The Rosa Parks Legacy: Who Is Riding The Bus Now?


Just out of curiosity, I checked to see who is riding the bus now in Montgomery and Birmingham, AL – the so-called “Freedom Riders” showed up here in 1961 to make a big media splash – fifty years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 finally outlawed segregation in American public transportation.

In Montgomery, AL, less than 2 percent of the working population of the Montgomery Metropolitan Statistical Area uses the integrated public transportation system, and 84 percent of the ridership is African-American. Most of the people who use public transportation are black, low income, and don’t have an automobile.

In Birmingham, AL, less than 0.7 percent of the working population in the Birmingham-Hoover Metropolitan Statistical Area (second-to-last nationally) uses integrated public transportation, and 86 percent of the ridership is African-American. 62 percent of riders in Birmingham earn less than $15,000 a year.

Let’s take a look at the rest of the South:


I’ve used numbers from the 2009 American Community Survey and to juxtapose the percentage of the working population in the most densely populated Southern metropolitan areas next to the percentage of public transportation users who are African-American and Hispanic.


Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, GA – 3.7 – 76 percent African-American, 7 percent Hispanic


Birmingham-Hoover, AL – 0.7 – 86 percent African-American
Montgomery, AL – >2.0 – 84 percent African-American


New Orleans-Metairie-Kenner, LA – 2.7 – 68 percent African-American, 13 percent Hispanic


Austin-Round Rock, TX – 2.8 – 13 percent African-American, 36 percent Hispanic
San Antonio, TX – 2.3 – 14 percent African-American, 65 percent Hispanic
Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown, TX – 1.2 – 37 percent African-American, 41 percent Hispanic
Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX – 1.5 – 46 percent African-American, 28 percent Hispanic


Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL – 1.4
Orlando-Kissimmee, FL – 1.8 – 59 percent African-American, 30 percent Hispanic
Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach, FL – 3.5 – 26 percent African-American, 71 percent Hispanic
Jacksonville, FL – 1.2 – 58 percent African-American, 9 percent Hispanic


Louisville/Jefferson County, KY-IN – 2.4 – 63 percent African-American


St. Louis, MO-IL – 2.6 – 73 percent African-American, 5 percent Hispanic
Kansas City, MO-KS – 1.2 – 60 percent African-American, 10 percent Hispanic


Baltimore-Towson, MD – 6.2 – 76 percent African-American, 5 percent Hispanic


Oklahoma City, OK – 0.4

North Carolina

Raleigh-Cary, NC – 1.0
Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord, NC-SC – 1.9 – 53 percent African-American, 17 percent Hispanic


Nashville-Davidson–Murfreesboro–Franklin, TN – 1.2 – 57 percent African-American, 6 percent Hispanic
Memphis, TN-MS-AR – 1.5 – 88 percent African-American


Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC – 1.4
Richmond, VA – 2.0


Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV – 14.1 – 39 percent African-American, 12 percent Hispanic

Although there is no racial data available for several metro areas, there’s enough from the others to draw a general conclusion: the overwhelming majority of working age adults in the South avoid public transportation, and the people who use it are overwhelmingly low income blacks or Hispanics who lack access to an automobile.

Who is riding the bus now? Along with the black woman below, I submit that any of these ladies could be a modern day Rosa Parks. The bar is set pretty low when Michael Brown is a modern day Emmett Till.

If you are reading this website, the chances are pretty good that you are not riding at the front or the back of any public bus in your area, but you are still paying for it. Isn’t “white privilege” wonderful?

Note: SBPDL reports that Atlanta has spent $1.1 million dollars to install urine detection devices on the 76 percent black MARTA mass transit system.


About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. So, HW, if darkies are all who ride buses now, how do we DEFUND this ‘Negertransport,’ if ‘equal access’ is denied us?

    If we Whites truly are paying for it, (and unemplyed blacks aren’t) how can we start to UNPAY for it?

    This is the sort of column I’d like to read on OD…. Strategies, actions, engaging the Enemy. For they ARE our Enemy.

  2. A pox on white people for allowing this excrement to take over their homelands and society. It demonstrates a weakness within us. I’ve seen the MAJORITY of whites out there who will stand up for these chimps……..I’ve seen about all I can stand anymore. I’m about ready to say the whole thing can burn.

  3. Hereward, at least horses are trainable, and give you an advantage in battle, when the hoi polloi start to rebel. I concur.

  4. Mosin, you’re a pathetic, knee-jerk bigot. Al Yankovic isn’t Jewish by race or religion. He’s a Yugoslavian, Roman Catholic. Do you assume that anyone with a -ovic in their surname is Jewish? sheesh, what an idiot you are!

  5. Let’s include the city of TORONTO transit system (TTC) in this post, where a once 96% White-populated Canadian city … until just 3 decades ago … managed quite well BEFORE hordes of 3rd world immigrants began arriving.


  6. ‘He’s a Yugoslavian, Roman Catholic…what an idiot you are’:

    I remembered hearing, very clearly, from someone who is not an idiot (measured 153 IQ) who is an expert on popular culture that Yankovic ‘is Jewish’, and I thought it was implied ‘by descent’. Well, he is NOT ‘a Yugoslavian’ (a geographic not an ethnic term, by the way), but his father was from Yugoslavia, his mother half Italian, half ‘English — a very mixed background, so who can say there is NOT even ‘one drop’ in there that expresses itself thus:

  7. My husband took MARTA (Atlanta area subway) recently. Traveling in broad daylight, this is what he encountered (all this happened during 1 ride):

    1. A gay black man screaming and cursing and threatening violence at some other black men as he boarded the train. The people he was screaming at did not also board the train, thankfully.

    2. Another black man in hubby’s train car sitting alone and “rapping” loudly so that all other riders can fully hear.

    3. Various other blacks (all men, I think) coming and going begging for money.

    There might be even more, but that’s all I can remember.

    Subways, trains and other forms of public transportation were created for the good of the public. It was supposed to be cost effective and more friendly to the environment. However, “diversity” has made it unusable by civilized people.

  8. Dalton, I stand corrected about ‘A. Y.’ There seems to be no evidence besides my perhaps faulty memory of hearsay of the source I mentioned. I have never been interested in pop music and pop culture figures, so he is really a new subject for me. While of mixed origin, he does have a nice, WHITE sense of humour in his parodies.

  9. Mosin, congrats on admitting you goofed. However, you still got to work on this “I see Jews everywhere’ thingee. I had to correct you elsewhere today about this, so you got a ways to go yet before you can shake this bad habit of yours off. Hint: do some background checking first from several sources, it will save you a lot of embarrassment in the future.

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