169 House Democrats Sign Letter Denouncing Occidental Dissent


Wow, it looks like I have arrived!

“Disturbingly, leading white supremacists like former KKK Grand Dragon David Duke, American Nazi Party Chairman Rocky J. Suhadya, Richard Spencer, Peter Brimelow, and Brad Griffin have praised the news of Mr. Bannon’s appointment,” the letter reads. “We believe it should concern you that civil rights groups, including the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, are widely opposed to Mr. Bannon’s appointment.”

I’ve never heard of Rocky J. Suhadya. As far as I know, Suhadya is some guy that Buzzfeed contacts from time to time in order to get a scare quote from something called the “American Nazi Party.” I’m also just a small-time blogger, but now the Democrat Caucus is attacking me. No one on this list knows or has anything to do with Steve Bannon, but the #LyingPress has to drive their precious Narrative.

Note: The Huffington Post is also mad at us. I think this is why the site has been so choppy lately.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Congratulations, Sir!

    The fact that they not only admit to reading you, regularly, but, as well, rue you, is quite an acknowledgment. Clearly they feel repudiated, which has got to feel very rewarding. If it were not so, they would not try to tether you with the ‘witch placart’ placet about thy neck.

    Certainly I have long relied upon your even-handed excoriations of their diabolical usurpations, and all their ‘hate’ directed at Dixie, and, now, we know that they do, too, as well.

    Their power is waning, and you have played a part in that.

    Don’t become nice. They don’t deserve it…

  2. Honorable members, I am not now, nor have I ever been, an associate, in any way, shape or form, of Hunter Wallace; and I utterly reject his divisive rhetoric and toxic politics.

  3. Sky News: The Pledge | 17 Nov 2016:

    “On this episode of The Pledge, Nick Ferrari, Graeme Le Saux, Michelle Dewberry, [Ghana Nigger] June Sarpong MBE and [Ghananorway Kikenigger] Afua Hirsch looked at whether Donald Trump is a blip in US history, if Nigel Farage should be Britain’s US negotiator, whether the EU should have called an emergency meeting about President-elect Donald Trump.”

    The Nigger and Kikenigger say and agree and reinforce: “We Europeans need to uphold European values against Trump and Putin.”

    The Sky Nigger & Kikenigger agree that Trump is just a ‘blip’, because in 20 years the USA will be minority White, so ‘the far right’ will die, except for Anglin and Seventh Son.

    The three white panelists were OF COURSE appalled by Trump and Farage, but were also of the opinion that they are humans with valid points of view. The niggers rolled their eyes, huffed and puffed, emoted, shouted down opposition.

    You can tell from Michelle Dewberry’s face while the niggers are emoting — she’s thinking, “Why do I have to sit here listening to these dumb niggers? Must bite tongue.”

    Graeme The Lad talks about footie.







    More Sky News: Bob Dylan sez he’s too busy to pick up his Nobel.

    Now Sky is discussing a huge scam: “To explain, we go to our finiancial expert, Tamara Cohen.”

  4. Why would Trump care that people who supported him are being denounced by people who denounced him for supporting his personal choice for adviser?

    These people, who supported the Partition of Sudan, Ethiopia and other satrapies should seek it here now while they still can. With each day that passes the broader right gets acclimated to the new direction, and less fearful of speaking and acting against the Jew. Only war can put the genie back in the bottle.

    We can use their districts as the basis of a Partition map.

  5. “I think this is why the site has been so choppy lately”

    There’s a good chance. Welcome to TRS and Daily Stormer hell. Once you’re on the list of bad goys, your website “magically” becomes less stable.

  6. “there’s only one thing worse than being talked about and that is…

    not being talked about”.

    Oscar Wilde.

    We’re being talked about – good.

  7. The letter references a rash of hate crime violence against everyone…but whites. I haven’t seen any concrete evidence that proves any of these, but I have for the anti-Trump attacks.

  8. The real problem here is how willing the Democratic party is to endorse anti-white boilerplate prepared most, likely by, a Jewish Supremacist organization like the SPLC or ADL.

    • Oh, they’re ready willing and able. The silver lining, normies will begin to see that the people driving White hatred are Jews.

  9. “Suhadya” does not sound like a particularly Teutonic name to me. I can’t even identify the ethnic source of that name. Is this poseur a Jew “Knaaazee” like Frank Collins?
    Haha!!! These attacks confirm EVERYTHING we’ve ever said about Them.

  10. For the new readership, we agree with you, America is racist. But we don’t see that as bad thing.

    • Incidentally, I always found white people overall far less racist than other groups, from experience. Latinos on blacks, Arabs on blacks, Blacks on Asians. But hey, only white people can be ”racist”.

      • No one in Washington or the MSM media or in Hollywood demand the blacks shut-down their Black Supremacist websites, and many of the Black Supremacist websites openly advocate EXTREME Black Supremacism, extreme hatred and violence against Whites, and advocate the KILLING of Whites. The Black Panthers have websites, no one in Washington or anywhere else demand the blacks shut-down their Black Panther and Black Lives Matter websites ; They all support Obama, no one demands Obama renounce the black websites promoting KILLING of Whites. Same with the Muslims and their Muslim Islamic Jihadist websites advocating extreme Muslim Supremacism and extreme violence against NON Muslims,especially against Whites.

        No one demands the Mexicans shut down their Aztlan “LA RAZA” websites, VERY Supremacist, like the black websites, advocate the KILLING of White Americans. “La Raza” means “The Race”. No one complains about that or demands the Mexicans shut down their Mexican Supremacist websites that advocate violence against Whites. And very extreme violence against us White Americans do they always advocate.


        The White Supremacist, or so-called White Supremacist websites, the WN websites, the ALT RIGHT websites, are extremely mild compared to the kind of websites the blacks, the Mexicans, the Muslims, have.

        The MSM and Hollywood constantly encourage and goad the blacks and the other minorities to attack us Whites, in their movies and in their TV shows. Washington never complains about that, never demands Hollywood stop encouraging violence against us White Americans. FUCK the MSM media, FUCK Hollywood, FUCK Washington.

        Fithy dirty liars and phonies, they foment violence against us White Americans all the time in so many ways, then they demand we close down the White advocacy websites ; And they do fully well know our White advocacy websites are very civilized, especially compared to the websites of the blacks and the Mexicans and the Muslims and all the other minorities. Nothing but pure hatred and the promotion of intense violence against us White Americans at so many minority websites. Washington not only has nothing to say about that, Washington actually supports minority Supremacist websites, even the ones who promote the most intense violence against us White Americans, even the ones intensely promoting KILLING Us White Americans.

        They don’t ever demand George Soros STOP planning and bankrolling and carrying-out RIOTS, ARSON, attacking us White Americans, the KILLING of White Policemen, the KILLING of us White Americans.

        When they arrest George Soros, when they get rid of Black Lives Matter, when they get rid of the Black Panthers, when they close down the mosques in the USA ardently preaching the most extreme violent Islamic Jihad against us White Americans, when the crack -down on the Mexicans in the USA committing so many violent crimes against us White Americans, when they demand the minorities close down their EXTREMELY RACIAL and EXTREMELY VIOLENT-FOMENTING-AGAINST-US-WHITE-AMERICANS websites, then we can talk about closing down our White Advocacy websites.

      • No one in Washington or the MSM media or in Hollywood demand the blacks shut-down their Black Supremacist websites, and many of the Black Supremacist websites openly advocate EXTREME Black Supremacism, extreme hatred and violence against Whites, and advocate the KILLING of Whites. The Black Panthers have websites, no one in Washington or anywhere else demand the blacks shut-down their Black Panther and Black Lives Matter websites ; They all support Obama, no one demands Obama renounce the black websites promoting KILLING of Whites. Same with the Muslims and their Muslim Islamic Jihadist websites advocating extreme Muslim Supremacism and extreme violence against NON Muslims,especially against Whites.

        No one demands the Mexicans shut down their Aztlan “LA RAZA” websites, VERY Supremacist, like the black websites, advocate the KILLING of White Americans. “La Raza” means “The Race”. No one complains about that or demands the Mexicans shut down their Mexican Supremacist websites that advocate violence against Whites. And very extreme violence against us White Americans do they always advocate.


        The White Supremacist, or so-called White Supremacist websites, the WN websites, the ALT RIGHT websites, are extremely mild compared to the kind of websites the blacks, the Mexicans, the Muslims, have.

        The MSM and Hollywood constantly encourage and goad the blacks and the other minorities to attack us Whites, in their movies and in their TV shows. Washington never complains about that, never demands Hollywood stop encouraging violence against us White Americans. FUCK the MSM media, FUCK Hollywood, FUCK Washington.

        Fithy dirty liars and phonies, they foment violence against us White Americans all the time in so many ways, then they demand we close down the White advocacy websites ; And they do fully well know our White advocacy websites are very civilized, especially compared to the websites of the blacks and the Mexicans and the Muslims and all the other minorities. Nothing but pure hatred and the promotion of intense violence against us White Americans at so many minority websites. Washington not only has nothing to say about that, Washington actually supports minority Supremacist websites, even the ones who promote the most intense violence against us White Americans, even the ones intensely promoting KILLING Us White Americans.

        They don’t ever demand George Soros STOP planning and bankrolling and carrying-out RIOTS, ARSON, attacking us White Americans, the KILLING of White Policemen, the KILLING of us White Americans.

        When they arrest George Soros, when they get rid of Black Lives Matter, when they get rid of the Black Panthers, when they close down the mosques in the USA ardently preaching the most extreme violent Islamic Jihad against us White Americans, when the crack -down on the Mexicans in the USA committing so many violent crimes against us White Americans, when they demand the minorities close down their EXTREMELY RACIAL and EXTREMELY VIOLENT-FOMENTING-AGAINST-US-WHITE-AMERICANS websites, then we can talk about closing down our White Advocacy websites.

  11. I recognize that fanuc in the top photo. He’s David Cicilline, Congressman from Rhode Island’s 1st district. He used to be my “representative”. Cicilline is one of the most liberal demonrats in Congress and a notorious homosexualist. If he doesn’t like Occidental Dissent then Mr. Wallace should be very proud of that fact!

  12. It means they’re reading you Hunter. I’d say you’ve arrived. I’ll bet your internet traffic goes up, thanks to these anti-White water boys for the (((usual suspects))).

  13. Good work Brad, be sure to add your BTC wallet address to the site so Brave browser users can contribute some BTC.

  14. These people are scum. It’s time to start going after them: tax their online advertisers to bankrupt them, revoke their 501C, change state and federal laws to increase media competition make them less profitable, break up monopolies, and build up alternative media.

    These regressives are the same scum who denounced people for rightly pointing out Obama’s racist preacher.

  15. Does all this new publicity mean that Disqus is going to declare that Occidental Dissent is in “violation of its community standards” and will then cut off access to its comments system, the way they did with Infostormer and Daily Stormer?

    • I hope not. It would be unpleasant to require everyone everywhere to comply with Skype interests and demands.

  16. Just start praising the “Southerner” Judah P. Benjamin again and the joos will stop hassling Occidental Dissent. The Democrats nor anyone else ever hassled Occidental Dissent when Hunter was always praising Judah P. Benjamin to-the-Heavens!

  17. What we learned in 2016:

    1. ‘Racism’ really means ‘I hate White people’. ‘Racism’ just means you’re anti-White.
    2. Diversity means everyone MUST think alike about ‘diversity’.
    3. Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for Everyone IS White Genocide.
    4. The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of White people’s money.
    5. Polls don’t assess public opinion, BUT rather coerce and direct public opinion.
    6. Virtue signalling is no virtue. It’s theft.

  18. Hunter you lulzy bastard, you’ve arrived all right. Remember who inspired you to start blogging on Occidental Dissent again way back in the day, okay? (Hint: me)

  19. I am very concerned about the theft of the election, by the Communist freaks, via bribing or intimidating the Electors of the Electoral College.

  20. The ridiculousness of these Democrats (((Our Guys))) singling out OD meanwhile Black Lives Matter kills cops and Negro cops at that is utter ridiculousness. (((THEY))) are losing control on the narrative. If they weren’t they wouldn’t be so desperate to shut us down

    • As the movie, “The Cradle will Rock” clearly showed, fags, Jews, and bolshies think the Arts belong to (((them))).
      They don’t.

      Massive physical harm needs to come to the cast, crew, sets, and music of this degenerate filth. This is my prayer.

    • Saying “nigger” is only a mortal sin when one of us “racists” utter it. The hypocrisy and double standards of the left can never be underestimated.

  21. Whites are not anymore “racist” than any other group. And should not take crap from this vermin and filth, psychotic sociopathic deranged poltroons. (((Who))) is behind this?

  22. Congratulations, Hunter. As I recall, you are already on the ((($PLC’s))) naughty list, so this isn’t the first feather in your cap. I am looking forward to more history and culture posts once all the hubbub has died down a bit. As a non-Southron, I have found them particularly informative. However, my wife did look a little perplexed when I started referring to the War of Northern Aggression and how Lincoln was perhaps the worst president ever. Anyway, thanks for all the good reading.


    A reader from the heart of Cuckistan

    • Lincoln didn’t even win the popular vote!

      He won with 39% of the fucking vote. The electoral colllege amplified it to a 180 EV.

  23. Careful hunter. Save a copy of all your works. You don’t want to see all your phenomenal pieces to go down the drain.These monsters are waiting to go for the jugular. Already chris313s blog has been ovened

  24. Next we can expect a massive purge in disqus at the behest of them. And even net neutrality so they can have reign supreme over the internet

  25. It’s an easy question, do you want Brad Griffin as a neighbor or the usual street thug of the Democratic party as your neighbor. Now I would choose Mr Griffin, and the virtue signaling scum who signed this letter would do so as well

  26. They are scared, very scared. The scam isnt working anymore. RIP Clifford Trahan aka Johnny Rebel 1938-2016

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