Confederate Memorial Circle Celebration and Rededication In Selma, AL


Update: The Montgomery Advertiser and Selma Times Journal have stories up.

Yesterday, we traveled to Selma to attend the Confederate Memorial Circle Celebration and Rededication at Live Oak Cemetery.

Some of my readers may recall how three years ago the Nathan Bedford Forrest bronze bust in Selma was stolen. Led by Rose Sanders (aka Faya Rose Touré), the local “civil rights” agitators had held a series of protests against it. They had dumped garbage on the monument. In a “mock lynching,” they tied a rope to the bust and attempted to yank it off its foundations. Finally, the bust disappeared in the middle of the night and was never seen again, in spite of a $20,000 reward for information leading to its recovery.

When the Friends of Forrest hired KTK Mining to replace the bust, the protests against it resumed. About 20 civil rights protesters laid in the path of a concrete truck in an effort to disrupt the construction. Selma Police Chief William Riley ordered work stopped at the site because of the protesters. A month later, the Selma City Council voted to stop construction on the monument. This brought about a federal lawsuit which the Selma City Council ultimately lost and was forced to pay out $100,000 in damages to KTK and cede Confederate Circle to the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

After this long ordeal, General Forrest is finally back where he belongs:


It was a beautiful day in Selma.

The warm weather, the huge oak trees, the Spanish moss, and the Confederate Battle Flags flapping in the breeze was the perfect backdrop for the ceremony which was very impressive. We arrived thirty minutes late and only got to hear a few of the speeches. Unfortunately, my son was extremely cranky and we had to cut our trip short after he got sick. I didn’t get to stick around and snap as many photos or talk to as many people as I had planned to.

Check these out though:


The inscription reads “Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori” and translates as “it is sweet and right to die for your country.” The line comes from the Roman poet Horace’s Odes and “exhorts Roman citizens to develop martial prowess such that the enemies of Rome, in particular the Parthians, will be too terrified to resist them.”

Today, I can’t help but note that their descendants are terrified, not of the Parthians, but of being seen in public and called a “racist” by SJW bloggers like this guy:


Is it any small wonder then that 150 years after the Battle of Selma and the end of the War Between the States that Selma looks like this?


About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I hate that you didn’t get to hear the entirety of the program. I was happy to see and talk to several LOS members there. The speeches were all right on target. Cecil Williamson and Todd Kiscaden’s were especially inspiring and motivational! We need more events loke this all across the South! You missed a nice and classy reception. Roll call at the end was very honorable.

    • Cecil Williamson’s was the best that I saw.

      I was so impressed that I turned to my friend standing next to me and told him that he ought to be invited to speak at one of our conferences. We had a string of bad luck: couldn’t leave on time and got there late, my son was cranky and threw up, Renee fell in the cemetery and nearly broke her hand, and to top it all off, I drove into one of those low cut stumps and nearly knocked the front bumper off my vehicle! So I called it a day.

  2. I only wish this wonderful monument were much higher – to protect it from the inevitable counter attack.

    My heart soars like a hawk at the sight of a rare victory – against long odds and many enemies gathered to drink our blood.

    I thank you for taking the time, when the obligations of your young family are always pressing on you. We appreciate it, Sir; and only the more so with SNN gone, Doubt it not.

  3. ‘Every good Southern man loves General Forrest.’

    Yes, every good Southern man loves a good Southern soldier, and Forrest is the Zeus of them all. Yes, Sir, we love him, and deeply venerate his accomplishments for our people in the greatest of perils.

  4. ‘We had a string of bad luck: couldn’t leave on time and got there late, my son was cranky and threw up, Renee fell in the cemetery and nearly broke her hand, and to top it all off, I drove into one of those low cut stumps and nearly knocked the front bumper off my vehicle! So I called it a day.’

    Sir, my wife would say that something did not want you there. What that was, an enemy spirit or a guardian angel, we cannot know, but that is how many of us think up here.

    You were right to drive home. God-willing there will be thousands more opportunities for you to press the flesh with your kin and kind.

    I hope your wife recovers quickly enough. She is, I suppose, like my wife – prone to falling. In fact, I have outlawed it that my wife carry anything on the steps, so sure am I that it will be the death of her. I plan to have an elevator installed as soon as I can.

    Thank you, kindly.

  5. ‘Activists Confront Hate In Selma, Ala.’

    ‘…Selma, Ala. — Lynching blacks was just fine with John Tyler Morgan. In fact, when Morgan represented Alabama in Washington, D.C., following the Civil War, the former Confederate general-turned-grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and six-term U.S. senator introduced and championed several bills to legalize the practice of racist vigilante murder as a means of preserving white power in the Deep South…’

    So began the SPLC’s article on matters in Selma.

    Like good Yankee Jewish lawyers, what they failed to mention were all the inconvenient truths to their argument. There are so many and I must work, but, let me mention what I feel are a few of the Jack-daddies…

    ‘Tis NOT okay for a negro to be lynched, but, ’tis okay to electrocute or poison them, after long and torturously drawn out waits on death-row – under oft specious verdicts. ‘Tis very definitely NOT okay to ‘disenfranchise’ negroes when we, Southerners, have done it, but IT IS certainly okay to ‘disenfranchise them’ because they, in their millions and millions have been convicted of a felony. ‘Tis NOT OKAY to exercise social restraints & deterrents against them, or require them to work, so that many more of them turn out to be quasi law-abiding, self-respecting citizens & parents who lead productive community lives, BUT, it is okay to allow them to devolve until, by their early twenties, many many of them will be staring at a cell for most of their life, unable to be a part of their children’s lives and unable to do any real good for themselves or anyone, and while we pay for them to do it.

    That’s all okay, and yet : we unreconstructed Southerners are ‘the hate’.

    They really do not know how ridiculous and evil they sound – to any mind with a pair of ears.

  6. Homeopathick sugar pellets of Chamomila 30 C (for cholick) or Nux Vomica (200C) and your son will feel a lot less cranky and throw up a lot less. No prescriptions needed, centuries of reliable use, no side effects or negative interactions, and you can buy a dispenser of each, with 80 pellets, for about $8 each. Sir, the dispensers fit easily into adult pockets, and can be bought at Affordable Homeopathy, online. By the way, the Nux Vomica works like a charm for every nausea, including morning sickness, WITHOUT MUTILATING THE UNBORN!

  7. I checked on some of the sites mentioned in my travelogue:

    Four years later, most of the same blighted buildings are still mouldering into the ground, although I did notice that several of them had been torn down and are now just vacant lots punctured by weeds.

    I also noticed that a number of businesses which were still operational in 2011, the Rite Aid, for example, are now boarded up and abandoned in 2015. There’s also a Viola Liuzzo billboard which I hadn’t seen before.

    As Selma has withered away, there seem to be more references to the Civil Rights Movement. There are some new billboards around town about how Selma is a city of love and justice.

  8. Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest should be respected for his service and leadership in the War for Southern Independence. He should have been over the Confederate Army instead of Lee. Deo Vindice

  9. Thanks. I’m glad to hear the little cutie is doing well. Travel and a break from routine can upset little tykes – and well as any-one.

    I once slammed my thumb in a car door. It was the most painful thing I’ve ever endured. I had a wicked hematoma [sic]. The pain went away immediately, when [it] was popped. I can’t imagine what Renee endured. Send her my good wishes,

  10. Sorry to hear Renee and Geordie had such a bad day. I hope things go better for them in the next few days.

  11. Right down the street from me, Mr. Griffin, is the historick home of John Wheeler Moore – the chronicler of the War of Northern Asininity, from the point of view of North Carolina. The man who recorded the participation of every man in every unit, in the 1880s he received a Missive that ended like this …

    ‘I have before expressed my high estimate of the conduct of North Carolinians during the war, but, can eulogy enhance the fair fame with which their names will descend to posterity? That their children and their children’s children may be WORTHY OF THEIR SIRES is the best wish and highest hope which I can offer them.

    Faithfully yours, JEFFERSON DAVIS

    *The italicks, Sir, are those of our erstwhile president

  12. Standing up to the thugs and low-lifes is easily done, and MUST be done.

    The Nation is growing increasingly angry, with the visible focus being the dark face of the Obamanation. Only the Beltway whores and pimps don’t seem to see it (or want to see it) while they attend their Bohemian Grove orgies, and their $1000 a plate worship services for Hitlery/Paul/Cruz/Rubio/Santorum/Jeb or whoever.

    ORION is a meme I have come to understand encapsulates everything that finally matters. Our Race Is Our Nation.

    End of story.

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