Mexicans In Georgia’s Onion Fields


As we explored last summer, free labor is unable to compete with slave labor in certain kinds of agriculture:

Note: What incentive do black people in Georgia have to compete with Mexicans in the onion fields?

“VIDALIA, Ga. — For years, labor unions and immigrant rights activists have accused large-scale farmers, like those harvesting sweet Vidalia onions here this month, of exploiting Mexican guest workers. Working for hours on end under a punishing sun, the pickers are said to be crowded into squalid camps, driven without a break and even cheated of wages.

But as Congress weighs immigration legislation expected to expand the guest worker program, another group is increasingly crying foul — Americans, mostly black, who live near the farms and say they want the field work but can’t get it because it is going to the Mexicans. They contend that they are illegally discouraged from applying for work and treated shabbily by farmers who prefer the foreigners for their malleability. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “much higher corporate taxes. A good start.”

    It is a truism that corporations don’t pay higher taxes they just collect them. And if the resulting higher prices they are forced to charge makes them uncompetitive then they will go out of business or move offshore.

    The best thing for the US economy would be for the government to eliminate any and all corporate taxes. The resulting tidal wave of foreign investment money surging into this country would assure a surfeit of well-paying jobs at every level.

  2. Do you propose to let them live in your midst, but without rights? You’re okay if they are next to you, but not “uppity” (and the stereotypical Northerner is the reverse)? Pls clarify.

    I personally don’t care either way if they have rights, but they most certainly shouldn’t have ‘affirmative’ privileges. I’m ok if there is a colored underclass in a society where it is explicit or implicit that they will not live a comfortable life unless they work, hard. I’ve had entirely positive experiences with Negro domestics not only outside the USA but when they’ve been flown in with visiting friends, so it’s clear the American Nigger has been culturally ruined by Northernism, his condition is not fully inborn.

  3. The problem you’ll find on the “dissident right” is that there isn’t much right-wing thinking. This isn’t just because being a conservative in the US means cherishing old revolutionary liberal principles, it’s because pissed white liberals that feel like BRA is breaking its social contract with them call themselves right-wing. The 1950’s were supposed to last forever, the Velveeta trough was supposed to runneth over for a thousand years.

  4. A problem with the far right is that people who only agree with parts of their message superficially support them, then leave when they grow up and realize they don’t need a group affiliation to stand alone.

    People are maybe annoyed by the way the Democratic Party is giving too much power to gays, feminists and “white privilege” complainers and annoyed with the Republican war mongering and free market worship, so they don’t really agree with the dissident right, they just have superficial things in common.

    When these people find out that the dissident right is also stupid, that ends any alliance.

    Someone can be critical of the fag->feminist->anti-white alliance and still realize the far right is dumb.

  5. Iceman, the highest expression of Rightism is a coup using radical means to achieve relatively moderate ends. No ‘awakenings’, re-education camps, self-criticism, forceps measuring septums…. Just extreme suppression of those that eschew putting their fucking head down, preferring to openly oppose the regime rather than leave governing to the junta. A proper Rightist government wouldn’t be rooted in pro-fag/pro-black myth but they wouldn’t throw a fete for the one dimensional white race-hustler either, viewing a clown like David Duke and his following as just more maladaptive mouths to feed.

  6. Franco is a fairly good example of the way the right ought to do it.
    Pinochet in retrospect looks quite good. As the US “hispanifies”
    Look out for this form of government by Major Generals.

  7. Re: “the highest expression of Rightism is a coup using radical means (…) Just extreme suppression of those that eschew putting their…head down, preferring to openly oppose the regime rather than leave governing to the junta. A proper Rightist government wouldn’t (…) throw a fete for the one dimensional white race-hustler either, viewing a clown like David Duke and his following as just more maladaptive mouths to feed”:

    Anti-Christian sword-worship! Let slaves adore the “ideal” of “extreme suppression” of those who will not “keep their heads down” before a Junta. It is the part of free men to despise and resist it.

  8. John, see the post above this timestamped 3:57 GMT.

    Not only was the middleclassification of white proles to continue ad infinitum, the War that made it possible was evil on pacifist grounds and/or on account of its being directed at Germany. These aren’t serious people; yes I am lumping this Mosin Nagant with WN because that’s where he belongs. He represents a trend of frustrated German-Americans that were politically sidelined fifty-years before mainstream “whites”. That’s why white dispossesion tastes like sauerkraut, the anti-interventionist hick German-American loves this shit. Alex Linder, Richard Butler, Ben Klassen, Tom Metzgsr, Luther Pierce. Fuck all that German trash.

  9. Re: “it’s clear the American Nigger has been culturally ruined by Northernism, his condition is not fully inborn” and “I’m ok if there is a colored underclass in a society where it is explicit or implicit that they will not live a comfortable life unless they work, hard. I’ve had entirely positive experiences with Negro domestics”:

    These comments alone, combined with the comment on the right of whites to “primae noctis” with negresses, paint a clear enough extreme right-wing Supremacist portrait. There is a clear distinction between his position and the liberty-loving conservatism of what he calls “not serious,” sauerkraut-tasting, long-dispossessed, middle-class, prole, helot, hick, squealing, soft, German trash, etc.

  10. Let it be noted I consider Luther Pierce to be a German since he was a Hitlerite. This is similar to how I would call a salafi an Arab. This shouldn’t require an essay to demonstrate the validity of that shorthand.

    The conglomeration of German statelets during the Franco-Prussian war disn’t create a new “race”. Men like blackjack Pershing and Eisenhower are not “germans” or even “ethnic germans”, they were Americans. There is nothing more degenerately modern than ‘discovering’ your quarter of this or eighth of that in your teens/twenties (or God forbid later, then you’re just irredeemable).

    This is a monument to real right wing GERMANS ie ethnic German speaking German people. They died for a French King.

  11. Let it be noted I consider Luther Pierce to be a German since he was a Hitlerite. This is similar to how I would call a salafi an Arab. This shouldn’t require an essay to demonstrate the validity of that shorthand.

    The conglomeration of German statelets during the Franco-Prussian war disn’t create a new “race”. Men like blackjack Pershing and Eisenhower are not “germans” or even “ethnic germans”, they were Americans. There is nothing more degenerately modern than ‘discovering’ your quarter of this or eighth of that in your teens/twenties (or God forbid later, then you’re just irredeemable).

    This is a monument to real right wing GERMANS ie ethnic German speaking German people. They died for a French King.

  12. Ethnic sparring/ conflict within the “white” classification won’t go away.

    John, if I’m at Disneyworld and tackle Mickey Mouse I’m not “beating up Mickey Mouse”. Similarly there is no “ethnic sparring” between two white Americans when one is a funnel-caked breathed pacifist that thinks he’s a German-Welshman in tune with the True God. Dressing up like Braveheart and crowning yourself basement Pope is typical rootless WN behavior.

  13. There are real problems with “anti-white” politics these days in BRA. The WN freakshow sours people to Southern Nationalism by its psuedo-association, it also scares functional people back into the mainstream.

  14. The (possible) U.S. military employment of those who brag openly about a military coup to establish a “true right-wing” junta dictatorship, for the benefit of the Elite to rule over white “trash” and brown and black underclasses is what REALLY alarms truly functional people.

  15. “funnel-caked breathed pacifist that thinks he’s a German-Welshman in tune with the True God. Dressing up like Braveheart and crowning yourself basement Pope is typical rootless WN behavior”

    Several shots again missing the target, like the imagination that “he works in a cubicle” — more ad hominems to provide cover, to shield from the light of the facts.

  16. We can’t all be walmart greeters like you, Mosin. And i said it was the highest expression of far right, no bragging or advocation on my part for something that won’t happen. Reading comprehension isn’t your strong point. My main concern is to salvage some true culture by a hopefully PEACEFUL exit of the Southland.

    You’re a shining example of why WN sucks: it puts the desired results (white unity) over the cultural-political capacity to first achieve, then sustain lasting white power: southern CULTURE. REAL CULTURE you infirm velveteen rabbit, maybe you’ll become a real man one day but my money isn’t on it.

  17. At this point either accept my challenge to a fistfight or prepare to be ignored for as long as I see fit.

  18. Let it be noted I consider Luther Pierce to be a German since he was a Hitlerite. This is similar to how I would call a salafi an Arab.

    For the record.

    Jew and Communist are pretty much interchangeable as well. The qualitative root similarity being the denial of Christ, hence the legitimacy of Christendom. I assume a Jew is a Communist and vice-versa unless there is a true affinity for Christian religion/Hellenic ideals somewhere in the individual Jew or Bolshie’s heart that may express itself at a later time in the manner of people like Lawrence Auster or Joy Lewis, C.S. Lewis’ ex-Commie wife.

  19. More Loewendenkmal, this one with a cutey-pie in front.

    Twain on the monument:

    The Lion lies in his lair in the perpendicular face of a low cliff — for he is carved from the living rock of the cliff. His size is colossal, his attitude is noble. His head is bowed, the broken spear is sticking in his shoulder, his protecting paw rests upon the lilies of France. Vines hang down the cliff and wave in the wind, and a clear stream trickles from above and empties into a pond at the base, and in the smooth surface of the pond the lion is mirrored, among the water-lilies.

    Around about are green trees and grass. The place is a sheltered, reposeful woodland nook, remote from noise and stir and confusion — and all this is fitting, for lions do die in such places, and not on granite pedestals in public squares fenced with fancy iron railings. The Lion of Lucerne would be impressive anywhere, but nowhere so impressive as where he is.

  20. “At this point either accept my challenge to a fistfight or prepare to be ignored for as long as I see fit.”


  21. “I’ve had entirely positive experiences with Negro domestics not only outside the USA but when they’ve been flown in with visiting friends, so it’s clear the American Nigger has been culturally ruined by Northernism, his condition is not fully inborn.”

    We almost always had good results with the Negro help when I was growing up in the 50’s and 60’s.

  22. Moons ago Mosin was challenged to a slobber-knocker, by yours truly. I suspect he’s sitting on barrels of good German suds somewhere in Penn’s Woods. There’s gas in my tank, money in my pocket too – for those suds if he’s not a gracious host; for him also if he should knock me out.

  23. This conversation is about practical plans and ideas, and facts. Ad hominems and physical threats only serve to hinder, distract, from the reason WHY we blog here.

    If you ever WOULD come here, No-Man, you might be surpirised you WOULD be welcomed graciously and without fear (I have been called fearless) or grudge (we don’t hold grudges) on my part.

    However, being a lifelong teetotaler (coming especially from my Welsh side, Welsh Revivalist background) the only German suds I could offer you would be our homemade, yeast-fermented, sassafras root beer, which has a foamy head, but is so low in alcohol as to be considered virtually non-alcoholic. But sassafras has been declared carcinogenic. I used to eat the leaves and berries, and drink the tea too, but not so often any more.

    You missed it with the Walmart greeter guess, too. We despise Walmart, would never work for it.

  24. The Loewendenkmal is one of the greatest monuments in western civilization.

    No western white man living in our time cannot fail to recognize the face of his destiny, if he is to have one, in its image.

    The spirit depicted in this image represents the innate nobility that can only be found in white European stock and why Switzerland, like Dixie, is one of the last bastions of our civilization.

    Deo Vindice

  25. Don’t look for “surpirised” in the Urban Dictionary. It was a misspell, not intended. Can’t edit on this site.

  26. Yes, nothing to fear from natural carcinogens, which include many of the healthiest antioxidants. A traditional, ancestral ethnic diet is generally best, when possible, I think.

    Brought up to avoid all use of slang, I’m still learning about it now, on the internet.

    I’m done studying while watching the dinner on the stove and in the oven, going outdoors now. Have a good day.

  27. Based on No Man’s ad hom, I’d say he’s a Hasbarat. Just thought. It’s fun, up to a point, to make fun of Germans but this one is rapidly becoming a fully fledged fanatic about it.

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