About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “How are we supposed to do anything about these things without our own government? The truth is that we can’t.”

    I am well aware of this, that you cant do anything. You take me for a fool? Everybody knows this. You just wrote it a million times.

    My question was that if you had the means, what would you do. To this, describing the present situation ad nauseam is avoiding the answer, an extremely dishonest behavior.
    Are you a functional illiterate? You struggle with interpreting what you read?

    “That’s why I am focused on secession for we can organize our own government!”

    You cannot organize without guidelines. And you clearly dont have anything regarding ending jewish influence. You are only a loudmouth, twelve a dozen.

    To all readers: – bringing back segregation WON’T end jewish influence…
    – restricting immigration WON’T end jewish influence…
    -restoring everything to as it was in 1960 (in a legal sense, enacting the same laws as they were in 1960) wont end jewish influence.

    The South in 1960 was already falling under jew economic and cultural influence. In a democratic system, there are no law that can prevent this, bc it would require authoritarian means: seizing jew banks, censoring jew newspapers, jamming (Northern) jewmedia broadcasts, just to name a few things.

    Anybody who says otherwise is living in an illusion.

    It is also an unproven assumption that the newfound South would want to tackle jew influence at all. Brad G. does everything to try to maintain this empty facade, but there are simply no signs in the political class or in the public, that it would become jew-wise. Every sensible democratic government represents its people so it would be funny to act totally counter to the christian zionist and other interests (‘big money’) that are alive and well in the South.

    Trying to solve the jewish problem democratically is impossible, anyone who thinks differently, betrays his ultimate ignorance.

    “As I pointed out to you in the last comment, 10 percent and 12 percent of Americans hold television news and newspapers in high regard”

    Look one line above that, dumbass. Same popularity goes for internet media. You throw around bullshit stats like they were everything.

    My worldview is based on a thorough familiarity with our history. (…)

    There goes the libertardian candyland flowing with milk and honey. Nothing guarantees that the South would be significantly better off (economically, culturally) in the case of a Secession, bc the newfound South would be anarchistic-democratic, with the mentality “leave everybody alone to do his business” or something similar.

    Sou far you havent brought anything forth as to how to tackle jewish influence in concrete terms whatsoever.

    “2.) Second, if this debate is to progress, you need to specifically name the Southern financial institutions that you have in mind.

    3.) Third, you need to specifically name the Jew corporations that are bad, and elaborate beyond your refrain that “the corporations are acting all corporationy!””

    No, I dont need to specify, bc laws are not written against specific corporations in a democratic system. But let’s say, that a jew bank, lets call it Goldman Sachs, has many banks in the South, siphoning out capital, harming everyone and hindering Southern banks to do business. What is to be done with it?

    You are evading, deflecting, stonewalling. I dont know why the hell are you doing this, but it is extremely disgusting.

    • Re: European Light

      To all readers: – bringing back segregation WON’T end jewish influence…

      Let’s take a look at the numbers:

      United States: 6,700,000
      Israel: 6,180,300
      Southern States: 1,116,255
      United States (without Dixie): 5,583,745

      It looks to me like secession, in one stroke, will instantly remove 82 percent of Jews in the United States from our national borders. Where do the 18 percent of Jews who live in the South reside?

      Alabama: 8,825
      Georgia: 127,470
      Florida: 638,985
      South Carolina: 13,570
      Mississippi: 1,550
      Louisiana: 10,675
      Texas: 139,505
      Oklahoma: 4,650
      Arkansas: 1,725
      Missouri: 59,175
      Kentucky: 11,300
      Tennessee: 19,575
      North Carolina: 31,675
      West Virginia: 2,335
      Virginia: 95,240

      Over half of the Jewish population in the South lives in Florida, and 3/4 of those Jews live in just three counties, Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County. There are 2x as many Jews in Palm Beach County as there are in the entire state of Texas. What’s the average age of Jews in Palm Beach County, FL? It is 70.

      The Jewish population in the South is 1.) extremely old, 2.) concentrated in South Florida, 3.) it is refreshed by transplanted snowbirds from the Northern states. OTOH, there’s a Jewish population in Yankee-Judea that is on par with Israel.

      – restricting immigration WON’T end jewish influence…

      Every single immigration bill that has attempted to expand immigration since 1965 has been shot down by the South in Congress. The existence of the Union is the only reason why we have open borders in the South. If we had our own government, we would have shutdown immigration decades ago.

      -restoring everything to as it was in 1960 (in a legal sense, enacting the same laws as they were in 1960) wont end jewish influence.

      What do you even mean by this?

      Are you referring to the Jim Crow South? Southerners voted 9 to 1 in the US Congress to keep Jim Crow. MLK’s Dream was defeated on the ground in the South. It triumphed only because MLK was supported by the federal government, and by his Yankee and Jewish allies who voted 8 to 2 to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

      The South in 1960 was already falling under jew economic and cultural influence.

      If that was the case, why did the South vote 9 to 1 against the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

      In a democratic system, there are no law that can prevent this, bc it would require authoritarian means: seizing jew banks, censoring jew newspapers, jamming (Northern) jewmedia broadcasts, just to name a few things.

      I’ve already shown that 10 percent and 12 percent of Americans have a great deal of confidence in television news and newspapers. Your model of a “Jewsmedia” brainwashing mindless lemmings is false. In 2014, the US media is balkanized, and it is held in low regard by all Americans, and nowhere more so than in the South. It’s true though that lots of Southerners watch sports on ESPN.

      Anybody who says otherwise is living in an illusion.

      The South is best understood as a peripheral colony of Yankee-Judea: power is consolidated in Washington where all the important decisions are made, and then the lower administrative units, which we call states and cities, carry out Washington’s orders.

      There are 2x as many Jews in the New York area than there are in the entire South. There’s a Jewish nation the size of Israel embedded within the Northern and Western states. It poisons us by extension … because we are attached to the Union, not directly from the ground up.

      It is also an unproven assumption that the newfound South would want to tackle jew influence at all.

      3 out of 3 Jews on the Supreme Court … gone.
      1 out of 1 Jewish governors … gone.
      11 out of 11 Jewish US Senators … gone.
      15 out of 21 Jewish US Reps … gone.
      82 percent of Jews … gone.

      Jewish influence on the South wouldn’t be anywhere remotely close to where it is at today. Remove 82 percent of Jews and the vast majority of liberal Yankees from our political system and the anchor that is pulling our culture down will be cut in one stroke.

      Brad G. does everything to try to maintain this empty facade, but there are simply no signs in the political class or in the public, that it would become jew-wise. Every sensible democratic government represents its people so it would be funny to act totally counter to the christian zionist and other interests (‘big money’) that are alive and well in the South.

      We don’t live in Yankee-Judea. There’s no need to become Jew-obsessed. We can separate ourselves from the problem.

      Trying to solve the jewish problem democratically is impossible, anyone who thinks differently, betrays his ultimate ignorance.

      The problem is being a permanent minority within Yankee-Judea where every decision of any importance is made in Washington. In our present state, there’s nothing we can do to either reform the system or slow its decline. All we can do is thrash up against the system by passing laws that pick at issues like abortion or gay marriage or immigration which will be shot down by federal judges.

      I am well aware of this, that you cant do anything. You take me for a fool? Everybody knows this. You just wrote it a million times.

      My question was that if you had the means, what would you do. To this, describing the present situation ad nauseam is avoiding the answer, an extremely dishonest behavior.
      Are you a functional illiterate? You struggle with interpreting what you read?

      Here’s your answer: I’m not a fantasist.

      If you want to read about “The Day of the Rope” or legions of sockpuppets exterminating Jews in the Northwest Republic or White people blasting off into outer space and colonizing Mars, go read any number of White Nationalist fantasy novels.

      There goes the libertardian candyland flowing with milk and honey. Nothing guarantees that the South would be significantly better off (economically, culturally) in the case of a Secession, bc the newfound South would be anarchistic-democratic, with the mentality “leave everybody alone to do his business” or something similar.

      Sou far you havent brought anything forth as to how to tackle jewish influence in concrete terms whatsoever.

      The South is pulled down by the existence of the Union – see the recent legalization of “gay marriage,” which is banned every Southern state – and freeing ourselves from the albatross that is Yankee-Judea will stop us from sinking any further. Again, you are forgetting that 82 percent of Jews don’t live here, and 1/2 of those who do are elderly snowbirds who will be dead in a few years anyway, and whose numbers won’t be replenished after secession.

      No, I dont need to specify, bc laws are not written against specific corporations in a democratic system. But let’s say, that a jew bank, lets call it Goldman Sachs, has many banks in the South, siphoning out capital, harming everyone and hindering Southern banks to do business. What is to be done with it?

      With our own government, we could shutdown any bank we see fit, seize its assets, and regulate the banking system however we wish to do so. Without our own government, well, we will just be sitting here carping about Jew all night, won’t we, without any means to do anything about the problem?

      You are evading, deflecting, stonewalling. I dont know why the hell are you doing this, but it is extremely disgusting.

      I’m interested in building up a movement in the real world, not in debating how many Jews are on the head of a pin in your chosen fantasy world. I see the latter as a useless waste of time. My solution will instantly separate us from 82 percent of Jews in the United States. What’s your solution? LOLing yourself on the internet?

  2. Silver: “I think the criticism is that there is a tendency to want to make the Jewish angle of any issue the most important angle – not uncommonly to the exclusion of all else.”

    CT: “the entire premise of [David Duke’s] site is to focus on finding Jews in every nook and cranny of the world”

    Most people also get annoyed by political activists who try to make the race-replacement problem the central issue of every debate about school, the environment, the economy, popular culture and the media, and so on.

    If Jews are the driving force of race-replacement and anti-White loony leftism, which they are, it makes sense that their influence extends to every nook and cranny of the western world. They don’t need to have a fellow Jew in every nook and cranny. It’s enough for them to control the government and the media at the top, and to have men in central decision making positions, so that their influence, together with race-replacement, will extend to every nook and cranny of Western society.

    • Re: Armor

      My point is that after “naming the Jew” people sit there and loaf in their house and do it over and over again.

      Take Linder for example. He hasn’t been seen in public outside his own house all year. He hasn’t done anything but sit in his house and talk to people over the internet for the last seven years. Varg has never once been seen in public. Neither of them have ever done anything about the problem except for “naming the Jew” ad nauseum.

      I find the whole thing to be rather stunted because it never progresses beyond that stage. After naming the Jew, you should link up with other people who are aware of the problem, who have been educated and outraged by it, build real world networks, and start organizing.

      That’s all I am saying. It’s not enough to educate people or stir up outrage. You also have to build relationships between those who you have already persuaded to take your side.

  3. ‘It is also an unproven assumption that the newfound South would want to tackle jew influence at all’:

    The history of the continuous progress of SOUTHERN Talmudism, from its colonial beginnings in Charleston and Savannah, suggests nothing would change.

  4. ONLY fervent, true religious revival (as Matt Heimbach seems to understand) can ever turn the Talmudised southern (and northern) world ‘upside down’.

  5. E-Light: “You are evading, deflecting, stonewalling. I dont know why the hell are you doing this”

    I think it’s an intellectual exercise. He wants to see if he’s able to defend any opinion even diametrically opposed to his own.

    By the way, I think that many superficially leftist people like to play similar games: they play the devil’s advocate but don’t believe their own BS. They would rather keep their own opinion to themselves to avoid trouble, and they enjoy outraging those who try to lecture them.

  6. Not only fewer Talmudists but also fewer WHITES (but more Blacks!) live in the southeastern states compared to the non-southeastern states.

    Fewer Talmudists live in the southeastern states WITHOUT Florida and D.C. metropolitan area, but also fewer Talmudists than you suggest live in the non-southeastern states WITHOUT the New York metropolitan area or the Northeastern Mega-polis. I live in one of many non-southeastern counties that had ‘none reported’ in the most recent census — and census maps and data indicate that thousands of young, capable Talmudists (many likely to be of purely ‘southern’ extraction, going back to colonial days) exist well entrenched in OTHER southeastern states BESIDES Florida.

    • Lots of Southern states – Louisiana, Kentucky, Arkansas, Mississippi come to mind – have fewer Jews today than in 1861.

      Once again, half the Jews in Dixie are elderly snowbirds in three counties in Southeast Florida. If we seceded and did nothing but close the border, the Jewish population in Florida would plummet as old Jews die out from natural causes over the next 20 years.

      Yankee-Judea has a Jewish population the size of Israel within its borders. New York City is the most judaized place on earth outside of Tel Aviv. Southern Jews is still an apples and oranges comparison because of the sheer size of the Jewish population in the North and West.

  7. Silver says:
    … some WNs won’t be satisfied until every sentence begins and ends with “I renounce the Jew and all his works.”

    Oh, I really like your revision! Catchy, very catchy. Only eight words, but glorious don’t ya think?

  8. ‘The South is pulled down by the existence of the Union – see the recent legalization of “gay marriage,” which is banned every Southern state’:

    Ditto for this state, where the majority struggle to maintain their Defense of Marriage Act against the attacks of Federal tyranny and the urban (Philadephia-based) enemy within.

  9. ‘Lots of Southern states – Louisiana, Kentucky, Arkansas, Mississippi come to mind – have fewer Jews today than in 1861’:

    The majority live SOUTH of the Line then. After the war, many moved north and west to better money-making opportunities. But similar emigrations have occurred in NON-southern states and counties in response to hard times or better opportunities appearing elsewhere.

    ‘half the Jews in Dixie are elderly snowbirds in three counties in Southeast Florida’:

    But what about the other half? I see dark spots on the maps around Atlanta, Raleigh, Charlotte, Charleston (both SC and WV), Savannah, southwestern Georgia, cities in Texas, Benton AR, et cetera.

    • The difference maker was the swarm of Jews that came to the North during the Great Wave from Southern and Eastern Europe. There’s a Jewish population in Yankee-Judea on par with Israel.

      The rest of the Jews in the South are concentrated in the DC suburbs in NOVA, Atlanta, and a few cities in Texas. There are 5x as many Jews in Yankee-Judea than in either the South or Europe.

      • Here’s a list of the 30 most Jewish cities in America:

        #1. New York City, New York
        #2. Miami, Florida
        #3. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
        #4. Boston, Massachusetts
        #5. Washington, DC-Baltimore
        #6. Hartford, Connecticut
        #7. Cleveland, Ohio
        #8. Los Angeles, California
        #9. Las Vegas, Nevada
        #10. Chicago, Illinois
        #11. San Francisco, California
        #12. Albany, New York
        #13. Tuscon, Arizona
        #14. Rochester, New York
        #15. Springfield, Massachusetts
        #16. Pittsfield, Massachusetts
        #17. Buffalo, New York
        #18. San Diego, California
        #19. Denver, Colorado
        #20. Sarasota, Florida
        #21. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
        #22. Detroit, Michigan
        #23. Portland, Maine
        #24. Atlanta, Georgia
        #25. Tampa, Florida
        #26. St. Louis, Missouri

        #27. New London, Connecticut
        #28. Richmond, Virginia
        #29. Santa Barbara, California
        #30. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

  10. Secession didn’t make the difference last time it was tried (I’m NOT implying that I am opposed to secession itself!) considering who was ‘the Brains of the Confederacy’.

  11. While trying to prove fewer per capita, you don’t consider how many it really takes, and that having more per capita might be mere surfeit — and what are those shaded areas on the maps in coastal South Carolina and Georgia, and inland southwestern Georgia, and the urban areas of the southern Appalachians? Not ‘snowbird’ destinations.

    You seem to make a sharp distinction between ‘southern’ Talmudists who were based mostly in the multi-racial southern states, and the ‘northern’ Talmudists who began immigrating to the previously almost mono-racial (and nearly solidly Protestant) non-southern states in the late nineteenth century.

  12. TMT #247.5 — The jew, the homo, the nigger & the whiggers — 23 October 14

    Time: October 23 2014 11:00 PM EST/10:00 PM CST

    Talksjew Channel:


    Every so often the bowel Movement has a shitstorm in a piss jug. Two weeks ago in the Whigger Nutsionalist bowel Movement the sundry leadership fuktards bitched at each other over the failed Hungarian meeting in Buda-Pest. Yes, yes, of course it was a failure because there is no reason for Amurrikwan whiggers and jewboys and mamzers to botherate Magyar psuedo-Khazars. But it did unleash the GAIDS Coalition of jews & mongrels & whiggers to Unleash Fuktardivity. All these jewboys and ass-clowns proceeded to shit all over each other, proclaiming that they and they alone have the key . . . to fuktardivity.


    Well, the picture above was created by one of my NIM-Buster fuktards upon my request. I’ll ask him to make a new picture of Mount Bowel-Movement Flush-More, cum-cum, with the jewboy above being the gut-sick guido-kikenweasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS as Rabbi Alex Linder, the homo being Greg Johnson, the nigger being the obvious mulatto who two years ago was a ARA activist and sex-tourist in the Phillipines Andre “The nigger” Angelyn, and for the fourth, the Southern Nationalist “Hunter Wallace/Brad Griffin.”

    Well isn’t Hunter Wallace / Brad Griffin your friend? Well, if you look upon Hunter Wallace / Brad Griffin as operating out of a sense of friendship or of good sense then you will be disappointed at that weak reed. Brad Griffin is simply someone who was born on third base that thinks he hit a triple. The Bushys of Whigger Nutsionalism.

    You see, unlike the whiggers and niggers and jews in the bowel Movement, I don’t believe in the left-wing Bolshevik jew notions of “edjewmacating ZOGling and whigger ass-clowns”. Rather, my belief system is that of the Old Right like Dr. Lothrup Stoddard, Kurt Saxon, and Bertrand Comparet in that what is all important is blood and birth. Non-whites and jews cannot be “edjewmacated” into being White, although Whites can indeed be edjewmacated into becum-cummin’ whiggeroid. Thus, I have no interest in dealing with most “intellectjewalls” because they are into making their stupid shit useful when it is of no use at all. We don’t need “thinkers” to “save the Whigger Rayce.” Rather we need working killers and butchers and sociopaths to hammer into Warlords who will proceed to slaughter 120 million whiggers, 180 million mongrels and beasts of the field, and six or seven million jews, and through Civil War II put together a divided theocratic military dictatorship of the Ten Thousand Warlords ruling under Dual-Seedline Christian Identity theocratic principles over the 10-20 million survivors. There is no political problem that cannot be solved by exterminating tens or hundreds of millions two-legged featherless sub-animals.

    Now lest any fuktard claim, like my pervert room-mate at the medium-security Nuthouse, that your dream of murder, tyranny, and mayhem cannot cum true, and that “you are worse than Hitler and Stalin and Pol Pot”, that even though most of such drivel isn’t true, that such is irrelevant. Every civilization since ancient Egypt and Assyria and Rome has indeed collapsed as they formed a Mighty Evil Empire, brought the slaves in to work then breed out the Founding Stock, and then without the Founding Stock these Mighty Evil Empires, now set upon a foundation of mongrelized blood, collapsed. This latest Mighty Evil Empire, no longer even to whup 10,000 professional goat-herders and part-time freedumb fighters in Iraq or Afghanistan or Butt-Fuckistan, isn’t going to be able to stand against these Turd-whirrlders and Turd-Whirrlders becum-cum ZOG/Babylon.

    Now getting back to these bowel-Movementers. Neither the best of the whigger nutsionalists, like Greg Johnson nor Cunthair Walrus, are able to tell an obvious jewboy like Alex Linder or an obvious nigger like Andre “The Nigger” Angelyn to simply fuck off. Why an obvious mongrel meercat like Vargina The Colostomy-Bag Likkin’ Meercat can chirrr, chirrr, chirr away about “how dare you let Pope Marty Chomo speak ill of the jewboy running an obvious Greater Free Range Virtual Colostomy Bag & ZOGtard Corral, aka TraitorGlenn Miller News Nutwerk Forum” and Cunthair will still be trying to “make nice” with the anonymous mongrel meercat who serves the jew who names the other jews but if you name that jew then you will be banned from the virtual bagel bakestery of Rabbi Linder.

    Now I had my family destroyed by local, state and national regime criminals who violated their own “laws” and “CONstipations” to do so. Then I was sent to a Nuthouse because I insisted on being my own lawyer and facing my accusers. After three years of doping and torture I managed to be able to become my own attorney, get released on an affordable bail, and the case fell apart on the day of the preliminary hearing because my semi-retarded grandson refused to testilie against me.

    So as a result I do not believe in [d]rule of [f]law, or CONstipations or Bills of Goods, or yap-yap to secure the Bloodline of YHWH’s Servant Nation of Christian Israel. I DO believe in torture, civil war, armageddon, and massive killing and cruel cold ruthlessness in achieving political and religious goals. Thus the events of the past few weeks in which every ZOGling whigger and mamzer and jew ass-clowns are at each other’s throats and assholes is amusing – and enlightening.

    Back in March 2010, Harold Covington was annoyed at Cunthair Walrus allowing “Robert Campbell” / Tard Wee-wee-sperg to censor him. So Hair-old proceeded to write in “Hunter Wallace” as the peanut-nutted, neo-khan First Ass-Clown who is run by jews into attacking the Northwest Republic with nuclear weapons and is stopped by getting a pencil to the eye by an infiltraiting whiggress skankazoid. Now I tried to talk Hair-old out of doing so but Hair-old was determined to make pore Cunthair Walrus into a figure of sport.

    Recently, like a few daze ago, some anonymous linderkikenesque mongrel ass-clown calling ityzself “Thomas Paine” was insisting that Cunthair Walrus censor me or else it would take itz ZOGbux and mangina elsewhere. So I “blue-lettered” itz appeals for censorsheep and posted them as ridicule. Cunthair approved the ridicule, then listened to “Jack Ryan” a Chicago hibernigger into mamzeress skanky stanky, and took the missive down.

    So now I’m annoyed at how Brad Griffin went all Cunthair Walrus on me and have insight as to how Hair-old had a point. The best way to deal with fuktardivity is merciless ridicule — at least where you can’t make them eat theyz’ nuts.

    Both Brad Griffin and Greg Johnson could finish off Rabbi Linder by simply telling one and all that Linder is one sick jewboy who was brought into the bowel Movement by William Pierce, ZOGbot, who got $400,000 in Order loot and ran an Elohim Shitty for mongrel CreaTards. That Andre ‘The Nigger” Angelyn is simply an albino nigger who used to be an ARA activist and sex-tourist in neggrito cuntrees three years ago. Go for the colostomy bags and rip them out, Moan Whiggger Fuktards!!! And set jewrself free.

    And regarding any anonymous jewboy and mongrel fuktards on your forums and blogs. If they cause trouble with others, then out them. “Doxing” a jewboy or mongrel or ZOGtard always sends them pissing down they’z legs and running for the tall grass.

    But this is advice that fuktards wanting to be part ZOGtard will never take.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  13. Celestial Time says:

    ‘Hell, most Nazi officials had more to define themselves with than David Duke. He’s a one trick pony.’

    I get it. You don’t like Duke. Fine. And he focuses on jews. So what? He does a great job educating the clueless. That’s his niche. There are sites on the web catering to every conceivable subject of interest from soup to nuts.

    You want to learn about all things pertaining to football go to NFL.com or Castefootball. You won’t find anything about knitting or cooking there. Only football related talk.

    Go to Duke’s site to get the skinny on jews or stay away if it isn’t your cup of tea.

    Celestial Time says: ‘He’s a one trick pony.’

    Sorry, but the first thing that comes to Joe Sixpack’s mind or Shaneekwa’s pea sized brain when she hears the name David Duke is definitely not jews.

    He was leading the fight against integration, miscegenation and the destruction of America long before most internet warriors could spell N-I-G-G-E-R.

    Anti-racists still use Duke’s photos for target practice at the shooting range.

    His books are the best!

    Have you found anything on his blog that is an outright lie or fabrication?

  14. Armor,

    Most people also get annoyed by political activists who try to make the race-replacement problem the central issue of every debate about school, the environment, the economy, popular culture and the media, and so on.

    And rightly so. Because there is a big difference between making something the central issue of a debate and pointing out that the issue has a race-replacement angle or Jewish influence angle or what have you angle to it. The annoyance caused by the latter is far less than the annoyance caused by the former.

    Now, I happen to agree that Jewish influence is a tremendously important issue, and if you take a broad enough perspective it really does extend into every area of culture and politics that a WN is concerned about. Unfortunately, the number of people who are capable of comprehending this – at least under the present cultural conditions – seems to be severely limited. Attempting to inject jew-talk into every debate therefore backfires. Rather than feeling ‘educated’ people feel manipulated or agitated or embarrassed; they’re now less willing to give credence to your views on any other subject – less, not more.

    Does this mean one should never mention Jews? Certainly not. You just have to be more delicate about how you broach the subject. If you understand that people will desperately want to disagree with you, that they will fight tooth and nail to avoid conceding your point, then in many cases it’s best to content yourself with having drawn attention to the conflict of interest between Jews and Europeans or drawn attention to the existence of Jewish influence and invited your interlocutor to decide for himself what significance this has, rather than the demanding he agree to the letter with your interpretation.

    Go back one hundred years or more to a time when there was widespread awareness of the conflict between Jewish and European interests. What was the result? “Anti-semitism” was ramped up so high that the injustices that eventuated (real or invented, it’s beside the point) led to people feeling remorseful and guilty, eventually relenting on the subject rather than intensifying their pursuit of it. You might argue that that’s only because the Jew is a crafty sonvabitch. So he is. But that’s the nature of the game.

    As Pierce put it, people can “see the nigger, but they can’t see the Jew.” He therefore devoted his life to encouraging people to see the Jew. What Pierce didn’t realize, however, is that it’s sufficient for people to see part of the Jew rather than the whole Jew. Seeing part of the Jew gives the issue staying power. Seeing the whole Jew may be temporarily satisfying but when it backfires it renews the Jew’s invisibility and you’re back to square one.

  15. I pretty much agree with Hunter Wallace on all things ~ 98% of the time.

    He is right here that WN who spend all their time hanging out on the Internet ranting and raving about THE JEWS are not accomplishing anything.

    David Duke in particular has fallen off the radar as he was very effective in the early 1990s living in the real world in a real place Louisiana, the South, running for elected office, being very competitive and actually winning office as a Louisiana state rep, challenging very well for Us Senate, even governor. This is what we should have been doing, doing now – going local, competing and winning things at the state and local level.

    Instead too many of our people go for all or nothing, mostly nothing. Pat Buchanan could have run and won Governor of New Hampshire – built a state organization, ran a virtual White populist ethno state there. Instead he got talked in to an ego enhancing 3rd party Reform party run for President where he won like 0%.

    As for THE JEWS…

    I have written about that subject here on OD and have made some suggestions.

    The key is to go local, support anyone who is on our side and who is good at something, anything. James Edwards is a very good radio commentator. I support him.

  16. Silver,

    I have to say that what you just typed might be a home run as far as I’m concerned. Just looking at your one comment I can say that you seem to understand nuance, human nature and psychodynamics better than most vocal White Nationalists I’ve come across. They don’t “get it” like they think they do.

    I was going to add a few things, but I think it is probably best to let your explanation stand on its own. I’m truly impressed — partly because I’ve only been able to say that in a handful of cases throughout the pro-White sphere.

  17. Hunter, free speech or not, having Lindstedt’s obvious mental illness on display doesn’t help your blog one bit. If you really did mean it a while back when you said that you were getting more serious about everything and focusing on building something positive, then making your readership weave around the Lindstedt droppings is a step in the wrong direction.

    • I’ve always wavered between free speech and censorship.

      As far as the comment section goes, I don’t take it seriously. It is just a place to sound off on ideas. Even Spelunker and Liberty Lamp are posting here. Ban them and people will argue and fight all day over religion. Ban religious discussion and they will fight over something else. Nothing will ever come out of blogging or vBulletin forums.

      In the real world, we can build something positive, but online it has never been anything other than what it is now.

  18. I agree with Hunter that most of the WN feuds are based on the nature of Internet only dead end posting. It’s also the nature of things that movements that are not successful bring about frustration and finger pointing. American fll time WN has not been successful since, well since the first Southern Reconstruction. Look at the British National Party that had some success, then suffered complete collapse in real world elections. Once hopeful BNP supporters turned viciously on each other and on the once successful leader Nick Griffin – it was all supposedly his fault because he supposedly didn’t do well on one BBC “Question Time” (I thought he did rather well under extremely difficult circumstances).

    That said, I will add that not all “beefs”, arguments in the American – real world nationalist, race realist world are just internet misunderstandings.

    I have been very strong and vocal exposing and opposing the various fake White American leaders, movements, cults etc. So many of our people in the real world wasted years promoting, supporting the likes of war hero John McCain, White Christian Baptist pastor Mike Huckabee, Libertarian Constitutionalists Ron Paul and now Rand Paul.

    All of these traitorous White leaders had legions of devoted followers, many with long associates with White nationalism, Southern Nationalism that insisted to the bitter end that their White guy who they’ve followed for YEARS was really good, solid on immigration, Black crime, defending the legitimate rights our our people in our country.

    I was the individual who got American Renaissance Magazine to resume Instauration Magazine’s Year End White Traitor of the Year award and to vote KY Senator Rand Paul the dishonor of 2013 White traitor of the year.

    I had/have a “feud” if you want to call it that in the real world with a very hard working WN “leader” activist who’s invested over 30 years in the Ron Paul/Rand Paul Libertarian Constitutionalist cult, he simply will not let go or admit that his “guys” have sold out our people.

    Not all “feuds” in the real world of our “movement” (hate that term) are personal misunderstandings. There are often live or die differences in principle.

    The issue of open borders, mass immigration in to existing White countries, White communities – that’s a “Sine Qua Non” with me.

    If you or any political, religious, academic, media leader you support is working to flood White countries and White communities with Ebola infected Black Africans, head chopping Jihadists – I’m going to publicly expose you and your traitor leaders.

    Japanese Nationalists, just regular Jewish people in Israel do what I do.

    They do not tolerate tribal treason. We have to be tough but fair and yes, we most certainly will accept reformed sinners.

    Let’s try to study effective Christian groups who have effective policies, programs for reforming sinners and welcoming them back to our people.

    How do we reform Libertarian loon sinners?

    I certainly don’t know how to do that, maybe someone else does – maybe a mild case of Ebola.


  19. Hunter can you please ban this loon

    “Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt”

    I think this loon has now added the name of the first Yid Jew head of the Bolshevik secret police Felix Dzerzhinsky. That indicates that we might have a Jew troll trying to sneak in his supposedly superior knowledge of history – present himself as a White Christian Religious Leader that also part Felix Dzerzhinsky. – Yeah right buddy. Nice try, but no you ain’t dealing with dumb goyim here.

  20. I agree there are substantial differences.

    Often times, people fight on the internet though simply because that is the culture of online forums. It is what they are accustomed to doing.

  21. The core point that I have been making in this debate about the Jews is just that after “naming the Jew” people sit in their house and do it for years without ever doing much else.

    They stir up people and get them mad at the world … and repeat the process. At the end of the day, you have a lot of people who are educated and outraged about Jews, all of whom are sitting in their house, wondering why the movement never advances.

  22. Actually, Mosin, some Yankees move down to Florida, but then find it’s too hot so they move half way back to South Carolina (I’ve heard them called “yo-yo’s” or “half-backers”). My point being, Charleston actually is a “snowbird” destination.

  23. If you don’t believe the Internet offers anything of substantial value, then why spend as much time as you do on this blog?

    Why did you close the Forum section if what is posted and the comments don’t really matter all that much?

    Why do you have a Donate button to “sustain this website’s growth” if you don’t take it seriously? Is it some vain attempt to see how far you can grow something so useless?

    The Internet is a medium, just like radio, TV, newspapers and print. It’s not a goal or the goal, but a tool to be used to get you to your goal. I can’t think of anything in the last 300 years that would have grown and gone on to change the world without utilizing some type of media.

    Some people significantly overvalue websites and online activism, while you seem to be trying to counter that by undervaluing it more and more until you can finally say it’s absolutely useless and a complete waste of time. I really don’t understand the logic.

    • Re: Celestial Time

      1.) The internet is a tool for communicating with people and sharing ideas. At the end of the day, it is just a tool. I have a Facebook account too. I find Facebook valuable, but it has its limitations. For one, it stirs up a lot of useless drama, and it can become a sink of your time, and it can get you in trouble in countless ways.

      2.) I ran a forum for years and didn’t want to deal anymore with the day to day drama that comes with maintaining one.

      3.) The expenses involved in maintaining the website aren’t that great. I use donations to help offset the costs of our activism.

      4.) I think lots of people attach an exaggerated sense of importance to their own websites.

      5.) The internet is not absolutely useless. I just don’t take it all that seriously because of my experience with it.

  24. Here is a suggestion for a simple, fairly easy to do local activism for those who have “named the Jew” and what to some how fight this supposedly #1 enemy.

    Opposite viciously anti White (Jew financed, produced and distributed) movies that open Christmas Day.

    Most White Americans even remotely on our side strongly oppose the cultural Marxist “war against Christmas” Peter Brimelow at National Review, now Vdare launched an
    Very popular Conservative program identifying the worst efforts to erase public displays of traditional Christmas culture in America. It’s just a small step to identify the ethnic makeup of most of the cultural Marxist waging this war against Christmas.

    The Jew led Hollywood movie industry now has a tradition of opening particularly noxious anti White America films on Christmas Day. Two years ago the Weinstein Brothers opened “D’Jango Unchained”, last year I think it was “Mandela” something.

    I researched where “D’Jango Unchained” was opening in Chicago and met with theater managers and simply expressed my opinion that this was very insulting to the Christian community. I stated I support the 1st Amendment, but said I wouldn’t want this theater to open viciously anti Jewish movies, inciting Black Americans to hate and want to kill Jewish people and open such a hateful movie on a major Jewish holiday, why open this terrible movie on Christmas. I also put out my opposition to this terrible movie to my local contacts, especial Christian oriented people. I named the Weinstein Brothers as the ones waging this war against Christmas.

    To my knowledge, no full time 24/7 White Nationalists who rant and rave about Jews everyday did any effective local activism against the Weinstein Brothers opening D’Jango Unchained opening on Christmas Day. Why not?

    Because they don’t live in the real world, they don’t know how to converse with real White Americans in the here and now year 2014.

    They live in some alternate, virtual reality, live in the past, are re fighting lost wars from 1940s. If these types actually lived in Germany in the 1930s, 40s, they wouldn’t be doing effective activism then and would most certainly hate Hitler and successful nationalists for somehow selling out to the Jews , being in it for the money or some other nonsense.


    Get off the Net, go local, be effective. Support local Whites who are actually good at something, anything.

  25. JR, to the best of my knowledge, Dzerzhinsky wasn’t a Jew, but a Polish nobleman and an apostate Roman Catholic. Apart from that minor slip up, you’re right about Lindstedt. His rants are nothing but deranged ramblings that psychiatrists call word salads. From the content of his salads, it’s obvious he has a bad case of coprophilia, an obsession with feces. Like Hunter, I don’t know if he was guilty of child molestation, but his insane, filthy, talk should be banned here. He has nothing intelligent to say.

  26. Lindstedt is nuts? I thought he was a WN comedian, poking fun at the the WN movement. He’s never bothered me. Made me chuckle a few times.

  27. To hell with Lindstedt, I’d like to know a little history on Silver. Does he/she have a website where I can see some other comments and views? I guess I don’t pay attention to these kind of websites like I should.

  28. HW: “My point is that after “naming the Jew” people sit there and loaf in their house and do it over and over again.”

    In so, your question should be: what do we do after race-replacement has been identified as the problem. After all, you don’t have to know about the Jews to waste time on anti-race-replacement internet forums. But when people realize that race-replacement (among other problems) is due to the Jews, it can also save a lot of their time. They will no longer waste their time blaming the leftists. They will no longer try to reconquer public opinion from the bottom of society to the top. They will try to devise better strategies.

    In order to preserve one’s mental health, it is better not to spend too much time on the internet. There are other things to do. Even so, writing on the internet is usually more effective than handing out leaflets in the street. And from the point of view of saving the White race, the internet conversation should be kept going permanently, and the Jew should be named all the time. We do not have enough people doing it. I think the priority should be to try to make better work on the internet.

    At the same time, there is a need for other types of action than talking on the internet. But there is no reason to ask someone who’s doing useful work on the internet to shut up and start doing things “in the real world”. It doesn’t have to be the same people who do WN work on the internet and off the internet. Linder is an original voice among the anti-replacement activists, and he won’t be magically replaced by someone else if he stops speaking on the internet. I think the reason why more and more people learn about the Jewish problem is the work done by the WN blogs and forums. I think the comments made on “mainstream” news websites play only a marginal role. The frustrating thing is that the effectiveness of the work done on a WN blog is hard to evaluate. But it needs to continue.

  29. Re: Armor

    Race replacement is a complex problem:

    1.) In Uvalda & Vidalia, GA, which was our first immigration protest, the cause of race replacement in that area was Vidalia onion farmers exploiting cheap illegal alien labor from Mexico and Central America.

    2.) In Murfreesboro, TN, the cause of race replacement was the US State Department’s refugee resettlement policies.

    3.) In Shelbyville, TN, the cause of race replacement was a Tyson chicken processing plant that depends on cheap labor from refugees and illegal aliens.

    4.) In Greenville, SC, we protested Sen. Lindsey Graham twice for supporting amnesty for illegal aliens.

    5.) In Tallahassee, FL, we protested Sen. Marco Rubio for supporting amnesty for illegal aliens.

    6.) In Gainesville and Oakwood, GA, the cause of race replacement in that area was two things: the North Georgia poultry industry and suburban sprawl in Metro Atlanta.

    7.) In Cartersville and Calhoun, GA, where the League held its latest protest, the problem is the carpet industry:


  30. “1.) In Uvalda & Vidalia, GA, which was our first immigration protest, the cause of race replacement in that area was Vidalia onion farmers exploiting cheap illegal alien labor from Mexico and Central America.”

    It is the US government that allows employers to “exploit” the invaders.

    How are big employers able to get support from the government? Through bribes? That is very unlikely. A better explanation is that the government needs pretexts to import more third-world immigrants. That’s what you should say when you organize protests against the employers.

  31. Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘Hi Thomas, are you telling me that you have a problem with free speech?’

    A real world example of free speech double standards.

    Manufacturing a Hate Crime, Deflecting the Gaza Fallout


    Which Twitter message sounds more objectionable — a Jewish Member of Parliament threatening to punch an elderly Muslim woman in the throat, or a tweet to a female Jewish MP that read “You can always trust a Jew to show their true colours eventually.”?

    Prosecutors in England have no doubt. In the first case no action was taken against the Jewish MP in question. He issued a full apology and that was the end of the matter.

    But in the second case Garron Helm, a 21-year-old working class pro-White activist, has just been sent to prison for four weeks, for sending an “offensive, indecent or obscene message” to a Shadow Labour minister called Luciana Berger. In addition he was fined and expelled from college. An equally fulsome apology and payment of ab £80 “victim surcharge” to Ms. Berger did not help him.

    An undeniable example of a double standard then, and one which highlights some growing trends. One is the use of social media by mainly leftist women and minority groups to create a platform for bogus victimisation claims — effectively a market for “hate crime hoaxes”. (snip)

  32. Celestial,

    Does he/she have a website where I can see some other comments and views?

    I’m a ‘he.’ I had a blog some years ago which I deleted. That’s a pity because while it was embarrassingly amateurish some good arguments were thrashed out there. (Hunter himself credited me with inspiring him to blog again, if he recalls.) I comment here as Silver, at counter currents as Verlis, and on disqus as silviosilver (Takimag, Amren, Radix). I’m not a WN myself but I do believe the basic case for WN is sound. I support racial separatism (I like to say ‘this world is big enough for all of us’) and I believe whites are the key to promoting it so I write comments from a pro-white perspective.

  33. Thanks Stephen D regarding 1st Bolshevik NKVD secret police chief Felix Dzerzhinsky. Yes, I heard before that he was supposedly some type of former “nobleman” – could be.

    If so, it was probably the case that the 80% + Jewish Bolsheviks wanted to have a non Jew heading up the secret police for a bit, if only for PR purposes . Dzerzhinsky is still the first Bolshivek secret police leader heading the mass slaughter of White European Christians in Soviet Union Russia. So any supposedly White Christian Nationalist “pastor” here in the USA year 2014 taking Felix Dzerzhinsky’s name isn’t to be trusted, he’s a loon, Yid, troll something- whatever it is it ain’t good.

    I am banning all comments from this Pastor Felix Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt on any of my posts. It’s a matter of principal.

  34. I’m not a WN myself but I do believe the basic case for WN is sound.

    Truth be told, I don’t think I’ve ever referred to myself as a White Nationalist. Sure, I’m White(or White enough, I guess) and I would definitely consider myself a proponent of Racial Nationalism for all races, and I’ll call myself a racist(race-ist) ’cause I have no intention of neutering my views by smothering them with semantical bullshit; but I have a hard time calling myself a White Nationalist for some reason.

  35. ‘you’re right about Lindstedt. His rants are nothing but deranged ramblings that psychiatrists call word salads. From the content of his salads, it’s obvious he has a bad case of coprophilia’:

    Says the part-Talmudic part-‘Finn’ part-‘Scot’ troll whose Talmudic part loves the Talmudic pseudo-science of Psychology.

  36. I noticed one perfectly clear, well-written sentence in Lindstedt’s long comment above:

    ‘Rather, my belief system is that of the Old Right like Dr. Lothrup Stoddard, Kurt Saxon, and Bertrand Comparet in that what is all important is blood and birth’.

  37. Lindstedt’s writing style is vulgar and offensive, but obviously very carefully composed and his meaning is always fully intelligible — so it does not fit ANY of the accepted definitions of ‘word salad’.

  38. It was handed over to a juvenile “leftist” narcissist from a dysfunctional family to use for his self-gratification.

    I disagree. 99.5% of it is driven by daily economics beginning at the household level. Each household is a single “pixel” if you will. The “Big Picture” is merely all the pixels seen at once from a distance.

    In the present era what WNs perceive as the “enemy” are a) 501c3 operations like the SPLC, which are funded by pocket change shed from vast commercial enterprises like Kohls and Simon Property Group or b) mere content filler sandwiched between advertising for the vast commercial enterprises in a).

    The “complexity” is developing economic theory and practice to counter the economics expressed in a) and b) above.

  39. Mosin, as usual, you show no understanding of the real world. Mental illness is real. Psychology and psychiatry are real sciences that have absolutely nothing to do with Talmudism. I know mentally ill people as friends, loved ones, and enemies. I’ve seen them in the hellish grip of a full blown psychosis, and I’ve seen medical care restore them to relatively good health if they cooperated with their doctors. For you to make such idiotic claims simply shows that you’re an ignorant, bigoted, prejudiced fool with no real knowledge of anything you talk about.


    “It looks to me like secession, in one stroke, will instantly remove 82 percent of Jews in the United States from our national borders. ”

    Again, throwing around data without any depth at all.How many of the remaining 18% are jew CEOs and Bank chiefs? Furthermore: How much of the Sourtn CAPITAL is owned by jews? Those would be the real numbers.

    Without these data, your “removal of 82% of the jews” doesnt amount to shit.

    similarly, throwing around numbers about individual states’ jews is irrelevant. A lotta jews today dont even identify themselves as jews anymore, (yuppies and agnostics), yet they advocate the jew anti-white agenda.


    “If we had our own government, we would have shutdown immigration decades ago.”

    Irrelevant. jew power dosent rest only on immigration and desegregation.


    “Here’s your answer: I’m not a fantasist.”

    So you dont have any concrete plans as to how a new Seceded South would elminate private banking and corporate jew influence.

    Just what I suspected.

    of course you tried to throw me some bullshit strawman (‘day of the rope”) and you failed miserably, since it didnt even enter my mind. Enacting laws against foreing influence for example is a pretty straightforward matter.

    With our own government, we could shutdown any bank we see fit, seize its assets, and regulate the banking system however we wish to do so.


    Again, no specifics at all. Would you do it by law or decree? Would you even have the jurisdiction? I bet the confederate forefathers are rolling in their graves, hearing such a “socialist” proposal.

    A lot of the Southern people are Christian Zionists: It wouldnt be 5 minutes before y’all became vicious anti-semites. Public opinion would turn against you pretty fast.

    A foolish general that leads his people into defeat is worse than dont fighting at all. And you dont even have a battle plan. That is exemplified in the fact that you havent provided any specifics at all. You are just beating the drums of your ignorance, hoping to fool people into believing your nonsense.

    • Re: European Light

      Again, throwing around data without any depth at all.How many of the remaining 18% are jew CEOs and Bank chiefs?

      Why don’t you tell us? Can you give us any specifics beyond making vague assertions that Da JOOZ control everything? What are these corporations? Who are these CEOs? Of that 18 percent, half of them live in South Florida. The median age of Jews in Palm Beach County, FL – where there are more Jews than in the entire state of Texas – is 70. Most of the Jews who live there are just retired snowbirds who will die out within the next twenty yars.

      Furthermore: How much of the Sourtn CAPITAL is owned by jews? Those would be the real numbers.

      Why don’t you tell us? You keep claiming that Jews control everything.

      Without these data, your “removal of 82% of the jews” doesnt amount to shit.

      Removing those 82 percent of Jews would effectively wipe out the Jewish presence in a Southern national government outside of the enclave of snowbirds in South Florida who would die out without reinforcements from the North.

      similarly, throwing around numbers about individual states’ jews is irrelevant. A lotta jews today dont even identify themselves as jews anymore, (yuppies and agnostics), yet they advocate the jew anti-white agenda.

      Yes, I know, which is why I made sure to include the ones who are not affiliated with any religion. That’s why their numbers range from 5.5 million to 6.7 million. “Yankee Judea” has a small outpost of retired, elderly snowbirds in South Florida, but otherwise, secession removes them from the sphere of our national government. They would be left behind in the US where their world capital is in New York City.

      Irrelevant. jew power dosent rest only on immigration and desegregation.

      So you dont have any concrete plans as to how a new Seceded South would elminate private banking and corporate jew influence.

      Just what I suspected.

      Fantasist bullshit is not a concrete plan.

      of course you tried to throw me some bullshit strawman (‘day of the rope”) and you failed miserably, since it didnt even enter my mind. Enacting laws against foreing influence for example is a pretty straightforward matter.

      Without the means to enact such laws (i.e, our own government), it is just fantasist bullshit on the same level as “The Day of the Rope” or White people taking over Mars or the Northwest Front exterminating Jews with armies of sockpuppets.

      Again, no specifics at all. Would you do it by law or decree? Would you even have the jurisdiction? I bet the confederate forefathers are rolling in their graves, hearing such a “socialist” proposal.

      As I above, with our own national government, we would necessarily have to tackle these issues after secession: the currency, financial regulation, energy policy, the banking system, and so on. Once we are separated from Yankee-Judea, but not before, we will be able to reform the banking system.

      A lot of the Southern people are Christian Zionists: It wouldnt be 5 minutes before y’all became vicious anti-semites. Public opinion would turn against you pretty fast.

      I don’t share your exaggerated view of Jewish omnipotence mainly because your model doesn’t hold much water here: the Jewsmedia was for integration, we opposed it; the Jewsmedia was for abortion, we still oppose it; the Jewsmedia is for open borders, the have rejected open borders every time the issue has come up; the Jewsmedia was for Obama, Whites here overwhelmingly rejected him.

      Dump the Union and the South will quickly find its own cultural equilibrium. We are being pulled in the direction we are going now, against our will, by the rest of the country, especially by the Northeast where Yankee-Judea is based.

      A foolish general that leads his people into defeat is worse than dont fighting at all. And you dont even have a battle plan. That is exemplified in the fact that you havent p

      Secession alone puts the vast majority of troublesome Jews outside our national borders. Of the 18 percent of Jews left behind, half of them are just elderly snowbirds in Florida who will die out from natural causes without constant reinforcements from the Northern states. This doesn’t even take into account the Jews who live in the NOVA suburbs, not because of any loyalty to that place, but because it is part of the DC metro area. Finally, there’s no telling how many troublesome Jews will flee the South because they won’t like living under the new conservative Christian social order.

      An independent South won’t be very Jewish. Jews don’t have much power here in the South we have today because they don’t live their. Their impact on us comes through the existence of the Union because the overwhelming majority of them live in Yankee-Judea outside this region. That’s why they have to use the federal government to, say, strike down immigration laws we pass in Alabama.

  41. ‘Mental illness is real. Psychology and psychiatry are real sciences (…) I know mentally ill people as friends, loved ones (…) in the hellish grip of a full blown psychosis and I’ve seen medical care restore them to relatively good health if they cooperated with their doctors’:

    Then what could Freud have been referring to, if he said ‘I’m bringing them THE PLAGUE’? I do think the money-pursuing rat race of city and town life with its unnaturally crowded conditions and easy access to sinful ‘pleasures’ can lead to all kinds of addictions and emotionalism that you believe can be ‘helped’ by doctor-prescribed drugs.

    ‘you show no understanding of the real world (…) you’re an ignorant, bigoted, prejudiced fool with no real knowledge of anything you talk about’:

    You may have the last word.

  42. What happened to Majority Rights?

    Its demise hasn’t been pretty, that’s for sure. More astute posters saw it coming a long time ago. Today it serves as an object lesson in what not to do, but to think that it once showed so much promise must be painful to those who invested so much effort in it.

  43. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Mosin, as usual, you show no understanding of the real world. Mental illness is real.’

    I have to agree with Dalton on this issue.

    Perfect example. Proves it nearly every week.

    Pope calls for abolition of death penalty and life sentences and urges Catholics to campaign against them 24 October 2014


    Pope Francis has called for abolition of the death penalty and life imprisonment, saying that Christians are called to campaign for an end to capital punishment.
    At a meeting with representatives of the International Association of Penal Law yesterday Pope Francis denounced what he called a “penal populism” that promises to solve society’s problems by punishing crime instead of pursuing social justice.
    He said that life imprisonment was a form of death penalty.
    “It is impossible to imagine that states today cannot make use of another means than capital punishment to defend people’s lives from an unjust aggressor,” he said.
    “All Christians and people of good will are thus called today to struggle not only for abolition of the death penalty, whether it be legal or illegal and in all its forms, but also to improve prison conditions, out of respect for the human dignity of persons deprived of their liberty. And this, I connect with life imprisonment,” he said. “Life imprisonment is a hidden death penalty.”
    The Pope noted that the Vatican recently eliminated life imprisonment from its own penal code.

  44. “You may have the last word”. Well Mosin, I don’t know if it’s the last word, but it will be words of wisdom.
    Freud wasn’t the founder of psychiatry. Lunatics were being taken care of by doctors, hospitals, asylums, monks, nuns, and other people and organizations years, even centuries before Freud appeared on the scene.
    The “plague” Freud was talking about was his so-called psycho-analysis method, not psychiatry. When Freud announced his method it was widely rejected by nearly all psychiatrists. They felt that mental illnesses were caused by brain dysfunctions, not conflicts inside a person’s head or with other people. Freud then formed a cult-like group around himself to promote his nutty ideas. That group did a lot of damage (the plague) and slowed down research into the real causes of mental illness for about fifty years. Thankfully, most psychiatrists reject Freudianism and are making progress in discovering the causes of mental illnesses and their treatment. Btw, I hope you never have anyone in your family come down with any kind of mental illness. Based on the attitudes you have displayed, I doubt whether they would get the proper care they needed.

  45. BTW, Mosin, read “A Dose Of Sanity” by Sidney Walker. This is a book that shows what Mental illness is and how it can be treated.

  46. Well Sam, I see your slipping back into your old bad habit of Anti-Catholic rants. This is not a mental health issue. This is a theological-political issue. As far as the death penalty is concerned, Pope Francis is only speaking for himself. Unless he teaches according to the traditions of the Church, his words on the DP is to be taken with a grain of salt. What he said is not binding on us Catholics. The Bible and the traditions of the faith can not oppose a rightly imposed death penalty, for it states if a man or an animal sheds the blood of another man, his blood must be shed. Most Catholics who understand the historic faith oppose this Pope’s foolish talk and will criticize him publically. I’m one of them.

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