Cuckservatives: Trump Refuses To Bow To Political Correctness on Federal Judges

The cucks are outraged by Trump’s insistence that the Mexican federal judge in the Trump University case might be biased against him:

“The press loves to create racists from whole cloth. But now confronted by what is absolutely racist, the press and the Party of Lincoln will not make eye contact with it.

No, I am not talking about Donald Trump and his African American. I am talking about Donald Trump trying to get a federal judge to recuse himself from a legal case by attacking his Mexican heritage. …

These were not racially tinged or racially charged attacks.

This was racism plain and simple.

The partisan press has long muddied what is and is not racist in this country and now confronted by actual racism cannot bring itself to use the word lest it be judging Trump.

The attacks are racist. To claim that someone is unable to objectively and professional perform his job because of his race is racism.

And damn the GOP for its unwillingness to speak up on this. The leaders of the party, confronted by Todd Akin, abandoned ship for his stupid statements on rape and abortion. But the Party of Lincoln intends to circle the wagons around a racist. Damn them for that.”

The cucks want you to simultaneously believe two things:

1.) First, a person’s racial, ethnic, cultural and religious background – in this case, a Hispanic federal judge – tells you nothing of importance about that person. Instead, we are all “individuals,” and it is a heresy against TruConservatism to suggest that “individuals” in the real world are anything more than this role in which they have been cast, which is to say, “individuals” have tribal loyalties and affiliations.

2.) Second, Donald Trump is destroying the GOP because the racial, ethnic, cultural and religious affiliations of non-Whites, whether they are blacks, Hispanics, or Muslims, is of supreme importance because these groups all have a collectivist mindset and have been offended by Trump’s racist and bigoted comments. This is also true of women who have been offended as a group by Trump’s sexist remarks over the years.

A housebroken cuck expects you to know that “we are all individuals,” but at the same time we are not. If you go off that script, it makes you a racist. Meanwhile, the Left attacks Trump as a “racist” for his comments on the Mexican federal judge, but simultaneously demands that women and “people of color” be appointed to the courts precisely because their background gives them a different perspective than cisgendered White males. Trump’s list of Supreme Court picks was attacked because of its lack of “diversity.”

The Left wants you to know that Trump is the last stand of White America. They want you to know that Whites are dying out and that racial demographics determines political power in the United States. They want to talk about it on CNN and MSNBC, but if you take them at the word and start talking about it yourself that makes you a racist. From the point of view of a cuckservative, it makes you a literal Klansman.

Trump doesn’t grasp the nuance of Judge Curiel’s objectivity, people!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The desperation of the enemy is palpable. The more they push the more Whites realize they have been lied to all these years. Now that Whites have taken their own side they are finished. At some point these insignificant weak shills will either flee or be eliminated. Their mask has fallen off, they are no longer welcome here.

    • I actually while I support Trump wonder if his win would be the best outcome. There are 2 sides to this, one side says Trump buys us time and because he will be unsuccessful in stopping the mess the collapse will come the other side would say like in 1860 Hillary practically guarantees system collapse. Now as we all want to see the present system done away with who serves our interests the best?

      • I am thinking the same thing. A Hillary presidency would be extreme from day one. She would see herself as having a mandate and implement all kinds of insane Executive Orders and legislation that would bewilder White Americans leading them into a state of genuine concern and even fear. Perhaps enough to shake them out of the loathe some slumber and into action.

        • Agreed there are definately two sides to this. As a White Man, the best thing that happened to our race was two terms of Obama because it has awakened White People to our shared origins. The problem with the USA from day one as evidenced by this wonderful Nazi Pamphlet
          America and Europe. Failures in Building an American People. Robert Ley barely mentioned the Southern United States but did mention the North and the west.

          Ley noted that the United States(EXCLUDING DIXIE) had since its beginning been Whites ethnically divided against one another. English Scots and Welsh hated the Irish Catholics, German Lutherans and Calvinists had little use for German Catholics but both disliked Jews, and most everyone hated the Eastern Europeans and the Italians.

          The Jews were themselves divided as well educated English and German Jews largely became part of the intelligensia while the Eastern European Jews were largely into commerce, crime and entertainment. The split here is duly noted. The German Jews are even today more urbane and wish to fly under the radar, the Eastern European ones are bomb throwing revolutionaries and completely nasty. The German ones are the worst in this regard as they are less visible.

          The extreme white ethnic religious divide in the Northern States by the 1880s caused some Northern states to fully enfranchise Negroes so as to use them as a Republican voting block against the Democratic Jews and Catholics, this happened in more than a few states. As the Negro population was small and most in the 1880s never associated with any the enfrachisement of Negroes was sold by the Republicans as necessary because at least the Negro was Protestant. When the Second Era Ku Klux Klan was reestablished in 1915, it became popular in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Pennsylvania Michigan because they opposed Catholicism. The First Era Klan had Catholic Members and even a Jew or two. In the 1930s the famous Catholic Father Coughlin in Detroit, his church was burned by the Black Legion which was a more radical set of Klan.

          As late as my childhood in the 1980’s I can remember that some of the old people felt Roman Catholics and Niggers were one and the same on the bad scale. In this kind of divided environment the Jew always wins. The South has until recently been lucky enough not to have the extreme White ethnic division the North has.

      • You might be right Billy Ray, but the big downside of a Trump loss would be that Hillary (being as charismatic as a rattlesnake) would likely lose to a cuck like Ryan (Eddie Munster) in 2020 and we’d be stuck once again in the false dichotomy (or vicious cycle) between the cucks and the libs. The great thing about Trump is that he is a cuck-killer, and if he loses they’ll rise from the dead like vampires and work with the libs to assure that a true right never rises.

        • I am inclined to agree with you but then its like I don’t want to make America Great Again, I want to dismantle the entire system and start over again. That 50 Star Abomination means as much to me as Charmin Toilet Paper, its not my flag and when I see people burn it I cant help but want to join them.

          I am trying to see who puts us in the best spot for a revolution. I don’t want to see the ALT-RIGHT fall asleep again, I want to see complete aggression. I would definately prefer Trump but I was just musing if Hillarys win would put us closer to the inevitible collapse.

          • Well as long as you’re fine with giving up your guns in order to speed up the decline of America, then you’re right.

            I’m personally NOT fine with not being able to buy guns when America is in decline/risk of war.

          • I am not sure what would happen to guns under a Hillary Presidency, I think any effort to go door to door and take them would fail, however just like Obama drying up the repair supplies and ammunition will do just as well. I am honestly not sure, I support Trump but I DONT want to see our people lulled into a false sense of security either.

        • There is absolutely no chance that Ryan could beat any democrat in a presidential election – and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If Trump loses, the Trucucks will blame his advocacy for our people as the cause. Ryan/Rubio will then be nominated only to lose themselves after running a Jack Kemp Detroit Republican campaign, forever destroying cuck legitimacy in the process. Bank on it.

  2. When it’s 2016 and White people still don’t realize they’re the only ones who think in terms of universal individualism

  3. What is interesting about Trumps truths is that it also applies to Jewish and black judges and the biases and grudges they hold toward whites. These people, anti-whites, will never treat us fairly. Their contempt and hatred for us is just too great.

      • I am not sure had the Confederacy won the war that it wouldn’t have eventually fallen prey to many of these Liberal Ideas as typically wealthy people eventually trend toward Liberalism. We must remember that if a nation is allowed to have international commerce and freedom of the press, the issues that cause decline will always arise.

        The only reason abolitionism was able to grow Pre 1861 was the Freedom of the Press and the fact that Pre 14th Amendment it was absolutely impossible to make states cooperate with one another. The Federal Governments law enforcement powers PRE 14th Amendment consisted of direct law enforcement in the territories but on becoming states the Feds had no power there. There were US Marshals who had a very limited scope of authority I believe in areas such as treason, counterfitting, or filibustering against another nation. Thus a citizen of STATE A could advocate for revolt in STATE B and STATE B had no recourse against STATE A nor could it make STATE A turn over the evil man.

        Now you see the problem we face today. Under the First Amendment they were allowed for 229 years to print Kill Whitey propoganda and do all sorts of things and we couldnt stop them. The sore has now grown into a gushing wound. Time to Amputate

        • The Confederate Constitution fixed many of the issues of the USA but the biggest remedy was the abolishment of a Sovereign district to expand outwards from. If President Davis for example, wanted to stop Texas from leaving the CSA the State of Alabama (when the capital was in Montgomery) could have simply thrown him out when he called for troops. As such this was a check that is not discussed anywhere I’ve found towards aggression due to Central Government monetary loss (The reason Lincoln went to war with us). That reason is the reason the South was invaded by the Northern USA and why we are still a colony. The District of Columbia coupled with Involuntary taxation erected the Empire which Conquered us.

          • I agree 100%. I would have liked to have seen what the Confederacy would have grown into over time, I am afraid that with international commerce and Freedom of the Press, some of the poison that we are dealing with now would have crept in albeit I think it would’ve been much more difficult to corrupt the South than anywhere else. Unfortunately this is a mystery of history.

            I always said the worst mistake Texas made was joining the Confederacy as a State and not merely signing an ironclad mutual defense pact and committing her soldiers to the war but stipulating that they fought under its own flag. Texas legally was a nation under International Law and could have recognized the Confederacy thus removing her obstacle toward international recognition. My understanding was that Texas joined as a state because of promises of military aid and such. The downside was Texas thus continued the fiction that it is a state when in fact Texas is a Republic and has been since 1836

            Another interesting tidbit is one nation did recognize the Confederacy THE PAPAL STATES. Everyone forgets this.

          • To think the Founders sold us a lie that DC was necessary so as to not corrupt the government with petty state issues.

  4. No one believes them anymore which is why they are losing. Everything the cucks say is one great big contradiction to reality. All they do is defend our enemies.

    Can you imagine having the nerve to call yourself a “conservative” while defending this piece of shit judge appointed by Obama? Having the nerve in our “common sense” political year to tell us that his ethnicity and La Raza affiliations has no bearing – as if every judge appointed in America isn’t decided based on their ethnicity, gender and religion?

    This after constantly watching the media list off every ethnic, religious and gender group that doesn’t like Trump based on ethnicity, religion and gender?

    They are kidding no one in 2016.

    • The Edomites know no bounds. They are bound and determined to wipe out the Seed of Jacob from this earth, after which they will do everyone else. They want this Satanic Transhumanist Kingdom Kurizweil and all of them write about. Sick Sick Sick. Of course they won’t tell you the entire truth, right now they’re antiwhite but they cant tell you their true agenda is antihuman altogether.

      • They’re a pawn of the Devil, the same as the followers of the religion of Islam (Arab Judaism). Anyone who has studied Islam will come to the conclusion that it is nothing more than Judaism for an Arab audience. Jesus Christ named the enemy and once you understand that Islam and Judaism are one and the same, you see things clearly. Judaism (Satan) is at war with Christianity (God).

        • Yes Jay I came to that conclusion when I discovered that the Koran is nothing but a copy of the Talmud.

  5. Anything bad a non-white does is the result of some evil thing a white person, — a real person responsible for his own actions, did to them.

    If any European professor said the same things about blacks, Orientals or Jews he routinely says about whites, he would be in prison.

    Hatred is evil. But self-hatred is not only evil, it is also SICK.

  6. We all know there is a double standard–has been for a long time. However, you have to pick your battles and this one just does not seem like a winning cause in popular opinion–because it comes across as he wants to disqualify a Mexican judge on an issue unrelated to Mexico or immigration. With regard to his background, when he was appointed–he was confirmed in the senate with any apparent opposition from the “rock ribbed conservatives.”

    However, Trump obviously is very calculating and smart–so there may be more to this. If anything–it shows that he is willing to play the same games the left does and not be beholden to the one sided code of conduct and rules of engagement .I think a may be more of a preemptive cover in case the lawsuit doesn’t go his way.

    • It is possible he’s also doing this to intentionally work the Overton Window just a ted further, in an inch by inch fashion. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems he and Ann Coulter have been working it quite well, though I notice Ann isn’t on Fox anymore.

  7. These crystal clear racial demarcation lines are setting the stage. Whites can no longer escape the foregone conclusion they are being targeted by this dying system. Ironically the system is destroying itself. As fewer and fewer people make money and pay taxes, its power and influence dies. As time goes on, they will no longer have any influence at all. The System is collapsing and their “followers” are turning on each other as their free shit runs out. These are no pied pipers with hypnotic tunes, they are idiots getting people to follow with free shit dropped behind them. When that free shit runs out and it will, no one will follow their lead anymore.

  8. Gingrich of the Salamader is my new chuck .Witness the 2nd generation wet back judge can’t be prejudice h’s merkin

  9. Gingrich back to being a cuck.

    ‘Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich ripped Donald Trump on Sunday for claiming U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel can’t impartially handle a lawsuit involving the billionaire because he’s “Mexican.”

    “This is one of the worst mistakes Trump has made,” Gingrich, who’s been floated as a potential running mate for Trump, told Fox News.

    “I think it’s inexcusable. He has every right to criticize a judge, and has every right to say certain decisions aren’t right, and his attorneys can file to move the venue from the judge,” Gingrich said. “But first of all, this judge was born in Indiana, he’s an American, period,” he added.

  10. Trump is the only way to avert a War. The US is a Communist State founded with a Communist doctrine. The only reason the Government wasn’t what was activated in 1861 from the outset is because of the Anti-Federalists but the Federal Constitution plants the seeds of eventual Empire with it’s design. As long as the founding document includes those seeds (Generalizing it would be creating a Centralized Sovereign district to focus State Power and Involuntary Taxation) it does not matter the measures taken to curtail the General Government’s power, it will erupt into Empire as we saw in 1861. In the guise of enshrining the smallest Government possible, the largest Government ever devised was enacted with the Constitution of 1787. If not slavery it would have been something else to get the masses behind activating the Federal Government. Madison and Hamilton wanted the States to be reduced to territories/provinces from the outset and created an entity that would result in it. Read the Constitution and see if, to you, there is any way to keep it from becoming an all powerful Empire. The Jews simply slid into what their servants (free masons) and Hamilton (Jew) created 250 years ago when they took over in the early 20th Century. Trump is laying the political foundation for secession. He has already fractured the unity of the Jewish owned Federal Government, it is just a matter of a State seizing on that to exit. It will happen, what State Legislature doesn’t want to be Sovereign within’ it’s domain? No more will they have to fight over a handful of seats in a foreign district to wield real power.

    • The Jews were in power when this nation was founded because they already controlled the Bank of England and the Banking Houses on the Continent, The French Revolution which Thomas Jefferson another antiwhite scumbag supported was a direct attack on Jesus Christ led byh the Jew Adam Weishaupt and his Illuminati Palls. Jefferson called the Revolutionaries heroes even after they declared Negroes full citizens and had multiple Negroes sitting in the French Revolutionary Convention.

      If you dont believe me that Thomas Jefferson was ANTIWHITE he advocated interracial marriage between Whites and Native Americans as a way to end the Indian Wars in fact he and Patrick Henry wanted to subsidize Interracial Couples in Virginia. Although he didnt believe in this same right for Negroes it showed that Jefferson was Intellectually Dishonest. John C Calhoun repudiated Jefferson in the 1840s read the Oregon Bill Speech.

      Even the Confederacy was not without it’s problems. There was in 1861 a measure supported by General Thomas Stonewall Jackson to make all Confederate citizens swear an oath of alliegence to Jesus Christ in fact Jackson was vocally supportive saying that only Jesus Christ could defeat the Union.Well Judah P Benjamin was successful in keeping Jesus out of the Confederate Constitution replacing it with the Generic mention of God, Benjamin and his tribe also defeated the Loyalty Oath. Stonewall its said by some said that the Confederacy was doomed when this happened because it didnt show reverence to the King of Kings.

    • Which is why the new ‘musical,’ HAMILTON, is a c-RAP musical.

      Utter Niggers lying about WHITE MAN’S INTERESTS.
      Abomination as Art.

      Shun it. Demean it. Destroy it.

  11. That beaner judge is a Mexican activist who opposes the wall, legislates in favor of illegals and has close ties to La Raza. Trump is 100% correct and perfectly within his rights to question the judge’s integrity and objectivity.

    The useless cucks like Erick Erickson and his gang of dishonest weasel are in a tizzy over this alleged racism by Trump.

    However, this is what duplicitous Cuckson wrote back in 2009.

    • The GOP under the cucks tried all of that. Now they conveniently want to forget so they can play virtue warrior. Remember the Black Panthers harassing poll stations story from 2012? Yeah, well it ran endlessly on cuck media for weeks.

      Anyway, how do the cucks who promoted the failed Bush presidency, ran two loser cucks in a row (McCain and Romney), nominated Paul Ryan as Romney’s vp only for him to get spanked on national television by Joe Biden, and lost the majority of votes for congress – retaining congress only by gerrymandering – get off giving advice to anyone? If anything, you’d be better off reflexively doing the opposite of whatever these scum say.

  12. Judge Gonzalo Curiel is a member of the La Raza Lawyers of San Diego and oversaw the gift of a law school scholarship to an illegal alien no way he could be bias!

  13. Looks like a new tell all book on Hillary is hitting the shelves later on this month.

    From the brief excerpts that have been released, looks like she is completely insane. If we thought Obama was bad, Clinton is straight up nuts. She might actually be the person that can kick off enough domestic disorder for a real shift in power to occur.

    Aside from her immigration plans, it might not be that bad if she is elected. She would pick up right where Obama left off in polarizing the remaining Whites who still believe in the broken system – but perhaps with more speed than Obama was capable of.

  14. The Journal of American Greatness demolishes the arguments of cuckservatives.

    Trump and the Judge

    Something that we think still confuses a lot of conservatives is their presumption that leftwing arguments are supposed to be applied evenhandedly. Thus their befuddlement over Trump’s comment about the judge.

    When Sonia Sotomayor said that being a “wise Latina” influences her decisions for the better, that—we were told—was not merely nothing to worry about but a sign of her judicial temperament and fitness for the High Court. When Trump says being a Latino will influence this judge’s hearing of his case, he’s Hitler.

    There may seem at first glance to be an inconsistency here. But there is a common thread. The left mostly takes for granted, first, that people from certain ethnicities in positions of power will be liberal Democrats and, second, that they will use that power in the interests of their party and co-ethnics. This is a core reason for shouts of “treason!” “Uncle Tom” (or Tomas) and the like. People like Clarence Thomas are offending the left’s whole conception of the moral order. How dare he!

    The implicit assumption underlying Sotomayor’s comment and Thomas’ refusal to play to type is that there is a type—an expectation. By virtue of her being a liberal, a Democrat, a woman, and a Latina (wise or otherwise), Sotomayor’s voting pattern on the Court ought to be predictable. As, indeed, it is. So should Thomas’, but he declines to play his assigned role.

    The slightly deeper assumption is that this identity-based predictability is necessary, because the institutions and laws as designed will not reliably produce the “correct” outcome. That’s the logic of diversity in a nutshell. If everybody in power strictly followed law and procedure, the good guys—the poor, minorities, women, etc.—would lose a great deal of the time and that would be bad. We need people who will look past the niceties of the rule of law and toward the outcome—the end. The best way to ensure that is “diversity,” i.e., people more loyal to their own party and tribe than to abstractions like the rule of law.

    Trump simply took this very same logic and restated it from his own point-of-view—that is, from the point-of-view of a rich, Republican, ostentatiously hyper-American defendant in a lawsuit being litigated in a highly-charged political environment. He knows full well that at least 50% of the country will howl like crazy if he wins this suit. He knows that the judge knows that, too. He further knows that judge knows what his own “side” expects him to do. It would take an act of extraordinary courage to act against interest and expectation in this instance. And our present system is not calibrated to produce such acts of courage but rather to produce the expected outcome.

    That’s what diversity is for. That is, beyond the fairness issue, viz., that in a multiethnic country, it’s unwise and arguably unjust for high offices to be monopolized by one group. But that’s an argument for something like quotas—or, if you want to be high-minded about it, “distributive justice”—and the quota rationale for diversity is passé. The current rationale is that diversity provides “perspectives.” Perspectives to aid in getting around the law and procedure. Otherwise, who cares about diversity? Just apply the law. Simple.

    Trump is taking for granted—because he is not blind—that ethnic Democratic judges will rule in the interests of their party and of their ethnic bloc. That’s what they’re supposed to do. The MSM and the overall narrative say this is just fine. It’s only bad when someone like Trump points it out in a negative way. If a properly sanctified liberal had said “This man is a good judge because his background gives him the perspective to see past narrow, technical legalities and grasp the larger justice,” not only would no one have complained, that comment would have been widely praised. In fact, comments just like it are celebrated all the time. That is precisely what Justice Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” phrase was meant to convey.

    Plus, Trump has whacked the hornets’ nest by his criticism of Mexican immigration, which he feels this judge is bound to take personally. And why shouldn’t he conclude that? The left (and the domesticated right) tell us incessantly that any criticism—however fair or factual—that touches on a specific group will inevitably arouse the ire of that group. Don’t say anything negative about immigration or the Hispanics will never vote for you! Don’t say anything critical of Islamic terror or more Muslims will hate us! But when Trump uses that same logic—I’ve criticized Mexican immigration so it’s likely this judge won’t like me—he’s a villain.

    To look for logical consistency in any of this is to miss the point. Trump is bad, and he is using these leftist arguments for bad (that is, not their intended) ends. Therefore he is both bad and wrong, even though others who say logically identical things are good and right.


  15. Here is a link elucidating links between Curiel and La Raza:

    While the cuckoo author tries to rationalize Curiel’s association with the networking group in a couple ways (overt lies and obfuscations), she also deliberately misses the point; if a white judge joined a ‘white’ lawyers networking group (contrary to leftist propaganda ‘la raza does in fact mean race) he would be pilloried even with the most stellar of records for objectivity. And that’s not even counting the link to the official La Raza lobbying group that exists at the bottom of the lawyers’ networking page.

    All that said, every time the establishment pseudo shames Trump the white middle class rallies around him. The question I’m left with is Billy Ray’s. It’s looking more and more as if a win for Hillary truly might be our bigger ‘win.’

  16. Cucks stand with the anti-White, pro White Genocide cabal. They are traitors. There’s nothing more to it.

  17. This question is way off topic, but I think we’re all used to that by now—our entire world is “off topic” more often than not:

    Does anyone have any first-hand contact with Jack Ryan? Is he sincere? Would you consider him an asset?

  18. “A housebroken cuck expects you to know that “we are all individuals,” but at the same time we are not. If you go off that script, it makes you a racist. Meanwhile, the Left attacks Trump as a “racist” for his comments on the Mexican federal judge, but simultaneously demands that women and “people of color” be appointed to the courts precisely because their background gives them a different perspective than cisgendered White males. Trump’s list of Supreme Court picks was attacked because of its lack of “diversity.”” Well let’s see is individual perspective the same as collectvism?
    “Second, Donald Trump is destroying the GOP because the racial, ethnic, cultural and religious affiliations of non-Whites, whether they are blacks, Hispanics, or Muslims, is of supreme importance because these groups all have a collectivist mindset and have been offended by Trump’s racist and bigoted comments. This is also true of women who have been offended as a group by Trump’s sexist remarks over the years.” yes he’s making hasty generalizations of groups of people and not treating people as individuals like you are…

  19. “1.) First, a person’s racial, ethnic, cultural and religious background – in this case, a Hispanic federal judge – tells you nothing of importance about that person. Instead, we are all “individuals,” and it is a heresy against TruConservatism to suggest that “individuals” in the real world are anything more than this role in which they have been cast, which is to say, “individuals” have tribal loyalties and affiliations.

    2.) Second, Donald Trump is destroying the GOP because the racial, ethnic, cultural and religious affiliations of non-Whites, whether they are blacks, Hispanics, or Muslims, is of supreme importance because these groups all have a collectivist mindset and have been offended by Trump’s racist and bigoted comments. This is also true of women who have been offended as a group by Trump’s sexist remarks over the years. ”
    And these conflict how? Trump is framing whole groups to attack an individual for which it doesn’t matter…and to play the race card at that when his scam is being revealed on top of that…

    “A housebroken cuck expects you to know that “we are all individuals,” but at the same time we are not. If you go off that script, it makes you a racist. Meanwhile, the Left attacks Trump as a “racist” for his comments on the Mexican federal judge, but simultaneously demands that women and “people of color” be appointed to the courts precisely because their background gives them a different perspective than cisgendered White males. Trump’s list of Supreme Court picks was attacked because of its lack of “diversity.”” individuals are too caught up in thief own cultures to be objective so exposing each other helps…again you misunderstand

  20. Almost the entire judiciary is left wing cabal and it becomes increasingly so each year. It is very rare these days to see anyone but a minority because Judge in state or federal court.

  21. I wish Trump would shift this to an attack on the outsized power and role of the judiciary in our society, not just the judge in this case. Talk about how no one should be forced to make cake for gay marriages, for instance, but since a judge thought we should, it is now law.

  22. We are told by the media that Mexicans will never support Trump because of his statements regarding immigrants and his advocacy for a border wall. Then when Trump agrees with them they become indignant.

  23. Excellent deconstruction of the Jew Narrative, aka Multiculti.

    The Judge is a member of ‘LA RAZA’ – ‘THE Race’- for crying out loud, if THAT isn’t ‘racist’, then what is?

    Oh, only WHITES can be racist?
    Sorry not buying.

  24. Nehlen is Ryan’s opponent in the Aug. Election. Jew Sykes a rabid Trump hater doing his best to derail him.

    Paul Nehlen @pnehlen

    Save your sanctimonious outrage Paul Ryan. Presidential precedent is with #Trump read The Donald & The La Raza Judge

    (((Charlie Sykes))) ?@SykesCharlie
    (((Charlie Sykes))) Retweeted Paul Nehlen

    Paul Ryan’s Palin-backed challenger defends Trump’s racist attack on Latino judge.(((Charlie Sykes))) added,

  25. Well, well, well.

    Founder of Judge Curiel’s Group: Whites Should Go Back to Europe, California To Be ‘Hispanic State’

    A 2010 Snopes report asserts that the first-listed co-founder of Judge Curiel’s group, Obledo, made the statements. They reported:

    Mario Obledo was a co-founder of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) and the La Raza Lawyers of California bar association, and he formerly served as California’s Secretary of Health and Welfare. We don’t know exactly when and where he first made his controversial statement about California’s becoming a “Hispanic state,” but he has confirmed he said it at least twice: during an appearance on Ray Briem’s talk radio show in May or June of 1998, and again on Tom Leykis’ talk radio show:

    Obledo: “We’re going to take over all the political institutions of California. In five years the Hispanics are going to be the majority population of this state.”

    Caller: “You also made the statement that California is going to become a Hispanic state, and if anyone doesn’t like it, they should leave. Did you say that?”

    Obledo: “I did. They ought to go back to Europe.”

  26. “2.) Second, Donald Trump is destroying the GOP because the racial, ethnic, cultural and religious affiliations of non-Whites, whether they are blacks, Hispanics, or Muslims, is of supreme importance because these groups all have a collectivist mindset and have been offended by Trump’s racist and bigoted comments. This is also true of women who have been offended as a group by Trump’s sexist remarks over the years” because it says nothing about them as individuals yet trump makes sweeping generalizations that aren’t accurate in the first place! You make a false dichotomy to hide trumps problems that he committed legit fraud.

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