Editor’s Note: I decided against publishing this a few days ago after Cernovich took down his Periscope video attacking the Alt-Right. Now that he is back on the attack, I am publishing it. He has even gone into his Twitter timeline to delete evidence of his gay past.
Update: Cernovich made a second video attacking the Alt-Right on Periscope. It was up for a few hours this afternoon. He has since deleted it like he did with the first one.
Mike Cernovich is really mad at us for making fun of Paul Joseph Watson.
In a Periscope video he posted to Twitter this evening, he lashes out at Richard Spencer, David Duke, the Manosphere and the entire Alt-Right. Unlike his friends MILO and Alan Dershowitz, Cernovich claims we’re all a bunch of moral degenerates.
We discovered this evening that Mike Cernovich spends his free time ranking the lady boys of the world and observing lady boy action in Paris. In 2012, he wrote a post on Danger & Play called “What is Sex with a Tranny Like.” By my count, it has been through at least four different versions. I’m told the story was first published as a matter of fact blog entry. When his readers made fun of him, he posted an update that said “LOL, guys, this is not my story. It’s from a reader.” He later changed it to clarify that he is into “rough sex with women.” Even more recently, he has changed it yet again to a “guest submission” that he claims was posted to a messageboard:
“When we left the club she came back to my place, she had some coke so I did like 2 lines. I was so fucking horny, and fucked up. We just started going at it, I took her pants off, and there was this shriveled black thing. I forgot what our exact conversation was, I was too fucked up, I remember her being embarrassed and saying she told me and she didn’t think I cared, I was shocked but also too horny and fucked up to say no and I already went too far. We kept going at it, and one thing I remember is her pushing her shriveled little prick into my face when she was deepthroating me, in the 69 position. I kept trying to move away from it, but I eventually just gave in and let it penetrate my mouth. I remember tears coming down my face a little when I vaguely realized what I was doing, it had this weird chemically, salty taste.”
Yeah right.
Does this sound like the kind of story you would just let a reader post to your blog under your own name without attribution? I don’t think so. Still to this day, Cernovich’s website is #1. in Google search results for the query “What is sex with a tranny like?”
This gets even weirder. Mike Cernovich claims to be transgender:
“Although I always felt like a man inside a man’s body, biology began to do its thing. Around my 35th birthday I felt my testosterone levels begin to decline. I had less energy and found it harder to recover from workouts.
I thus began testosterone replacement therapy, a form of hormone replacement therapy transgenders use when undergoing the process of transitioning. …
Some, such as male-to-male transgenders, believe aging is a disease. We believe our male brains deserve to live in healthy male bodies.
Because of this, we undergo testosterone replacement therapy – or TRT for short.
Under the supervision of a physician, I self-administer 200 mg of Sustanon every 5-7 days.
Male-to-male transgenders suffer massive amounts of transphobia.
As a result of using exogenous testosterone, a man’s testicles begin to atrophy. …
What is it about having “big balls” that makes a man a man? Saying my testicles are small is based on outdated models of gender identity and construction. It is also transphobic. …
I also believe transphobia against male-to-male transgenders such as myself must end. …
The decision to make the transition to a male-to-male transgender was fully-informed and fully personal. …”
Cernovich likes to visit Thailand:
“As much as I enjoy the busy streets of Saigon, my mind requires large open spaces. I do my best work near the ocean or mountains (ideally both). Koh Samui, an island in Thailand, was just what I needed to relax and unwind.
Like all of Thailand, Koh Samui is hot. Heat has pros and cons. I love swimming in the ocean, but the oceans in Los Angeles are frigid. …”
What kind of place is Koh Samui, Thailand? Who would go there?
“What makes Koh Samui unique is that every possible vice imaginable swirls tangibly through its streets, yet with a bright, fluffy PG-13 bow on it all, sort of like if Disney managed Hooters.
Illicit transactions occur late at night, in the back alleys of Chaweng, but an appropriate level of discretion is maintained. Tourists walk alone at 2 a.m. without fearing anything worse than a sudden infatuation with a gorgeous woman who turns out to be a man or coming across a vendor selling neon plastic light sticks for roughly 5000% percent of their value. …”
It is a place known for ladyboys.
In searching through Cernovich’s blog “Crime and Federalism,” I was struck by how often he blogged about “homophobia.” He repeatedly returns to the issue.
At one point, Cernovich even says “may God have mercy on your bigoted souls”:
“You know what: My mind is now closed on an issue. I used to give people who opposed same-sex marriage the benefit of the doubt. Many of my friends oppose gay marriage on religious grounds. But I’ve seen the light.
If you oppose same-sex marriage, you are a bigot. I grew up around racists, and I know bigotry when I see it. You may as well throw around the n-word so far as I’m concerned. You’re not different from a hateful racist who burns crosses into the night.
Sure, your interpretation of the Bible might support bigotry. But guess what: Two-hundred years ago the popular interpretation of the Bible supported slavery. And one-hundred years ago, the popular interpretation of the Bible supported segregation. The popular interpretation of the Bible was wrong then. And it’s wrong now.
It’s time to reflect: Does the Bible truly support your views? Does Christ ever speak on the issue? Or do you simply harbor a disdain for those who are different, and thus feel inspired to read words that are not even there?
I’m reminded of Thomas Jefferon’s remarks on slavery: “Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice can not sleep forever: that considering numbers, nature and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation is among possible events: that it may become probable by supernatural interference!”
May God have mercy on your bigoted souls.”
Interestingly enough, Cernovich took to Twitter in 2015 to rank the lady boys of the world (Thailand has the best) and to post photos of such illicit encounters in Paris. We know from his passport that he has been to both Thailand and the Philippines.
When dining alone I invariably get the (gay) male gaze. Yes I am eating alone and no I don't want you to eat me.
— Mike Cernovich ?? (@Cernovich) September 14, 2015
.@2dAmMuslim I do sound sorta gay but I've sold more audiobooks in 3 months than 99% sell in lifetime. https://t.co/zOiUx9TZkg
— Mike Cernovich ?? (@Cernovich) November 1, 2015
I am transgender. I wrote about my struggles, courage, and bravery here: https://t.co/0xXNkKhkfQ https://t.co/cmR020RTzD
— Mike Cernovich ?? (@Cernovich) April 15, 2016
Lady boys ranked, by city:
1. Bangkok
2. Manila
5. Everywhere else.— Mike Cernovich ?? (@Cernovich) September 1, 2015
Pull up, get some lady boy action in a van, and leave. Somehow I always see the real shady side of a city. pic.twitter.com/o0BmiUCI9r
— Mike Cernovich ?? (@Cernovich) September 1, 2015
Funny story about the impotent-right https://t.co/hFzWrcteJa
— Mike Cernovich ?? (@Cernovich) March 14, 2017
If you need advice on ranking lady boys or defense from pederast accusations, Thernovich is your guy.
Jews are depraved and insane.
Too much inbreeding will do that.
This guy is definately pretty much par for the course for the diseased spiritual syphillitic mind that is world Jewry
Crazy stuff, what a weirdo. I’m surprised no one has heard about this stuff until now, or was he not shilling for Trump yet when this stuff was written?
Looks like a talented writer wasting time on pointless beefs. It’s a step backward.
Cernovich deserves some serious pushback. He has shown himself to be unstable and a serial counter-signaller against good people?.
The brands don’t wind me up because I ignore them.
Brad’s Alt-Right definition – realism/iconoclasm/identity – is good because it can act as an umbrella under which disparate groups can work.
IRL we need a degree of camouflage.
In fact I read Danger and Play for the first time ever with the ‘Is Mike Cernovitch Part of the Alt-Right’ post.
I actually agreed with Cernovitch. We have the intellectual and creative fire power but lack focus. And we definitely need a way for proven content creators to get paid.
I wrote this when he posted the first Periscope.
I didn’t publish it. He lashed out again this afternoon with a new Periscope. He has since deleted that one too.
Greg Johnson and Mike Enoch on a TDS asked – What red pills people?
The beefs are amusing in-jokes but turn off people. You could have fired off a response to David Aronovitch which would red pill people.
Save your polemical skills for worthwhile targets.
A few years ago, when I was trolling him and before he banned me, he discussed mental illness on his blog and admitted that BPD runs in his family.
I would love to find that discussion.
EDIT: Here it is, from 2014:
The maternal side of my family contains a history of severe mental illness. My maternal grandmother suffered from schizophrenia and died in a mental ward. My mother has been institutionalized repeatedly, suffering from a decades long battle with bipolar disorder.
My younger brother is a legitimate sociopath. He is not merely “dark triad.” He has actual antisocial personality disorder. He has no feelings of empathy or kindness or decency. Lacking the vision to rob banks or become a drug kingpin, he is currently free after spending 10 years in prison for shooting his one-armed drug dealer.
In other words, there’s some funny business in my DNA.
I used to get depressed and feel anxious. I never had full-on panic attacks, but I would have severe anxiety that would leave my brain spinning. My skin would break out in rashes.
You’ve just described the manifestation for Jew genetics. FYI – they carry the VIRUS for schizophrenia.
Take also note of his insecurity.
Schizophrenia is one thing, schizophrenia + race mixing + masculinity-centric insecurity is a lot more specific.
Were you trolling Thernovich in his manosphere days? He hops from movement to movement like a parasite looking for a new host?
Aka why this latest surprise isn´t that surprising.
It seems to me that he should stop disparaging the alt-right. Fairest guys I know, until…
‘In a Periscope video he posted to Twitter this evening, he lashes out at Richard Spencer, David Duke, the Manosphere and the entire Alt-Right. Unlike his friends MILO and Alan Dershowitz, Cernovich claims we’re all a bunch of moral degenerates.’
Because of his dismantling of the Michelle Fields hoax during the long Presidential campaign he garnered some deserved accolades, but after these recent revelations and his broadside against the Alt-Right he is more than worthy of our contempt.
He really looks like an insane Jew huckster, whether he is or not, I don’t know. He sure looks and acts like one.
He is a degenerate. I couldn’t even read most of this post.
Good attack post and Shitlording Hunter. Cernovich thrives on conflict. He’s a drama queen who constantly attacks other figures. We need to beat him at his own game and bring him down with his own bizarre lifestyle just like Milo was brought down. Of course, Cernovich will blame the Deep State.
Interesting to know if Vox Day knows about this side of Cernovich. Not that he would care, as long as there is money to be made with Mike, Vox will have his back.
Vox makes money off Cernovich’s books, correct?
I don’t see how Vox can maintain his connection to Cernovich. Vox has attacked the Jews and called Civic Nationalism a fraud. Soon, Cernovich is going to attack Vox Day (probably right when he lines up another book publisher).
If there is a few dollars to be made, Vox will just change his tune.
He was doing some intense virtue signaling the other day in this post:
Vox Day is an insufferable dickhead. I had never heard of him until a few months ago. And if he was such an important figure, why does he have shitty blogspot blog?
It took me a few years, but I learned to like him. He clarifies the issues better than most IMO. Every few months he’ll hop on his hobby horse and assert a link between autism and damnation. Some things are tone deaf and idiotic. Who knew God was a Calvinist? But aside from that, he’s on fire most of the time.
The term “homophobia” is rarely used correctly; it means fear of homosexuality(or perhaps homosexuals). A man might not approve of homosexuality, but that does not mean that that man is homophobic.
Does anyone still think this creep is a straight White male? Well, I’ve got some bad news for you. Thernobitch is just another jewish pervert.
Is RamZ Paul married to an Oriental? Him, Cernobitch and Twatson are all homos, I’m sure of it. The Alt-Lite is full of ’em.
Hunter, what exactly is the point of this post? If you have ideological or even personal disagreements with Cernovich, just lay them out.
There is too much innuendo and twisting of words in this post.
1. Cernovich took his trip to Thailand with his current wife. The photo evidence of that is all over Instagram.
2. His “male-to-male tranny” essay was a tongue-in-cheek exercise in exposing the hypocrisy of feminists / SJWs who oppose allowing men to have access to testosterone replacement therapy while pushing for government funding to allow transsexuals and even “confused” children to be given hormone therapy.
3. Cernovish is not Jewish. That was a massive troll he engaged in (and sometimes continues to enage in).
4. He can be harsh when attacking people, but there is often truth underneath the mockery. E.g. his criticism of Richard Spencer’s amateurish understanding of how to deal with the press was not off the mark.
I agree.
Why doesn’t Brad use his first rate writing skills to produce populist eBooks and build a Breitbart style website.
Do you actually think genuine pro-White people care about innuendo or derision for people who only pretend to care about preserving things for traffic and $$$$? Do you think we care about cucks who pretend to value Western ideals and the fabric of Western society which can only be preserved by the ideas espoused by the people Cernovich & Co. often attack?
We really don’t give a fuck. I mean we really, really, really don’t give a fuck. Do we lose the misecegenators and flaming queer crowd? Do we turn off the perpetual cucks and other blind-as-a-bat multiracial utopianists? Great!
That’s my ‘beef’ with Spencer. He doesn’t seem to get that people like Rosie Grey are utterly hostile.
Mike Enoch told a documentary producer to get lost – we’ll build our own platforms. Spencer was actually filming with the same company when he was punched! Symbolic.
I’ve said for years that pro-White people need to completely shut out most of the media and focus on intranetwork platforms and information dissemination. The few outside media entities that are given access should be very carefully chosen based on how they’ve covered pro-White groups and people in the past and how they benefit the greater pro-White sphere at this point in time.
When they(hostile media) write about White Nationalist/Alt-Right ideas and people, they should be doing so without any input from actual pro-White people. This way their “expertise” on issues relating to the Alt-Right has to either be gleaned from real pro-White sources or they have to use an enormous amount of conjecture and guesswork in their articles and stories. Both of these options give the pro-White groups and people being covered a great deal of leverage when countering any lies and distortions spoken or printed about them.
It’s all about getting as much leverage as you can in order to be seen as the greater source of knowledge on specific topics. I don’t understand how some pro-White people still don’t get this.
Its a very sad sign of the degregation of our culture that a swamp dwelling creature like Cernovitch has any noteriaty at all.
It takes all of about 10 minutes of listening to him speak to realize that he doesn’t have much of an original thought process or any real lateral thinking ability. All of his ideas seem to be the culmination of other people’s thoughts and ideas wrapped in a package to try to get likes, clicks and $$$$. People with original thoughts that aren’t tied to money-making ventures have a very unique style and presentation.
Cernovich is a Zionist shill …
If Mike wants to be in the middle, fine, but if that’s where you set up camp it’s your burden to play “no enemies to the right”. If you can’t or won’t do it, that’s the gold star indicator that you are the enemy. All this tranny stuff, I should have seen it coming. I wanted to like him.
You came here just to say that?
Well, he did stop oil drilling long enough to type two sentences.
Yep, two whole sentences. He even decided to throw in a 2-syllable word to prove his wordsmith skills. Fucking show-off!
Thernovich is a kike who deserves nothing but a short rope and long drop.
Is this piece actually for real? I know nothing of Cernovich only that he aligned behind the likes of Milo, so I have no love for the guy, but he’s clearly a satirist. Trying to say these pieces say anything about his identity or actual beliefs is kinda… either disingenuous or plain old retarded. Sorry. He’s TROLLING the Alt Right. It’s all a big joke to him.
“chemically, salty taste” You can’t make this kind of detailed stuff up if you were hoaxing. I used to joke about a Vietnamese gambling addict at work who “would end up like Robert Downey Jr’s character in Less than Zero” forced by the mafia to give blowjobs to pay back illicit debt. Nowhere was I so creative to embellish it was such detail, the idea of the tastes and smells of such a horrific act didn’t even pop into my head, which leads me to suspect the story is true.