About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Haiti is a bad mess, much of it is due to the inhumane colonization of the island, diseases are on a list of many issues there.”

    Lol. It’s due to black sovereignty and butchering the whites who kept things running.
    The Haitians are their own worst nightmare.

    You know for example who Jean Zombi is don’t you? He’s the eponymous origin of the flesh eating Zombie.

  2. Anon— waaaaaa waaaaa cry like a baby and blame the world, the Joooz, the Illumanti, chemtrails and big foot.

    Blame everyone except Miller himself, who has been involved murder before and is most probably sociopathic like most of your blood thirsty movement is.

  3. “Blame everyone except Miller himself, who has been involved murder before and is most probably sociopathic like most of your blood thirsty movement is.” – If Millers actions are his own and reflect on no one else this is true, but if his actions reflect on all of us, then social networks are front and center.

  4. The british exchange student who was murdered by Rudy Guede in Italy, Meredith Kercher, wasn’t jewish. I’m pretty familiar with the case and I never heard that. She was half Indian and half English. Dershowitz is a hardcore zionist. He has claimed that americans exonerate Knox because she has an ‘all american pretty face.’ All DNA and circumstantial evidence point clearly to Guede, who had a history of breaking and entering and of threatening victims with a knife, alone. It is an italian liberal mafiosa witch hunt. Raffaele Sollecito is the ultimate victim (Amanda’s ex-boyfriend), however, since he couldn’t find somewhere to get citizenship and thus avoid extradition. Knox will never be sent back. Even the hideous liberals in Seattle will become pro-White before that happens…

  5. Hunter, if you think Southern Independence will be achieved without spilling any blood then you are living in a dream world. Th federal government will not go down without a fight.

    There are different kinds of terrorist acts. Those that are successful and those that are not or even worse are counter-productive. Some examples of the former are:

    John Brown’s raid on the Harper’s Ferry Armory which galvanized abolitionist sentiment in New England and the upper midwest.

    Sherman’s burning of Atlanta and subsequent march to the sea and through the Carolina’s which knocked the stuffing out of what remained of the fighting spirit of the Confederacy.

    The genocidal extermination of most American Indians from the 1820’s onward.

    The bombing of the King David Hotel which demoralized the British.

    The Mau Mau revolt and massacre of whites in Kenya.

    The massacre of Arab civilians at Deir Yassin which caused a huge flight from Israeli occupied territories in the 1948 War.

    The 9/11 attack on the World Trade center which drew the United States into two lost wars and established a police state within our own borders.

    I could go on ad infinitum but I hope you get the idea.

    An example of an ineffectual terrorist act is when a lone crazy guns down a few civilians and then does not manage to escape or to link his actions to a coherent political movement.

    Another example of a counter-productive terrorist act is when the British government executed by firing squad or hanging the Irish Republicans who participated in the Easter Rising of 1916. This led directly to events which were resolved by the establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922.

    One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Glenn Miller was neither.

  6. Anon- Miller was not the first of your movement to do something like this nor will he be the last.

    The real question should be, who will be the next WN loon to pop off?

    Look around you, who looks like the next Glenn Miller to you?

  7. Why do people who civilly criticize jews get banned on here (along with some who aren’t so civil) while posters who openly defend the policies that murder and subjugate Whites don’t?

  8. To again quote Uncle Joe: “To control the opposition, you must lead the opposition”.

    The kind of ‘white nation’ opposition that orgs like the ADL and the SPLC want is the ‘neonaziwhowantstokill6millionjews’ opposition. Join the dots. The VNN forum and similar will be SPLC operations and will allow the Jewish orgs to track those who are coming on board with the message. Fed agents like Glenn Miller will eventually act on this rhetoric.

    Linder/VNN, Stormfront et al have a bad script in a bad movie.

  9. “Anon- Miller was not the first of your movement to do something like this nor will he be the last.” – Of course not, there will always be such people, across all walks of life, the point is to minimize their numbers and effect.

  10. “what other people do with their private sex lives is none of our business.”

    Stop putting up a straw man argument that hides the real issue of the cultural Marxist queer assault on Western culture.

    There is a big difference between covert acts of buggery in private, which were never seriously subject to much enforcement as long as people didn’t do it in the street and scare the horses, and homosexual marriage whose main raison d’être is just to get some lazy non-working bums medical and pensions benefits, homosexual adoption the main effect being to proselytize children into the homosexual lifestyle and subject them to pedophilia from their purported caregivers, and LGBTQIXYZ “rights” which boils down to letting men into women’s bathrooms as some sort of natural right.

    Quit hiding behind the smoke screen of equal rights when your real agenda is anti-family, anti-hetero, homosexual advocacy and the PC attack on free speech for those who disagree with you, including it seems, accusations of murderous intent.

  11. Brad- yep, that is the same Layne Lawless. She is another loon. I don’t like her, but, I would not call for her death, and she is a lesbian who is a white nationalist which I find sort of funny in a way.

    I would stay clear of her. Back she was contacting Mark Martin when he was in the NSM with violent rhetoric and she was close buddies with J.T. Ready, who, BTW, was another mass shooter and in the NSM.

  12. I’m not the problem – people who advocate murdering others and who egg on others to do so are the problem, and now that this has happened like a bolt out of the blue, I am taking it much more seriously than I used to.

    You mean, HW, like that Israeli that told the Swedish Pacifists in Izz-ru-Hell, “We killed Christ. We’ll kill you, too’?

  13. “your copy pasta is starting to look like spam…”

    Stop posting the same spurious straw man argument and you won’t keep getting the same rational and apposite response.

  14. Who’s talking about homosexuals? We’re talking about how you making sick jokes about homosexuals to other people who probably hate homosexuals just as much as you do might one day drive them to act out on their inner desire to murder homosexuals.

    When a militia member or any other nut job who follows Dr. Hill takes up arms against the Federal Government and murders troops, or police, etc., will Dr. Hill accept any responsibility for incitement like Alex Linder is being expected to?

    It’s a legitimate question. Discuss.

    Miller took the lives of others, thus destroying the image of God in those people, which is a capital crime according to God’s Law, and is deserving of death.

    Sodomites destroy the image of God in THEMSELVES, which is a far worse crime. Thus, God calls this sin an ‘abomination,’ and public, corporate stoning is the only way to ‘cleanse the land of their sins.’

    There. You asked. Though probably don’t want to hear the answer.

  15. “So now I’m making up what you said in the video you shot and posted yourself? I may have speculated on how much you or other people hate homosexuals, but you did crack a joke about homosexuals and AIDS, IMO, because AIDS is a funny, laughing matter to you. Would you agree? If not, why would you make the comment that you did? What purpose did it serve or was it supposed to serve?”

    Spiel-lunk-head- One can make fun of the sodomites, because God does.
    The Lord in heaven laughs them to scorn.” Ps. 2.

    Have you never seen real sodomites in their ‘Gay Pride Parades’? A grosser, more ludicrous assemblage of perverts, fecal eaters, and child molesters you have never seen.

    And they deserve to die… or have you never heard of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the ‘fire that rained down from heaven’ on their sins?

  16. “Quit hiding behind the smoke screen of equal rights when your real agenda is anti-family, anti-hetero, homosexual advocacy and the PC attack on free speech for those who disagree with you, including it seems, accusations of murderous intent.”

    Rudel, I agree with you. The ‘love that dare not speak its name, is now the psychosis that won’t shut up.’

    Truer words were never spoken.

  17. I’m still laughing from the assertions made by Liberty Lamp about Haiti!

    it’s a hellhole precisely because whites were all butchered there. Same thing is heating up in Zimbabwe now and will occur in South Africa in the not so distant future.

  18. Capt John Charity Spring MA says:
    April 15, 2014 at 8:23 pm
    Hey Rudel,

    I wonder where Stonelifter is now enjoying his Czech utopia. I reckon he found his happy place.”

    I was just thinking of Stone the other day. I hope he IS happy. Because we certainly are not in the USSA.

  19. Well, we’re at the end of the second business day after the fact, and still no MSM dot connecting to Linder-VNN-Kirksville.

    After the first day of this not happening, I was willing to consider that the media were being lazy or just haven’t heard. But after the second day, now you have to think they don’t want to talk about it for some reason.

    Even Leonard Zeskind, who’s based out of Kansas City, and got some column inches in the Star, didn’t even mention Linder or VNN:


    And you have to figure that Zeskind has himself already connected the dots. Yet he doesn’t say anything either.

    I wonder why.

  20. “Look around you, who looks like the next Glenn Miller to you?”

    The niggers running wild just in Chicago during the last few days have killed more people since Glen Miller did his shooting than all the lunatic WN vanguardists have in the last ten years.

  21. Lets put things in perspective when speaking of killers shall we?

    Negro infested Chicongo ALONE since 1990.

    1990: 851
    1991: 927
    1992: 943
    1993: 855
    1994: 931
    1995: 828
    1996: 796
    1997: 761
    1998: 704
    1999: 643
    2000: 633
    2001: 667
    2002: 656
    2003: 601
    2004: 453
    2005: 451
    2006: 471
    2007: 448
    2008: 513
    2009: 459
    2010: 436
    2011: 435
    2012: 516
    2013: 415

  22. The medical infrastructure required to patch together, stabilize and heal the injured in this apocalypse is also conveniently ignored. The murder rate would be astronomical without modern surgical procedures and doctors doing pro bono work.
    All those hoods in electric wheelchairs quizzing about didn’t got that way because they have gout or arthritis.

  23. Blue State Red State Black State White State…

    Chicago’s murder rate of 15.65 per 100,000 people looks nothing like the American 4.2 rate, the Midwestern 4.5 or the Illinois’ 5.6 rates, but it does look like the murder rates in failed countries like Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe. To achieve Chicago’s murder rate, African countries usually have to experience a bloody genocidal civil war or decades of tyranny.
    But Chicago isn’t even all that unique. Or the worst case scenario. That would be New Orleans which at an incredible 72.8 murder rate is ten times higher than the national average. If New Orleans were a country, it would have the 2nd highest murder rate in the world, beating out El Salvador.
    Louisiana went red for Romney 58 to 40, but Orleans Parish went blue for Obama 80 to 17.
    St. Louis has a murder rate just a little lower than Belize. Baltimore has a worse murder rate than South Africa and Detroit has a worse murder rate than Colombia. Obama won both St. Louis and Baltimore by comfortable margins. He won Detroit’s Wayne County 73 to 26.

  24. “The huge box has a name, it’s called White Nationalism.”

    The huge box is called White genocide. If YKW stopped their attempted genocide of the White population of the planet then none of this would be happening.

  25. “Apparently the bastion of White Nationalism and its stalwarts of moderation don’t find it a little bit concerning that VNN(and Stormfront to a lesser degree) has been a springboard for many who’ve found themselves incarcerated, admitted informants and homicidal maniacs who seem to have a habit of killing White people?”

    You could say the same about the tens of thousands of white people murdered as a result of the incitement of anti-white violence by Hollywood and the MSM.

  26. Capt John Charity Spring MA

    Chicago’s 15.65/100k is deceptive because Chicago still has lots of white people, and in fact, its black population is declining.

    East St. Louis, Illinois has a murder rate of 101.9 per 100k. It’s probably a relatively high anomaly for any group of black people. But ESL is virtually 100% black.

    Also you can’t rely on that 415 stat for Chicago’s 2013 murder tally. See AR today.

  27. Hello again Hunter:

    Thanks for approving my skank-busting post from last night.

    Secondly, I see that Rabbi Linder banned you from itz Virtual Colostomy Bag & Free-Range ZOGtard corral aka TraitorGlenn Miller News Nutwerk. Which is good. I was going to advise you to stop posting there anyways.

    Thirdly, time to re-open up your forum. Anchorage Activist came back after seven months gone — so should you. However, do shut down any new registrations to avoid spamming.

    Even though Bryan Reo and Eli James shut down whitenationalist.org, I decided to “open” one of my “secret forums” to drink up the free soup falling out of the sky. You should do so as well. I’m making a download every night and “restoring” the days post to another one of my servers.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri’
    http://whitenationalist.org/forum (To be restored soon)
    http://christian-identity.net/forum (working now)

  28. Lynda wrote:

    “The kind of ‘white nation’ opposition that orgs like the ADL and the SPLC want is the ‘neonaziwhowantstokill6millionjews’ opposition. Join the dots. The VNN forum and similar will be SPLC operations and will allow the Jewish orgs to track those who are coming on board with the message. Fed agents like Glenn Miller will eventually act on this rhetoric.”

    I would ask why ADL and SPLC haven’t bothered to list Andrew Anglin’s Daily Stormer or Kyle Hunt of White Man March. Both name the Jews as the main orchestrators of Whites’ genocide.

    My theory is that Anglin’s site posts too much information that the jews don’t want people to know about. As for Kyle Hunt, he is both all american apple pie, a distinguished Amherst grad who was Mr. Everything in his Massachusetts hometown highschool, and he seems to consider blacks’ violence as a significant (I don’t think complete by any stretch) function of jewish machinations to dominate whites/europeans.

    They pick and likely cultivate their own targets, I suspect, while avoiding those they cannot control or work through. How anyone could consider the lovely Kyle an embarrassment to Whites is beyond me.

  29. I reality the charnel house or perhaps Shambles in Chicago is much more terrifying than the press and stats show.

    If you begin to look into murder rate within the black population it’s going to spike like East St Louis.

  30. “We’re talking about how you making sick jokes about homosexuals to other people who probably hate homosexuals just as much as you do might one day drive them to act out on their inner desire to murder homosexuals.”

    So that argument would apply to anti-white Jews like Louis CK or Susan Sontag or Wiess or Ignatiev?

  31. You could say the same about the tens of thousands of white people murdered as a result of the incitement of anti-white violence by Hollywood and the MSM.

    Well, in fact, I do say that all the time. If you were able to follow me around the Internet you would see that I bring up black-on-White violence whenever I come across certain articles and stories. I talk about the way the media covers it up as well. I even have a very, very detailed list with thousands of black-on-White murders that have occurred over just the past decade. I can pretty much guarantee you that I’ve probably seen more stories, images and details than you have. I have Gigabytes worth of images of victims and perps of black-on-White murders and violence. Do you?

    The difference here is that I understand context. A media and government that is culpable for inciting and covering up the murder and victimization of White people is one thing. A supposed pro-White website(s) and group(s) who claims to serve the best interests of White people, but have a tendency to make pro-White people look like losers and lunatics at best, and to prey upon and murder those same White people at worst. One of those two is germane to the topic. If I give you two guesses, could you figure out which one it was?

  32. Actually it’s the left that’s the preeminently bloodthirsty movement, as recorded from the French Revolution, through the Gulag camps, to the Killing Fields of Cambodia.

  33. Capt John Charity Spring MA

    The reason why I say ESL is perhaps anomalously high in terms of black murder rates is that ESL has been 100% black for a long time, but its total population has been declining for some time. So it’s just blacks leaving a ratchet Bell Curve City. The blacks that remain in ESL are the worst of the worst, the kind of people who are either so dumb or so unambitious or so criminally inclined that they don’t want to leave a town like ESL. An accidental experiment in dysgenics.

  34. @Celestial Time

    “The difference here is that I understand context.”

    Well you obviously don’t.

    The context is that the MSM has the megaphone 24/7, 365 days a year so there is absolutely no reason for us to join in spreading their memes.

    The only productive use for people like Miller is to take advantage of any media spotlight that accrues to highlight the media’s own double standards around their constant incitement of anti-white violence.

    i.e. take the opportunity to briefly use their megaphone against them.

  35. The only productive use for people like Miller is to take advantage of any media spotlight

    Unless you are using it as the impetus to finally choke the life out of sociopaths in the pro-White sphere, then there’s no possible way you are going to spin Miller Meltdown into anything positive. You don’t seem to understand context, tactics or sociology. People are not going to suddenly realize that they need to run away from the media and their conditioning. Who are they going to run to, the supposed pro-White clique that just killed three White people? If a spotlight is all it’s about, then why not do something asinine yourself? Think about how much publicity you could get.

  36. I hope to see Alex Linder rat out all of his VNN cronies and Varg ends up getting butt fucked in jail on a regular basis by members of the Aryan Brotherhood, who one of our high ranking Gangster Bolsheviks are on good terms with. #eight19 #thesouthwillriseagain

  37. re: Greg Johnson

    I inquired to MI Spooks as follows:


    He’s a good writer and that’s a good article but is Greg Johnson a homosexual?

    MI Spooks replied:

    Yes, the San Francisco based literature PhD named Greg Johnson is as queer as a three-dollar bill. And so are a great many of his adherents.

    Greg’s shtick is an indefinite interlude of many decades during which a new movement will be born. This will happen through the agency of writing, reprinting and above all selling printed books and eBooks. And which materials he conveniently happens to supply for a small charge.

    FYI, Greg Johnson was recruited to edit The Occidental Quarterly, and then fired, by John Gardner and Sam Dickson. Your best young buddy Brad Griffin was another of their inspirations. Brad and Greg used to be real close. I hesitate to speculate how close. You’d have to ask them for specifics, if you dare. But no matter they passionately hate each other now.

    P.S. Rounder Still Not Banned On VNN Forum.

  38. Jim Giles says:

    ‘Alex Linder murdered Reat Griffin Underwood, William Corporon and Terri LeManno. The blood of the little boy, the grandfather and the mother is on Alex Linder and the ‘White Nationalist Movement,’ an anonymous group of Internet cowards and now accomplices to murder.’


    Your hatred of Linder is clouding your judgment.

    I listened to many of your ant-inigger rants could not help but agree with most of your assertions.

    However, if a White man decided to off a few negroes after being riled up by one of your RFM broadcasts would YOU want to be held to the same standard you set for Linder?

    I think not.

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