Cuckservatives: The Race-Obsessed Left Created The Alt-Right

Having read the National Review article, I must say that David French is partially correct that the racially conscious, politically correct Left – where the notion that “all lives matter” has become a point of contention – is responsible for the rise of the Alt-Right. Look no further than today’s news that the new anti-White snuff film The Birth of a Nation is getting rave reviews at the Sundance Film Festival.

I don’t even have to point out how hysterical the reaction from the Left would be if some Hollywood studio ever made a remake of D.W. Griffith’s original The Birth of a Nation which celebrated the actions of the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction. For obvious reasons, such a movie would never be made, or if it was in a hypothetical scenario, the unanimous and deafening cry of “racism” and “white supremacy” would be heard from every leftwing newspaper and media outlet in the land.

We’ve reached a point in American history where the cultural mainstream has become so viciously anti-White that Hollywood is now making movies that explicitly celebrate the death of White people, particularly Southerners, as a kind of release or salve for racially aggrieved blacks. Defiling Confederate monuments to appease the aforesaid perpetually aggrieved blacks is also all the rage these days. It’s a big deal when, say, the blacks as a racial group are slighted for failing to be nominated for the Oscars in 2016, even though 12 Years a Slave won best picture in 2014.

The unbridled racially conscious, politically correct Left has become so repulsive to the White working class for a thousand reasons that the Democratic Party is no even longer given a hearing. Even though I agree with Bernie Sanders on a number of issues, I would never consider voting for him.

The intense racial polarization in America which has been fomented by Obama has redounded to the benefit of the Republican Party and the careers of legions of gelded, cuckservative pundits. In 2012, Mitt Romney captured 59 percent of the White vote, but enthusiasm for Romney so low that the overall level of White turnout wasn’t enough to win the presidency. Nationwide, Obama lost the White working class vote to Romney, 62 percent to 36 percent, and by even greater margins in the South, which is the only reason that Romney wasn’t defeated in a landslide.

A basic fact of our emerging politics is that the “Solid South” has gradually reemerged as the base of the Republican Party, but the policies and campaign rhetoric of the GOP still reflects its historical pro-business, Northeastern conservative establishment that is a poor fit for the White working class which was the backbone of the old Democratic Party. Trump’s genius is recognizing that the true tongue of the South (and the Northern working class) is populism which is the only force on earth that could move +30,000 people in Mobile, AL and +15,000 people in Biloxi, MS to turnout for a gilded New York City real estate magnate. Trump carefully honed his message to strike the Spindletop of American politics – the largest constituency that was the most poorly served by the two-party system.

Listen to this whine:

“At the same time, however, a small group of online trolls have indeed gathered under Trump’s banner. Calling themselves the “alt-right,” they’re a motley group of white nationalists and wanna-be fascists. They’ve become adept at flooding Twitter feeds and comments boards, giving the illusion of large-scale online strength. While it’s difficult to determine how many actual American voters belong to the alt-right (versus the number who are busy tweeting from their mom’s basement in Austria), they do exist, and they’ve succeeded in elbowing their way into the national conversation. …

If anyone besides the members of the alt-right is responsible for the latest iteration of whiteness-obsessed fanaticism, is it the conservative movement that is consistently calling for a colorblind politics and culture — echoing Martin Luther King’s call to look to the content of one’s character over the color of one’s skin? Or is it the progressive movement that pushes explicitly race-based organizations such as La Raza or Black Lives Matter while specifically scorning whites, Western civilization, and so-called white privilege?”

What, exactly, has “echoing Martin Luther King’s call to look to the content of one’s character over the color of one’s skin” accomplished? It has given the racially conscious, politically correct Left carte blanche to push against an open door on racial and cultural issues. They can do so in complete confidence that these cuckservative lightweights are too afraid of being called “racist” to put up the slightest opposition.

David French cucked his own family because it is the fashionable thing to do among evangelical Christians. The mainstream Left is right not to expect any real opposition from such quarters. The restive White working class base of the Republican Party, which is desperately yearning for a strong leader to confront the challenges facing the country, no longer wants these pushovers as their champions either.

Rod Dreher nailed the deeper issue this morning:

“Is that a compelling narrative? Is it even a plausible one? Is it more plausible than the narrative that for a generation, the ruling elites — the Clinton Democrats and the Republicans — have presided over the systematic destruction of the working class and its culture for the sake of making very rich people even richer. The Democrats today care more about making it safe for women with penises to change in your high school daughter’s locker room and to empower liberal activists to destroy your small business and your institutions if you object to their cultural agenda. And the Republicans don’t care — they pander to religious conservatives, but the truth is otherwise, as I learned from GOP Congressional sources last fall, who told me there is zero chance that the Republican Congress will do a thing to protect religious institutions in the post-Obergefell legal environment. They are too afraid of being called bigots, and besides, big business is now on the other side. What really matters is that the world stays safe for tax cuts, free trade, and foreign wars.”

Yeah, that’s basically it.

The mainstream cuckservative Right exists solely to further its economic and foreign policy agenda: tax cuts for Kim Kardashian, endless foreign wars for Sheldon Adelson, getting “big government” off the back of the US Chamber of Commerce through deregulation, free-trade deals that send middle and working class jobs overseas but make Wall Street happy, the rich man’s dream of rolling back the New Deal, etc.

This vacuum of leadership and the political conditions surrounding it produced the Alt-Right.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think there’s another reason: The Alt-Right is a generational phenomenon, the younger (under 50) white right realizing that the left completely dominates the institutions, so by necessity we have to behave like outsider insurgents.

  2. I’ve always said that if you let them, the Leftists and other race-deniers will indirectly build you an army—a diverse army, in fact. You just have to be ready to support them in some capacity and be more fluid with accepting some things you aren’t 100% satisfied with. The types of pro-Whites that will be birthed from the anti-White madness won’t be confined to Left/Right or liberal/conservative shackles. It will be a brand new paradigm.

    That time has come. But you guys ain’t seen nothing yet.

  3. Hunter – I just want to take a moment to applaud you on the absolutely brilliant work you are doing, analyzing and correlating all these issues.
    Thank you. Your work is deeply appreciated by me.

  4. ‘What, exactly, has “echoing Martin Luther King’s call to look to the content of one’s character over the color of one’s skin” accomplished? It has given the racially conscious, politically correct Left carte blanche to push against an open door on racial and cultural issues. They can do so in complete confidence that these cuckservative lightweights are too afraid of being called “racist” to put up the slightest opposition.

    David French cucked his own family because it is the fashionable thing to do among evangelical Christians. The mainstream Left is right not to expect any real opposition from such quarters. The restive White working class base of the Republican Party, which is desperately yearning for a strong leader to confront the challenges facing the country, no longer wants these pushovers as their champions either.’

    It needed to be said. Perfect.

  5. French has opened his eyes and his mind to the truth, don’t count on that ever happening with the Alt-Right’s Jew enemies.

  6. The GOP actually picked the hill it was willing to die on last summer: Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority. They twisted every arm in Congress on behalf of the sacred cause of free-trade.

    • Unfortunately, Sir – both parties have been competing with each other to see who can undermine the National economy the quickest.

  7. Wow, we haven’t suffered a vicious all out hate White Southern people Hollywood movie since… “D’ Jango Unchained” which the Weinstein Brothers opened on Christmas day what a year ago, 2 years ago? Oh, sorry forget about that Academy Award hate Southern White people “12 years a Slave” that everyone voted for, but no one actually paid to see this stupid movie.

    So now we have yet another horror vicious anti Southern White people sadistic hate film porn #*$&#.

    I note with satisfaction that #*$*#( like this isn’t being produced and marketed in Vladimir Putin’s Russia. But, senile old 1980s Reagan Conservatives still subscribing to National Review are ramping up efforts to get NATO to restart the Cold War against the Russians…


    Maybe it’s because the Russian Cossacks were mean to Pussy Riot desecrating Orthodox Christian Churches or something about Russians opposing the genocide of Christians in Syria and Iraq.

  8. I am not enamored of the term Alt-Right, preferring Paleocon or Unreconstructed. Because we are the True Right not the Alternative Right. And they are the Jew Right faux conservative imposters and usurpers.

  9. David French:

    “If anyone besides the members of the alt-right is responsible for the latest iteration of whiteness-obsessed fanaticism, is it the conservative movement that is consistently calling for a colorblind politics and culture — echoing Martin Luther King’s call to look to the content of one’s character over the color of one’s skin? Or is it the progressive movement that pushes explicitly race-based organizations such as La Raza or Black Lives Matter while specifically scorning whites, Western civilization, and so-called white privilege?”

    Conservative Inc. is for colorblind politics and culture? Really?
    If Conservative Inc is for judging individuals by ‘content of character’, why does it support Israel in a wholesale manner? Why does it favor ONE nation over all others based on its flag? Don’t Neocons lecture us all the time that US was a bad bad nation when it used to favor certain races for immigration. If that was wrong, why should US favor certain nations over others when US has immigrants from all over the world? Isn’t American foreign policy discriminatory and supremacist in favor of Jews, Zionists, and Israel?

    Why does Conservative Inc favors Jews over Palestinians? Why not judge Jews and Palestinians not as peoples or nations but only as individuals? When has Conservatism Inc ever have done that?

    How come Israel can violate all international laws and have 200 nukes while Iran got hit with sanctions for so long for nukes it didn’t even have?

    So much for colorblindness. Jews have money, and Conservative Inc has always judged people and issues on the color of money.

    Besides, if color doesn’t matter, why does Conservative Inc agree with Democrats that “diversity is our strength”? I mean if all peoples and groups are interchangeable individuals and if ‘race is just a myth’, why do we need diversity when all groups are or should be the one and the same, only to be judged as individuals?

    Another thing. If there are individual differences, why can’t there be group differences? If individual differences do exist, couldn’t it be that certain groups may have more of certain kinds of individuals than other groups? Might not there more more high IQ individuals among Jews and more high-muscle individuals among blacks? If all individuals were the same, there couldn’t be group differences. But if individuals can be different, then groups can have different shares of certain individuals. If there are tall people, medium people, and short people as individuals, then it’s possible that group A could have more tall individuals than group B. Thus, group differences could be real.

  10. “They’re a motley group of white nationalists and wanna-be fascists.”

    If what we stand for is ‘fascist’ — racial identity, nationalism, historical consciousness, territorial integrity, and cultural pride — , then Israel is certainly fascist because it strongly supports all such themes.

    French supports Jewish fascism of Zionism but not European fascism of national pride and racial survival. That needs to be changed.

  11. “the conservative movement that is consistently calling for a colorblind politics and culture — echoing Martin Luther King’s call to look to the content of one’s character over the color of one’s skin”

    The cuckservative stands athwart history yelling “slow down, we’re trying to catch up!”

  12. He’s not totally wrong. Big reason I’m hear is rage at being raised by a critical theory society.
    But it’s a combination of the “race-obsessed” left and the pussifooting dog-whistle “we all equal” right that’s given us power.

  13. David French is a cuck for sure, but he’s the one who had a really good article in NR a couple of weeks ago stating that people don’t vote for Republicans because of conservative ideology or orthodoxy of one sort or another, that’s not the attraction. The votes come from people who want someone to fight the rot gut evil left wing, and “conservatives” of some sort are the only people who purport to want to do that, but never really do.

  14. This 25 year old analysis of the Old Right and the populist way forward is as relevant today for the Alt-Right as when it was written:

    “in addition to converting intellectuals to the cause, the proper course for the right-wing opposition must necessarily be a strategy of boldness and confrontation, of dynamism and excitement, a strategy, in short, of rousing the masses from their slumber and exposing the arrogant elites that are ruling them, controlling them, taxing them, and ripping them off.”

  15. The lying media. They want everyone to think alt right whites are just a tiny little group. God forbid their truth is let out. Just like the jew media that will not show the huge crowds Trump is drawing. David Duke’s videos have over 1 billion views world-wide. The Daily Stormer gets 2 million a month. Trump has the silenced MAJORITY!

    Meanwhile, Jews, who are less than 4% of the US population, want to make it seem like their votes are important. Sorry kikes, Jewish money and media, not their insignificant vote, is why politicians kiss Jew ass.

  16. I take your point about the film but saying it’s just anti-white isn’t really in evidence. It really happened and if I was a slave I’d really have killed whites too. There’s plenty of folks operating right out in the open for me to worry about a film being camouflage. In the world of Ta-Nehisi Coates whites mysteriously come up short on the morality stick 100% of the time. The fact he works for The Atlantic is a disgrace for The Atlantic and this nation.

    So has the Left created an increasingly racially conscious group of whites? Absolutely. Call a man a dog often enough and don’t surprised if he barks. Let’s be honest, people like Coates and Melissa Harris-Perry are a KKK dream come true. People have warned the Left for years to knock it off because they’d create monsters where before there were none. Now that there are some knocking on the door it’s just “proof” they were right all along. That’s why all this stuff is so toxic.

    We have a single principle which defines group defamation and if we’d have embraced it instead of letting the Left’s race-baiters get away with racial incitement we may not have been in this mess. Now the Oscars are racist for no other reason than a lot of whites are all in one place. Pretty low standard and much the same the KKK uses.

  17. Embrace FASCISM. It can kill the enemy. Only the stupidity of believing the lies of these Hell-bound goblins and sending Americans to destroy a White Hero called Adolf Hitler stopped Fascism from building the Future you were promised and was crushed by the greed and stupidity of VASTLY INFERIOR CRETINS LIKE JEWS AND BLACK AFRICANS. We are smarter. We are stronger. We are better. Hitler was right.

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