The Trump Wall Takes Shape

I always figured the Trump Wall would be built in this way:

“House Republicans and Donald Trump’s team are coalescing around a multi-billion dollar plan to make good on the president-elect’s campaign vows to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, according to top Republican lawmakers and aides.

Republican leaders, in tandem with Trump’s transition staff, are considering using a 2006 law signed by former President George W. Bush that authorized the construction of 700 miles-plus of “physical barrier” on the southern border. The law was never fully implemented and did not include a sunset provision, allowing Trump to pick up where Bush left off — with the help of new money from Congress. …

Multiple Republican sources said the House will also likely pass a border-security package sometime later in the spring or summer. The plan could meld new provisions to older bills passed by the House and the Homeland Security Committee in 2014 and 2015, respectively. ..”

This is great news.

The Secure Fence Act of 2006 was a token gesture passed by the Republican Congress, shortly before it was wiped out in the first Democratic wave, during one of W.’s failed pushes for comprehensive immigration reform. There should be enough leeway in the broad language of the law to start construction of the Trump Wall. The only obstacle is getting the funding for it past Democratic opposition in Congress.

During the campaign, Trump said that Mexico would pay for the wall. No one will care though so long as the damn wall actually gets built this time. If the Republican Congress funds the Trump Wall and follows up with a strong immigration package later in the spring or the summer, it will earn them a lot of good will.

Don’t screw with us on immigration. Let the demise of the Republican Congress in 2006 be a warning of what happens when you go there.

Note: In related news, there are rumors that Kris Kobach was Trump’s first choice for DHS Secretary, but John McCain and Lindsey Graham blocked his nomination. Kobach could also still be in the running for the new position of Immigration Czar, but there are reports in the Kansas City Star that “some aides are lobbying Trump to steer clear of Kobach and to take a more moderate stance on immigration.”

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Let’s call “comprehensive immigration reform” what it is: Amnesty and Open Borders.

    A self-respecting nation respects its own borders as well as the borders of other nations. And it insists that other nations do likewise.

    Borders didn’t come about by accident. Many if not most were hard-earned by the blood, sweat and tears of patriots. All serve a critical purpose: maintaining the integrity of nations and of peoples. Treason was always punishable by hanging, and for good reason.

    • Let’s call “comprehensive immigration reform” what it is: Amnesty and Open Borders.

      It also means open the floodgates wider and make sure no white Canadians, Australians, Euros get in.

  2. Pardon an off-topic post, but I just want to repost this comment from SBPDL in view of its relevance to Southern Nationalism. Denise, I think you would have loved this guy. You’d get on like a house on fire.

    Pardon the off-topic post, but I’m leaving the USA today after visiting family for the past three months, and wanted to report on an encounter yesterday, the last full day of my visit.

    I went to visit one of the many Civil War historic sites in the South. I won’t say which one, to protect the innocent. Got into a very interesting discussion with a Southern gentleman, who gave me some information.

    At one point, I told him I have a huge admiration for the Confederacy, who fought bravely and honourably against impossible odds. He agreed, and said not only were they outnumbered three to one, but their economy worked against them. Whereas the North had a strong industrial base that could manufacture all the arms and materiel they needed, the South had to import theirs. While the South was wealthy, he said, their total industrial investment was only about ten million dollars, compared to (I think he said) $240 million in slaves.

    I remarked that, with such an investment, I could understand why they wanted to breed their slaves; unlike the Arabs. They also took slaves from Africa, but they had a completely different policy. They castrated all their slaves. Use once, then throw away.

    He looked a little taken aback, but not scandalised, and I could swear there was a tinge of regret in his voice as he said, “Amazing to think what we did back in those days.”

    “Yes,” I said. “And what we should have done, and didn’t.” Then the conversation moved on to other subjects.

    Now, for the benefit of any leftist lurkers who think they can guess where and with whom this conversation took place, and maybe get him fired, let me state for the record that he said nothing actionable. Furthermore, I have Asperger’s Syndrome (a type of Autism), so anything I may say about non-verbal communication is unreliable.

    Nevertheless, we parted on cordial terms, and I believe each of understood that we had found in the other a kindred spirit. The South is not dead yet.

    • The South is not dead, and will NOT EVER die, as long as there are White Southern Men and Women. . And thank you for that story. The Arab policy was and is the correct way to go with Negroes. A savage understands a savage.

      • @HW: I saw your tweet on REINS, and I want to weigh in.

        I suggest one way to look at this REINS move is that it’s an attempt by Ryan and the Chamber of Commerce GOP to weaken Trump’s powers, constrain his options and remove another barrier toward pushing a donor class agenda. REINS looks like one of those bullshit laws that the GOP has kept in the file cabinet for years waiting for an opportunity to implement it.

        Yes, the Obama administration abused its executive authority. But, so what? Obama is gone, and the Trump administration will be soon assuming those powers. Why weaken the powers of the executive branch just as Trump is taking them over? How does REINS help the Trump administration advance a populist agenda? It doesn’t in any way. If anything, it limits the administration’s options.

        Trump can reverse any bad decisions by the Obama admin on a case-by-case basis using executive orders, administrative decrees and guidelines via the agencies.

        So, the problem from a rightist vantage point imo isn’t executive authority but how Obama used it. A major cuckservative and TruCon meme is the retarded meme “limited government,” which, as you know, is just window dressing for the gullible rubes who don’t realize what the GOP means by “limited government” is removing barriers to the donor class agenda.

        The problem with all federal institutions isn’t the institutions themselves but who runs things. Like Sam Francis pointed out years ago, following James Burnham’s ideas on the managerial state, rightists ought to support, if you will, “Big Government,” and using the massive powers of the federal government for rightist purposes.

        So I guess what I’m trying to say here is that if the alt right is going to have a position on REINS, it should be to oppose what the GOP Congress’s position on the grounds that it restricts the Trump administration’s options and that the alt right rejects cuckservative views on “limited government” anyway.

        I also think the “limited government” meme needs to go into the list of cuckservative memes to be mocked the way people already mock Constitution fetishism (at least we have the Constituition, etc.).

  3. It is a bit perplexing to me that Speaker Ryan is actually not opposing this.

    Though I trust Trump, like a tank driver, I remain wary…

  4. Why not simply stop rewarding wetbacks for coming here? No more welfare, medical care, schooling or jobs. Severely punish would be employers for providing the latter. There’s a comprehensive immigration reform program.

    • The wall is a symbol of national will. Symbols are important. Without the right symbols, things don’t get done.

      • The problem with symbols is they can be hollow, and have plenty of doors…or be built by Israelis, etc.

        • Everyone understands (or should understand) that if the politicians don’t build a wall but instead promise to enact various other measures constituting a “virtual wall,” that means the day is lost, and in consequence of the struggle being abandoned these other things won’t happen either.

          On the other hand, actually building the wall means “huzzah! Victory!” In consequence of that victory, other useful things would follow.

          • In this case it hasn’t been a waste of time. They voted for a wall and are getting one. Next time they might vote for the end of forced integration.

          • Their “virtual wall” is open borders, with endless 3rd world immigration, illegal and “legal”.

        • “We’ll put automated gates along the wall, and only heavily, deeply vetted Mexicans will be given the passcodes, and we don’t have to worry about traitors in D.C. giving away the passcodes, because we’ll keep them safe and secure in Tel Aviv.”

    • That would be effective, problem being when democrats are back in office those policies can easily be rolled back.

      Having a wall in place makes it that much easier to enforce border security as administrations go back and forth in the future. Instead of revamping policy, all that is needed is to simply close off entry points and call it a day.

    • The Supreme Cour f**ked us on that thirty-five years ago:

      Plyler v. Doe

      This insane decision required states to provide free public education to the children of invaders. This ruling would have to be overturned.

      • Ted Kennedy was very instrumental in setting up that insane invasion. I wonder if his brain tumor was already screwing up his thinking back then OR was he just a crazed lunatic OR did the assassinations of his bros drive him into insanity?

        • Not the illegal invasion, just the legal one. And Kennedy gets too much credit (blame) for that. It was the Hart-Celler bill that opened up the (legal) immigration spigot. Kennedy was its’ sponsor in the Senate, but the real impetus of that act was the lifelong effort of Emmanuel Celler.

      • I’m talking about Congressional action. SCOTUS rarely rules against the Feds. The “conservatives” on the court even saved Obamacare.

        • If Congress would act, that would help. However, in the past, even with Republican majorities, they seldom did. It has mostly been state governments that took the lead in opposing illegal immigration. And now there are court precedents to prevent governments from providing “services” to illegal aliens. It’s a mess.

      • A good sensor net and a heliborne rapid reaction force would be better. Besides, wire won’t stop the bullets and occasional mortar fire from the Mexican side.

        • No doubt about it, the US-Messican border needs to be militarized! How’s the situation at the border between El Paso and Juarez?

          • Firefights. Border patrol get shot at all the time. The cartels even send helicopters over into our airspace. They’re so well equipped and uniformed, they can easily be mistaken for legitimate Mexican troops.

          • Our military is supposed to defend our borders but our traitors have them too busy defending other countries borders.

  5. Quiet is better. No need to rouse the coalition of the ascendant just yet.

    Shut up and build the Wall.

  6. Another Trump action: firing all anbassadors and taking on the Deep State especially the CIA.

    Time to pester Trump? No. Time to remain steadfast and loyal.

  7. Trump calling it the “Great Wall” in tweet. Saying he will build it with US money for sake of SPEED and make Mexico pay for it later.

  8. ‘….some aides are lobbying Trump to steer clear of Kobach and to take a more moderate stance on immigration.”

    To hell with moderation! Hire Roddy Dutarte. Give us our country back!!!

  9. The wall lost its appeal when Trump described the “big beautiful open doors” he will be putting on it… H1B and all the other “legal pathways” are just as much if not more of an issue than illegal immigration.

    • Sometimes I think concentrating on the illegal is a deliberate distraction to keep us from noticing how much more damage the legal kind has done. We have to make clear that all of it is integral to White Genocide.

  10. We’re in a War and about 3% of the White population recognize & acknowledge it. About 90% of Blacks do.

    Sooner or later, we’ll have our own “Emmett Till” moment (be it a “black” Dylann Roof or something else), and the blogs, protests and hand wringing won’t mean shit anymore. White men will do what White men have done for all of recorded History.

  11. “During the campaign, Trump said that Mexico would pay for the wall.”

    Wasn’t it supposed to be via some sort of remittance-tax?

  12. Nationalist: “Illegals damage our country by coming here.”

    Leftist douche: “No, they enrich us by coming here, you bigot!”

    Nationalist: “Whoa, you’re right! So they should stay in Mexico so they enrich Mexico because they’re so much poorer than us. It’s just wrong for us to take what would enrich them.”

    Leftist douche: “No, wait.…”

    Nationalist: “So wait, why DO you hate Mexico so much?”

  13. I read a couple of months ago, back when Hillary and Obama were calling Trump all of the usual names for wanting to build a wall, that both of them voted FOR the Secure Fence Act of 2006 when they were senators.

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