Rivers of Blood: Woolwich Terrorist Video

Great Britain

Diversity is our strength
Diversity is our strength

Does anyone have a link to the whole video? Without the narration?

“We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day. This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”

We must fight them. I apologise that women had to witness this today. But in our land, our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government, they don’t care about you.

“You think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start bussin’ our guns? You think politicians are going to die? No it’s going to be the average guy, like you, and your children. So get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops back so you can all live in peace.”

Update: Terrorists to Mum: “We Want To Start a War Tonight.” The Tsarnaev brothers also celebrated 9/11 by killing three Jews in 2011.

Second Update: The terrorist is saying, “Many, many Ayah throughout the Koran that we must fight them as they fight us,” when the narrator talks over him.

Third Update: David Cameron has released a statement on the attacks, “This was not just an attack on Britain and on the British way of life, it was also a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country. There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.”

Fourth Update: SBPDL remembers Emma West.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Who gives a crap? Why are Jews leading white nations to begin with? What level of idiocy does it take to allow your nation to voluntarily be led by a foreign tribe? That’s the question.

  2. Yankees believed in liberal capitalist democracy and their ideology legitimized the Jewish takeover of their society without a shot being fired. Germany put up more resistance under Hitler because Germans were less committed to liberalism.

    It’s really that simple: Jews thrive in liberal democracies, under communism, and other systems that substitute abstract ideology for ethnic or religious solidarity.

  3. Is Jewish influence bad? Of course.

    It is a secondary infection. Jews don’t thrive in the Muslim world, China, Japan and other places because the conditions there aren’t favorable to Jews like they were in early twentieth century Yankeeland.

    Yankees believed that Jews had a right to own their newspapers and film industry. They had a right to accumulate vast amounts of wealth and participate on an equal basis in their political system. The rest is history.

    It couldn’t have ended any other way. See also Weimar Germany.

  4. If Yankeeland is so favorable to Jews – why are they doing everything they can to destroy Yankeeland? Just like every other place that’s let them in…..

  5. The strong feeling that Jews are bad and should be expelled is a healthy sentiment because Jewish influence has negative consequences.

    What allowed the Jews to become so powerful? The culprit is Americanism which left the native population defenseless against the Jewish assault in the early twentieth century. Even without the Jews, Americanism alone had already inspired Yankees to destroy the South.

    Liberalism also inspired Britain and France to inflict incredible damage on their Caribbean colonies.

  6. And liberalism is basically Jews whispering in White’s ears that nothing is important enough to draw lines around.

  7. Hell, the Jews hate us too, even though Jews thrived in the Old South and never had any problems here.

    I should probably add here that I am talking about Northern Jews who perceived the Jim Crow South from the outside. The native Jewish population had little to do with abolition or the Civil Rights Movement.

    The Jews were leftwing revolutionaries in Germany, Poland, and Russia before they arrived in the Northern states. The cheap labor capitalists threw out the welcome mat for millions of leftwing Jews just like they are doing today with Mexicans.

  8. In Europe, Breivik was right that the situation is more complicated.

    Radicalism in Europe has thrived ever since the French Revolution. Jews were swept up in that and were at the forefront of it.

  9. “Prime Minister David Cameron vowed that Britain would not be cowed by the horrific violence”

    Top politicians are well secured with arm guards and the regular civilians must endure sychocological and physical threats from their pets.

  10. “There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.”

    Actually, EVERYTHING in Islam justified that act- that’s why it was committed.

    Simple solution. Anyone of color, and/or who is Muslim, immediately loses his/her job, is retroactively stripped of any UK/Commonwealth citizenship, is rounded up, and put on boats into the North Sea, destination, there to sink or swim. Let them go to Denmark, or Sweden, or the Netherlands. They just have to swim there, unaided.

    I am so done with the Hagarene. Accursed Dogs of Satan.

    England, Arise.
    King Arthur, arise.
    All saints of Britain, pray for a Deliverer.
    O Lord, Rise up and smite the paynim foe.

  11. This street murder looks like a setup of sorts. No blood on perp’s or victims clothes, perp stands around pontificating to a camera, the police arrive after 20 minutes and promptly shoot the perps….. this stinks of false flag but for what reasons?

  12. Even without the Jews, Americanism alone had already inspired Yankees to destroy the South.

    Then that’s the one thing we can say in its favor.

  13. westie says:
    May 23, 2013 at 4:07 pm
    “This street murder looks like a setup of sorts. No blood on perp’s or victims clothes, perp stands around pontificating to a camera, the police arrive after 20 minutes and promptly shoot the perps….. this stinks of false flag but for what reasons?”

    JR notes:

    They’re heeeeeeeeeeeeere

    Kooks, screwballs, nut cases, paranoid conspiracy mongering mental cases, loners, misfits, nothing is as it seems, those Black hordes of diseased creatures flooding in to Merry Old England, Sweden and Boston Mass – they’re just being set up to look violent by some all powerful conspiratorial secret society, and the only ones who can stop them are a small brave crew of homeless people scorned by society. Only they know…..


    And their always changing view of THE TRUTH is that nothing is true, nothing is as it seems. Hey Westie, take a hike. OD doesn’t allow this nonsense here. Get a life.

  14. JR, thanks for your common sense. Now if you could only explain what’s really happening to Denise!

  15. Ever see the blogroll here? This site links to some of the most well-known comspiracy dens on the internet. Good luck, Jack!

  16. Obama is ratcheting up the jack boot agenda. He just identified “homegrown” terrorism as the main threat to America.

    If Boston was a false flag, the best evidence for it is indirect evidence such as this — the government immediately seizing on it as a justification for targeting political enemies.

    President Barack Obama, in a major counterterrorism policy speech today, said the United States “is still threatened by terrorists,” but “the threat has shifted and evolved from the one that came to our shores on 9/11.”

    Obama said homegrown extremism, lethal yet less capable al Qaeda affiliates and threats to overseas diplomatic facilities and businesses represent the “future of terrorism.”

    “America is at a crossroads” in the fight against terror, Obama said. “What we can do — what we must do — is dismantle networks that pose a direct danger and make it less likely for new groups to gain a foothold, all while maintaining the freedoms and ideals that we defend. To define that strategy, we must make decisions based not on fear, but hard-earned wisdom. And that begins with understanding the threat we face.”

  17. Sean is married to some type of alien, and i apparently NOW sucking up to some type of subversive KIKE


    One’s enemies says a lot about one.

  18. Jew or not, Cameron is damned traitor and in a morally healthy nation would be properly dealt with as such.

  19. Britons may not be permitted firearms, but where are the blades – where is the Sheffield Steel of Britain? Why are the able bodied and even the strong lads not out in the streets against these pagans, infidelTurko-Jews and orcs?

  20. Hell, where are the muzzle-loading shotguns?  Of all firearms, those should be the easiest, simplest and fastest to build out of common materials yet are quite deadly at close range.

  21. If Yankeeland is so favorable to Jews – why are they doing everything they can to destroy Yankeeland? Just like every other place that’s let them in…..

    Because they’re Jews. They can’t help themselves. It’s like the old fable of the scorpion and the frog.

  22. Why u all or most of u aginst jews give me a good accept able answer. I think mlst people are jelouse of the jewish community they know how to make money and keep there family’s happy . I am not religous but I am also not rascist

  23. The presence of readily identifiable outsiders (especially those that can accomplish elite status) in a nation, is always going to lead to social conflict. It’s an iron hard rule.
    Rome, didn’t like them and was eventually forced into 100 years of war ith them, Germany ended up not liking them, Egypt didn’t like them, Edward I banished them etc etc. the whole world can’t be morally wrong like that, and still maintain that morality is a universally applicable concept. You can’t maintain that it’s about jealousy in face of the universal rejection of them.

    Oh btw Cameron’s Pater Familias levitas ran banks in Hong Kong. Sassoon ran heroin into China. They’ve always been active in Asian markets.

  24. WTH Jack Ryan? Are you actually gullible enough to believe the fake storyline from the idiot media/government right off the T-VEE? The Wake up, don’t be a stooge, the rest of the story will become visible soon. Please stop being such a azzho.

  25. Great comments in this thread Hunter. You’re right on the mark again. It really isn’t that hard to understand why we are in trouble. Liberty is the problem and always has been. All the promises made by the revolutionaries have not come true. We are not better off “free” than we were before under the monarchs and the church.

  26. You can’t maintain that it’s about jealousy in face of the universal rejection of them.

    They’re like the drunk who has been thrown out of every bar in town. Is it the fault of all the bars or is it the drunk’s fault?

  27. “Tell them to bring our troops back so you can all live in peace.”

    Attacker’ “bring OUR troops back”
    and then”so you can live in peace” translation: we just want to feck your wimminz than goats in africa.

  28. “Why u all or most of u aginst jews give me a good accept able answer. I think mlst people are jelouse of the jewish community they know how to make money and keep there family’s happy . I am not religous but I am also not rascist”

    Rachel, I will try to explain this for you as best as I can. Please try to bear with me.

    Assuming that you are from white European stock, I would first like to note that your description of yourself as “not religious but not not racist” has very much to do with the answer to your question.

    You would probably agree that any Jew, or black, or hispanic, or other group has a right to their existence, their culture, and their identity. That’s only fair, right?

    Since you come from European stock, it is almost certain that three generations ago, using today’s terminology, your ancestors were both religious and racist. They were Christian of some variety, and they preferred their group to all others.

    The same way that Jews prefer Jewish culture and other Jews to white European Christian culture and Gentiles, or that blacks prefer black culture and other blacks to Asian culture and Asians.

    We can also acknowledge that exceptions to preference for one’s own do exist among individuals, but most of these cases are rare. We could also agree that group identity is very important for ensuring the survival of these groups. What would Jews be without their Jewish identity?

    Some of your our ancestors did a very foolish thing. They convinced themselves that unlike other groups, their group was so much better than the others that they had no need for their group identity. So they began to consider other groups identities as more important than those of their own kind.

    They began to destroy most of the cultural institutions that gave them their group identity and of the ones that remained, they allowed them to be controlled and influenced by the other groups. The Jews were the quickest of the other groups to realize the opportunity presented for their group, which was otherwise doomed to permanent minority status as a parasitical presence within white European Christian civilization. And we all know how Jews feel about the birth of Jesus Christ, right.

    They just don’t celebrate it, do they? Nor will you in public, unlike your ancestors.

    Jewish control over white European institutions is why you describe yourself as “not religious and not racist.” It is also why you don’t have any regard for your own group identity as such and will most likely resent what I am trying to communicate now.

    Please let me know if you could understand my reply to your question.

    Deo Vindice

  29. “They’re like the drunk who has been thrown out of every bar in town. Is it the fault of all the bars or is it the drunk’s fault?”

    Perfect. This is exactly the point. The near universal repudiation of them by nearly everyone ought to be a badge of shame for them, or the idea of a universal morality, that they purport to represent in the world, is simply a fucking joke.

  30. There are better arguments against Jews than appeals to tradition & the masses. No, “wars for israel” is not one of them.

  31. By the way – Muslims NEVER “look at themselves”. That’s the White Man’s disease.

    Sure they do. You’ve never heard the Iranians telling the Arabs to stop sucking up to the USA?

  32. @Hunter, May 23 at 2:08 PM: “Jews thrive in liberal democracies, under communism, and other systems that substitute abstract ideology for ethnic or religious solidarity.” However, the abstract ideology is a smokescreen for amoral pursuit of money or political power. The liberal ideology corrupts morality and eventually destroys the system that makes possible the liberal ideology. “The question is: Why is the left always successful, and why is the right always retreating? … Society is constantly being reshaped by the state. Both political parties are extensions of the state. … The American experiment involves bringing in as many people as possible and then socializing them to the state. … American militarism is leftwing militarism. … It is nothing but pure Jacobinism carried out to spread human rights, now women’s rights.” – Paul Gottfried
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYdmwh-XTcg How the Left Conquered the Right | Paul Gottfried
    Gottfried pointed out that a black journalist for the New York Times wrote, “Now that we are in these wars, we should not embarrass President Obama.”
    Ronald Reagan, sometimes called a “conservative icon”, was in the 1930s a far left F.D.R. Democrat. For example, Reagan approved of racial miscegenation in the 1930s, a typical far left opinion at that time. The 1930s far left of the Democrat Party is the neocon Republican faction now. The 1930s isolationist Republicans have been shut out of power. The 1930s segregationist Democrats have morphed into neocon Republican puppets and stooges. JewSA money/media power and cultural Marxist propaganda have eaten away the brains of White people like swarms of maggots on a roadkill carcass.

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