The LOMBROSO Program


In the year 2034, the LOMBROSO program uses genetic screening to isolate and detain potential criminals
In the year 2034, the LOMBROSO program uses genetic screening to isolate and detain potential criminals

Here’s an excerpt from Adrain Raine’s The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime in which he speculates about the future implementation of the LOMBROSO program in the 2030s:

“It’s 2034. The past decades have seen enormous efforts spent on reducing crime through social programs to increase equality. But it’s not working. The internet, which so effectively democratized knowledge, has inadvertently resulted in a much smarter breed of crooks who, though failures at school, have succeeded in home-schooling themselves on ways to evade the surveillance of the global CCTV. Clearance rates for homicide have moved from a national high of 65 percent in 2010 to 38 percent in 2034 – arrests of suspects were dropping precariously. Serial killings are on the rise. Prisons are not just full to capacity, they are bursting at the seams. Back in 2012, the United States made up 5 percent of the world’s population but was incarcerating 24 percent of the world’s prisoners. That number has grown to 31 percent. Police are working around the clock on overloaded portfolios of unresolved cases.”

Freedom has failed.

In the year 2034, violent crime has exploded, clearance rates have dropped, and prisons are bursting at the seams. Countless billions of dollars have been squandered since the 1960s on social programs to increase equality.

“The public is growing enraged at decades of failure and the increasingly intolerable condition of living under stifling and ineffective public surveillance. People are fed up with the long legacy of rehabilitative efforts, and alarmed at well-publicized accounts of furloughed criminals committing fresh crimes. But its more than that. The economic cost of  crime is now astronomical. Back in 2010, the cost of homicide in the United States was estimated at over $300 billion – more than the combined budgets of the Departments of Education, Justice, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, Labor, and Homeland Security. Way back in 1999, it was estimated to consume 11.9 percent of GDP, but in 2034 it is gobbling up 21.8 percent. The more crime got out of control, the less the government could spend on education, health, and housing – and that just fed into more and more crime.”

The devastating social and economic consequences of the Black Undertow on America’s major cities reaches a tipping point:

“The tipping point came in 2033, when one “low-risk” mentally ill offender was released early on supposedly supervised medication to help relieve the massive prison overcrowding. Through an administrative oversight his dangerousness assessment report had been mixed up with that of another offender. He was high-risk – not low-risk. Just two weeks after his release, he held up a store in Washington, D.C., during which a woman was killed in the cross fire between the ex-con and the police. By sheer bad luck the victim was the U.S. Attorney General’s daughter.”

A robbery by a low-risk offender in Washington, DC? Who would do such a thing?

“This incident, combined with mounting economic and public concern, now leads the government to launch the LOMBROSO program – Legal Offensive on Murder: Brain Research Operation for Screening of Offenders.” The logic behind LOMBROSO is surprisingly simple. Back at the turn of the century, in 2006, it was known that 22 percent of all those arrested for murder were probationers and parolees – those who had been released from prison. Criminologists in 2009 had then used early-machine learning statistical techniques to predict which parolees would go on to commit homicide. They had only basic demographic and prior crime data to work with then, and yet they were still able to correctly classify 43 percent as likely to be charged with homicide only two years after their release. Of course there were was still the false positive problem – those who were predicted to commit homicide but did not. But a replication study with a longer follow up period provided better results. By the 2020s, interdisciplinary neurocriminologists, statisticians, and social scientists improved the predictive power of this model by adding brain, genetic, and psychological risk factors into the equation. By the early 2030s they took it a step further by developing algorithms for violence in the community at large. Then, in 2034, the LOMBROSO program was put into place. It was a chance for a failing government to reverse its declining popularity in the polls.”

Science and technology has advanced to the point where potential murderers and criminals can be identified with a high degree of accuracy.

“Under LOMBROSO, all males in society aged eighteen and over have to register at their local hospital for a quick brain scan and DNA testing. One simple finger prick for one drop of blood that takes ten seconds. Then a five-minute brain scan for the “Fundamental Five Functions”: First, a structural scan provides the brain’s anatomy. Second, a functional scan shows resting brain activity. Third, enhanced diffusion-tensor imaging is taken to assess the integrity of the white-fiber system in the brain, assessing intricate brain connectivity. Fourth is a reading of the brain’s neurochemistry that has been developed from magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Fifth and finally, the cellular structural scan assesses expression of 23,000 different genes at the cellular level. The computerization of all medical, school, psychological, census, and neighborhood data makes it easy to combine these traditional variables alongside the vast amount of DNA and brain data to form an all-encompassing bio-social data set.”

What happens to the potential murderers who are screened under the LOMBROSO program?

“The program works like this: those who test positive – the LPs – are held in indefinite detention. In light of the administrative lapse that originally sparked LOMBROSO when test results were mixed up, LPs are given the legal right to challenge the findings and be retested by an independent authority. The detention centers are highly secure, but are not the harsh holding bays of decades gone by. They are equipped as a home away from home. Conjugal visits are allowed on weekends, albeit under surveillance that is a bit too close to comfort for the partners concerned. There are full recreational and educational services. They are allowed to vote. The LPs have full communication access to their family and even friends – after appropriate security checks for those concerned. It sounds quite cushy, but remember that the LPs have not actually committed a crime. Perhaps the main drawback is who they live with, housed as they are in facilities with other LPs – time bombs waiting to explode.”

The LPs – Lombroso Positives – are segregated in indefinite detention centers like Guantanamo Bay far away from the law-abiding population.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is more complicated than it needs to be. There is one relevant genetic trait, are they BLACK? If so, segregate them from the company of decent people.

  2. Lew says:
    May 18, 2013 at 9:52 pm



    Brilliant!!!! I AM laughing out so loud I startled my poor dozing kitty!


  3. Another takeaway from Hofstra: pig cops care about no one but themselves. The nig had one of the Hispanic girls in a headlock to use her as a shield. He raised his gun at the cop, and the cop started shooting to protect himself not giving a shit that he might hit an innocent. And did.

  4. If you will notice there are no white liberals in that picture, such as the white libs from the adoption story mindweapon has put up today. I would pay good money for those libtard whites to attend this kind of event.

  5. Conjugal visits?  When the character disorders are in all likelihood heritable?  Are you nucking FUTS?!

  6. “The logic behind LOMBROSO is surprisingly simple.” – I smell disparate impact.

    “The program works like this: those who test positive – the LPs – are held in indefinite detention.” – heh.

    “but are not the harsh holding bays of decades gone by.” – Something tells me that the people held within will still trash them.

  7. Bca1kJoeJGs/s1600/black+albino.jpg

    Off topic, I just found these very disturbing pictures of nigger albinos.

  8. We wouldn’t have to license anyone if we just paid the illiterates and welfare cases to get sterilized.  All the ones with no future time preference (which is the overwhelming majority) would take the up-front money and be out of the gene pool.  They would also not be raising r-selected offspring in chaotic homes with no good male role models.  You’d see the fiscal benefits in 9 months, when the Medicaid babies started getting less frequent.

  9. “We wouldn’t have to license anyone if we just paid the illiterates and welfare cases to get sterilized. All the ones with no future time preference (which is the overwhelming majority) would take the up-front money and be out of the gene pool.”

    Why give them any option at all since they clearly lack the capability to make sound decisions? Just make sterilization a condition of receiving public aid for any duration of over two years or so (entire lifetime).

    Ending public assistance programs altogether might be in order. You can only have such programs if you live in an overwhelmingly white nation with white mores.

    Otherwise, you wind up in our current predicament, where we subsidize the dysfunctional races at the expense of the productive, while attracting more and more of parasites hungry for the gibs.

    Even with blond hair, blue eyes, and pink skin, those are some UGLY negroes.
    Put them back in the oven, I don’t think they’re done yet.

    Deo Vindice

  10. Why give them any option at all since they clearly lack the capability to make sound decisions?

    Politics.  You want to de-fuse the charges of genocide.  A voluntary program eliminates that.

    Ending public assistance programs altogether might be in order.

    If I recall the bits that I’ve read, support of people down on their luck used to be handled through mutual-aid societies into which people paid dues for membership against need.  It was the Great Depression which tapped out the resources of these societies and opened the door for government to replace them.

    Otherwise, you wind up in our current predicament, where we subsidize the dysfunctional races at the expense of the productive, while attracting more and more of parasites hungry for the gibs.

    That is the problem when the people who benefit from more clients on the dole (bureaucrats) have no responsibility to the people footing the bill, isn’t it?

  11. The pimp scandal in Oxford is essentially about predators from Pakistan colluding with social workers to harvest 11 year old blondes. The social worker removes the white teen from a slightly dysfunctional home and the Pakistani gangs then show up in BMWs bearing gifts.

    The social service bureaus are practically designed to destroy families and hostile to white men and slightly bewildered women. Emma West’s child for example, he was taken into social services. Mainly white liberal busybodies who generate the actual problem they purport to fix.

    The Pakistani Pimp gangs almost seem to have been working hand in glove with the young ladies in the child homes to procure “fresh Meat”.

    Moloch MLK lives!

  12. Lombroso is aginst every traditoin of justice we have. The problem is not some people are prone to violence, the problem is we are forced to live with peoples who are more prone to violence than whites are.
    Jefferson said we could not live with these people once they were free.
    Lombroso would be a band aid on the real problem, a mixed racial socitety.
    You can’t make lemonade out of that lemon.

  13. A voluntary program eliminates that.

    No, it doesn’t. The liberals will shriek “genocide” at every opportunity. The distinction of it being voluntary will make almost no difference to them.

  14. This is more complicated than it needs to be. There is one relevant genetic trait, are they BLACK? If so, segregate them from the company of decent people.

    I agree. The best solution, by far, is to just round them up and get rid of them. New England should be happy to have them.

  15. It’s long past time for Dixie to ¥£€#% with idiot rich Libs in Vermount.

    Can’t you/we get some tax exempt charities in Alabama to buy up abandoned lots in Vermount towns, the build cheap “Habitat for Humanity” housing and flood these places with HIV+ Black Alabama ex cons, Mexican Zeta cartel foot soldiers, build North America’s world largest Mosque, open the Mosque on September 11th, invite the worst Muslim clerics from Birmingham England to move their and mooch off the Lib Vermount welfare state.

  16. First things first!
    Ethno-State first, then reform next. Before we can have actual political secession we must first mentally secede from the system, what Thomas Jefferson referred to as consent of the governed. In other words start practicing consent withdrawal.

  17. I read about a company in China that puts up 30 story buildings in 15 days or so. The Broad group.

    They mass produce the floors and walls in a factory. Everything is prefab but high quality. Every since I heard of this I have this fantasy of mass producing these things in the North East where they worship the DINDOS and move all the Mexicans and Blacks there. We’ve had enormous trouble getting the Northeast to understand the predicament with Blacks and other minorities I’ll bet within three years we could have serious legislation coming from the Northeast to solve the problem if we did that. The North has some the most intolerant people on Earth but they don’t have to suffer diversity. As soon as they do it would move the issue forward as fast as possible. It may even be possible that the small amount of diversity they have now will kick in this effect and boost Trump.

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