A Deadly Cocktail: Self Expression, Fantasism, and Mental Ilness

Charleston shooter, Dylann Roof
Charleston shooter, Dylann Roof

When the news broke on Wednesday night that a rampage shooter had killed 9 people at a black church in Charleston, SC, I wasn’t in the least bit surprised.

Like most Americans, I’ve seen this horror show so many times now that I have become numb to it. Oh, here we go again, I thought. It seems like I turn on the news and every other month one of the most common things that I see is a “Breaking News” headline followed by intense media coverage of some manhunt in progress. This has been going on my entire adult life going back to even before I graduated high school in the Columbine High School massacre in 1999.

Eric Harris, left, and Dylan Klebold, the Trenchcoat Mafia, who shot up Columbine High School in 1999
Eric Harris, left, and Dylan Klebold, right, the Trenchcoat Mafia, who shot up Columbine High School in 1999

Although some have already done so, I didn’t feel the need to “condemn” this incident for two reasons:

1.) First, what this guy did was so obviously immoral, and so repulsive to any Christian, that it doesn’t need to be stated. Maybe it does as America culturally decomposes and things like this happen, but it is distressing when we live in a world where Christians have to articulate such a basic notion that murdering innocent people is always wrong. How much simpler does morality get than “Thou Shalt Not Kill?” Only a fanatic would stand in “solidarity” with this individual after the crime he committed.

2.) Second, I don’t know this individual and had never heard of him until his name was announced on television. Since I don’t know him from Adam, I didn’t see any reason to condemn him. His own friends in that trailer park were the ones who knew about his planned attack months in advance. They were the only ones who were in a position to stop him.

As far as I was concerned, the only interesting question about Charleston, which after all is just one case in a far larger trend, was whether the shooter would turn out to be another self detonating vantardist, which occassionally happens, or a mentally ill nutcase who wasn’t politically motivated. We’ve seen examples of both over the years and it turns out, unsurprisingly, that Dylann Roof was of killer in the vantardist tradition.

Frazier Glenn MIller kills three in Overland Park, Kansas in 2014
Frazier Glenn MIller kills three in Overland Park, Kansas in 2014

Last April, Frazier Glenn Miller shot up a Jewish community center in Overland Park, Kansas, killing three people in the process. After concluding he was dying from emphysema, Miller went there to “kill Jews,” but none of his victims were Jewish. Instead, Miller killed a 14-year-old Methodist teenager, his grandfather, and a Catholic woman. He shouted “Heil Hitler” as he was driven away from the scene by the police.

Wade Michael Page goes on a shooting spree in a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin in 2012
Wade Michael Page goes on a shooting spree in a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin in 2012

The initial reports of the shooting in Charleston on Wednesday night immediately brought to mind Wade Michael Page who shot up a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012. In fact, before I signed off for the night, I left this blog with the thought of whether the Charleston shooter would turn out to be another Wade Michael Page or a Jared Loughner.

Jared Lougner shoots Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tuscon, AZ in 2011
Jared Lougner shoots Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tuscon, AZ in 2011

Who can forget Jared Loughner?

In January 2011, Jared Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a supermarket parking lot in Tuscon, AZ. The juicy story of a political assassination attempt spread like wildfire through the media. Given the nature of the crime, it led to rampant speculation on the Left that Loughner was politically motivated and was affiliated with the Tea Party and had been influenced by Rush Limbaugh and FOX News. Instead, it later came to light that Jared Loughner was a drug addict and a severely mentally disturbed young man and that his crime was not motivated by Giffords’ political leanings.

At the time of the Giffords Shooting, which the media scandalously attempted to link Jared Taylor and American Renaissance, I condemned violence and warned about the connection between violence and sociopathic vanguardists in the White Nationalist movement. This, of course, was long before the shooting sprees of Wade Michael Page, Glenn Miller, and now Dylann Roof.

After the close call with Loughner, I speculated that “next time something like this happens we are unlikely to be so fortunate” and “I can’t predict when it will happen, but someday White Nationalists will reap the whirlwind of the morbid vanguardist fascination with violence.”

Kevin Harpham attempts to blow up a MLK Parade in Spokane, Washington in 2011
Kevin Harpham attempts to blow up a MLK Parade in Spokane, Washington in 2011

Next time was surprisingly not long in coming.

Less than two weeks after the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, Kevin Harpham, a VNN Forum member aka as “Joe Snuffy,” attempted to blow up a MLK parade in Spokane, Washington. Fortunately, Harpham’s lethal pipe bomb which included shrapnel laced with rat poison failed to explode and we were spared the carnage being drug through the 24/7 cable news media. The failed attack was quickly forgotten in light of what followed.

James Holmes shoots up a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado at the premiere of The Dark Knight in 2012
James Holmes shoots up a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado at the premiere of The Dark Knight Rises in 2012

In July of 2012, James Holmes shot up a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado during the premiere of The Dark Knight Rises. He killed 12 people while injuring nearly 70 others. Holmes was a brilliant neuroscience student who was suffering from schizophrenia. During his interrogation by the police, he told them that he was “The Joker.” Holmes had no ties to the White Nationalist movement.

Adam Lanza shoots up Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012
Adam Lanza shoots up Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012

By far the worst attack of 2012, worse than James Holmes in Aurora in July or Wade Michael Page that August, was Adam Lanza’s attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School in December in Newtown, Connecticut. Lanza exterminated 20 children, his own mother and 6 adult staff members at the school. He suffered from Asperger’s Syndrome and had no ties to the White Nationalist movement.

Seung-Hui Cho shoots up Virginia Tech in 2007
Seung-Hui Cho shoots up Virginia Tech in 2007

Let’s back up for a minute: Seung-Hui Cho who shot up Virginia Tech in 2007 is still the all time record holder of mass shooting fatalities in America. He killed 32 people and wounded 17 others. Cho was also mentally ill. He left a suicide note in which he talked about his hatred of “rich kids” who had ripped out his soul and who had left him no other choice but to retaliate against them in revenge.

James vpn Brunn shoots up the US Holocaust Museum in DC in 2009
James von Brunn shoots up the US Holocaust Museum in DC in 2009

It’s always the same story, but the fantasy and the target varies. Like Frazier Glenn Miller, James von Brunn went after THE JEWS. In 2009, vantardist James von Brunn attacked the US Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. He killed a security guard. Also like Miller’s attack in Kansas, no actual Jews were wounded or killed.

Nidal Hasan shoots up Fort Hood, Texas in 2009
Nidal Hasan shoots up Fort Hood, Texas in 2009

Several months after James von Brunn attacked the DC Holocaust Museum in 2009, Major Nidal Hasan shot his fellow soldiers in Fort Hood, Texas. Shouting Allahu Akbar, he opened fire and killed 13 people while injuring over 30 others. Like the Tsarnaev Brothers, Hasan was motivated by Islam and foreign policy grievances.

"Supreme Gentleman" Elliot Roger targets sorority girls in Isla Vista, California in 2014
“Supreme Gentleman” Elliot Rodger targets sorority girls in Isla Vista, California in 2014

Last May, a little over a month after Frazier Glenn Miller attacked the GD KIKES in Kansas, Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger launched his Day of Retribution against humanity and the sorority girls of the University of California, Santa Barbara in Isla Vista. Rodger uploaded a viral video to YouTube in which he explained all the grievances he had endured since puberty at the hands of women who had rejected him.

The Tsarnaev Brothers blow up the Boston Marathon in 2013
The Tsarnaev Brothers blow up the Boston Marathon in 2013

Guns are not always the weapon of choice.

In April 2013, the Tsarnaev Brothers blew up the Boston Marathon. They were motivated by their Islamic religious beliefs and resentments toward US foreign policy in the Middle East. The Tsarnaevs, too, had no ties to White Nationalism, but were motivated by acting out their fantasies on a grand stage before the world media.

The DC snipers terrorize the Washington metro area in 2002
The DC snipers terrorize the Washington metro area in 2002

Lest we think black people are exclusively the victims of violent, mentally ill fantasists like Dylann Roof, it is worth recalling that the most memorable and terrifying spree killers of my college years were the DC Beltway Snipers, John Allen Muhammad and Lee Malvo, who terrorized the Washington metro area in 2002. The DC Snipers were motivated by their hatred of White people.

Christopher Dorner goes on a rampage against racists in 2013
Christopher Dorner goes on a rampage against racists in 2013

Two months before the Tsarnaev Brothers blew up the Boston Marathon, former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner went on a rampage against the racist White cops in the LAPD who had wronged him. In his 15,000 word manifesto, Dorner condemned the hopelessly racist system which was stacked against him.

White liberals took to the streets in support of Dorner who was compared to “a real life Django Unchained.” 20,000 people liked a Facebook group called “We Stand With Christopher Dorner” and thousands of enraptured SJWs supported him during the manhunt under the hashtag #TeamDorner.

In August of 2012, ten days after the Wade Michael Page rampage shooting, the terrorist Floyd Corkins entered the headquarters of the Family Research Council in Washington, DC. Armed with a gun and 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches, which he intended to smear with the blood of his dead victims and stuff in their mouths, Corkins opened fire in attempt to kill as many people as possible. Like Joe Snuffy’s botched bombing in Spokane, Corkins attack was a dud and was quickly forgotten.

Floyd Corkins told the FBI that he targeted the Family Research Council after learning they were an “anti-gay group” from the SPLC’s list of active “hate groups.” This incident got considerable attention in the rightwing media because the SPLC has listed so many of its political enemies as “hate groups.” While I am honored to be listed as two “hate groups” by the SPLC, the precedent set by Floyd Corkins has made me wonder if my family might one day be targeted by a similar armed lunatic.

Caitlyn Jenner is unveiled on the front cover of Vanity Fair
Caitlyn Jenner is unveiled on the front cover of Vanity Fair

You might be wondering why I have chosen to include Bruce Jenner in this article about rampage shootings. After all, what does a trans woman like Caitlyn Jenner have to do with a rampage shooter like Dylann Roof?

Actually, Caitlyn Jenner is another excellent representative of the present cultural moment in American history, as she too incorporates all of the extreme individualism, the self expression, the fantasism, and the mental illness that is the connecting tissue that binds all of these rampage shooters. The only difference is that in Caitlyn Jenner’s case the violence and the harm of the unshackled will is turned inward on her own body rather than projected outward toward the bodies of others. This is why trans women like Caitlyn Jenner have a suicide rate 20x that of their comparable peers.

Former president of the Spokane NAACP and “transracialist” pioneer, Rachel Dolezal

Because I have been trying to focus more intensely on the South, I had hoped that I could avoid bringing up Rachel Dolezal on this blog. For the past week, this defiant black woman has been the laughingstock of the entire world after her transformation from a white woman to a black woman was revealed by her biological parents.

Like Caitlyn Jenner, who was erotically aroused by the fantasy of himself being feminized in a woman’s body, Dolezal was aroused by the fantasy of seeing herself in the body of a black woman. Whereas 66-year-old Caitlyn Jenner expressed herself as a pinup on the cover of Vanity Fair, Rachel Dolezal expressed her True Self as a righteous black woman and crusader for social justice who has been victimized by racism.

Chloe Jennings had a persistent fantasy of being paralyzed
Chloe Jennings had a persistent fantasy of being paralyzed

Speaking of sad sacks, I am editing this post to include a shout out to all the “transablests” out there: people like Chloe Jennings here who fantasize about being disabled and mutilate their bodies to realize their True Self:

“A Cambridge University educated research scientist is so desperate to live the life of a wheelchair-bound person she is prepared to pay a doctor help her become disabled.

Since childhood, Chloe Jennings-White has made several attempts at injuring herself so she can finally climb into her own wheelchair.

In 2010 she even found a doctor overseas willing to help her become disabled by cutting her sciatic and femoral nerves, but she could not afford the £16,000 costs. …

She fantasises about having a car crash without hurting anyone else just so she can damage her own legs.

‘Any time when I’m driving I sort of conjure up accident scenarios in my mind where I will become paraplegic,’ she admitted. ….

Yes, this is a real thing:

“When he cut off his right arm with a “very sharp power tool,” a man who now calls himself One Hand Jason let everyone believe it was an accident.

But he had for months tried different means of cutting and crushing the limb that never quite felt like his own, training himself on first aid so he wouldn’t bleed to death, even practicing on animal parts sourced from a butcher.

“My goal was to get the job done with no hope of reconstruction or re-attachment, and I wanted some method that I could actually bring myself to do,” he told the body modification website ModBlog.

His goal was to become disabled.

People like Jason have been classified as ‘‘transabled’’ — feeling like imposters in their bodies, their arms and legs in full working order.”

After spending the day reflecting on the Dylann Harris rampage shooting, I found my mind had fixated on a topic I had read about a long time ago:

If the eyes are a window to the soul, this is the gaze of a mentally ill fanatic
If the eyes are a window to the soul, this is the gaze of a mentally ill fanatic

“His answer was that even if it was counterproductive, even if it turned people against war protesters, indeed even if it made them more likely to support the continuation of the war, he would still participate in the demonstration and he would do so for one simple reason – because it was, in his words, “good for his soul.” What I saw as a political act was not, for my friend, any such thing. It was not aimed at altering the minds of other people or persuading them to act differently. Its whole point was what it did for him.”

For Rachel Dolezal, wearing blackface is a symbolic way of repudiating her whiteness and acting out her fantasy of being a righteous black woman, even at the morbid cost of disfiguring her own body. According to Bruce Jenner, he has always known that “Bruce” was a lie, and that “her” was his True Self.

“And what it did for him was to provide him with a fantasy – a fantasy, namely, of taking part in the revolutionary struggle of the oppressed against their oppressors. By participating in a violent antiwar demonstration he was in no sense aiming at coercing others to conform with his view, for that would have still been a political objective. Instead he took part in order to confirm his ideological fantasy of marching on the right side of history, of being among the elect few who stood with the angels of historical materialism.”

From Dylann Roof’s perspective, he was a heroic soldier who was left with no other choice than to strike back against the blacks who are taking over our country and raping our women. Shooting them was something he had to do. He was going to singlehandedly ignite the race war in which White people would ultimately emerge victorious. In the cases of James von Brunn and Glenn Miller, they too were heroic soldiers striking back at the GD Kikes. Floyd Corkins was striking back at bigots and homophobes and Malvo and Muhammad were striking back at white devils.

“It is a common human weakness to wish to make more of our contribution to the world than the world is prepared to acknowledge; it is our fantasy world that allows us to fill this gap. Normally, for most of us at least, this fantasy world of our stays relatively hidden, and indeed a common criterion of our mental health is the extent to which we are able to keep our fantasies firmly under our watchful control.

Yet clearly there are individuals for whom this control is, at best, intermittent; its failure results in behavior that ranges from there merely obnoxious to the clinically psychotic. The man who insists on being taken more seriously than his advantages warrant fall into the former category; the maniac who murders an utter stranger because God – or his neighbor’s dog – commanded him to do so belongs to the latter.

These are people like the artist James “The Joker” Holmes, who made his debut in the movie theater in Aurora in front of an audience who had come to watch The Dark Knight Rises, or the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger who played the starring role in The Day of Retribution in Isla Vista.

“What is common in such interactions is that the fantasist inevitably treats other people merely as props: there is absolutely no interest in, or even awareness of, others as having wills and minds of their own. The man who bores us with stories designed to impress us with his importance or his intellect or his bank account cares nothing for us as individuals, for he has already cast us in the role in which he wishes us to play: we are there to be impressed by him. Indeed, it is an error to suggest that he is even trying to impress us, for this would assume that he is willing to learn enough about us to discover how best we might be impressed. Nothing of the kinds occurs.”

For Frazier Glenn Miller, 14-year-old Reat Griffin Underwood was one of the GD Kikes who are destroying the White race, and he did not hesitate to unload righteous justice against him. For Seung-Hui Cho, every one of those rich kid bastards on the Virginia Tech campus had been cast in the role he assigned them to play in his script.

“And why should it? After all, the fantasist has already projected onto us the role we are to play in his fantasy. And no matter what we may be thinking of his recital, it never crosses his mind that we may be utterly failing to play the part expected of us; indeed, it is sometimes astonishing to see how much exertion is required of us to bring our own profound lack of interest to the fantasist’s attention.”

Adam Lanza never gave his own mom the chance to prove that she was not playing the role he had assigned to her in his psychodrama or the children he executed at Sandy Hook Elementary School. When he blew Gabrielle Giffords brains out in Tuscon, Jared Loughner was just as far gone into an indecipherable schizophrenic world of conspiracy theories, government mind control, and manipulated grammar.

“I have therefore elected to call the phenomenon in question, if only for lack of a better term, fantasy ideology – political and ideological symbols and tropes used not for political purposes but entirely for the benefit of furthering a specific personal fantasy. It is, to be frank, something like Dungeons & Dragons carried out not with the trappings of medieval romance – old castles and maidens in distress – but entirely in terms of ideological symbols and emblems. The only important difference between them is that one is an innocent pasttime while the other has proven to be one of the most terrible scourges to afflict the human race.”

In light of the successful prediction that I made after Gabrielle Giffords was shot in 2011, let me make another prediction: if history is our guide, by the time the American public has digested the Dylann Roof shooting in Charleston, yet another rampage shooting starring a different character with different motives will have seized national headlines. In hindsight, it is amazing how quickly the public loses interest in even the worst atrocities, as there is always another self-detonating fantasist out there ready to tee up the next dish of carnage.

And you know what? Next time there is a rampage shooting, and the next time after that, and the next time after that … and talking heads wonder aloud about the “root causes” of “the sickness in America,” the same deadly cocktail of expressive individualism, fantasy ideology, and mental illness will rear its ugly head. When the next self righteous narcissist walks down the catwalk of the 24/7 cable news media, only the details will be different.

Oh, and that Confederate flag … that’s just a small, irrelevant detail.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter – I agree with your positions 100%.

    Roof’s act was that of a total pussy moron. He’s hurt the White Cause for survival in every way possible. Were he a sincerely dedicated, brave White man – he would have kicked his drug habit, found the means to support himself, gotten married, and produced White babies.

    I still don’t care about the Negroes AT ALL – but gunning down a bunch of un-armed elderly Negroes, when so many healthy young Negroes are doing so much damage ever day, is not merely the behavior of a pathetic, worthless moron retard – it’salso the act of some-one who is profoundly STUPID.

    I do agree with the Pastor, though on that other article; we should not apologize for something we didn’t do.


    This mea culpa crap has got to GO.

  2. I think it is safe to assume that Linder is a Federal informant, as well as Harold Covington.
    The extreme bloggers that endorse violence are agent provocateurs.
    Anglin is hiding under his desk now, in a way this is a testament to his authenticity.

  3. Don’t worry some black will do something more outrageous in a week.

    It’ll all be forgotten.

    If his last words before he fired were:

    “They are raping our women…”

    They can’t fixate on him for too long because it’s TRUE.

  4. This won’t be soon forgotten. This incident was a gift to the Jews and negros. They will use this card often.

  5. Thomas says:

    ‘This won’t be soon forgotten. This incident was a gift to the Jews and negros. They will use this card often.’

    You are correct, but a similar incident occurred 23 years ago in South Africa.

    I’m sure most of us have never heard about it. Perhaps Dylann did. Judging by the patches on his jacket, he may have been. I don’t know.

    Black perps, White victims.

    We know who rules that country now.

    10 shot dead in Cape Town church: Black gunmen open fire on congregation in attack likely to undermine negotiations in South Africa


    IN a macabre and unprecedented twist to the endemic violence wracking South Africa, five hooded gunmen burst into a church in a Cape Town suburb during a service last might and opened fire, killing at least 10 and wounding 53. About 1,000 people were in St James’s Church of England, Kenilworth, when the attack took place.
    The attackers, who used AK-47 rifles, also lobbed two hand grenades into the church. The police said all five were black. Nobody had claimed responsibility for the attack by midnight last night.

    Among the dead were three Russian seamen, who were among 130 of their countrymen attending the service. Two hours after the killing, the notes the Reverend Ross Anderson used for his sermon were still lying on the altar, and the church aisles remained streaked with blood.

    A church usher who was monitoring the door through which the attackers entered said he saw a rifle poke through the door. ‘I dived for the stage . . . The shots were continuous,’ he said.

  6. Just re read this.

    It’s actually a very bought tho argument.

    Should Be the NYT Op Ed on this trend.

  7. “It’s good that Roof whacked those apes in a christ hutch. Maybe if christ-insanity becomes more closely associated with niggerdom, beta Whites will begin stepping up to an Aryan form of spirituality”

    A comment from, Jimmy Marr over at VNN
    VNN is filled with psychopaths masquerading as concerned White people.

  8. This was a good blog post. It seems that what we are seeing is mass murder being committed for either political motivations or extreme psychological dysfunction (including beta male rage). Politically we are seeing Muslim killings, Right wing killings and Leftist killings. The combination seems to be deeply held beliefs, feelings of alienation and hopelessness, and some extent of psychological disease.

    I do think we are going to see more right wing killers. The Left controls the culture and all of post-modern Leftist culture is demoralizing for whites especially white heterosexual non-leftist males. We are becoming a low trust society as more and more non-whites are immigrating here and the white percentage drops. The Leftist/socialist assault on the economy continues incrementally; the elites are destroying the monetary unit and the labor market. The culture is degenerate and women have been turned into sluts, with men racing to the bottom as a result. Red Pill white people can sense something is very wrong. And the constant daily reminder of the coming collapse and savagery we will be exposed to comes in the form of the never ending barrage of feral black crime. Throw in the occasional Muslim beheading and you have modern America.

    Its very bleak. In such an environment there will be more Dylann Roofs. And there will be more motivated anti-white black killers too. And Leftists will eventually up there game and join the mass slaughter party. And the Left will salivate at the prospects of banning gun ownership and eventually criminalizing non-Leftist thought, which is their ultimate aim.

    Dark times.

  9. Good comment, Scipio. Another cultural development that will come to fruition in the near future is militant Islam increasing within Black community. Christianity is far too tame for the younger generations of negros. Blacks will be more disenfranchised than any other race as foreign immigration rages forward without any sign of abatement. The new arrivals despise the African American – especially the Mexicans who are cleansing them out of their neighborhoods. Ironically, Obama has spearheaded this new charge of legalizing Mexicans and South Americans who will eventually take the low end jobs that blacks rely on.
    Blacks will continue to gravitate towards a foreign faith; we can already see that most of the recent homegrown terrorists have been native blacks who relate with Islam and especially ISIS. This will present an enemy within the gates scenario. It will be interesting to see if they adopt anti Semitic and anti homosexual viewpoints as does their brethren abroad.

  10. @…

    ‘He understands perfectly. He’s been there himself, and perhaps even now feels the same way, despite this Christian act he’s putting on. Hunter was once as atheist as it gets, and would wonder out loud what a 1st century Jewish carpenter had to do with this weird “God” concept. He’d defiantly state he has more sympathy for his pet dog than for the whole continent of Africa (or something very close to that).’

    Mr. Griffin is, like everyone else, and as he has stated, on a journey of realization. If he is insincere about anything, his may well be one of the greatest performances in history. If anything he is relentlessly candid and just about the most impolitick person I’ve every witnesst.

    If you ask me what the difference in him, between now, and some years back : it is that his knowledge of the complexity of things has deepened and widened. There was a time when reductionism (one-dimensional answers) suited him. Now it does not.

    Further his concept of what it is to be a Southerner has grown, along with it a remarkable historick knowledge of our culture – as a whole – not just the WASP aspect of it.

    Lastly, but, most importantly. I have begun, since the birth of his child, to sense the Holy Spirit stirring in him – and when that begins it’s march, the evil within will be put to rout.

    Brad Griffin is not a fake. You are just angry with him because he has grown past his youth.

  11. How many times do these killers turn out to be mentally defective and either mostly apolitical, or even far Left? Yet, one way or another, Southerners get the blame. Either for supposedly causing it, in the killers’ case, or objecting to it in the weirdos’ case.
    I guess for a lot of these people, it never stopped being 1862.

  12. @ Junius Daniel.

    Mr Daniel, I’m learning to tone down the Yankee bashing myself. It’s hard not to get angry at those people, especially after some of the awful things they said about the West, Texas fertiliser explosion. But I have to remember that I’m a grown man and they’re mostly urbane, spoiled, angry children, who have no clue about life in the South or Southerners. There’s no point in getting aggravated over a broken record. Or some kid in upstate New York’s foolish remarks about Slavery Vs. Free Labour, when he’s never worked outside when it’s 101′ and 89% humidity. Or experienced the the mixed feeling of a thunderstorm that brings relief, but causes the humid

  13. One thing about white killers.

    They are universally acting alone. Columbine excepted.

    Black Spree killers and racial attackers often act in concert with one another.

    So generally sociability among whites acts as a break to psychotic and homicidal acts. When blacks get together they egg each other on to levels of mayhem that are terrifying.

    Small difference in social patterns eh? Yet they have profound consequences. Whites normally talk each other off the ledge. Blacks encourage jumping off.

  14. @JamesOwen…

    As always I read your thoughts. You are right that bashing of anyone and the blaming of anything has it’s limits, yet, probably eradicating it entirely would not be possible. In the end, though I am leery of Yankee, Modern Western European, & Jewish culture – (about one and the same) I always have to point the finger principally as us – We Southerners. No matter what the pressure, we choose who we want to be, and, I think, these last decades have led to a quiet as of yet uncollectively recognized crisis in our culture- and that is pandemick apathy.

    It seems to me that, nowadays, as Southrons, too many of us only ask the questions : ‘Who am I – How am I doing?I” … while not enough ask the question : ‘Who are we? – how are we doing?” And even when we do ask the latter, the answer we come up with is a distorted answer that has been, and is being, inculcated in us, at every turn.

    I think it can only get better – because, I have a hard time imagining The Southern community, as a whole, and more dissipated, meek, disinterested, and detacht than we are now.

    Yes, Sir : it can only improve – though, for you and I, such an improvement may be a very long way off.

    All the best to you on this otherwise sunny weekend.

  15. Scipio,

    I troll all sorts of “mainstream” sites, in order to open the Overton Window a little wider. And yes Lefties, even people who assert that they are White, are SALIVATING at the prospect of gunning down Whites, and Southerners.

  16. ‘So generally sociability among whites acts as a break to psychotic and homicidal acts. When blacks get together they egg each other on to levels of mayhem that are terrifying.

    Small difference in social patterns eh? Yet they have profound consequences. Whites normally talk each other off the ledge. Blacks encourage jumping off.’

    I wonder if this is a sign of how estranged we have become, as we uset to act in concert, too.

    I often remark to my wife that, in some ways, the negroes have kept their community more healthy than we – and fellowship is one way; for, in my little Tarheel town, unlike white, negroes still sit out on their porches (oft with visitors), en masse, and still talk to and welcome whomever passes by – with precious little exception. In my little town we are conspicuously absent from our front porches. Please see my favourite comedian, James Gregory, below…

    When I walk by houses (often as I am an inveterate doer of such) I see us in the house in front of our big screen TVs – NOT out front.

    I’m sure I have tired you out by saying this, but I have no choice but to say it : when we abandoned our front porches for TVs, we stoppt making our own views, and began to consume the views of others – with the results now in.

    That said – murder, rape, and mayhem is a wretched and unacceptable way to demonstrate fellowship.

  17. @Miss Denise…

    ‘I troll all sorts of “mainstream” sites, in order to open the Overton Window a little wider. And yes Lefties, even people who assert that they are White, are SALIVATING at the prospect of gunning down Whites, and Southerners.’

    M’am, thank you for your support of Mr. Griffin’s denunciation of mass-killing evil, and for your notes, here; though, surely you would know, even afore a cursory perusal, what evil lurks in the hearts of men.

    Many, of any & every ilk, are just looking for the faintest justification to let loose upon unsuspecting others, the unmitigated hell with which the abide, on the inside of their minds, day in and day out.

    We cannot ignore this evil, nor, as you are so fond to say, take responsibility for that which belongs to others. Yet, at the same time, we cannot we allow, or employ, their evil to become our guide – otherwise, M’am, we have lost more than just our freewill…

  18. Mr. Daniel,

    Indeed, I am well aware of the evil that possesses the hearts and minds, and shrivels the souls of the wicked – but many others are not. Many, MANY White Patriotards are still wholly oblivious, or in denial over the fact that many, many many Others would gladly blow them into smithereens. Many, Many Conservatards really, truly don’t understand how bad things are, and are becoming….

    Strange Days…….

    That said – loads of folks are getting their hackles raised over the weird elements of the Roofie shooting……….

    I know I don’t have to caution any Regulars here to watch your backs, and be ready for anything….but all associated with this site – watch your backs, and be ready for anything.

  19. “I do think we are going to see more right wing killers. The Left controls the culture and all of post-modern Leftist culture is demoralizing for whites especially white heterosexual non-leftist males. We are becoming a low trust society as more and more non-whites are immigrating here and the white percentage drops. The Leftist/socialist assault on the economy continues incrementally; the elites are destroying the monetary unit and the labor market. The culture is degenerate and women have been turned into sluts, with men racing to the bottom as a result. Red Pill white people can sense something is very wrong. And the constant daily reminder of the coming collapse and savagery we will be exposed to comes in the form of the never ending barrage of feral black crime. Throw in the occasional Muslim beheading and you have modern America.

    Its very bleak. In such an environment there will be more Dylann Roofs. And there will be more motivated anti-white black killers too. And Leftists will eventually up there game and join the mass slaughter party. And the Left will salivate at the prospects of banning gun ownership and eventually criminalizing non-Leftist thought, which is their ultimate aim.”

    Beyond the utter sinfulness of murdering those who have done nothing, I can only believe that this is a very cogent analysis of this tragedy. Psychological manipulation of entire populaces has been argued since Mackay’s “Extraordinary Popular Delusions, etc.” And, the modern apostate administration clearly wants to ‘never let a crisis go to waste.’ But as AA’s DS website had a video of PJ Watson,

    there is something of the ‘controlled event’ about this, that just doesnt add up….

    Unless the post-Christian American society is truly going mad….

  20. Killing a bunch of Blacks in a church is bad for our cause but I’m heartened that some people see killing Blacks at random like Blacks do to Whites as being an alternative to just being murdered.

  21. The essay was interesting, but overlooks one crucial factor. Lunatics have always existed. The worst homegrown American massacre was a school bombing in Michigan in 1927. That was supposedly over taxes.

    What’s really different today is the massive media attention and the role of media in our lives. In 1927, someone may have gotten a newspaper once a week and might have owned a radio.

    Of course we have also seen a massive shutdown of psychiatric commitment in America. Huge mental hospitals everywhere have gone before the wrecking ball. Those madmen didn’t go away. They’re now among us. And while most are harmful only to themselves, living on what they find in dumpsters and sheltering under bridges, I have to wonder about many of our spree killers. Might they have been locked away with a lobotomy or electric shock treatments fifty or seventy years ago?

    Some amount of this is probably inevitable. And really, the odds that any of us will be killed by a spree killer are vanishingly small. We all know someone we suspect is nuts don’t we? Someone we aren’t fully comfortable leaving our kids with or someone we would be less than shocked to learn had gone on a rampage? Yet overwhelmingly they don’t. The failure of the left and right may be just taking these extreme aberrant incidents and giving them the weight of statistical probability.

  22. DIXIECRATS–Prepare for the greatest attack in our life-time on th South and the Confederate Flag in South Carolina.

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